

A mysterious boy named Yinxing was found by a married couple, who then took care of him until he became a teenager. One day, Yinxing felt that he was different from other humans. This realization led him to search for his true identity. Eventually, he arrived in a dimension known as the Tree of Life, where his long adventure would begin from this point.

MrXGin · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Two eyes sacrificed

Like a speeding train, unstoppable by anything. Neither time nor space could affect Xiang and Mr. X.

Finally, Mr. X continued his story about himself.

"Alright, if that's true, go on with your story, sir. I'd love to hear it," said Xiang.

Mr. X resumed his tale about his unfortunate planet.

"Once, my planet had incredibly advanced technology. In fact, it was so advanced that teleportation devices had been invented," said Mr. X.

Then Xiang grew curious again, wondering if this was due to science or magical energy.

Xiang asked, "Sir, was the advanced technology on your planet due to science or magic energy?"

"Most of the advanced devices on my planet were the result of science. In fact, mastering magic was extremely difficult, and only a few people had that ability," Mr. X replied.

"So, you must be one of the rare people on your planet?" Xiang said, frowning and stroking his beard, as if puzzled and amazed.

"That's right, Mr. Xiang. Even my wife didn't know I had such abilities," Mr. X said, his tone lower than before.

Perhaps the cause of Mr. X's lowered tone was the memory of his wife.

Xiang sensed this too, feeling that Mr. X was somewhat sad, and he wanted to cheer him up a bit.

"This is what I've been waiting for from you, sir. Actually, from the moment I met you, I wanted to ask about Yinxing's biological mother. But I thought it would be impolite, so I refrained. Now that you've mentioned her, I feel I can ask. So, where is Yinxing's biological mother?" Xiang asked, smiling, as if to lighten the mood and cheer Mr. X up.

"Hahaha... I have considered you, Mr. Xiang, as my own brother. You have done so much for me, I don't even know how to repay you. Ask whatever you like, there are no secrets between us," Mr. X said, his smile returning, and his tone back to normal.

Mr. X continued, "Getting straight to the point, have you noticed my eyes? Haven't I kept them closed since we first met?"

"That's true, I also wanted to ask about that. Is there a problem with your eyes?" Xiang asked seriously.

"My eyes are the price I paid for saving Yinxing and my wife from the disaster that struck my planet. A few minutes before my planet exploded and was destroyed, I managed to recite a spell. This spell would grant any wish, but in return, I lost my sight. One eye for one life, one for my wife, and one for my child. My initial plan was to have my wife and child survive the disaster and live happily in another world, and I was willing to sacrifice myself. But something unexpected happened, and miraculously, I also survived. However, my wife got separated from Yinxing and me, as I was holding Yinxing at the time. To this day, I haven't been able to locate my wife. When we first met, I mentioned that I had an important matter to resolve, and that is to find my wife," Mr. X said, the smile on his face fading and his tone sounding very sad.

Seeing this, Xiang also felt deep sorrow for Mr. X's misfortune.

Xiang imagined that if he and Ying were separated, even across dimensions, he would be deeply depressed, perhaps even driven to suicide.

However, Mr. X was different. Xiang sensed that Mr. X's smile from the beginning was a mask deliberately worn to hide his sadness.

"I may not be able to help much with what has happened to you, sir. I can only help by taking care of Yinxing as best as any parent would. Besides that, I don't have any special abilities like you to assist in your search. Moreover, if I tried to help, I would just be a burden, like a parasite, hahaha..." Xiang tried to cheer up Mr. X with a little joke.

Hearing Xiang's voice and sensing his emotions, Mr. X felt glad, knowing he had chosen a good man, despite his troubled past.

"Hahaha... Besides, if you came with me, who would take care of your wife? And who would support my child once the money I provided runs out? Let me bear the bitterness of being separated from the ones I love most—first my wife, then my child. But as long as you care for my child, I will feel very secure. Because I have complete trust in you, Mr. Xiang. Thank you for cheering up this old man in his sorrow. Hahaha..." Mr. X said.

The words, accompanied by laughter, were like long-awaited rain. Mr. X had been yearning for genuine laughter, not the fake smiles he usually displayed.

"Actually, I have been disguising myself as an ordinary human on your Earth for about a year. During that time, I gathered some wealth for my child and resolved to leave him with someone trustworthy before searching for my wife. At one point, I observed you and your wife, and seeing the harmony in your relationship, I felt like I was seeing myself and my wife in the past. Finally, I decided to entrust my child to you, Mr. Xiang. Once again, I apologize for the trouble I have caused and thank you for helping a stranger like me," Mr. X said, his face turning red before breaking into a broad smile.

"I do not feel burdened at all by the task of looking after your child. Let me reiterate that I will treat Yinxing as my own son. I will care for him wholeheartedly and protect him well," Xiang replied seriously.

Hearing Xiang's reassuring words, Mr. X felt very pleased, but there was one more thing he wanted to ask of Xiang.

"May I request one more thing from you, Mr. Xiang? And perhaps consider this as a promise to me," said Mr. X.

"What is this request, sir? If I can give you anything, it would be an honor for me," Xiang answered.

"My request is that when Yinxing turns twenty years old, you tell him the truth about who he really is, who you are, and if you make this promise to me, perhaps in nineteen years from now, I will return to Earth," Mr. X said.

The seriousness in Mr. X's voice, shown for the first time, made Xiang feel greatly honored, as he was being entrusted by a very powerful person.

Without hesitation, Xiang responded, "By my soul and my wife's, I promise to reveal Yinxing's true identity to him when he turns twenty." With the conviction and dignity of a man, Xiang spoke with full confidence.

Hearing Xiang's promise, Mr. X felt very happy and laughed heartily. "Hahahaha... Thank you, my brother."