

A mysterious boy named Yinxing was found by a married couple, who then took care of him until he became a teenager. One day, Yinxing felt that he was different from other humans. This realization led him to search for his true identity. Eventually, he arrived in a dimension known as the Tree of Life, where his long adventure would begin from this point.

MrXGin · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Story from Mr. X

Like the speed of lightning striking, Xiang and Mr. X moved just as quickly from Xiang's house back to the place where they first met, the cave.

In the blink of an eye, they were both back sitting in the cave where Mr. X resided.

Seeing this, Xiang was no longer surprised. He had begun to get used to the miracles Mr. X performed.

"Alright, Mr. Xiang, let's continue our conversation here to be more relaxed and focused on our discussion," said Mr. X, initiating the conversation.

"Okay, before I ask anything else, answer my question first: are you unable to detect someone who has successfully harnessed the earth's energy?" Xiang asked while stroking his clean, beardless chin.

"Regarding that, many humans have actually managed to harness the earth's energy. However, most of them hide their true identities," replied Mr. X with a thin smile.

Then Xiang thought for a moment for the next question.

"Then, what is your purpose in sending your child to Earth? Is it because of the abundant energy resources? But how does Yinxing learn?" Xiang asked again, this time more seriously and furrowing his brow.

"That's right, I want my child, whom you named Yinxing, to gain enough energy in his life. As for how he learns, use the money I gifted to you, some of it for his school expenses," Mr. X said with a calm face, his tone low but full of earnestness.

Mr. X continued, "I am fully confident in Yinxing, that he will be able to find good teachers. Besides you and your wife, he will surely find good teachers who will guide him."

Xiang was silent for a moment, looking up at the dark ceiling of the cave.

"How? I mean, can I teach him the skills I have? Since I used to be an assassin? Should I teach Yinxing to kill?" Xiang asked again.

Hearing this, Mr. X laughed.

"Hahaha... I don't recommend you teach him that, but perhaps the skills might be useful for him in a difficult situation. You can teach him the basics of assassination, but don't overly train him to be a killer," Mr. X answered casually.

Mr. X's calmness was extraordinary, as if he had already faced all possible misfortunes.

Xiang replied, "Alright, perhaps my wife would be more suited to raising Yinxing to be a good person."

"But there's something I wonder about when you say 'human.' Are you and Yinxing the same kind of human as we are?" Xiang asked innocently.

"You could say that we are the same, both human like everyone else. However, there is something that sets us apart, which is the way we manage life and the way we live," Mr. X answered with a calm demeanor.

"What do you mean, sir? What is the difference?" Xiang asked.

"That might be difficult to explain, but by observing Yinxing, you will eventually understand a bit," Mr. X replied.

Xiang paused for a moment and looked down at his feet, pondering his next question.

"May I ask about your world? What has happened there in detail, and what is the current situation? And please tell me a little about your life, so that I can understand this confusing situation a bit better," Xiang asked with a serious expression on his face.

His serious tone prompted Mr. X to reveal a bit about himself.

"Alright, I will tell you a bit about my world, but this might take a while. To save time, I will only share the important parts," Mr. X replied before beginning his story.

For a moment, both of them were silent.

It turned out that Mr. X was reciting a mantra, and the mantra caused a light to appear, projecting an image of a planet.

Xiang was no longer surprised by the magical things Mr. X did; in fact, such miracles had become quite ordinary to him.

"Is that blue planet with many flying objects your planet, sir?" Xiang asked.

"Yes, that is one of the planets in the Titanium Galaxy. My planet is the most advanced among the other planets in the Titanium Galaxy. But that advancement led to its downfall," Mr. X said.

Mr. X continued, "The image you see is from when my planet was at its peak. And you might be shocked by the next image."

After saying that, Mr. X recited another mantra.

Another image appeared, one that defied human comprehension.

Seeing the image, Xiang was puzzled. "What exactly is this image, sir?" he asked.

"What you see is the current state of my planet. The entire Titanium Galaxy has been completely destroyed. It can no longer be inhabited. In fact, it's impossible to even reach the Titanium Galaxy now, because a destroyed galaxy no longer emits energy," Mr. X answered, still with a slight smile on his face.

"What caused your planet to be destroyed, sir?" Xiang asked.

"Just like other planets I've seen before, my planet was destroyed by its own inhabitants. Some entities selfishly wanted to rule the planet alone, and they used various means to achieve that," Mr. X replied.

After a brief pause, Mr. X continued, "Actually, it's quite common for entities to want to dominate a planet. Why do I say it's common? Because all living beings initially desire whatever they think is good for them. They never consider other beings in their pursuit, and they will even kill those who obstruct them. This is due to their misuse of energy. They are capable of absorbing a lot of energy, but they don't know how to use it wisely. This misuse leads to negative consequences for themselves. The energy, which should have been evenly distributed among many living beings, is hoarded by them, causing an imbalance among the energy, the planet, and the ecosystem on my planet. My planet is called Force."

For a moment, Xiang imagined the situation on Mr. X's planet, and his understanding expanded. Xiang began to grasp concepts that had previously been difficult for him to comprehend.

"Is there more to your long story, sir?" Xiang asked.

Hearing this, Mr. X smiled and said, "This is just a bit of the orientation I experienced, and it hasn't even reached the conflict of what I went through, nor have I told you about myself. Get ready to hear another long story about me."

"Alright, I think I'm becoming more interested in you. For some reason, when I hear your stories, I get a clearer picture and I can immerse myself in them. But before that, I want to clarify something you said: is it really okay for me to stay here for so long? Will it truly have no impact on me?" Xiang asked, seriousness etched on his face.

"That's correct, Mr. Xiang. No matter how long you stay here, it won't affect you in the world. Perhaps a year here is equivalent to a second on Earth," Mr. X replied with a slight smile.