

Synopsis, Ana lives alone. Luckily, she has two best friends, Viko and Vendra. They have been friends for three years with the same school and class. However, Ana never told them what had been going on with her. Actually, Ana has a lover that she never told her two best friends about. However, her lover just left her. One day her lover came to see Ana suddenly after many years. Everything just happened because their luggage was switched at the airport. Ana didn't know what feelings were raging in her chest. Ana has not been able to accept the presence of Leo, her former lover. When Leo went out with other women, Ana could only look at them from afar. Since then, slowly Ana began to forget Leo by getting engaged to Vendra. They lived their lives happily at first. Coupled with Ana's reunion with her parents during her graduation in England. After Ana's graduation, Vendra and Ana will soon get married. But unfortunately, their big hopes had to be dashed because Vendra, who had a heart disease, had to leave Ana just a day before their wedding. Ana was depressed for several years. Leo continues to visit Ana so that Ana can recover soon. Although Ana has not been able to recover completely, Leo wants to be Ana's life partner and start their love again from scratch by getting married.

Galuh_Fifiana · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Episode 3

Chapter 3

"Why are you thinking about Vendra! What a lack of work!"

Ana immediately went into her room. She was going to bed early tonight. There was no way she could waste her sleepiness at this hour. She could usually sleep when it was past midnight and had to wake up at 04:00.

Ana stood in front of a very luxurious house. Not a house, more like a mansion. The mansion was dominantly colored white and black. A combination of yin and yang.

One step, two steps, she felt like she was being carried by her feet to enter the mansion. At first, she was a bit hesitant to enter without permission. But curiosity dominated her mind. Slowly the door opened wide, revealing the spacious mansion. A little girl was playing alone on the stairs. The look on her face showed that she was sad.

There was a sobbing sound, "Hiks hiks hiks, Ana wants mama"

"Ouch, how come eneng is on the stairs crying alone. Why atuh?"

Her eyes looked up to see a middle-aged woman, "Ana want mama bi, hiks hiks"

"Madam is away. Just play with your aunt. Play cook with auntie. Auntie is good at cooking, it tastes good" Auntie's thumb pointed in front of the little boy's face. While the other hand was used to rub the small back that was still shaking.

"Ana wants to be with mama bi, she doesn't want to be with auntie. Huuuhuuhuu"

Ana's hand moved to wipe away the tears dripping down the little boy's cheeks. Even from afar, she hoped the little boy could feel it.

"Papa! Papa's home!"

Ana turned to the man at the door. The man was wearing a black tuxedo. It fit his intimidating aura perfectly. Plus a firm jaw and fine hair around the cheeks. His wide strides and the sound of black loafers made the air around him feel so cold. His shirt was pulled up to his elbows to hold his son, "Why are you crying? Who dares to make a beautiful papa cry like this, hmm? Tell papa, let papa scold the person!"

"I want to play with my mom! Why don't you come home? I miss you hiks hiks"

"Cup cup cup. There's no need to cry anymore. Diana wants to make a video call with mom, using dad's cell phone?"

"I do!"

"But stop crying first, then I'll give you the phone."

The man took out his cell phone from his pants pocket. He typed something into his smartphone and waited for the call to be picked up by someone.

There was no answer. He tried repeatedly. But the result was the same. There was no answer from the other side.

"Mama why don't you pick up papa's phone hiks hiks"

"Maybe mom is still busy. Later, I'll try calling you again. Okay!"

While they were talking, there was the sound of a car outside.

There came a couple of women and men who looked intimate. They were holding hands like a couple.


"Ah, good morning dear. Good morning Mr. Rahardika"

His face reddened with anger, "What are you doing Shelina! Who is this asshole you brought!"

"He's my boyfriend Mr. Rahardika."

Bibi quickly brought the little boy into the room. Bibi didn't want the innocent child to get hurt seeing her parents arguing.

"Please leave my house Mr. Vedrik! I want to talk to my wife."

Mr. Vedrik looked at his girlfriend. Shelina took Vedrik's hand to reassure him that it would be okay, "You go home first, let me talk to my husband."

"You can still even call me your husband when you brought a jerk into my house?"

"Alright. Excuse me Mr. Rahardika"

Mr. Rahardika walked towards his office. Shelina followed close behind. Without any fear, she had to solve her problem immediately.

There were many books on the shelves, the room looked like a library. There is a long sofa and a small table used to relax when tired of working.

Shelina sat across from Mr. Rahardika.

"You know Shelina, I don't want to see you bring that jerk into my house"

"If you don't want to see me bring another man into this house. Divorce me!"

The burly hand clenched at his wife's words, "What do you mean! I don't know what's in your brain! But I'm not divorcing you!"

Shelina stood up at her husband's response, "I've had it with you Mr. Rahardika! I no longer love you! Divorce me!"

"Diana is still a child! What's in your brain is Margareta! Don't you think about her? She saw you bring a strange man into this house!"

Shelina was shocked when she heard the word Margareta. The very sacred surname was mentioned by her husband. She was sure that her husband was furious now.

"He doesn't know anything! I'll explain it someday. So, you don't have to worry. And when we divorce, let me take care of Diana"

Mr. Rahardika tried to reach Shelina's hand, "No-no. That's not going to happen. Why do you want us to divorce? I fulfill all the needs of you and our child"

Shelina threw her husband's hand away and took some photos from her bag. She threw them in her husband's face.

It showed an adult man and woman in a luxury hotel wearing bathrobes. Mr. Rahardika didn't expect his wife to get photos of him with prostitutes. He remembered the incident when the photos were taken, it had happened a very long time ago. How did his wife know about this?

"Where did you get this photo?"

"Is it important now?"

Mr. Rahardika picked up the family photo frame next to him and threw it on the floor, "Where did you get that Shelina!"

Her face was flushed, her veins clearly visible. Water beads started to appear on her temples. The snapping of teeth sounded terrifying.

Without realizing it, the girl saw what her father was doing. She heard everything her parents said. Even though she didn't understand what was going on. However, she felt scared when her father was angry. She had never seen her father that angry before.

"I just need Mr. Rahardika's divorce. About where I got that evidence. You don't need to know. "

The burly hand flew high into the air until it touched Shelina's pale white cheek. It sounded so hard and hurt so much. It was the first time she had been slapped by her own husband.

"No! Don't slap Mama Shelina!"

Ana woke up from her sleep. Sweat soaked her entire body. Her heart was beating very fast. Her head hurt. She held her head and grabbed her own hair.

"Calm down Ana. You have to calm down. It's okay" she whispered. She had to be able to calm herself down.

Ana slowly regulated her breathing. She took a long breath and exhaled slowly. She did it repeatedly until her fear disappeared. Tears fell down her cheeks. She hid her head behind the hands that embraced her legs. She deliberately bit her lips to prevent the sound of crying.

This morning when she went to school, Ana wanted to go walking alone. Therefore, she left very early. She didn't want to meet her two friends.

Before going to school, she would go to the park. The cool morning air made her feel comfortable. Sitting alone on a long white bench with paint that was slightly peeling off because it was old. It was her favorite place.

Her eyes looked around, only a few people were passing by. He observed every movement of people. And that's when she remembered yesterday's incident.

"Ah! Why are you remembering it again. This will only make Ana sad again" she whispered.