
Ky and Friends

People are always afraid of what they do not know, wary of what they do not understand. There are those who dare to step out and learn about them, but there is no consensus. The issue of human rights for humanoid anomalies has always been a burning, smoldering issue, not to mention the fact that all government agencies and organizations try to cover up the existence of anomalies. And then, it burst open, like a series of continuous chemical reactions, and World War 3 broke out.

Daoist4dvt3y · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 1: New order. Part 6: Rescue has arrived

H. He opened his eyes and realized he was standing on one side of the lake, about 10 meters from the lake shore, on the other side was a large space whose size could not be determined because it was covered by fog. In great confusion, he saw a shadow, it was an old man, with a shaggy beard, wearing a simple brown khaki shirt, sitting on a wooden sampan, gradually moving towards the shore. lake, with...father, mother and older sister waiting to leave, the three of them without looking back, got on the boat and gave it to the old man, the sampan carried them into the dense fog. . H. He was silent, not saying a word, just standing there, his heart aching. White light appeared from below his feet and gradually covered the entire scene, so bright that he had to simultaneously close his eyes and cover it with his hands. Waking up and returning to reality, he was lying on a wooden chair in the living room of V. Minh's house. The feeling of lying down was not as comfortable as lying on the sofa, especially when he was shirtless like he was now. , no LED or fluorescent lights were turned on, only the dim blue light from gas-powered bulbs designed in the Farola fernandina style, so it was all just a dream, a dream The dream reflects his reality of not having a family. Next to him is Dat, a close friend and comrade, who is disinfecting his wound. Serinos is also supporting him by casting healing spells on him. uncle. Glancing down at his abdomen, which was now bandaged, the faint, faint green light characteristic of Healing Magic was still present before his eyes, blending into the blue light. from Farola fernandia gas street light bulbs. From within that romantic, sad and poetic light, H. Anh saw V. Minh enter, meaning that the tough battle with an entire Zombie division and seven magicians ended with victory for On his side, the human side, V.Minh's clothes were also tattered, especially his shirt, there were also a few wounds on his shoulder. He glanced at H.Anh, with those expressionless eyes, H. He clearly felt the relief in V.Minh when he learned that H.Anh was recovering, then placed a bottle of C2 beverage on the wooden table with a glass top next to the intricately carved wooden chair where H.Anh was sitting. lying down, then V.Minh went down to the kitchen, went to the bathroom and started taking a shower. V. Minh's steps made no sound at all, as a courtesy, and were also scary, even Dat and Serinos didn't notice, or they didn't pay attention, but either way, he didn't care. mind anymore. After a few minutes, the two of them finished treating the deep wound on H. Anh's body. Serinos breathed a sigh of relief, tiptoed straight down to the pond behind the house and immersed himself in the water in the middle of the night, and rested. , letting his body melt into the water, a rather strange hobby of a Nymph with the instinct to live underwater like Serinos, while Dat removed the bandages on H.Anh's body, carefully checking that the wound was completely complete. Just recovered, then Dat helped H. Anh sit up and gave H. Anh a bottle of C2 soft drink without paying attention to where the bottle came from.

"Do you feel better now?", Dat sat down on the chair next to H. Anh and asked in a soft voice.

"Better, thank you both…", H. Anh replied, his voice was deeper and more even, accepting the water bottle.

"That's great…", Dat breathed a sigh of relief, similar to Serinos' actions just now, "And more, we won, the town was protected, Truong has returned, V. Minh, Ky , T.Hai and Serinos also defeated the enemy and survived, the Vietnamese people's army has also arrived and handled everything else."

"Actually…I just saw V.Minh come back…", H.Anh said.

"When did he come back? Why don't I hear footsteps!?", Dat asked in surprise.

"He probably trains when combined with invisibility magic, although this often startles us," H.Anh replied, smiling.

"So he left the job of reporting the situation to the army to Truong, Ky and T.Hai!", Dat leaned back slightly.

"That must be it, but what time is it now?", H. He asked, still in that soft voice.

"1:47 am January 10, 2020, the last battle ended at 8:00 last night, at 9:30 the army arrived, they are probably interrogating those people about their relationship right now war...on January 14, 2020, there will be a decision on whether people should relocate to the capital or not...", Dat smiled and replied.

"I've been unconscious for nearly 6 hours!", H. Anh said with a bit of lament.

"So do you need to rest again?", Dat asked.

"No, I passed out and fell asleep at the same time, so I don't feel sleepy anymore. What about you, Dat?", H. Anh replied.

"I don't sleep.", Dat replied.

"Okay...", H. Anh replied, then the two looked outside the house where soldiers and medical staff were handling the corpses of Zombies and Trolls.

"Then you should drink this bitter cup of coffee that you definitely hate to stay awake until morning. First of all, you two, Dat and H.Anh, go take a shower." V.Minh suddenly appeared as usual, placing two cups of bitter coffee on the table, while he sipped his own cup of bitter coffee and Sitting next to a chair, with a relaxed expression, he had changed his clothes, his wounds had healed, probably thanks to Serinos healing him.

Dat and H. Anh were startled by V. Minh's sudden appearance. The two of them squinted at V.Minh while breathing rapidly due to being startled. Dat quickly left to go soak in the bathtub. H. Anh also wanted to follow but was stopped by V. Minh's voice: "H. Anh, remember to remind Dat and Serinos to rest, we'll be at 4 o'clock." There will be a final battle to capture Adaon, the half-cat assassin. I know her name from Truong.", then signaled that H. Anh could leave. H. Anh nodded and went into the bathtub with Dat. Seeing that the other two people had left the living room, V.Minh continued to sip his cup of coffee.

Truong, Dat and I had just returned after nearly 100 minutes of providing information to the army. I lamented: "If only they had arrived in time, they would have been able to participate in the battle and not need our information to Reported to the command board!". T.Hai also joined in: "That's right, if they had come in time, we wouldn't have been in the moment of life and death and had a spectacular escape..." Truong said nothing, just smiled. The three of us were laughing and having fun when we noticed V.Minh going out. Truong patted V.Minh's shoulder: "Hey, where are you going, aren't you resting?" It's 4 a.m. to capture the last enemy." V. Minh only replied in a mysterious voice: "Practice a little new magic...", shook Truong's hand and left, entering a nearby forest. We followed him with our eyes for a while, Truong only commented that "He is always at the forefront of our team's magic development." then joined Dat and H.Anh in the bathtub.


In this private bathroom, H. Anh and Dat are sitting and enjoying soaking in a 5-meter bathtub, hot water up to their necks, bringing an extremely comfortable feeling, the rising steam blurs everything. Everything in the room looked like a fairyland. The two of them had been silent ever since they started soaking in the tub. To add a pleasant touch, they used two dozen green lemons from the lemon tree on the edge of the pond. Soaking in hot water, using a little green lemon (Lime), the thick steam spread throughout the room, without any noise, only the steady breathing of the two of them blending together. Suddenly, Truong and T. Hai opened the door, went in, locked the door, took off their clothes, and then soaked in the tub like Dat and H. Anh calmly as if nothing had happened. But no one paid much attention because they were all boys! All four people looked at each other and were silent until Dat started talking.

"Where is Ky? Didn't he go take a bath?", Dat asked.

"Oh no, Ky used the Wash spell as an alternative…", Truong replied with a shrug.

"What a lazy person to bathe!", H. Anh commented.

"Especially when winter continues into January, the weather is still cold, so he is even lazier to bathe. If Serinos hadn't introduced us to the Wash spell at that time, Ky would certainly have had an even more unpleasant smell.", T.Hai continued.

"That must be it...so, what is the military doing?", Dat said.

"Well, after they interrogated the information of us, Goblin Shaman, Zies aka dark fairy and cleaned up Zombie corpses for nearly 2 hours until 11:30 pm yesterday, they detained me, Ky and T.Hai. until 1:30 this morning to ask about magic, while trying to keep their professionalism from showing a little… how should I say, curious, like children.", Truong squinted slightly. eyes, replied.

"That's right, they asked how we awakened the ability to use magic, mana and many other things.", T.Hai added.

"And you guys answered with the third law: 'Perspective changes reality', right?", H.Anh said.

"That's true, and I'll also explain more about the third law. But they didn't even understand more, they asked more questions. We didn't know what to say until we saw V.Minh, and he answered the question smoothly, saying something like doing unusual things can actually help us master magic but "You have to do it voluntarily, not out of curiosity or force. More importantly, you have to be alert...the rest is luck and chance," Truong tried to remember and state verbatim what he said. memorize.

"I'm feeling suspicious about why I awakened the ability to use magic, it's like a subject in another curriculum...", T.Hai sighed.

"Me too.", H. Anh said.

"Me too.", Dat continued.

"So where is V. Minh now?", H. Anh asked.

"In the forest, practice some new magic and increase your mana," Truong replied.

"Ah yes, apprentice magicians always do this…", T.Hai said.

"But you know what? V.Minh once told us that most of the spells we learn are intermediate level spells, not elementary, so it takes more time and mana," Truong said.

"No wonder Ky and we only need to use wide area spells or spells with great power or Ultimate once or twice before we get tired.", H. Anh nodded.

"Can't we solve it by transmitting and receiving mana in the surrounding space?", Dat said.

"Yes, but the apprentice magicians' training doesn't allow us to do it in less than 10 seconds so it's better to use the magic properly…", Truong concluded.

"Sigh, learning magic and applying them in real combat is tiring…in Western Fantasy movies and Anime series with the same theme, it's clearly not this difficult…", H.Anh lamented.

"We have 24 hours. 1/3 of the time is resting, ¼ of the time is training, the rest is living, only less than 10% of the time is actual combat..."

"No wonder, this is not the world of Anime or movies, realistic elements are often ignored, their main characters (It means main characters in Anime series with Fantasy or Isekai themes) receive tremendous powers.", Truong said with a sarcastic tone.

"But we also met our opponents and won!", T.Hai spoke up.

"That's right, that's not wrong, but as you can see, the battle is quite one-sided, when one person on one side is defeated, almost a similar chain reaction will be triggered, for example the battle just now. already.", Truong objected.

And then no one said anything more.

"Even though the war broke out, electricity and water in the town were still fully supplied.", Dat tried to start another conversation.

"Yes!", Truong replied.

"Yes!", H. Anh replied.

"Yes!", T.Hai replied.

And then no one said anything more.

Then all four of them sighed together, then fell into silence as before. Now, they really have nothing to say. There is nothing to continue talking or discussing anymore. Truong took a quick shower in just two minutes, then got dressed and went out. After that, T.Hai, H.Anh and Dat also followed suit. (And the four of them realized that they didn't keep their own clothes, nor did I, so they all hand-washed their old clothes and dried them with a hair dryer), The four of them moved inside the shared bedroom. (Formerly V. Minh's bedroom), lying under two mattresses on the tiled floor, the four of them just...stared at the ceiling while lying lazily. H. Anh looked at the clock, it was 2:30 a.m., V. Minh still hadn't come home, Ky was probably cuddling up to Serinos or sitting on her lap and whining. Finally, he started to bring up another conversation.

"Everyone, it seems like we are missing something, that seems to be my feeling.", H. Anh said.

"What is it?", T.Hai raised his eyebrows.

"Do you need to sleep?", Dat said.

Truong did not discuss anything, but still listened.

V.Minh opened the door, holding two hot cups of coffee in his hand, and replied: "You two haven't drank coffee yet, both H.Anh and Truong, I just made two more cups. Please drink if you don't want to fall asleep." Then he threw me inside along with Serinos. V. Minh continued, while placing four cups of coffee on the desk with both hands and signaling everyone to drink,

"We really have a lot more to discuss. Ah, as for something you feel is lacking? That must be studying, after New Year's Day, January 1, all students across the country will go to school."

"But in 90 minutes we will have to fight again, what else can we learn!?", I complained.

"Then please withdraw!", V.Minh asserted.

"What, how can we do that?", I argued.

"They (the Army) have asked us to go, but we have not agreed yet.", Truong countered.

"Furthermore, elite soldiers are specially trained and rigorous to deal with difficult and dangerous situations, they are also well equipped to prepare for the worst conditions . More importantly, the military probably doesn't let children participate. So, please rest, Ky!", Serinos said in a gentle voice and smiled brightly.

"Serinos, Truong, since when did you two side with V. Minh!?", I pressed my voice.

"Shh…shh…come on Ky, keep quiet, let the other three sleep well.", Truong said.

"Nonsense, H.Anh, T.Hai and Dat just now...", I looked at Dat, T.Hai and H.Anh, the three of them were really falling asleep, "Forget it, just now." What can I say?" I added.

Truong quickly drank two cups of coffee. Serinos was curious because it was the first time he saw this. Looking at the way Truong drank it, he did the same. She winced a little because of the bitter taste of this drink, but she also felt awake. more apple. I quickly drank the last cup of coffee to chat with V. Minh and Truong, but... I fell back asleep. Serinos chuckled, Truong sighed, and V.Minh read a book.

"Don't even wake up!" Truong shook me for a while but it didn't work, I was still sleeping like death.

"All cups of coffee are the same!", V.Minh sighed.

V.Minh continued reading until he fell asleep without realizing it...

It's 3 am. Truong also fell asleep, in the end, besides V. Minh and Serinos, all five people were fast asleep. It can't be helped, the last battle proved how vulnerable the Navad team really was, at that time, we were truly pushed into crisis. And now, when that ordeal has passed, V. Minh has fallen asleep, and Serinos is watching me sleep.


It's 6:30 a.m., it's also early morning. I (V.Minh) woke up, brushed my teeth, washed my face and then did sit-ups with the pull-up bar as usual. After doing each exercise 100 times, I went to the kitchen and took from the nearby refrigerator a mango, a dragon fruit, half a watermelon, a little green grape, half a coconut, a little basil and a box of yogurt. Other foods such as meat, fish, eggs, etc. were damaged or missing during the 9 days that KN manipulated the survivors in this town, leading to a disaster that killed most of the people here. My parents and five friends are no exception. We can still live well with the abundant vegetables and fruits in the three gardens around my house. As for the chickens, they were eaten by Zombies in the past. During yesterday's battle, when I checked, the army had recovered all the chickens, eggs and chicken manure. A temporary solution is to practice a diet with low calories and protein as forced and mandatory. I thought to myself like that, sighed, took a kitchen knife and cut these pieces of fruit into squares about the size of a knuckle, continuing to wash the grapes, cut them in half and remove the seeds. I intended to mix mayonnaise with yogurt first but realized I didn't have any. Then, I put the cut pieces of fruit in a large bowl, added yogurt, and mixed just enough to not break the pieces of fruit. I enjoy it right after finishing with a spoon, at the same time, I feel quite strange because in the past my breakfast often consisted of sticky rice with shrimp, fried onions and minced meat or pho with grilled pork rolls with bean sprouts and herbs. I was so focused on eating the salad that I didn't notice Serinos secretly eating with me.

If we lived together, I would have the opportunity to correct some bad habits, become more diligent and urge the other five to do the same, I thought to myself.

After a while, I (and Serinos, who was eating my food without my knowledge) had finished eating breakfast. I put the bowl and two spoons in the sink and washed them with dishwashing liquid, rinsing them with soap. water and dry before placing on the cupboard. I turned around, my eyes and Serinos met, Serinos was smiling brightly, while being so close to me made me feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Good morning Serinos," I said.

"Good morning!~", she replied.

"Are you okay?", I asked, but didn't show any emotion.

"I'm fine. You too?", the nymph replied with a smile.

I nodded, then noticed Serinos' change, "Serinos, have you grown taller?" Two days ago, you were shorter than me?", I said.

"Yes, I have grown taller, now I am the taller one~", Serinos replied.

"But how did you grow 10 cm in two days?", I asked.

"Familiar Contract with Ky. Now the two of us share magic and souls and the enhancement is something I benefit from, including strength," Serinos replied.

"Do you accept it so easily? Doesn't he know that if one of them dies, the other will die too?", I was surprised and asked again.

"Oh, Ky is a naive person who easily falls for girls, especially when they are attractive. So I convinced Ky very easily~", Serinos replied.

"Why didn't he leave Hydromie for me?", I exclaimed.

"We all have two water-type Familiars, right? Why did you choose Hydromie and not me?", Serinos pouted, and continued, "How about you and the other five give your souls to me!", Serinos said while slightly forcing me to a corner of the wall and smiling. a ghostly smile.

"What are you talking about? Offering the group's soul to you? What for?", I asked calmly.

"To kill the Great Fathers and Great Mothers, what else? I'm on humanity's side, which means I'm going against my creators. But to do that, I need strength, and your souls will be the first thing I need. I used to trust you guys, but after the last battle I was disappointed and changed my mind. Now, surrender and let me devour your soul!", Serinos changed her name and seemingly her nature.

"Is this your true nature?", I calmly replied, but really didn't know how to deal with it.

"Correct. And I cast the Non-Magic Zone spell so don't expect to be able to use magic to escape. My physical strength has also been enhanced so don't think you can use your physical strength to fight back.", Serinos pressed me against the wall with even more force, I mentally cursed Ky for being confused. his.

"We can discuss-", I didn't finish my sentence when Serinos kicked me in the groin with her knee. I was about to cry but tried to hold it back, "Answer quickly! Because I used to be a member of the team, I'll give you one more chance," she urged.

"This is not the way to defeat the enemy-", I was again interrupted mid-sentence when Serinos punched me in the stomach, "Only YES or NO, answer quickly", Serinos told me, almost shouting.

I started to feel a headache, it seemed like Serinos was starting to drain my life force, her hand was touching my chest. I thought: Will we, all six of us, including me (V.Minh), Ky, Truong, T.Hai, H.Anh, and Dat, end up here, in a quick situation like this?. and I turned around, saw Truong, I hoped he would defeat Serinos and save me, but no, I was wrong, he misunderstood, just blushed and walked away.

"Don't react to the industrial mass scenes in anime like that, Truong," I exclaimed.

I continued to monologue: "Or should I reminisce about memories of family and friends like the main characters in Anime series?" No, I don't have any great strength to do that..." My head hurt more and more as my vitality gradually drained away, I even saw Heibai Wuchang, were those two demons waiting for me to die and then take me to hell to be judged? It's possible! How am I feeling now? Scared. Very scared. I'm afraid of facing death. I'm still very young and still have many ambitions. In Anime series, at times of life and death, some force will appear and give the main character unparalleled strength, but this is not Anime, so why do we have that? And here it is, that thing finally appeared? In my mind ?

Everything seemed to slow down a hundred times, a voice appeared.

???: "Strangle her!"

Me: "Who are you?"

???: "Strangle her! If you want to live!"

Me: "How can you stop time?"

???: "It only slows down hundreds of times, the trade-off is your own vitality."

Me: "My own life force?"

???: "Correct !"

Me: "Who are you anyway?"

???: "You really want to know?"

I am right."

???: "I am you."

I myself ? Is it me in the future or another timeline that comes to help like in the Anime series?

???: "Stop being delusional. I am you, now, in the same timeline, but I am your ego."

Me: "You are the Sage who lives in the minds of the main characters and gives them instructions."

???: "No, I have always been a part of you."

Me: "Do I have multiple personalities?"

???: "No, I am your ego."

Me: "If you are a part of me, how can you become independent, stop time and force me to violence?"

???: "Every magician has his or her own ego, but it is often overwhelmed. That thing will become strong and independent of itself for magicians who perform black magic, and in a hopeless situation."

Me: "What do you want?"

???: "I want to survive."

Me: "What if you fail?"

???: "Then you die."

Me: "I don't understand…"

???: "I know, and my time is running out. This may be the last time your ego exists like this. And I need you to exist for me to survive, and you know you do too. Goodbye."

The time freeze disappeared, and along with that mysterious voice, I returned to reality. I was still scared, and desperate, I looked at the kitchen knife on the table I had forgotten earlier, grabbed it, and slashed Serinos. She dodged away, looking a bit surprised. While being absent-minded, I couldn't maintain the effect of the non-magic area. I quickly used Shadow Point to move behind Serinos and decisively slash again. She once again dodged, but I was able to cut off her long blue hair, then I used fire magic to burn it. Serinos looked at me, shock evident on his face. Serinos touched her hair that had been cut off, her hair was now only shoulder-length, and looked at the hair that had been burned into ash, then sighed, saying: "I...surrender.". Then she smiled, put her hand on my chest and gave me back my energy, conveniently throwing the other kitchen knife into the sink. She said, "Just as I expected!", then acted cute, "I'm just acting, you don't have to be so serious~". I looked at her carefully, then ran upstairs, Serinos chased after me and said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!".

Meanwhile, those guys finally woke up.

"This way, I still have to save myself…", I thought.


The time is 7:14 am. Me (Ky), Truong, T.Hai, Dat, H.Anh and V.Minh hid behind us and stared at Serinos, who was standing across from us. Both sides looked at each other, while Serinos smiled, the six of us were glaring at her with suspicion.

"Come on everyone, there's really nothing serious going on between the two of us, right, V.Minh~?", Serinos looked at V.Minh while still keeping that smile, looking very fake.

V.Minh was still hiding behind us, still holding an MP3 pistol equipped with a few bullets in one hand. He's really not joking!, I thought to myself.

"Do you still remember what you did?", T.Hai pressed his voice, took the battle ax from the pocket space using the Inventory spell (Storage of items in the pocket space with time stopped) and held it firmly in hand, frowned and looked at Serinos.

"Serinos, I didn't think you were a spy…", H. Anh said jokingly.

"I'm not a spy!", Serinos emphasized.

"I don't think so…", Truong also took his spear in the same way as T.Hai, pointing it towards Serinos, the sharp tip of the spear just less than 1 meter from her chest.

"Just finished brushing my teeth and suddenly you started causing trouble.", T.Hai joked while still keeping a serious expression.

"I haven't even touched the beef pho I just bought, then suddenly you try to kill my friend?", H. Anh chimed in.

"You two stop joking around, this is not the time!", I said angrily.

"Please, we almost lost a life just now!", Truong continued angrily.

"Sorry, sorry…", H.Anh said, sighed and continued, "Serinos, do you have any excuses?", H.Anh turned to face Serinos, T.Hai also followed, Dat returned. He was so shocked at Serinos, who had gone through hardships with him in the last town defense battle, that he was speechless.

"I want to kill him to become stronger, so I can kill Great Father and Great Mother, the people who caused this war and created hundreds of Fantasy races of which I am one. The reason has been explained to you by V. Minh", Serinos calmly replied, slowly moving forward until the spear tip was a few millimeters closer to her stomach, which made Truong and all of us angry. were shocked by her words and actions. Seeing our expressions, her smile grew wider, Serinos continued, "But now the ferry thing has changed. Now join me in developing to destroy them (the Great Fathers and Great Mothers) and end this meaningless world war.".

I gasped, (Jokingly of course), "This scene…this scene is exactly like the action, fantasy and sci-fi anime!".

"Yes, yes, there should have been a whole bunch of girls with big breasts and big butts and dozens of people accompanying the male lead to the end of the road, destroying the Demon King and bringing peace to the world...", Truong followed.

"Hey, you guys act like destroying a few Great Fathers and Great Mothers is no different from the Demon King and that's it...", T.Hai also followed suit.

"You act like six 12-year-olds can end a world war as easily as the main characters in those Isekai-themed anime…", H.Anh also followed suit.

"Wars are often caused by conflicts... isn't the type of war motif that appears for the main characters to defeat, earn glory and have millions of girls follow them... More importantly, if the heroes These are the leaders, they must be very talented to have the technology to create Fantasy creatures in movies and novels, then brainwash these artificial Fantasy races to launch a world war on a scale. global model!", V.Minh also followed suit with a bit more seriousness.

Serinos gritted his teeth and pressed his voice, "Okay! Alright ! Not saving the world at all! At least become a strong person and help end this war."

"Are you really convincing a bunch of 12 year olds like us to save the world!?", Truong continued this sarcastic conversation.

"I want to go to school!", H.Anh said.

"Me too, 12 years old is the age to go to school and have fun, not to save the world.", V.Min continued.

"Serinos, I think you can increase your power on your own. In Anime, there are many types of female characters like this...", I continued, and felt interested in this conversation.

"Obviously there are people the same age or even younger who can do it. Why can't you guys?", Serinos said, her face turning a little red.

"So you go with them, leave us alone!", H. Anh said in a joking tone.

"Yes, you go with them, go through countless hardships, defeat enemies, develop feelings, then get married, then have children, then live happily ever after…", I continued.

"Now you leave to save the world with that same noble goal. We just stay here to protect our homeland and live a normal but peaceful life...", Truong said.

"Ah, remember to break the Demon Contract between us first. You deserve a better man.", I said with a sarcastic voice...

"That statement doesn't fit the context at all…", Serinos commented, sighed, then placed his hand on my forehead, the teardrop magic seal disappeared. She angrily walked past us and walked away. We watched her go away then looked back at each other.

"So what do we do now?", Truong asked.

"Study!", V.Minh replied.

"Study? What can I learn?", T.Hai wondered.

"What subjects do people feel are really necessary? For example, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Literature, History, Geography, Music, Art, foreign languages,... we don't know when school will reopen, so Self-study is the best way. Besides, it's also to gain more knowledge to... not do stupid things," V. Minh said.

"Then I will choose…", Truong was talking when V. Minh interrupted.

"No no. Just study some subjects like Math, Literature, Physics, Chemistry, English, Biology.", V. Minh said.

"Why?", H. Anh asked.

"General knowledge, it is necessary for us, especially in the current self-survival situation," V. Minh explained.

Truong nodded.

"As for books, you can find them in bookstores. Now these stores are all abandoned, but they still contain many related sources. Right?", I continued.

V. Minh nodded.

"In addition, do we still need to exercise and ensure adequate nutrition?", Dat said.

"And scientific rest too…", Truong said.

"What about training and improving magic?", I asked.

"I bet we haven't finished the first 10 pages of each book...", Truong said sarcastically.

"Ah, well, then the spells in the books are still a rich source of information…", I replied.

"So are we going out again!?", T.Hai said with a tired voice.

"Yes!", V.Minh replied calmly, pulling T.Hai who was protesting (but ineffectively) out, H.Anh also followed.

"Let's start talking about nutrition, rest and physical training, shall we?", The studio turned to me and Dat.

"Unless we hunt an animal that is not a Zombie or the protein supply is restored, we will have to eat vegetables and fruits to get through the day.", Dat commented.

"That's for sure.", I replied, "However, the refrigerator and electrical system are still supplied, and in the refrigerator there are still up to 100 liters of cow's milk and a few boxes of yogurt.", I continued.

"Should we use a few liters of cow's milk and mix it with yogurt and ferment it to have more yogurt for the salad that we will definitely use every day?", Dat said.

Truong nodded with interest, "Yes!"

"What about exercise?", I asked.

"Try to get up early with V. Minh to see what he does...", Truong replied.

"Why is it always V. Minh? Is he not omnipotent?", I replied.

"I've never won against V. Minh in arm wrestling and carrying heavy objects, so he must have a method...", Truong replied, then he whispered, "At least I run faster..."

"Okay…", I replied, thinking: That's impressive.

"So it's over, right?", Dat asked.

"It's done...", Truong said, "I'll go practice magic and you guys can do whatever you want...", Truong calmly waved his hands and walked away...

"I'm also going to study herbs in my recovery magic book...", Dat walked into the room.

I watched the two of them leave, then looked around. I closed my eyes, then said: "Just practice, right?~"

I went outside the house, outside that field, there were still militiamen and soldiers, some were chatting, some were experimenting on the corpses of Trolls and Zombies (They must have expertise). in Chemistry), some are resting because of injuries. Suddenly, a male officer wearing a green camouflage suit with armor, between the ages of 50 and 70, walked up to me, standing about five meters away. He stood near the end of the concrete road leading to the field, behind which lay a lower dirt road. He noticed me, looked up to observe me more clearly, the soldier stood at attention, right arm parallel to the ground, wrist and hand stretched out, fingers lightly touching the brim of the hat or the end of the leg. eyebrows, palms facing down and maybe tilted forward, serious expression. That's the Vietnamese People's Army salute, everyone in the country knows it, and I was no exception. I was bewildered and frantically doing the same thing. He laughed, his face became happier, and said:

"Remember to lift your arms a little higher, remember to straighten them too," he commented.

"Yes. I will remember!", I shyly replied.

"It's okay, correct your mistakes, you're still young...", he replied.

"Yes!", I replied not knowing how to respond.

"You…", he looked at me from top to bottom, "Are you Nguyen Phu Ky?".

"Yes, that's right.", I replied, thinking: How does he know my name? I don't remember telling any soldiers their names!.

"Thank you and your friends for protecting this town with the people, you have done a great job," he said.

"That's my job, I carried all those weights!", Truong, who was hiding behind the wall of the vegetable garden, whispered to himself.

"Yes, it's nothing, we just helped a little, but the work of the militia and self-defense forces is the main thing.", I replied.

"There's no need to be modest, I know everything.", he said, "Ah, I'm here to inform you about the Party's emergency meeting."

"Are you telling the truth? But why did you inform me? Weren't you secretly arrested?", I asked.

"No," the officer shook his head, "The Party's final decision will decide whether you and the people stay in this place and evacuate to the capital…", he continued.

"But…but, wouldn't it be better to move back to the capital?", I said, "Why do we have to discuss this issue?"

"This problem, let me explain. In the first 7 days, the enemy (Referring to the Fantasy races) occupied the entire Northwest region of our country, along with a part of the Central Highlands. Therefore, the Party's initial plan was to slowly retake the captured areas, while strengthening the rear defense line. However, by yesterday, that contact had upset that plan, this town had successfully defended despite great losses, this incident gave hope to the Party, so, since last night , they held a meeting to discuss establishing a strategic base here to quickly retake occupied areas. And, I also hope that those who have sacrificed will rest in peace in the afterlife...", he suddenly burst into tears, his eyes were red, his hand spread out his family photo, then wiped away the tears.

"I hope so too," I realized and comforted him.

"And the people who are currently here will be able to continue to stay until the latest decision is made," he continued, trying to stay calm and professional.

"Yes, I understand, thank you for reminding me.", I waved my hand and walked in the opposite direction.

The officer whose name I had not yet asked waved at me and returned to his camp. Another young male officer greeted him in the way just mentioned. The young man asked:

"Captain, who were you talking to?", the young officer asked.

"One of the wizard boys?"

"Magician ? So the rumors about magic and those six magician boys are not just a made-up story?"

"Correct. But you probably don't know, you probably don't even believe it. I've been in contact with countless magicians, so it's not too strange. According to unofficial statistics, Vietnam has up to half a million people with this ability."

"Half a million people!? That's 0.5% of the population. England in Harry Potter probably doesn't have up to 0.01% of the population being wizards," the young officer exclaimed in surprise.

"Our Party has the Department of Heretical Education for training, it's just that outsiders don't know. Our country also has an organization similar to the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, the Vietnam People's Federation of Paranormal Magic."

"Captain, are you allowed to reveal this information?"

"Well, well, the curtain of the abnormal world has fallen, so it doesn't matter if the information is revealed anymore. Furthermore, the gathering of magic users throughout the country at the Party's call is being encouraged, and the army is also taking over this responsibility," the old officer calmly explained.

"And, when the defense line of the Northwest region of our country has collapsed, and there are still some Northeast provinces on the border with China, this becomes even more important. This is the only place in the Occult Enclave of Tay Thai and Cao Bac Lang that has not yet fallen into enemy hands. We absolutely will not let this happen.", the old officer continued to emphasize

"Okay!", the young officer nodded.


In the abandoned bookstore in the middle of the street, the school supplies, books, stories, and notebooks are still tidy, the only difference from usual is that the electricity has been turned off and the door leading in has been damaged, although Anyway, this place has just been abandoned in the last few days. T.Hai, H.Anh and V.Minh are actively collecting textbooks from middle school to high school and putting them in green plastic bags. Is this legal? No one knows, and no one cares, and no one even looks at it. For a town that is at risk of being abandoned like hundreds of other communes in the Northwest, trying to get something It doesn't matter whether you break the law or not. Even the fact that the three of them still calmly took school supplies and books to study in the middle of a world war was not very normal, and they probably had not encountered a real disaster, an invasion. The new strategy is even more terrible than the last war...

"Erasers, pencils, math books,…", T.Hai mumbled and counted the items in the bookstore while putting them in large blue plastic bags.

"Remember to take only the necessary things, from 6th grade to the end of high school.", V.Minh said.

"Of course. But just take what you think is reasonable and necessary, right?", T.Hai said.

"Yes.", V.Minh replied.

"But you took almost the entire program, what else?", T.Hai asked.

"Yes, except Music and Fine Arts," V. Minh replied.

"Guys, don't you think it's strange? At the end of the world, people collect food, medicine, clothes, weapons, and we collect textbooks!?", H.Anh exclaimed.

"Watching a few movies, the characters have enough health and knowledge. And we're not, just a bunch of normal 11 or 12 year old kids, so we should try to hone our skills. The world war will not end soon, especially on a global scale like this," V. Minh replied.

"We have Dat as Healer, so why worry...", T.Hai said.

"Also pT.Hai…", H.Anh replied, "The plan is quite clear, isn't it? But the World War only started 10 days ago...", H. Anh replied.

"But…where do you think Serinos went?", H. Anh asked.

V.Minh remained silent, did not respond but continued to do his work. So does T.Hai.

"Aren't you worried about anything?", H. Anh worriedly continued to ask.

V.Minh remained silent. T.Hai responded with a dismissive tone.

"Unworthy !"

"Is that so…", H. Anh sighed, and remained silent, he reflected on what had happened in the past 10 days, it was like slaps on his worldview, everything changed quickly. , too suddenly, too quickly. Something that was hidden from everyone and suddenly appeared on an ordinary day like any other ordinary day. The whole humanity must be shocked by it. Everyone is the same. And somewhere, in this world, there are still people who are still optimistic to continue living like the six of them. You hope so.

"Do you wonder why the leaders of the Fantasy races with immense power as described by Serinos, do not directly destroy humanity? And if that's not possible, why don't they create races with absolute power to overwhelm and destroy humans in a day or two?", T.Hai said.

"I don't know how strong they are, how evil their intentions are, maybe the reason is...the SCP Organization?", V.Minh said.

"Maybe…", H. Anh said.

"Just one organization?", T.Hai said.

"You can understand…", V.Minh said indifferently.

"There could be more…but, we are not insiders…", H. Anh said.

"And we don't really know what conflicts led to this world war…", V. Minh continued.

"What about creating Fantasy races?", T.Hai said.

"It's most likely part of their long-term plan, we still don't know. The first goal is still to survive and win against them...", V. Minh said.

"Hope we win…and overcome the losses…", H. Anh said, his voice low.

"Yes, I'm done, I'll go home first…", V.Minh used Inventory and put the books in his storage space, then went home.

"Hey, V. Minh? Why change the subject so quickly? Why so fast?", T.Hai looked on in bewilderment, V.Min suddenly looked behind him, turned around and ran like he was lost.

T.Hai put away the books the way V.Minh did, then glanced outside, he just exclaimed, "What a waste...", and then ran away after V.Minh.

H. He looked outside, it was Adaon, but now twenty times larger than usual. H. He looked scared, quickly cast the Camouflage spell to become invisible and then slowly ran away.

"I smell you somewhere, boy!", Adaon shouted, her voice echoing throughout the town, this echo reached the ears of people deep on the other side of the river.

"What the hell is that?" Truong, the old officer, Dat looked out the window, and I (Ky) immediately recognized that sky-high entity and could only exclaim in shock.

Adaon slowly walked towards the river, his steps breaking and sinking the asphalt, each step creating a small earthquake around him.

H.Anh quickly caught up with V.Minh and T.Hai, the three of them tried to run towards the bridge. Adaon was catching up with them at a very fast speed, her single step was 20 times longer than a normal person's. After only a dozen steps, he caught up with the three of them.

"V.Minh use Dark Repel!", H.Anh urged.

"Are you crazy? This spell is related to mass, the heavier it is, the more mana it takes. With a size of up to 40 meters, I pushed her 10 cm away and then I was lying paralyzed on the street, no joke.", V. Minh said with excitement. confused.

Adaon reached out his hand once, V.Minh counterattacked with the Fireball move, releasing a fireball with a radius of 2 meters to stop her.

"It took up 20% of my mana.", V.Min complained.

The three continued running, Adaon reaching out with his other hand to the three of them a second time.

H. He stopped, cast Terra Piece to release a ball of earth with a radius of 3 meters, Adaon angrily grabbed it and crushed the ball with a diameter of 6 meters into her two hands.

Her cat tail was now much larger and longer than when she 'fought into battle' and tried to reach the three of them for the third time, T. Hai cast the Poison Shoot spell and released several poisonous balls to block them.

Adaon was angry, gritted his teeth, and stomped his feet hard on the ground. The giant crack reached three people and threw them high into the air.

"T.Hai, use your Ulti to sweep us towards the base.", V.Minh urged.

T.Hai smiled, nodded, cast the Hurricane spell, a tornado was created in mid-air, blowing the three of them towards us.

Me, Truong and Dat and the militiamen were moving towards Adaon when we noticed V.Minh, T.Hai and H.Anh flying towards us. Militiamen and soldiers quickly set up rescue trampolines and mattresses to support them.

"No need…", Truong said.

"Why not, three of your friends are falling...", the female military doctor replied with confusion and anger.

V.Minh grabbed the remaining two people's shirts, when they were about to land, he cast the Shadow Point spell to directly land safely without injury, then he retrieved the ball. The nurse opened her eyes wide in surprise, the old male officer chuckled, and the young officer sighed.

"Well, we've gathered enough, let's take down the half-cat girl...", the old male officer said to everyone, shocking their recently depressed spirit.

We continued marching.

"I told you...", Truong squinted at the young female military doctor.

"Come on...", the female military doctor shyly replied.