

Synopsis, Ana lives alone. Luckily, she has two best friends, Viko and Vendra. They have been friends for three years with the same school and class. However, Ana never told them what had been going on with her. Actually, Ana has a lover that she never told her two best friends about. However, her lover just left her. One day her lover came to see Ana suddenly after many years. Everything just happened because their luggage was switched at the airport. Ana didn't know what feelings were raging in her chest. Ana has not been able to accept the presence of Leo, her former lover. When Leo went out with other women, Ana could only look at them from afar. Since then, slowly Ana began to forget Leo by getting engaged to Vendra. They lived their lives happily at first. Coupled with Ana's reunion with her parents during her graduation in England. After Ana's graduation, Vendra and Ana will soon get married. But unfortunately, their big hopes had to be dashed because Vendra, who had a heart disease, had to leave Ana just a day before their wedding. Ana was depressed for several years. Leo continues to visit Ana so that Ana can recover soon. Although Ana has not been able to recover completely, Leo wants to be Ana's life partner and start their love again from scratch by getting married.

Galuh_Fifiana · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Episode 4

Chapter 4

Ana walked to the big tree in the corner of the garden. It was the perfect place to read and sleep. She sat under the big tree. The wind blew slowly making her comfortable there.

"Do you have to skip school today?" she tapped her chin several times with her tiny finger. She thought for a while, "I think you should skip school. The weather is perfect for you to sleep here."

Ana cleaned up her sleeping place a little. She took the headset from her bag and played a song from her cellphone. She straightened her legs forward, her eyes slowly closing as she immersed herself in the song she was listening to.


A mature man stood across the park. He was wearing a black suit with his favorite dark blue tie. The luxurious and expensive watch was on his right hand. His black shoes looked shiny. And black glasses in his left hand. This man looks like a bodyguard with his firm and muscular body, maybe people can also think like me, right?

His eyes looked at the park bench that was being sat on by a beautiful long-haired woman who was at the booth. Her hair color was black and slightly wavy, adding to the attractiveness of the mature man.  He never took his eyes off the woman in the white and gray uniform. His flat, expressionless face gave the impression that he was in a blank state of mind, "What is she doing?  Isn't it time to go to school?" he muttered.

The woman got up from her seat. The adult man's hand moved forward as if he could forbid her to move from her seat. Even though he was quite far from her. Not wanting to be considered an insane man, he put on his sunglasses. Walked across the street and headed towards the park. He followed the woman's steps with a considerable distance so as not to be noticed

He stood far enough away to see the girl.

Moments later, the girl's eyes closed. She looked very beautiful when she was asleep like that, "Does she want to skip class this time?

A gust of wind hit the hair on that beautiful face. Her long hair made it cover her nose, the man was sure that the girl would be uncomfortable to breathe. He walked slowly towards the girl. Crouched down and opened his sunglasses. Seeing the beautiful girl in front of him made him not blink

His hand moved to remove the hair on her beautiful face. His eyes observed one by one the parts of the woman's face in front of him. Starting from the eyes, down to the small nose, cheeks that are quite tapered and lips that are thick and full making a sexy impression.

"Why are you so thin?" His fingers stroked her cheek gently. There were streaks of sadness on the man's face.

"You know, I miss you so much. I can't forget you. I love you Diana. I love you very much."


Those beautiful eyes slowly opened. Ana slept so well that she didn't realize that the sun was already high. She was still wearing her school uniform, but no one woke her up, "Did they not see Ana?  Or did they deliberately not wake Ana up?" Ana asked herself.

Immediately her eyes looked at the cell phone screen beside her body. The clock showed 11:27.

Her legs were tingling from being in that position for so long. Her body also felt a little sore. Moreover, her stomach kept rumbling with hunger, since she had not eaten anything since this morning.

"It seems like you had a dream about a man. Who was it? Ah! Never mind. I'd better get out of here" she got up from her seat. Walking towards the other side of the park to find something to fill her stomach. Her eyes spotted a hodgepodge vendor, "Wow, you lucky worm. Your favorite food is there. Let's attack the hodgepodge!" the tiny hand rubbed his rumbling stomach. He walked a little faster, because he was very hungry.

"Bang, buy 2 servings of gado-gado!"

"Do you eat here or in a packet?" asked the hodgepodge seller.

"Just eat here bang"

"Okay sis, wait a minute"

"Yes, bang. That's delicious!"

In less than 30 minutes, the hodgepodge Ana bought was gone. Now her stomach was really full. These few days she often ate late and didn't even eat at all. For some reason, she was in such a good mood that her appetite had increased again.

"How much is the total?" Ana took out the wallet in her bag to pay for the hodgepodge she had eaten.

"No need, sis. I already paid earlier. Uh, it means there's a discount today. So, you don't have to pay hehe"

Ana wrinkled her forehead, indicating that she was confused. Already paid? She hadn't paid at all. Ana only ate two portions of the hodgepodge in front of her.

"Really? You bought two portions. Didn't you pay?"

"Yes, ma'am. Free for you who are beautiful."

"Thank you, bang. So it's not good to have bought two portions even given free hehe"

"Yes, you're welcome"

Her footsteps led Ana to her house. Since she skipped school today, being lazy was her main goal. She wanted to spend her time watching movies until late at night. She prepared a few bottles of cold drinks and some snacks.

All the doors, windows, and curtains were closed. The lights were deliberately not turned on to make it feel like nighttime. It had been a long time since Ana had watched a movie for hours. She was always busy at school and didn't think of taking time to be lazy.

She laughed out loud all day, a few hours later she was scared and even cried out loud. Many tissues were scattered next to her seat and under the table. The condiments for her snacks were scattered underneath and even on her clothes. There were 5 empty drink bottles on the table. It looked very dirty and disgusting.

Day had turned into night. Despite the late hour, Ana did not move from her seat. Her eyes were still staring at the flat screen in front of her. She could not count the number of movies she watched.

When all her food and drinks were empty. Ana stopped watching and looked at the wall clock. It was 21.05, still not too late. Her eyes began to sting from watching the television screen all day. Her body was also getting sore from sleeping under the tree this afternoon, plus watching television without changing her position from one o'clock in the afternoon.

"Why are you hungry again? " one of her hands rubbed the small stomach.  The worms in her stomach were signaling Ana's brain to give her food. The snack was not enough to fill her stomach.

Ana stood up, stretched her arms and twisted her body to relieve the soreness. Her feet stepped into the bathroom to clean herself, which smelled of sweat.

After cleaning herself up, Ana cleaned up the mess she had made, "Ouch, Ana is such a slob!" Having cleaned up enough, Ana went to her room to prepare for bed.

Before that, she took her cellphone. There were several incoming messages on her WhatsApp account. It turned out that her two friends had been texting her all day. Maybe Viko and Vendra were worried about Ana because she didn't go to school and couldn't be contacted all day. It was not Ana's intention not to inform them. However, Ana's cell phone was low on battery and was on the charger. So, she didn't open it at all.

Until there was one number that she didn't know contacted her. She didn't really care, because maybe it was just a prankster. Even though Ana didn't like giving her number to strangers.