
Ky and Friends

People are always afraid of what they do not know, wary of what they do not understand. There are those who dare to step out and learn about them, but there is no consensus. The issue of human rights for humanoid anomalies has always been a burning, smoldering issue, not to mention the fact that all government agencies and organizations try to cover up the existence of anomalies. And then, it burst open, like a series of continuous chemical reactions, and World War 3 broke out.

Daoist4dvt3y · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 1: New order. Part 5: Night combat 1

-6 pm-

I and my teammates H.Anh, Dat, Truong, V.Minh, T.Hai and Serinos sat around a campfire among dozens of other campfires, waiting for the enemy. The militia girls and boys were sitting and chatting about topics such as living, football, cosmetics, agriculture, family,... while the Navad team... just sat quietly and said nothing. Suddenly, a green acid sphere landed near Dat's position, causing him to panic and hide behind H.Anh. The entire team, along with the militiamen, turned towards the direction where the acid ball came from, all filled with fear, the enemy had arrived. Hundreds, thousands of Zombies in a state of severe decomposition rushed towards us as if they hadn't eaten for a long time. They run in a "organized chaos" style and fight according to strategy, the line of blocking Zombies takes the lead, followed by jumping Zombies to create surprise, then regular Zombies, with acid Zombies in between. This tactic made T.Hai exclaim, "Smart Zombies like this can only be controlled.". The militiamen were undeterred, with extensive combat experience from the 1979 Border War, they calmly took the AK-47 guns, loaded them, checked them and then fired. They continuously opened fire, thousands of bullets headed straight towards the Zombie division, but the blocking Zombies blocked most of the damage, opening the way for the Zombies to get closer to us. The militiamen were undeterred, some of them turned to throwing grenades while the rest continued to fire. One, then two, then three, then one by one the blocking Zombies gradually fell down, the jumping Zombies began to carry out their plan to sabotage their squad. Most of them failed against the militiamen's shooting ability, but a few of them succeeded in approaching and biting a militia man. Two teammates next to him immediately used a crowbar to defeat the Zombie and quickly gave first aid to the man. Dat and Serinos followed behind to take a look and use recovery magic on him. The left defense was a bit chaotic, but everything was still under control.

Suddenly, more than 20 surviving Jumping Zombies returned to the enemy ranks, took the Acid Zombies and threw them at us. When the Acid Zombies were at a certain height, they automatically disintegrated and emitted several liters of corrosive acid and a deadly blue smoke. The entire militia squad quickly dealt with them with extensive experience, but then they had to spread their forces thinly to avoid injury. Unfortunately, many people were exposed to acid, injured, screaming, and in pain. Our Navad team also hurriedly moved them to field hospitals for treatment.

Outside, all we heard was the sound of continuous gunfire, along with the groans of the Zombies, clearly our side was gaining an advantage on the battlefield. Inside the field hospitals, doctors, military medics, and we used everything at our disposal to help the wounded. The gunfire continued for 10 minutes, a male militiaman entered the hut and announced: "Attention everyone, the enemy is still very large, and we have used up 70% of our ammunition, me and the others." You guys out there will use a lot of gasoline to stop them!", then left immediately.

V.Minh and Truong immediately turned pale: "Don't do that!" and "Gasoline is used for other purposes", T.Hai ran out, H.Anh, T.Hai, Dat, Serinos and I, in general, the Navad team went out together to the front line just to prevent militiamen do that. But, it's too late! More than ten people ran towards the Zombies, then lit gasoline and ran back. The huge fire engulfed the Zombies, everyone returned safely, but a few were slightly burned. They just smiled with victory firmly in their hands and went inside the field hospitals. And, the fire spread very quickly, in just a few seconds, it quickly spread to more than half of the field, and it was nothing other than the gasoline that people had just poured down. V.Minh sighed and said: "Everyone, each transfer 10% of their mana to Dat." All seven of us nodded, followed suit, and placed our hands with palms facing Dat, blue mana flowing around Dat. Dat closed his eyes, held the Druid Staff firmly in his hand, and performed a few movements while concentrating on chanting spells. A form of firefighting foam gradually covers the fire and slowly extinguishes it. Dat smiled and explained: "Petroleum is a Class B flammable substance, so one of the ways to extinguish a fire is to use foam. As for how I created that foam, I concentrated my mind to imagine a healing foam from my Pour Water and Create Water skills. That's why the results are as everyone has seen." We nodded, V.Minh, T.Hai and H.Anh went towards the militiamen to explain, Dat and Serinos continued to recover the wounded, and Truong and I were with a platoon of militiamen. The soldiers carried guns to check on the Zombies. Most of them died in the fire, but we still had to use guns to destroy the minority. They really live long! During the process, we actually had to shoot many times, because the Zombies were only really killed when the bullets hit their skulls. I also felt nauseous and uncomfortable when exposed to the smell of corpses during the process. The decomposition was severe and he covered his nose with his hand. Truong was the same, he poked his elbow into my ribs and said: "Ky, use Light Beam, I don't believe we will stay here for more than 5 minutes.". I nodded in agreement, chanted the spell, put my hand down to the ground, white light appeared around, illuminating the entire area, white light particles flew up, creating a magical and strangely beautiful frame. The body also quickly merged into the light and disappeared, slowly dissolving into ash. The militiamen looked at the scene with excitement like children, some were curious and tried to touch the particles of light.

Suddenly, deafening screams rang out from the huts that were field hospitals. We, including me, Truong and the militia soldiers, ran back with T.Hai. V.Minh quickly dashed (Using Shadow Point) towards the two of us, saying hastily: "Truong, quickly cast Knife Throw." Ky, quickly chant Uncurse!", then touched the chests of the two children, all three of them suddenly teleported back to the middle of the huts.

The scene here suddenly became chaotic. The injured soldiers turned into hungry Zombies, known as Goblin Shaman, and more importantly, seven individuals with an immense amount of combined magical power. H.He was chanting Hemstitch, sharp thorns rising from the ground and trying to attack a female Centaur with a dark blue armor (Mythril) and a pink cape embroidered with flowers. pink and the flower's thorn stem, she was holding a large bow of the same blue color and was shooting back at H. Anh with ice arrows, fire arrows, and electric arrows. H.You set up a barrier using Terra Wall with a hole just enough and opened fire at her with an AK-47 from a militiaman who unfortunately died. Thanh Dat and Serinos were standing back to back and trying to fight off the continuous discharge of dark magic from another person wearing a similar cloak, she held a wand of ice, one person with the same style of cape, with a chain attached to a skull emitting a green smoke in two holes and a blue crescent, controlling the wounded soldiers who had now turned into Zombies and a fairy with dark tones. Nearby, I also saw someone still wearing that style of robe, it was a High Elf with white skin, blonde hair and yellow eyes, and the half-cat woman that Truong had faced, the two of them were getting along. cooperate to fight against T. Hai who is chanting magic, next to the militia people who are supporting by protecting. The two of us didn't hesitate. I cast the Uncurse spell to release the people controlled by the chain wielder. I cast the attack Knife Throw and launched hundreds of knives forward, causing more chaos in the battle before us. In a moment of inattention, a militia girl shot off one of her wings. The fairy lost her balance and began to fly wildly, then gradually regained her balance. T.Hai took the opportunity and cast the Poison Shoot spell to release five poisonous balls. V.Minh supported her by using the Adamantinum sword to slash at her, but, the fairy dodged, flew and retreated, responding. at the girl's shoulder with the ice wand, trying to cast healing spells as quickly as possible.

Controlling the battle a little more, Truong immediately supported H. Anh by casting the Alchemy spell, causing Ms. Centaur's Mythril armor to turn into a heavy, rusty metal. At the same time, Truong cast more spells. Spark, a bolt of electricity rushed towards the centaur. The girl with the inherent agility of the Sagittarius race easily dodged, even though her speed was slightly reduced due to the increasing weight of the armor. H.Anh took the opportunity to show off and watch. About to be hit by a horseshoe, she was already slow but was even slower and showed a bit of pain when she was hit by that bullet. She used magic to strengthen her body, her body radiated a halo of vitality, and sprinted towards the wall that H. Anh set up as a bunker with the militiamen who shot down Ms. Centaur. Like a buffalo, she collided hard with the wall, destroying the two-meter thick earth wall. H. Anh and his supporters could not react in time and were pinned down. Truong intended to help because he slipped into a strange space and disappeared with that space gate. The girl with the wand pointed the wand at her enemy, continuing to confront head-on and gain the upper hand against both Dat and Serinos as she chanted spells faster, Dark-type moves were continuously applied. release, and all her two opponents could do was dodge and, with more luck, successfully cast a counter move. I was pulled back by that strangely shaped chain. The person who owned the chain with a sickle used all his strength to tighten my neck. Supporting her was a fairy or dark fairy who even cast a debilitating spell. On me, my strength seemed to be drained and fatigue spread throughout my body, the screaming pain made me even more helpless. As for V.Minh and T.Hai, the two of them are having a tense 2v2 battle with the enemy's Healer and half-cat. The female half-cat assassin with strengthening magic wielded a blood-clearing knife in hand-to-hand combat and prevailed due to her larger body and better endurance when fighting the other two. The enemy Healer is no less competitive. The advantage of the High Elf race is their agility and flexibility, which is different from the traditional image of a Healer who needs to be protected. The Healer joining with the half-cat makes it even more difficult. and overwhelmed V.Minh and T.Hai. The militiamen, of course, have to contend with the remnants of the Zombie division, not to mention the appearance of the Trolls, tall, lifeless-eyed creatures with good health and unbalanced limbs. Opposite, and indispensable, the person who the whole Navad team missed 3 or 4 times, the name Goblin Shaman. The two sides fought fiercely for every inch of land.

Under the weak rays of light from the old streetlights outside the alley connecting to the field...

The battle was reversed once again, the enemy side continuously dominated. We tried our best to detect weaknesses but were ineffective and failed. The centaur girl, after breaking through the defenses and causing H. Anh's team to be crushed by the sand, kicked so hard that the sand flew to the other side, including the soldiers, they were thrown away with The force was too great and he died soon after, leaving H. Anh alone. H. His face turned pale, he tried to cast spells but to no avail. Miss Sagittarius had anticipated and used the remaining mana to create a non-magic area around him. H. Anh dragged himself, trying to escape, but one leg was held by the Sagittarius, then both legs, she seemed to put her own weight and the heavy armor on H. Anh, you're groaned in pain. And then, she pulled out her sharp thin sword (Rapier), piercing H.Anh's stomach. H. You, can do nothing but struggle and moan in vain. My situation is the same. The metal chains tightened my body more and more, the compression was so strong that I thought I was about to explode, the debilitating effect was still there, I was breathing rapidly, my eyes lost all the vitality of a boy. baby at the beginning of puberty. I could feel the gaze of the person squeezing me, and the smell of that person's woman, with the gaze of a predator watching its prey slowly die, in pain and writhing. I am scaring ! The adrenaline in me increased with each second, fear made me tremble and struggle uselessly more and more, my reason kept fading away, I couldn't think clearly, my breathing gradually became worse. Should be urgent, bruises will begin to appear on the body. The 2v2 match had now turned into a 1v1, the High Elf Healer girl faced T.Hai, and the other person faced V.Minh. The battle situation remains unchanged, the two of them are still overwhelmed in terms of height, muscle and experience. The blood-circulating knife with the half-cat girl's twisted grooves and skillful swings completely overwhelmed V.Minh's sword with the legendary metal Adamantinum, and the High Elf girl with the Healing Staff still overwhelmed the tree. T.Hai's battle ax. The school's whereabouts are still unknown. Now, we can only hope for a breakthrough in tactics by the militia soldiers or a narrow rescue by the people's army, but nothing has happened.

Is this the end for us? The end for the town's people? Will the army come, will they save us in time? Or will they at least defeat these eight? Or will something appear as a savior and save us from an apparent loss…maybe a stranger or…someone familiar…

Everything kept getting darker, darker...a disappointed voice rang in my head: "Is that all you guys are doing?" So you still need my help, right? I will be the hero to save the beauty in this battle..."

The scene of desolation once again appeared in my eyes: H. You are still being pinned down and stabbed through the stomach by the female Centaur, Truong is still disappearing, I am still tied up very tightly, the guy with the sword or The ice wand (I don't care what it is anymore) is still cornering Dat and Serinos with her black magic, the enemy Healer is still overwhelming T.Hai, V.Minh isn't much better... Time seems to pass more slowly,... "The opponent is focused entirely on destroying us, and that is our advantage." A familiar voice rang out, not V.Minh's, not H.Anh's, not T.Hai's, not Dat's, but Truong's. I rolled my eyes and suddenly recognized Truong, holding two pig spears covered in light green blood, behind was the body of a man with a cloak that I didn't bother talking about anymore, it was a creature similar to a mantis. but with a human figure, burned black. All of us and our opponents were surprised and turned our heads to look towards Truong. He added that his clothes were quite torn, his face clearly showed fatigue as evidence of a long and arduous match, although his mouth still smiled triumphantly.

"This Mantiswoman, alias Phoebos, knows how to use Illusion Magic, her favorite method being to pull victims into her pocket space where she is enhanced and the victim is weakened, then uses his incredible physical abilities to 'play with the victim. In general, it is still a product of the Great Fathers and Great Mothers that you serve...'", Truong shrugged, the other six enemies seemed a bit confused and uncomfortable, the female Sagittarius quickly stabbed H. Anh. a few more times then rushed towards Truong, with the last effort he could, his Ultimate Casting (Magnetic), then pointed at the female Sagittarius, her armor became stiff So numb that it slowed her movements to a snail's pace. Truong did not hesitate and secretly cast Alchemy magic on both of his pig launchers into a strange steel alloy. Take advantage of the remnants of the Magnetic effect and launch them towards the Sagittarius woman. The rusty and difficult-to-move armor prevented her from being hit by those two pig launchers. They pierced directly through the armor and through her flesh, the female Centaur fell down and died. Taking advantage of the victory, Truong turned to the person holding the ice wand. She raised her hand towards Truong, intending to cast a spell to attack. Truong raised a purple fang, she looked shocked, all the black attacks The attack magic from her disappeared before it could reach Truong, Serinos took advantage of the distraction and cast Purification on her, the white light engulfed her, the hat was taken off to reveal her face. Her face was old and somewhat zombie-like, that's when I realized she was a Lich. Her ice wand fell.

"By the way, I got the trophy from that Mantisman, which is this purple fang, called Tia Fang, its abilities are as you can see. And we... defeated the Centaur girl named Philomy and the Lich girl named Fina.", Truong continued, still smiling, "Information from Phoebos' testimony."

As a counterattack from us, another character appeared from above my head, it was Water Elemental, the Familiar that we had not noticed for a long time, now turned blue. Jumped over the Dark Elf girl with the chain and trapped the Dark Elf inside. The fairy struggled but it was ineffective. The Dark Elf let go of me to save her teammates. I took the opportunity to escape and tried to breathe as deeply and quickly as possible after being tied up for a while. The Water Elemental Demon became even more cunning, it launched the Black Fairy quickly towards Serinos. She grabbed it and considered it our capture. success. And the four of us ran towards H. Anh, trying to revive our dying comrade. Truong took advantage of the chaos and shot a precise bullet into the Dark Elf girl's head, and collected the trophy of her Soul Stealer chain, along with the Lich girl's Brinicle wand. It was a wand about 40 cm long, twisted and straight in shape like a pointed unicorn horn but light blue in color, and a rose branch – a magical artifact called Early Flowering. ) of that Black Fairy girl.

In another development,... Surprise after surprise, while two apprentice magicians named V. Minh and T. Hai were struggling to fight their opponents, a militia soldier suddenly appeared from the darkness. rushed out, hugged the High Elf girl, who was shocked and had no time to react and T. Hai was still dreaming about this sudden development, the two of them rolled out the Trolls and the Goblin Shaman, Mr. Army) decisively pulled out the pin of the only grenade we had. The grenade exploded, hundreds of pieces of metal flew out in all directions from the explosion. The enemy Healer and the suicide militiaman died, the surrounding Trolls were all injured. Although the unknown militia soldier died, his actions created an important premise, Inspired by their comrades, the other militiamen shouted loudly to cheer each other up. Even though their guns were out of bullets, they were still determined to fight until the end with the Trolls and Zombies. Me, T.Hai and Truong also cast our spells to support them. Serinos and Dat are treating H.Anh. And Water Elemental, who was instrumental in this battle, jumped on V.Minh's head, ready to help him continue the unfinished battle with the half-cat killer...


On a battlefield (a large rice field near V. Minh's house) in the dark with light shining from the stars, today the sky is clearer, when everyone is ragged and injured from The battle with the Zombies and the mages of the non-human humanoid races had ended (Probably), the militiamen were resting after an intense two-hour battle, the The troll was defeated and the last Goblin Shaman, after escaping three times, was captured. Truong and T. Hai were observing a red mushroom shaped like a brain, next to the dead body of a troll, I was looking at a red mushroom shaped like a brain. Picking those strange mushrooms to make... food, even though we don't know if they are poisonous or not, edible or not. These mushrooms are grown from the corpses of Trolls.

"That fairy girl's name is Zies, that Dark Elf girl's name is Aylina, that High Elf girl's name is Da Xiami, and the Catgirl girl that V.Minh is facing is Adaon... and that Mantiswoman girl's name is Phoebos, she That Lich girl is Fina, we knew these two people before...", Truong muttered.

"How do you know the names of the opponents in our last life-and-death battle?", T.Hai asked.

"The information was from Phoebos when she was defeated by me in her own beneficial pocket space.", Truong said with pride, as if boasting of her own magical power.

V.Minh suddenly walked next to me.

I was a bit startled and asked:

"Did you defeat that half-cat girl?" I turned my head towards V. Minh while picking the Troll Red Ear Mushrooms that grew from the dead Troll's body.

"Defeated, but not defeated yet. She turned into a cat and escaped," V.Minh replied

"Catgirl turns into a cat? So is there a reason why the SCP Foundation recommends that people kill cats and dogs?", I appeared quite indifferent to this new information. Actually, this is not very strange, if the three of H.Anh, Truong and T.Hai let a Goblin Shaman escape three times, then V.Minh let a Catgirl assassin with the advantage of speed. It's not difficult to understand her escape. In the end, Truong and T.Hai and I and the others didn't have time to see how he fought.

"Actually, there is another reason, which is to limit the communication of pets with Beastmen, half-human and half-animal races, to minimize the possibility of us revealing important information.", Truong replied, while squatting and continuing to pick blood ear mushrooms.

"Really ? How do you know?", I asked in surprise, V.Minh was also curious, T.Hai didn't pay much attention.

"Well, if you're willing to read that document that's several hundred pages long...", Truong explained and lowered his voice, looking at me with a bit of disdain and disappointment at my laziness in reading.

"Ah, yes, I understand…", I replied, continuing to pick blood ear mushrooms and put them in a sack between me and Truong.

"Oh, I forgot, I collected some magic items that can help us later.", Truong said, motioning for T.Hai to pick them instead, then placed four items on the ground.

The first item is a light blue ice wand about 40 cm long, with a straight, small and pointed twisted shape, gradually getting larger at the other end, called Brinicle (Ice Wand). The second item is Violet Fang, a flat purple fang, 12 cm long, 5 cm wide and 0.5 cm thick. The third item is the Soul Stealer, a metal chain 5 meters long, with one end attached to a skull that always emits green smoke in the eye sockets, the other end attached to a sickle. 54 cm long, curved, made of a metal-like substance with a green color, glowing slightly in the dark. The fourth item is a flower branch 20 cm long, with a flower the size of an adult's fist in the middle with a few leaves around it, called Early Flowering.

"With the experience of the recent battle, we fought without any timely help from the people's army. In the end, we still have to be self-reliant, so I think sharing these things with you will increase the strength and survivability of each member. Besides…I don't think I need all four of these items and…the militiamen don't know what these things are used for.", Truong shrugged and glanced at the militiamen.

"I will take this item. And Ky will take this item!", V.Minh took Early Flowering and gave Brinicle to me.

"And who gets the Soul Stealer? Or give it back to the government?", I took the Brinicle wand and asked.

"Let H. Anh go!", Truong replied leisurely.

"But…", I was a bit doubtful.

"Looking at how he almost returned to his destination in the last battle, I understand...", Truong replied, still with that leisurely attitude. "So what about Tia Fang, anyone take it?"

"I...", T.Hai quickly grabbed the fang, receiving in return a confusing squint from Luong Anh Truong.

"So the division is over, right?", Truong still squinted his eyes and replied.

"That's right!", I, V.Minh, and T.Hai replied while smiling.

"It's okay…", Truong continued to squint his eyes and then stopped, "But I don't own any magic items yet…"

"Who cares!", T.Hai and I replied nonchalantly, Truong stared at me and complained, "Navad's comradeship is like that!", then he turned back to picking blood ear mushrooms and we, too.

"Ah, Ky, I return this Hydromie.", V.Minh placed the Water Elemental on my head before this ball of living water merged with my body again.

"Did you even name it? And why is the temperature of my Water Elemental (V.Minh interrupted, "It's Hydromie!")...well, my Hydromie is so unusually high?", I wondered, feeling that my body temperature was also abnormally high. warmed up after the Hydromie merged with me.

"I get close to the opponent and use fire skills, Hydromie has the effect of creating water leaves thin and thick enough so that both do not evaporate too quickly...", V.Minh replied innocently.

"Why...", I glanced at V.Minh's strange innocence.

"By the way, what is this?", V.Minh pointed to the blood ear mushroom in my hand.

"Ah, this is a mushroom that grows from a Troll, called the blood ear mushroom. I don't know its effects yet, perhaps it needs more research...", Truong quickly replied.

"No, Truong, we are Asian, we are Vietnamese, since it's a mushroom, any mushroom can be eaten," I said while salivating.

"You're really crazy...", Truong replied.

"This mushroom grew from a Troll. These Trolls have a lot of energy, so eating blood ear mushrooms will help us increase our vitality!?", T.Hai explained to himself.

"It sounds a bit unbelievable, but let's try…", all three of us except V. Minh collected a large amount of blood ear mushrooms and put them in a sack. V.Minhed the Inventory spell, opened his own pocket space and put it in before going home. He didn't even mumble, make a few movements, or concentrate... After a while, he returned to us, and then went to the place where the Goblin Shaman was captured and was being interrogated in a closed house.

"V.Minh uses magic without even making any movements or muttering spells like us…", I asked in surprise.

"Yeah, that's his own method of casting spells. It is quite convenient and causes surprise in combat, because it only needs to be chanted in the mind, but only a few magicians can do this method. In addition, if you chant incorrectly, you will have a headache, if it is severe, you will fall into a coma...", Truong replied.

"Is that possible? So everything has two sides, right...", T.Hai shrugged, looked at me and Truong, "Do you think our Inventory or V.Minh's and Phoebos' pocket space that benefits himself are the same? Are not ? Because both create pocket space…".

"No!", Truong said decisively, "It may look the same, but our Inventory belongs to Pure Magic (Arcane) and time inside this pocket space is frozen, and we cannot You can design this space yourself, basically the space inside the Inventory is just a vacuum like the outside of the universe, with the size depending on the amount of mana we have. Meanwhile, when I was inside Phoebos's pocket space, it was like an arena, meaning that space had been designed, so her moves were Illusion Magic." , Truong replied, professionally like a true professor, "And don't ask me why I know? Inside every Grimoire about magic, there is a first chapter about magic and the different systems. I seriously read and study basic knowledge, not ignoring it."

"The book we received is Grimoire? Yes, that's right, it's not Workbook, Magic Workbook because our book about magic is a large book, the cover and paper are made from a special type of wood covered with magic, of extremely good quality so it's hard to find. can be destroyed by any conditions and can even maintain its shape for thousands of years.", T.Hai nodded and explained further.

"Do you guys also apply the way you learn subjects at school to magic?", I asked.

T.Hai nodded, Truong replied, "Of course...". I continued asking: "So you are the smartest in our group, right?" Truong just shook his head and said: "In terms of Physics, it's true, but in terms of comprehensive knowledge, it's not as good as V. Minh, in terms of English language ability, it's not as good as H. Anh, and in terms of Chemistry, it's not as good as T. .Hai, in terms of Botany ability, is not as good as Dat. And in terms of artistic thinking ability, it's not as good as you...the definition of intelligence is very different, so don't judge someone with only one aspect...". I was surprised and nodded slightly. Then, all three of us, me, Truong and Dat, sat in a far corner with the militia's huts... More than 90 minutes later, at 9:30 p.m., the sound of the helicopter reached our ears, then the The helicopter appeared, then landed in the field where the fierce battle took place, elite soldiers, along with medical staff and rescue workers stepped down. Some stayed to check on the situation, others ran to us and the militiamen to ask about their health and many other things. I smiled slightly and said to the military doctor in front of me who was bandaging my and Truong's wounds. The military doctor's face with short hair, big and sparkling dark brown eyes, white skin, beautiful and attractive. guide, clearly worried because we had quite a lot of injuries, the result of an intense battle for 2 hours straight: "You and your colleagues are so late, we really have a story to tell." It's too long to tell..."