

Synopsis, Ana lives alone. Luckily, she has two best friends, Viko and Vendra. They have been friends for three years with the same school and class. However, Ana never told them what had been going on with her. Actually, Ana has a lover that she never told her two best friends about. However, her lover just left her. One day her lover came to see Ana suddenly after many years. Everything just happened because their luggage was switched at the airport. Ana didn't know what feelings were raging in her chest. Ana has not been able to accept the presence of Leo, her former lover. When Leo went out with other women, Ana could only look at them from afar. Since then, slowly Ana began to forget Leo by getting engaged to Vendra. They lived their lives happily at first. Coupled with Ana's reunion with her parents during her graduation in England. After Ana's graduation, Vendra and Ana will soon get married. But unfortunately, their big hopes had to be dashed because Vendra, who had a heart disease, had to leave Ana just a day before their wedding. Ana was depressed for several years. Leo continues to visit Ana so that Ana can recover soon. Although Ana has not been able to recover completely, Leo wants to be Ana's life partner and start their love again from scratch by getting married.

Galuh_Fifiana · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Episode 2

Chapter 2

"Ana must be at uks. They shouldn't have introduced themselves to Ana." Ana was busy with her own thoughts. She did not even want to open her eyes even though she was awake. Her mind was only focused on calming herself down and feeling unprepared if the group of students were still around her.

It had been 2 hours that she had been on the uks bed. Finally, he slowly opened his eyes. Feeling the sunlight that was quite bright and dazzling. Her head turned to the right, seeing Vendra sleeping next to her while sitting up.

"You're awake An. The guard said you were fine. Maybe you're just tired," Vendra said.

"Ah, thank you Vendra. So, Vendra was the one who helped Ana to the uks?"

"No. It was the little boy who carried you."


The sweat on Ana's forehead poured out again. Her heart beat twice as fast. The muscles in her body tightened and her head started to spin.






Viko was outside the classroom watching the events unfold. She immediately ran to Ana who was lying on the floor and picked her up, without saying a word. She was worried that something had happened to Ana. All the students in the school corridor who saw Viko carrying Ana in a hurry were surprised. They thought that the two of them were dating and doing a romantic scene.

"Woi! Who's on duty?" shouted Viko.

"Yes, sis, I'm on duty today. Just wait a minute," the younger classmate calmed down.

While being examined, Viko prayed silently that Ana would be fine. It was clear from the look on his face that he was worried. Her mind was racing, she couldn't calm down at all.

"How is Ana, Ko?" asked Vendra.

"This sister's condition is fine. Maybe she's tired. I've given her an IV and she can come back after the IV wears off," explained the classmate.

Vendra and Viko felt very relieved to hear the younger brother's statement. The burden on their shoulders felt like it had melted into the sea.

"Thank you. You can go."

"Yes, you're welcome. I'll leave first."

"You take care of Ana. I'm going back to class. If there's anything, just contact me. Please, take care of Ana. " Viko pleaded.

"Yes, I'll take care of Ana. You're making me scared if you're serious like this." Without answering a word from Vendra, Viko left the school.


"Oh, Viko took Ana. Where did Vikonya go?" Ana asked.

"Come back later. Are you feeling better yet? If not, just go back to sleep. Your infusion hasn't finished yet, there's still a few ml left."

"Vendra just go back to class. Ana is fine. When the infusion is completely gone, Ana will come to class."

"I'll just take care of you. Let's go back together. I don't want you to get hurt again like before."

Ana smiled at Vendra's words. She was very grateful to have friends as good as the two of them. Only with them did Ana feel safe and comfortable.

The sky, which started out blue, now turned orange. It was beautiful even though it was only for a moment. Like that smile, a smile that was only given to me. However, that smile had disappeared along with the twilight.

Ana was sitting in the park alone. Still wearing her uniform with her bag on her thigh. She looked up at the sky, which was beginning to turn black, indicating that it was getting late. When she looked across the street. There was someone who had been watching her all along. He wore his favorite sneakers, wore a silver watch, and did not forget to smile sweetly when he saw Ana. And his narrow eyes became even smaller.

Ana opened her eyes wide. While rubbing them several times. There was no way Ana was hallucinating.

"He... Over there! No! Don't go! Please! Wait for Ana!"

Ana immediately ran across the street at a run. She did not care about the several vehicles that were speeding by. Her eyes were only on the person. When she arrived, her eyes no longer caught the figure. She turned left and right while running. Hitting several people who passed by without a care. But his search was fruitless. The figure disappeared in a matter of seconds.

Her shoulders slumped, she was unable to stand on her feet.

"Why did you leave Ana hiks hiks. Ana wants to come with you hiks hiks" Ana's sobs sounded so heartbreaking. People who were passing by looked at her with pity.

The sunlight slowly changed color. The wind began to pierce the bones. Birds flew in groups to return to their nests. The lights along the road were already twinkling, signaling that night had fallen.

A girl walked with her head down. Her hands were clutching the school backpack she had brought in the morning. The look on her face could not cover the sadness she was experiencing.

"Ah, I've arrived," she monologued.

Ana took off the shoes she was wearing. She slowly turned the door knob. The door slowly opened. She smiled as she looked into the living room.

"My beautiful mom is home. Come and sit down first."

"Wow, papa's favorite son is home. Come, dear, sit down." They spread their arms intending to hug their child.

Ana immediately approached her parents. Her smile grew very wide. The sadness she experienced earlier was greatly relieved by the presence of the two of them. She did not expect this to happen.


Her legs felt weak, unable to support her body. Her eyelids were already full of tears that would soon spill over.

Her parents were not there. Ana could not reach her parents' arms. It was impossible to reach that hand. Images of her parents swirled in her head.

"Aahhh!" she cried out loudly. She grabbed the items around her and threw them in any direction. Frustrated. That described her current state.

"If Ana wasn't born into this world, would everything be okay?" she thought.

The full moon was so bright that it illuminated the room of a beautiful girl who was hugging her legs with both hands. The light in her room was deliberately not turned on. Her eyes were out the window, looking at a group of teenagers walking and laughing. There was envy in her heart.

Can I be like them? Joking around with a lot of friends who are always there in joy and sorrow? Or will I continue like this. Alone with the long night.

"Ana!" a teenage boy stood at her door carrying a plastic bag of food.

Ana immediately ran to open her door. Before that, she peeked through the window. Afraid that someone she didn't know was outside her house.

"Vendra, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

"Here I brought some food, have you eaten yet? I haven't. Let's eat together, I brought lontong sate" Vendra walked into Ana's house without the owner's consent.

"Meow meow" a cat greeted Vendra. The cat was under Vendra's feet and showed his puppy eyes to get the food that his employer's friend brought.

"Hi Puppy. You're really skinny. Your employer doesn't feed you. That's too bad."

"No, Vendra. Puppy's just like that, he's not losing weight. Go wash your hands first and then we'll eat."

After cleaning his food, "You're not lonely Na. I've got you" Vendra gently cupped both of Ana's hands.

Vendra looked at Ana's beautiful face. Her long black hair was loose, her eyes were narrow. Her small nose and full lips. However, he was focused on Ana's beady eyes. He did not realize that Ana was very nervous at that moment because she was staring like that.

Ana's eyes dared not look at Vendra's face. Her heart was pounding as if it wanted to burst out. Her temples began to sweat as much as corn kernels.

"You're not lonely, Vendra. There's Puppy to take care of you at home!" she argued.

"Already, don't keep looking at Ana!" his eyes looked down at the icy floor.

Vendra's hand touched Ana's temple, "You don't have to be so nervous. You're already nervous just looking at her. How will it be when you marry me?"

"What the hell Vendra! It's not funny!" Ana's laughter looked so adorable in Vendra's eyes.

"Dih, I'm not joking anymore."

"Ah already ah. Just go home. Vendra's mom and dad are waiting for him at home." Ana's hand pushed Vendra's back so that he would immediately return to his house.

Vendra left the house because he was kicked out by his host. Before turning around, Vendra's hand waved at Ana. Vendra smiled with a dimple on one cheek. And immediately turned around to go home.

"Novendra Sarenda, always neat hair. Always ranked first in parallel. Stylish clothes okay, shoes always sneakers. Handsome face, thick eyebrows, big eyes with brown beads, high nose" His nose was touched as if it was Vendra's. Though his nose was very small, inversely proportional to Vendra's sharp nose.

"Oh my!"