

A mysterious boy named Yinxing was found by a married couple, who then took care of him until he became a teenager. One day, Yinxing felt that he was different from other humans. This realization led him to search for his true identity. Eventually, he arrived in a dimension known as the Tree of Life, where his long adventure would begin from this point.

MrXGin · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Feeling vibrations

Like a chick that has lost its mother, confusion is inevitable.

The same goes for Xiang, who becomes more confused the more he questions.

"What do you mean by that, Mr. X?" Xiang asked, his face full of confusion.

Mr. X replied calmly, "I can read your character a little. You are always curious about everything, always have questions, and that's why I chose you to take care of my child."

"Why me? Why don't you take care of your child yourself, Mr. X?" Xiang asked again.

"For that matter, I actually want to do it myself. But there is something I must do, so I have to choose someone to take care of my child," Mr. X answered in a low tone.

Hearing that, Xiang was swept up in the moment. It seemed that Xiang understood Mr. X was going through something serious.

Seeing this, Xiang felt a sense of compassion or being touched. For only a man truly understands the feelings of another man.

"I don't know exactly what you're going through right now, but if you allow me, may I help you a little?" Xiang said seriously.

Hearing Xiang's words, Mr. X felt the sincerity from Xiang.

Completely trusting Xiang, suddenly, something unexpected happened.

With that, the small flame grew larger, and the face of Mr. X, which had been unclear, now became clear to Xiang.

The face that had initially revealed only the mouth now became fully visible. Mr. X's eyes were always closed, and his face, still unfamiliar to Xiang, was seen clearly for the first time. Xiang had never seen a man as handsome as Mr. X.

Mr. X still looked young, like a man between twenty-five and thirty years old.

Shortly after, Mr. X did something.

Mr. X performed magic again. By clapping his hands, the two of them suddenly found themselves in Xiang's home.

When Mr. X and Xiang arrived at Xiang's house, his wife and Yinxing were happily together, and it seemed Ying truly cared for Yinxing.

With a serious and confused look, Xiang found himself unable to move his entire body.

Then Mr. X patted Xiang on the shoulder from the side and said, "My child and your wife cannot see us. Don't worry, move as you normally would."

"Although we've been talking for several hours, our time together does not affect your time on Earth. The hours we've spent talking are only a few seconds in Earth time," Mr. X continued.

Xiang, who had been looking at his wife and Yinxing, now turned his gaze to Mr. X and asked, "Is that true? Then am I dead? Can I not return to the way I was?" Xiang's mind grew even more chaotic.

"Calm your mind, Xiang. You will be fine. After this, you will return to normal, and nothing will change. In fact, only the two of us will know about this," said Mr. X.

"Before I continue, let me address your earlier question about wanting to help me," Mr. X said seriously, though his smile never faded.

"Alright, I will stay calm. Please, go on, Mr. X," Xiang said.

"Alright, Mr. Xiang, help me by wholeheartedly taking care of my child. Teach him the good things you know, starting with how to live well on this Earth, and instill in him the values of a good life," Mr. X said with a serious tone but still smiling.

"I will do it wholeheartedly. I will treat Yinxing as my own child," Xiang said with convincing words.

Xiang furrowed his brow, then asked another question, "But there is something bothering me. May I ask you again, sir?"

"Hahaha… Feel free to ask as many questions as you want, because that's what I like about you, Xiang," Mr. X replied, his face filled with joy.

"But before you ask, I will tell you first that the strange events you experienced the night you met my child were all my doing," said Mr. X.

Mr. X continued, "I apologize for that, Mr. Xiang. What I did was actually to see your true character. To see how far you would think and how your mind would work. And the results were very satisfying. You are like a beautiful gemstone, just needing a little polishing to become a very valuable jewel."

"If I may ask, what makes you say that about me? What do you mean by 'a beautiful gem that needs polishing'?" Xiang asked Mr. X again.

"You have a strength in wanting to know more, but you lack calmness in controlling your thoughts. If you could be a bit calmer and control your emotions, you would easily resolve all the questions in your head," Mr. X said.

"Is that really true, Mr. X? Then can I overcome it? If there is a way to overcome it, may I know?" Xiang asked Mr. X with a serious expression.

"You are like a hard stone, steadfast in your principles and always optimistic. Your wife, on the other hand, is like the earth, flexible and able to adapt to the circumstances she faces. Learn from her," Mr. X replied, pointing to Ying, who was playing with Yinxing.

"How do you know about my wife? Do you have any connection with her?" Xiang asked, increasingly confused and slightly emotional because it involved his wife.

"I told you, you get too carried away by the situation. A small flame can ignite all your emotions," said Mr. X.

Xiang took a moment to calm his mind.

"Alright, I admit that. Now, tell me, how do you know about my wife?" Xiang asked calmly.

"I can read someone through the aura they possess. And I see your wife's aura as a well-cared-for diamond," Mr. X answered.

"Is that true? But why don't I know that?" Xiang asked.

"From the little incident earlier, when I hid my child, you didn't want to share your thoughts with your wife. In other words, you didn't want to ask her. You were too worried about burdening her with your thoughts. But that's not the case," Mr. X explained.

"Thank you for telling me. I will learn from my wife. And surely, we will teach Yinxing the values of life as you hope," Xiang said, his face filled with happiness.

"The box containing money is from me for you and your wife. You should set aside some for my child, and the other box that you haven't opened yet contains food that I have gifted for you and your wife. One piece of advice: continue living as usual and don't go overboard with the money. Use it wisely," said Mr. X.

Hearing that, Xiang simply smiled and said, "Alright, I will do as you instruct. Besides, neither of us wants to stand out."

"Very well then. Before we go back to where we were, take a moment to look at your wife and your adopted son. They look very well suited, don't they?" said Mr. X.

Even with his eyes closed, Mr. X could sense a person's emotional state through the aura they emitted.

Xiang took a moment to look at Ying and Yinxing, who were happily together, and then suddenly, wuuushhh....