

A mysterious boy named Yinxing was found by a married couple, who then took care of him until he became a teenager. One day, Yinxing felt that he was different from other humans. This realization led him to search for his true identity. Eventually, he arrived in a dimension known as the Tree of Life, where his long adventure would begin from this point.

MrXGin · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Come back in earth

A garden had been planted with many flowers, but the rain had not come to water them, and the dwindling water supply was causing the owner great difficulty. Then, miraculously, a rain came. It wasn't too heavy, but it wasn't light either. It was enough to wet the ground, revive the plants, and give hope for growth.

Mr. X's condition was quite similar. In a state of dryness, lacking happiness, and struggling, someone named Xiang arrived, like a king willing to help his people voluntarily. Truly, a generous and humble king.

Many people generally viewed Xiang as someone without dignity and honor due to his dark past.

But Mr. X was not like most people. Mr. X judged a person not by their past but by the aura they emitted.

Because Mr. X knew that people are very changeable.

Yesterday, someone might be an ordinary citizen; today, they could become a king. But no one knows for sure what will happen tomorrow.

Therefore, Mr. X did not use a person's past as a benchmark for their character.

However, many people have not freed themselves from their past.

They are often influenced by and overly worried about their past. As a result, they do not live in the present moment. They live in the shadow of their past.

And that is a factor that prevents someone from growing into a better person like Xiang.

Xiang was a former hitman, but that was his past.

Now, Xiang has succeeded and vowed never to return to those dark times. With his commitment to his promise and his consistency in focusing on the present, Xiang is like a person reborn, free from the bonds of his past.

This is also because Xiang met Ying, the woman and soulmate of Xiang, who was able to transform him to this point.

And his meeting with Mr. X also broadened Xiang's thinking, enabling him to think more deeply and be more sensitive to the situations he was experiencing.


Shortly after hearing Xiang's vow, Mr. X felt that this meeting had reached its essence.

Then Mr. X wanted to conclude the meeting and tried to tell Xiang, because after this meeting, Mr. X would immediately search for his wife.

"Dear Mr. Xiang, I actually still want to talk for a long time, to talk at length. But I think I am very worried about my wife. How about we end this meeting for now?" said Mr. X.

Xiang saw the expression on Mr. X's face as someone who was worried, and that was very familiar to him. Because Xiang also had a love, and Xiang had experience in love.

Xiang understood this situation, and finally, Xiang said, "Alright, let's end it here. I think I have felt what you are feeling. I hope you find the best path for your problem."

Once again, and for the umpteenth time, Mr. X laughed because they both understood each other so well and deeply understood the meaning of love.

"Alright, Mr. Xiang, I will return you to your home on Earth, and this process will not be as painful as when you came here. It might be as quick as a blink of an eye and will hurt only as much as an ant bite." Mr. X said with a smile, as if laughing at Xiang's pain when he was first summoned to that place.

"I suppose I don't need to worry about you, for you are no ordinary man. You are incredibly powerful. Maybe the only one who needs to worry is me, for I have the responsibility of raising the child of a powerful man... Hahaha..." Xiang replied, jokingly matching Mr. X's humor.

Perhaps the two had formed a bond of friendship after just one meeting. Truly, a relationship not to be found among children, but one understood only by adults.

After that, Mr. X took a deep breath and gathered energy to cast a spell, then he chanted a mantra.

A dim white flame appeared, neither too small nor too large.

Then Mr. X said, "Alright, we might not meet again for who knows how long, but I promise I will see you again someday."

"I think I will always remember this meeting, and I believe I will miss such meetings with you," replied Xiang.

Slowly, the flame began to envelop Xiang, but he did not feel hot. On the contrary, Xiang felt cold.

Just before the flame completely consumed Xiang, Mr. X said with a smile, "For our next meeting, there will be no titles like 'Mr.' or 'Sir' between us. After this, we will be brothers."

Hearing this, Xiang felt deeply honored, as he was regarded by someone as powerful as Mr. X, who could seemingly do anything.

Xiang said, "Alright, my brother, I will take good care of your child, I will treat Yinxing as my own, and I will surely keep my promise to you. This is a promise between true men."

After saying this, the white flame completely consumed Xiang's body, and he disappeared entirely from Mr. X's sight.

Mr. X said, "What a truly good man. Perhaps Xiang is a person who has fully become a true human. Because some of the people I have met have had evil energy, and others were like livestock, while some were like wild beasts. And Xiang is very different from those I have met over the past year. I suppose I do not need to worry about Yinxing, and I will immediately search for my wife; the sooner, the better."

For a while, Mr. X gathered a vast amount of the universe's energy, which is, of course, limitless.

After Mr. X felt that he had gathered enough energy, he chanted a mantra. A massive map of the universe appeared.

Mr. X attempted to trace the energy and aura of his wife.

However, something was strange. Throughout the entire universe, Mr. X could not detect his wife's energy and aura at all.

Then Mr. X thought and changed his approach, realizing that his wife's energy and aura might have changed with the environment of the planet where she was currently located.

So, Mr. X adjusted his search to look for energies and auras similar to his wife's.

The map of the universe displayed several matches with the characteristics Mr. X was searching for, but there were many entities and planets that matched.

Without thinking twice, Mr. X immediately set off on his journey to the nearest galaxy.


Meanwhile, Xiang opened his eyes and woke up from his bed, then looked at the clock on his wall.

It seemed that the wall clock showed only a few minutes had passed since he felt the extraordinary pain a few episodes ago, approximately three minutes had elapsed.