
Ky and Friends

People are always afraid of what they do not know, wary of what they do not understand. There are those who dare to step out and learn about them, but there is no consensus. The issue of human rights for humanoid anomalies has always been a burning, smoldering issue, not to mention the fact that all government agencies and organizations try to cover up the existence of anomalies. And then, it burst open, like a series of continuous chemical reactions, and World War 3 broke out.

Daoist4dvt3y · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 1: New order. Part 4: Planning

We returned to V. Minh's house at sunset and sent T. Hai and H. Anh to collect 2-liter bottles of cooking oil and kerosene. T.Hai picked up H.Anh on his electric bike and sped away. V.Minh and Dat still remained interested in the herbal plant and sat looking at it in the living room. Serinos returned to the pond where she lived. He considered it his new home and played with the fish, leaving me and Truong alone to scout the Zombie division. We passed the hills like shields protecting the vast fields and behind was the town where we lived. Truong and I passed through rows and rows of banana trees, acacia trees, bushes, etc. and reached the final stronghold of the Goblin Shaman (From here on called Shamanic Necromancer Goblin or SNG-01) and his army. . Standing on a higher mountain overlooking that army, Truong stared at them and exclaimed in surprise: "There are up to 15 thousand of them!?". I also suddenly followed and turned back to Truong: "15 thousand names? I thought we confirmed there were only 11.7 thousand Zombies!?".

Truong replied, his surprise even more evident, "They also have Trolls and Goblins, I even saw 7 other individuals dressed and with different characteristics from the rest, but I couldn't identify them." floating."

"Who are they?", I asked.

"I told you, I... don't know, my Scout move doesn't seem to be able to work at full force right now, it's like something is preventing it...", Truong replied, shaking his head in frustration.

"That…that means there is magic, and those seven individuals could be the cause!?", I suddenly thought and said it right away.

"Of course…", Truong silently looked at the enemy and patted my shoulder, "Let's go home, we need to discuss tactics…"

"Hey, don't we attack the enemy now? Isn't now the best chance?", I grabbed Truong's hand when he was about to run back.

"Oh, that seems like a good idea, but as I said before, my Scout move still had some effect, which was to determine the mana of the other seven individuals, and the results showed that each of them All of them are greater than the mana of all seven of us combined, but the guy in the middle has mana twice as large as our total mana. It's best to discuss with V.Minh, he seems quite useless in fighting, but in cases like this, he always has extraordinary plans!", Truong replied with confidence.

"How do you know?"

"My friends are from elementary school so I understand…now let's go home."

Truong patted my shoulder again before walking back to the base.


-At the base-

"Star !? You called the people's army to support, I thought you had some sudden plan!?" – Truong pointed at V.Minh's face, a frown clearly visible on his face.

"Okay, okay, I know you're looking forward to a good plan...but we all need to be realistic with each other!", V.Minh replied and pushed Truong's hand aside, while trying to using the radio he found in the army barracks in the destroyed town.

"What are you worried about? Just spam the moves!", H. Anh replied.

"No, no, no, H.Anh, Truong, be quiet, there are 5 reasons we should call them. The most practical reason is that the army has adequate training, training and equipment to deal with zombies...", V. Minh said.

"But there are a few people in that group who know how to use magic? Isn't that something new and very powerful?", Dat argued.

"Do we have any experience fighting a magician?", V.Minh objected. Dat pouted, bowed his head and went down to the pond garden to play with Serinos.

"You guys act like we're as strong as the main characters in Isekai anime!? Furthermore, the enemies we fight are not as incompetent as in the Anime, Ky, look at the Acid Zombies, they know how to throw acid to identify us when they don't see us! They are just Zombies! Our magic level is only at a basic level-", V.Minh continued to speak but was stopped by Truong, "But in recent battles we have defeated dozens, hundreds of enemies!" .

"Yes, it's just because they don't know how to use magic and their weakness is exactly our strength.", V.Minh said while walking back and forth, trying to fix the radio.

"Like my Light Beam with Zombie?", I replied, trying to show that I was participating in the conversation.

"I understand…", Truong rubbed his chin and nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, a voice rang out from the other end of the radio line.

"Hello, squad 1945, Information and Communications Corps of Military Region 1, please listen...", a deep male voice rang out...

H. Anh immediately grabbed the walkie-talkie from V. Minh and happily said: "Uncle, we are from SD town, SD district, China province, please send someone to save us!" Please hurry up, we meet a very strong enemy...".


Truong angrily slammed his fist down on H. Anh's head, causing him to hold his head and grumble, starting to fight with Truong like children arguing, dropping the walkie-talkie. The sound from the walkie-talkie rang out again.

"Are you guys from China? How is the situation there? I heard that most of the northwestern provinces of Vietnam have fallen.", the voice seemed to urge us, anxiety clearly visible in it.

"What…what? Did a significant portion of our country fall just over a week after the disaster occurred? Is this group really that strong?", Truong exclaimed, rubbing his chin, then turned to me and V. Minh, "But our previous enemies were not so outstanding in terms of strength, they were even quite good." weaker..."

"Maybe their army, no, their elite army that people don't understand too much about is the real enemy, what we faced before was most likely just a probe army. , part of their elite troops have already swept through that place, we just haven't been hit yet, but I suspect the 7 individuals you mentioned might be the elite troops of the Anti-Humans..."

"That means…the upcoming battle is the first battle where we actually face real enemies?", I said.

"That's right.", V.Minh replied.

"So why doesn't the SCP Foundation send support to other countries?", Truong asked.

"SCP Foundation?", V. Minh glanced at Truong.

"Didn't you see their warning on New Year's Day?" Truong said.

"At that time my TV was destroyed, as I remember it was by a Dark Elf...", V.Minh replied and shrugged.

"What about you, Ky?", Truong sighed.

"I saw it? Apparently, they are a global-scale organization that secretly works to prevent anomalies…"

"It's not 'apparently', it's 'as they say'.", Truong replied, "With a global-scale organization that has yet to see support for Vietnam, I speculate that the scale of the Anti-Human gang The type is much larger than them, so the Foundation cannot mobilize enough to deal with it."

"I think so too… But they control abnormal things, and so does magic… will we ever be placed under their control?", I asked with confusion.

"According to the Organization's self-introduction, they have been doing this for over 200 hundred, magic is probably already mastered by them…"

"That's right.", I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hello, hello, is anyone there anymore?", the sound of the walkie-talkie rang out as if bringing the three of us back to reality.

"I will quickly report the current situation", Truong picked up the radio, "The story is...-", I grabbed the radio from him and interjected: "We and more than 1200 other survivors are currently entrenched in SD town, SD district, Tuyen Quang province. Currently, we are surrounded by a large number of Zombies, amounting to a division. Please come and evacuate us."

"I understand, thank you for providing the information. I will report to superiors and send a rescue team as soon as possible. Keep your position and avoid confronting enemies. Wishing you all peace and safety."

T.Hai suddenly appeared from behind me and said to the walkie-talkie, "Uncle, how soon and how soon can you get here?"

"According to your experience and the actual situation, we will be here in about 3-9 hours. We will have to prepare a relatively large air force and airlift force, as well as equipment, food, medical equipment, aircraft of all types and personnel to evacuate more than 1,000 people to safety in the capital. , in case you were wondering."

"So why don't you use the army?", H. Anh pushed Truong away and said.

"Currently, the Anti-Human forces have been occupying three provinces between Tuyen Quang and the capital Hanoi, Thai Nguyen, Vinh Phuc and a large part of Phu Tho, which is currently a fierce battlefield...--- "

There was a long crackling sound before the radio cut off. The five of us waited impatiently for the signal to connect again, only to be disappointed. We could have communicated through the Internet if it hadn't been interrupted so often. Truong stood up and slammed his hand on the desk to attract attention. When everyone had turned their eyes to Truong, he said:

"Everyone has heard it clearly, we will have to wait another 3 to 9 hours for help to arrive, and it is currently 3:00 pm, which means they will arrive between 6:00 pm and midnight. , not taking into account environmental factors such as clouds and wind. Meanwhile, the enemy may attack immediately, so we will have to fend for ourselves while waiting. Right, V.Minh?", Truong looked at V.Minh with mockery, as if trying to satirize V.Minh.

"Uh, yeah… we should have a specific defense plan. But T.Hai and H.Anh have already returned, how many liters of cooking oil and how many liters of gasoline have you two brought?", V.Minh glared at Truong and then turned to T.Hai and H.Anh.

"2500 bottles of cooking oil with a capacity of 2 liters and 200 barrels of gasoline with a capacity of 158.9 liters...", T.Hai quickly replied.

Truong exclaimed, "How can you two transport so much gasoline in just 30 minutes so quickly? Using magic?"

"No, we told the people and they agreed to help us...", H. Anh happily replied.

"Are you mobilizing civilians too?", Truong frowned.

"That is the tradition of our Vietnamese people. If an invader comes to rob the country or violate the territory, regardless of age, young, male, female, regardless of class, religion or rich or poor, everyone will stand up to defend the Fatherland...", V .Minh patted Truong's back and replied.

Truong turned to V.Minh, smiled, and said, "That's right!~"

"So now we will mobilize them to spread them across the fields and foothills, luring the enemy into the battlefield and V. Minh will ignite the fire with your Fireball and Fireswirl, right?", I said jokingly. happy and confident.

"No!", V.Minh objected.

"Why not?", I tilted my head slightly, wondering.

"Why not?", Truong tilted his head slightly, wondering.

"Why not?", Hoang Anh tilted his head slightly, wondering.

"Why not?", Tuan T. Hai tilted his head slightly, wondering.

"Why not?", Dat, who also suddenly joined the discussion after getting bored playing with Serinos, tilted his head slightly, wondering.

"First, gasoline left out in the air will evaporate, that is the physical property of gasoline. In addition, when evaporating, they will leave behind an odor and create a risk of fire and explosion. People may be injured due to errors in the process of spraying gasoline. Enemies that we do not know when they will attack may be able to attack. ambush possible. Second, spreading gasoline over an area of ​​more than 1 million square meters or 1 square kilometer is cumbersome and expensive. Third, managing the order of just a few dozen, a few hundred or thousands of people is too challenging for us, simply because we do not have experience. Is it convincing enough?", V.Minh slowly explained.

Truong clapped his hands blankly, "That's right, V.Minh, whatever you say is correct" with a smile, V.Minh ignored him, remained silent and blushed slightly.

"So what are we going to do with the first gasoline, keep it for storage?", Dat spoke up.

"Probably providing relief supplies…", H. Anh replied.

"They have logistics!", I argued with a higher voice.

"H. Brother, the type of gasoline for vehicles that you and I collected cannot be used for military vehicles, they have to use other types to operate more efficiently, and those things also consume more fuel than vehicles. Normally there is a lot of gasoline, so that amount of gasoline is not enough", T.Hai continued, "But I can use that amount of gasoline and cooking oil and lift them up high and towards the enemy, then V.Minh will Use Fireball to make them burn and explode. How do you feel ?"

"That's exactly what I was going to say!", Truong snapped his fingers and nodded.

"Very good, but I'm not very confident about my long-range targeting ability," V.Minh said in a flat tone that didn't show any emotion.

"I didn't expect that, and we should pay attention to the enemy's special individuals, right?"

"They will most likely target us, because they are listening to SNG-01, so don't spam moves indiscriminately, I will open a fight with Fireball targeting one of them to see if they have Magical Barrier or not. Are not ? If not, you guys should spam your moves," V.Minh continued to offer countermeasures.

"Ah, my Scout was also stopped by them, surely they can identify me and Ky with magic. We should limit the abuse of magic traps!", Truong said, rubbing his chin.

"But who do we do who knows how to set up magic traps?", Dat laughed, H.Anh and T.Hai also laughed, making Truong quite uncomfortable.

"Why don't we try making a magic antacid medicine?", V.Minh said.

"It...it's not in the two books I received?", Truong replied.

"Me too," H.Anh and T.Hai replied.

"Me too," I replied before anyone looked at me.

"I…I have…", Dat replied hesitantly.

"So do you know the recipe?", Truong asked.

"Of course... not...", Dat laughed and stammered in response, his eyes avoiding Truong.

"But you are a healer?", Truong said in a higher voice.

"I'm a healer, not a potion maker!? Besides, my moves are stable enough to recover from acid wounds...", Dat deflected.

"But the book you kept is there...why don't you try to take advantage of it?", Truong continued to ask.

"Truong, Dat is a healer, not a Witch or Wizard. How can you force him to prepare medicine?", V.Minh patted Truong's shoulder.

"Shut up, so the healer doesn't know how to buff or debuff? I thought a healer would be able to do that!?", Truong shook V.Minh's hand away.

"That is the Bard's role!", H. Anh protested.

"Everyone, please be quiet...", Truong's voice lowered, he put his hands on the table and thought about how to deal with an entire enemy division.

"Why don't you try digging a wide and deep hole with mud to slow down the enemy?", I poked my index finger into Truong's chest.

"But that only slows them down!", Truong said with boredom.

"Come on, Truong, we just slow them down before the people's army intervenes...", T.Hai said.

"I know, we will have to continue to mobilize people to do this together!", Truong sighed and said.

"The traps will be holes camouflaged by grass and dry leaves on the mountainside and in the field, a long hole will be dug with a length surrounding the field…", I continued explaining my plan.

"Let's do it!", Truong smiled happily.

"We should also pay attention to the enemy's ambushes...", Dat said with worry...

So, we and the people joined forces to create pit traps. Because this town has a lot of farmers, we took advantage of the abundant agricultural tools to dig holes as planned. In just two hours, everything was finished, and there was no attack from the enemy. However, Dat always reminded us that "We and the enemy are only a few hills apart!" but we also... don't pay much attention. Having finished their work, most of the people returned to the other side of the river, using the metal and earth bridge that Truong and H. Anh had secretly rebuilt after intentionally destroying the old bridge to prevent the Ents (And two of them had enough information to not block the river's flow anymore) while the rest stayed behind to defend with us.

At 4:30 p.m., I, Truong, H. Anh and T. Hai and the volunteers were around V. Minh's house, resting and waiting for the enemy to arrive. Suddenly V. Minh walked out from inside the house, put his hands on his hips and said to the four of us:

- Aren't you going to take a bath? – V.Minh frowned and asked – There is no shortage of water, there is still enough water.

- The scent is so easy to detect by Zombies! – Q. You deflect – Besides, we might have to roll around on the battlefield?

- Yes, but you are magicians and the people will do it for you. You just have to chant the spell, and, while chanting the spell, you can't just scratch the itch because you haven't bathed yet - V.Minh objected.

- But I don't want to! – T.Hai objected, stubbornly.

V.Minh didn't say a word but just used Wash on all four of us and went into the house.

The four of us looked at each other silently for a long time until Truong spoke up:

- Ky, how many people volunteered to fight with us? – The school turned towards me.

- About 300 people, 65% are men, the rest are women. What 's up ?

- Are they all fully equipped? – Truong continued asking.

- They all wear light green militia and self-defense uniforms... oh and they also have helmets, - H. Anh replied, his blank face showed that he was not too interested in the conversation.

- I didn't ask that. What I care about is equipment like guns, knives or anything related! – Truong flicked H.Anh's ear and glared at him.

- They were armed with AK-47 rifles and PM pistols, pT.Hai... - I glanced at the tents of the volunteers, where they were gathering around a corner and discussing everything I wanted to know. can't even imagine.

- So do we have anything that can resist acid corrosion? – Truong continued to ask, he must be very worried.

- No, but during that enemy reconnaissance, V.Minh and I destroyed about 40% of that force... - I reassured.

- Then it's better... - Truong replied - Do you remember what V.Minh once said, we can only use the move if V.Minh's Fireball is not blocked...

- Regarding the opposition's ability to detect enemies, I boldly guess that it is based on mana, meaning that only people with mana like us will be detected, but volunteers will not... - Truong replied.

- I know, that's why I had this plan... - I said with confidence.

- In this convention, I have some symbols as follows: On the enemy side, the red circle is 7 special individuals, the star is the goblin, the 3 green rectangles are the zombies. Our side has two blue rectangles, the 4-pointed star is us. – I explained.

- Do you think they will target us? – H. He asked.

- Otherwise, do you think they would have to waste time mobilizing seven individuals with such a large amount of mana just to wipe out 1,200 civilians who don't know how to use magic? – Truong asked.

- Really ? – H. He pretended to be ignorant, looking towards a column of smoke rising in the distance – Look there is a column of smoke!

- It's probably just some farmer burning straw - Truong waved it off - Let's focus on the main issue!

- Eliminating human magicians will be more convenient for their goals, because, even a novice magician with no formal training can still defeat a high-level magician if they are lucky and quick thinking... - Truong put his hands on his thighs and continued explaining.

- So how can a magician defeat a magician with more experience and more spells? – T.Hai replied.

- So we can practice a few more skills to prepare for this battle! – V.Minh patted T.Hai's shoulder, causing him to jump forward and fall into H.Anh. At the same time, he shouted, making us and the volunteers startled as well. Truong made the sign "We're fine." !" Then they stopped looking at us with puzzled eyes.

- Why did you suddenly show up like that? – T.Hai asked.

- Just use Invisible... - V.Minh shrugged and replied.

- But it even surpassed my Scout's detection ability!? – Truong exclaimed.

- I just spent a few hours raising the limits of my moves and changing their statuses. I also recorded the changes so everyone can see and coordinate better - V. Minh said and gave us a piece of paper.

- So you just spent a few hours practicing and increasing your strength, as well as fine-tuning your skills? Why don't you invite us to do it together? – Truong asked.

- You didn't ask? – V. Minh replied.

- You're too dumb! – Truong replied, stood up and looked straight into V. Minh's eyes – If you upgrade all your skills, it will take all day...

- Whatever system your skills belong to, you come into contact with things of that system. For example, my skills are related to Fire and Dark types. I will light a fire and practice near it, or go through the fire if I'm so inspired... - V.Minh replied.

- That's strange, luckily you haven't been burned black... (As long as I can change the perspective - V.Min interrupted)...but you're a fire magician so you probably won't get burned, right? – T.Hai said.

- So you misunderstood, a mage who is proficient in one system can still be affected by things related to that system, it's just that the influence is less. – V. Minh explained.

- Isn't that said in the introductions to the books I gave you? – I continued.

- You guys pay so much attention to trivial things! – H. Anh said.

- So that column of smoke is from the fire you used to practice? – T.Hai asked.

- YES ! – V. Minh replied.

- Hey, H. Anh, don't tell me you also missed the "three laws of magic" part? – Truong approached H. Anh and asked.

- Oh, that... (Silence for a long time)...how could I remember that? – H. He laughed and replied.

- I know. So listen up and listen. The first law is "One part affects the whole" and the second law is "Like form, like mechanism", and remember this important new third law, which says 'Observation changes change reality'. – Truong moved closer to H. Anh's face while ignoring the fact that the two of them were only less than 10 cm away from each other's faces.

- I remember, I remember. Now put your face away. I bet you and K.Linh have never been this close to each other. – H. He nodded vigorously.

- Oh, okay. – Truong followed suit and looked back at V.Minh – Shall we practice now? You tutor me, H. Anh and T. Hai practice together, Ky practices alone.

- Why do I practice alone? – I raised my voice.

- Why? Oh, I forgot, you can join Serinos and Dat... - Truong shrugged.

- Okay - I stood up and went to the pond behind V. Minh's house.

Then everyone spread out to practice.


T.Hai and H.Anh went to the large yard of the neighbor's house opposite V.Minh's house. It is said that this place has been abandoned for a long time, the concrete floor has been covered with green moss, around the concrete fence about two meters high are old banyan trees bending inside this large yard, blocking The rays of light reached the moss. The two boys walked up the long stairs connecting to the ancient house with overgrown grass and moss covering the walls, then approached the door that was severely moldy and now looked like it had been painted green. Inside the degraded house, spider webs covered the corners of the house. Some mice panicked and stayed away when they saw the two people. T. Hai used the momentum to kick the door hard, it fell down, leaving a path inside, two people walked in. Here, there was only a little light from two windows with thin cylindrical iron bars that were broken and rusty. , two doors on each side were opened. H.He walked to the middle of the living room, the first room he entered, H.He sat down, drew a magic circle and began to mutter spells. The moss and plants seem to grow stronger than ever. A brown squirrel saw it and jumped on H.Anh's head. It seemed interested in the aura that H.Anh radiated.

T.Hai silently looked at H.Anh before going deep inside the house and reaching the backyard, wide-eyed when he realized this was a forest. As he stepped onto the green grass, T.Hai looked back at this old, dilapidated villa, thinking that this could be the end of the Navad team's new base if they cannot defeat the Zombies. Then a gentle breeze blew through T.Hai's hair. Wind! That's right! The wind system has become a force, a part of his soul and a part of himself since the day that chaotic disaster happened and took away his beloved family. If Ky hadn't saved him in time, he wasn't sure if he would still be here. Then Ky also intended to teach him some magic about the Light and Ice systems, but he couldn't absorb it. Until V. Minh happened to pass by and mentioned the confusing third law, then this light wind blew through his hair. V.Minh urged him to feel the gentle wind and it was the wind that led him into magic. Ky, Truong, H.Anh, Dat, V.Minh, from classmates to comrades, in the past few days, many events have occurred, much pain and loss have come, but all All members are still standing side by side, at least for now. T. Hai closed his eyes and enjoyed every scent of the berries, mushrooms and leaves that the gentle wind brought, unconsciously moving forward. Then he opened his eyes…


Meanwhile, V.Minh and Truong returned to the place where V.Minh had burned a pile of straw to practice his "slightly strange" magic training method. A wind blew, the hair of the two people, the militiamen, the blades of grass, and the rice blades rippled. Truong breathed the clean air of the fields, a feeling of nostalgia rushed into his mind, childhood memories appeared real before his eyes, the entire scene before his eyes seemed to be covered by a pink light. magical pink, Truong continued to enjoy them until V. Minh pulled him back to reality:

"Should we start?", V.Minh said, his face not showing any emotion.

"Ah, yeah, okay! Where should we start?"

"Let's start with Metal Shield!" – V. Minh replied.

"Okay…" – Truong concentrated his mana in front of him, the glowing blue particles gathered and formed a round metal shield with a diameter of 4 meters floating in front of him, "And then what?".

"Concentrate more Mana to increase the radius and thickness of the shield…", V.Minh replied, with an unchanged tone.

Truong nodded, he concentrated again, the blue glowing mana particles gathered once more, the shield had increased in radius to 10 meters and the thickness had tripled, however, now the shield became too heavy and fell to the ground, the two dodged the shield before it hit them.

"Hmm, do you really have a time limit in keeping the shield balanced?", V.Minh tilted his head.

"That's right, maybe I should only use them in case of necessity…", Truong sighed.

"It's okay, we're just trainees...now continue with Meelee Weapon, increase the variety of weapons such as chains, sickles, axes,...and the effective time to the target of 1 hour ...", V. Minh said.

"Can we skip this part? I see I've never used this move and we really don't have much time to practice.", Truong shook his head.

"Okay, continue to Knife Throw. Now try maintaining this skill for 5 minutes.", V.Minh said and pointed forward.

Truong put his hand forward, he chanted the spell in his mind and did it exactly as V. Minh instructed, and luckily successfully fulfilled the request.

"Oh, do you need to move to cast spells?", V.Minh wondered and scratched his chin.

"That's right, even if I and the other members just need to chant the spell without saying anything, we still need to move. Why do you ask such a strange question?" Truong lowered his hand.

"I...don't even need to move.", V.Minh replied, his voice still calm and deep.

"Really…really?", Truong looked surprised, "No wonder you can move around while chanting magic…well, it's not a big deal, now I'll expand the metal and Alchemy's alloy is okay, right?", Truong clapped his hands.

"Try it with my long sword," V.Minh used Inventory to bring his long sword out of nowhere and give it to Truong.

"Thank you!", Truong noticed the sword, now it was above his head and chanted the spell, he concentrated as hard as he could, the sword changed color dozens of times continuously, which meant that the material of the sword also changed color. change continuously.

"That's great!", V.Minh widened his eyes slightly and rubbed the blade, "Why don't we try legendary metals like Mythril or Adamantinum? Try to imagine it...", V.Minh continued to rub the blade and said.

"OK!", Truong touched the sword again, concentrating mana into the sword, the sword's color turned dark blue in front of V.Minh's surprise, "Is this Mythril? Is this color according to your imagination?", V.Minh exclaimed.

"Now I'll try it with Adamantinum!", Truong said with excitement, concentrating his mana again and the sword gradually turned jet black with narrow red veins glowing slightly around the sword. .

"Is this Adamantinum?", V.Minh picked up the sword and looked at it, then he approached a quite large acacia tree, slashed decisively across the tree trunk, the blade was sharp enough to break the tree trunk. broke off and fell down, V.Minh looked closely at the cut, Truong ran over and happily said, "This cut is so smooth!".

"Hmm, this thing is really powerful. As for your Electric skills-", V.Minh said, Truong interrupted, "I will go out to the field to practice alone. Anyway, these skills are very contagious, it's also dangerous for you to stay, it's best." You should go check on the others...".

"But…", V.Minh hesitated a bit.

"I will report back on the progress. You should go check on Ky first, he plays a key role in this battle...", Truong comforted.

V.Minh nodded and left.

V.Minh uses Invisible to secretly track people and avoid disturbing them. Following the trail of H.Anh's group, V.Min went to the abandoned house opposite his house. The reason he knew this was where the other two would hang out was because he and they were simply friends, and the intuition of someone who silently watched everything that happened in the classroom every day like him also helped him. better in this matter. V.Minh gently walked to the door and discovered H.Anh. The room where he was practicing was covered with moss and grass that was taller than his head. There were also a few squirrels on top of H.Anh's head. team, but H. Anh didn't pay much attention, he seemed to be very focused on practicing, completely different from the image of a flirtatious and romantic boy that V. Minh saw before. Gliding through the house to the forest behind, his footsteps not making even the slightest sound, a similar scene met V. Minh's eyes. That was T.Hai, standing in the air thanks to blending with the wind, a magic of his, under his feet was a purple mucus with an unpleasant smell that V.Minh could not stand, it must be poisonous. Another magic of T.Hai. V.Minh was satisfied, then left without any noise, returning to the pond to see the situation.


I (Ky) was sitting next to the pond, with my legs spread out on the dense grass but below my knees, attentively reading the skills in the book about white magic. Around, lemon trees, cassava trees, apple trees, lemongrass,... stand next to a concrete fence up to 3 meters high, in the middle is a large pond with clear water, revealing a vibrant ecosystem. vitality with foxtail plants, Japanese water hyacinth, water lily plants, water chrysanthemum plants, dogtail plants and adorned with schools of grass carp and Indian drift fish, at the bottom there are also snails and egg snails. Na and crabs make this water area more lively than ever. Dat, the only male healer in the team, crouched down, holding Druid Staff and trying to practice some technique next to me, Serinos was mingling with the pond, I couldn't see her right now. but I'm pretty sure she's in liquid form, becoming part of the pond.

Every second of this peace continued until the pond suddenly shot water in a direction near us. A white smoke appeared and V.Minh gradually appeared with a wet body. His Invisible effect is also cool! Serinos chuckled, appearing with his upper body above the water. "How the hell did you see that?", V.Minh said, trying to stay calm only to receive a mischievous giggle but with a hint of smugness hidden somewhere, "I'm in the territory." naturally, your power will reach its highest state. By the way, spying on others secretly is not good!", Serinos stuck out his tongue and continued to giggle. Dat, regardless of everything, still focused on mastering magic, I raised my head and wondered: "You What are you doing here? "See what you're doing?", V.Minh replied coldly, suddenly he held out his strange sword, making Serinos panic, "Wait! I don't mean to be funny! Here, take this as an apology gift!", Serinos held in his hand a creature made entirely of clear water, spherical in shape, the creature jumped onto the pond edge and crawled onto V. Minh's shoulder. V.Minh sighed, "No threat, just showing off to everyone about Truong's latest achievements.". I stood up and looked at the sword. Its mysterious black color and blood-colored lines made the sword even more mysterious. "Is this Adamantinum? I thought this metal only existed in fantasy movies? So how is the quality of the sword? "Absolutely wonderful!", V.Minh replied, "But how far have you guys done it?". I replied, "I'm reading the True Scene move, but I don't understand the mechanism very well, the use of this move is only 'Show you exactly what you're supposed to see'...". Serinos quickly replied, "That's the debuff of Illusion Magic's moves. You should learn this move, in case your opponent has someone who can create illusions...". I nodded, Serinos continued, "I think from now on we should collect objects with magical abilities...". V. Minh squatted down and asked: "Why?", Serinos smiled and replied, "Like I said, it's for prevention...". V.Min just nodded, threw the Water Elemental to me, looked at her for a moment and then left. We (except Dat) followed before I suddenly remembered a detail from the discussion before raising the skill. .

"Serinos, I need to announce something important!", I said.

"What is it?", Serinos tilted his head slightly.

"My friends and I have just come to the conclusion that the magicians hidden in the enemy ranks that Truong recently discovered seem to be targeting us, so I want Serinos to join us in this battle. ."

"What about us, Ky? Did the school mention me again?"

"Serinos, anyone who can use magic, and think about it, who else in this town can use magic!"

"Are you asking me?", Serinos smiled mischievously, "So is it okay if I…make my own selfish request?"

"Just say it, I will listen…", I was fascinated by the beauty of Serinos and another "small" part was due to hormones when I entered adolescence.

"Okay, make me your Familiar!", Serinos smiled brighter, she seemed to be aware of my weakness towards women, "Let's take a dip in the pond! ~".

Without waiting, Serinos dissolved into the pond again, creating a tentacle of water and pulling me down (the book was still on the ground), I was pulled into the middle of the deep and wide pond, and then pulled hard to the in the middle of the pond, submerged in water. Strangely, I was still breathing normally, a stream of energy (mana) flowed into my body, a water seal was engraved on my forehead and I was brought back to the edge of the pond. Serinos returned to her human form, walking on the edge of the pond, her hair grew a bit longer, she seemed (This is a fact, not a guess) taller (From 150 cm to 160 cm) and matured more, the body is also fuller than before.

"Thank you, Ky. Now our souls and minds are one…"

I didn't really understand, until Serinos suddenly blushed and exclaimed, "I didn't expect you to see these things!". I suddenly understood, ran away, smiled awkwardly and patted Dat's shoulder to get his attention, "We should go, our teammates are waiting..."