
Ky and Friends

People are always afraid of what they do not know, wary of what they do not understand. There are those who dare to step out and learn about them, but there is no consensus. The issue of human rights for humanoid anomalies has always been a burning, smoldering issue, not to mention the fact that all government agencies and organizations try to cover up the existence of anomalies. And then, it burst open, like a series of continuous chemical reactions, and World War 3 broke out.

Daoist4dvt3y · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 1: New order. Part 3: Omen

-After dinner-

V.Minh: "Everyone, we need to move the base to someone on the team's house, but I don't feel right here."

Truong: "What's wrong, we live fine here, no problems at all."

V.Minh: "Where do you plan to sleep at this cultural house, on the ground or on the stands or on the chairs? Wouldn't it be better to stay at home and sleep in bed?

Truong: "No need, no need...we already have a mattress!"

V.Minh: V.Minh pointed at the straw sheets with a frown, "Mattresses? Do you call that a mattress? Sleeping too much on that thing will give us scabies and itching!"

Truong: Laughed lightly, "Calm down, what are you doing? But if your son's skin is whiter and more fragile than your son's sensitivity to such rustic things, you can wear long clothes..."

V.Minh: "No, definitely not! Whatever you say, let's go home to one of us, there are many amenities and appliances there if you need them more."

Truong: "I thought this place would be easier to defend and move around, and more convenient to get things? Our house is relatively far from the town center!

V.Minh: "Yes, but, throughout the battles we went through, most of the town centers were the first to be attacked!"

Truong: "Yeah, that makes sense. But whose house is at home now? My house was just destroyed by the Ents, Ky's house is located in the center of town and was also destroyed in the recent battle, T.Hai's house was also affected similarly, Dat's house was too, H. Anh's house must have been destroyed too, when the Ents attacked for the first time, they didn't return home. As for your house, I don't know. Will it be affected?", scratching his chin.

V.Minh: "No, my house is not affected."

Truong: "That's good, I'll report back to Ky."

V.Minh: Nodded and smiled.

Truong: "Ky, you also heard our conversation, call the whole team to come and discuss." Truong rolled his eyes at me, his face a bit more serious than the gentle expression when talking to V. Bright.

Ky: I sat up, stretched my shoulders and put aside my phone and a game I was playing. I ran out and ran back to them after a while, "They agree to move to V. Minh's house. We will move to his house on-"

V.Minh: "Today."

Ky: "What...what?", I asked again in bewilderment.

Truong: "I think so too, let's go today, right now."

Ky: "Isn't that a bit...hasty?"

Truong: "No, it's completely early."

Ky: "Okay, okay," Run out, shouting, "Let's move quickly!"

-At V.Minh's house-

It is a large house with a green corrugated iron roof, fenced around the front yard so security is very guaranteed, the front yard is tiled, one side is for motorbikes, bicycles and cars, next to the front yard is a The vegetable garden is quite large and there are chickens roaming inside. When we arrived, the lights turned on automatically.

Ky: "Do you have this type of light installed in your house?" I asked in surprise.

V.Minh: "Yes, but only in front of the house and on the second floor where the clothes are dried. Now let's go inside."

V. Minh took the set of keys out of his pocket, pulled out one key, unlocked the gate, and entered. We also walked in. Going into the yard, we followed him inside the house. He pushed the heavy ironwood door inside. These doors have four wings, all of which are 3 meters high and all enough. Wide enough for all six of us to enter in a row at the same time, first is the living room, next to that is the separated garage. In general, his house is similar to ours, quite private, but his house is spacious. We are much more enclosed, but open enough for the wind to come in. After all, this house is facing the wind direction. In the living room there is a set of wooden tables and chairs, a TV with a table underneath including a drawer for keys, a TV remote and fan control and a printer next to it, a treadmill right next to the table and chairs, a few double LED lights. Placed evenly apart, fans and a canopy along with an altar set with high legs. Right next to the TV is a recessed part to make a study corner with a few sets of tables and chairs, a whiteboard and a large wall-mounted bookshelf and stairs built along the three recessed walls. V.Minh turned on the light in the living room.

V.Minh: "Everyone, remember to leave your slippers outside and wear our own slippers!", he said with an expressionless but warm and relatively friendly face.

He sat on a wooden chair and rested, so did we. They are large in size, beautifully carved and can be leaned on. Next to them is a long and low table similarly carved, with a rather thick layer of glass placed on top.

V.Minh: "There are three bedrooms, one is mine, one is my parents', one is my sister's. We'll stay in my parents' room and mine, and Serinos will use my sister's room. By the way, Serinos, my sister is quite messy, so please take the time to clean up a bit."

Serinos: "Ah yes, thank you", Serinos's face clearly showed shyness, perhaps this was something she did not think about when she was with her enemy, I saw it and understood it immediately.

Having finished speaking, he returned to his room. Serinos also went to the kitchen, struggled for a while to find and open the door to his sister's room, right next to the kitchen. We looked at each other blankly, perhaps V. Minh let us decide who wanted to sleep in which room. After all, this is still his house and the fact that he suggested that we come here was probably a plan of his, and from there adjusting us to V.Minh's way, I believe it's not bad. Regarding room division, we didn't waste much time and let Truong and H.Anh sleep with V.Minh while the rest slept in the other room. The doors in the bedroom are also made like the doors leading into the living room. Each bedroom has air conditioning, a bathroom (including automatic ventilation, shower and toilet) with aluminum doors. Luckily, the beds in both rooms were big enough to accommodate us all, although not too comfortably.

So we have completed the housing part, from now on it will be the Navad group's base!

-January 10, 2020-

I woke up after a good night's sleep, of course after being woken up by a bucket of cold water. I performed personal hygiene and then sat at the dining table, still sleepy. Truong went to the room behind the kitchen, which was a small warehouse, behind the warehouse was another vegetable garden with a fish pond. clear in the middle. Truong was feeding the fish, and Serinos was sitting next to the pond, dipping her white feet into the water, feeling the water. She seemed to be alive again when she came into contact with the pond, even I felt the source. Serinos' mana skyrocketed. T.Hai is in the garage, requisitioning that place as his chemistry laboratory. H.Anh and Dat are practicing using magic in the large rice, banana and corn fields next to the house, while V.Minh is practicing pull-ups. It's 8 a.m., and it seems like everyone has finished breakfast. I quickly ate a few loaves of bread dipped in condensed milk and then went out to practice using magic with H.Anh and Dat. Meeting, we decided to explore around, encountered a few Zombies and quickly defeated them with our magic skills and melee weapons. Meanwhile, at home, Serinos and Truong are growing vegetables, catching worms, watering plants and feeding chickens as well as collecting chicken eggs together.

Serinos: "Truong, I can't imagine that I can still integrate with nature as something I often do when I'm with you guys, I'm so happy", Serinos' rosy lips smiled, her eyes She closed her eyes and her hands were catching worms to keep the morning glory beds, sweet potato beds and broccoli beds lush.

Truong: "We may be cold but not cruel!", Truong replied, he was still diligently picking grass and throwing it to the chickens to eat. When the chickens saw the grass, they rushed to nibble on it. healthy.

Serinos: She finished catching worms and took rainwater into the watering bucket to water the vegetable plants, smiling brightly like a rose while drenching each old ripe vegetable plant with water.

Truong: "This garden has a lot of vegetables and fruit trees, even chicken eggs and chickens, that's enough for us to survive this disaster," Truong said and glanced through the garden, He realized that this place also had papaya trees, dragon fruit trees, jackfruit trees, mango trees, lemon trees, chili trees, banana trees, star fruit trees, lemongrass leaves, perilla leaves and many other native herbs...

Serinos: "That's right!"

Truong: "By the way, Serinos, what is your full name?" Truong looked around the garden and asked an idle but meaningful question.

Serinos: "Um, I…do I have a last name…", Serinos replied, she added, "Only the Great Mothers and Great Fathers have last names, they taught us that."

Truong: "Great Mothers and Great Fathers? Who are they?", Truong asked, the two continued to work.

Serinos: "They are the ones who created us. We treat them like parents."

Truong: He noticed the words "creation" and "we". He speculated that the blood of these fantasy races, or "we" as Serinos had implied, had been artificially created by someone, some group of people, he continued. continued to insist, "About where you were born and how you were born."

Serinos: "We were born in a vessel containing a bright blue liquid. When I was born, I saw many wires connected to my body, including a single white wire to transmit knowledge. and magical power. This process ended quickly, the Great Mothers then taught me some basic knowledge about this world and I was released from the vessel, and my fellow species assigned me to this place. . After all, I was only born 2 months ago…"

Truong: thought to herself, she was only born two months ago, no wonder her experience is so lacking, besides, I found out quite important information, no, I must say is extremely invaluable, maybe I should ask again, and Truong continued to ask, "So can you tell me more about the Great Mothers and Great Fathers?"

Serinos: "I don't know, I've never met them, I heard from my teammates that they are my parents, and they are watching and controlling our every move, we call it the Great Will, which tells us to do and forces us to do. It was like an invisible thing controlling me until Ky used Uncurse on me, I felt like I was freed from something, even though I'm not sure anymore."

Truong: I understand, Truong thought.

Serinos: "Now that I have confessed everything truthfully to the best of my ability, please accept me to stay here, okay, Truong?", Serinos said in a pleading voice without any hypocrisy, her body trembling slightly. As she said this, she seemed to feel her connection to the pond behind her house, where life was still growing thanks to the fish and aquatic plants below. For a Nymph, this is a blessing.

Truong: "Okay, anyway, you're not as dangerous as the group I met," Truong nodded.

Serinos: "Thank you!", Serinos' lips curled into a happy smile.

Ky: "Good morning, Truong and Serinos. What are you two doing?" I waved my hand and jumped up so they could see me through the two meter high stone fence surrounding the garden.

Truong: "Hello Ky, we are just gardening. What did you and T. Hai and H. Anh's group do with so many bloody weapons?" Truong pointed at my blood-stained battle ax.

Ky: "The creators just entered a primeval forest next to a field. There, we used our weapons to defeat 200 Zombies!", I said and shouted.

H.Anh: "They still hold hoes, crowbars and walk in groups. But we succeeded in defeating them all.", H. Anh continued with a complacent look.

T.Hai: "Everyone just stay here and talk, I'm going to take a shower, you two should take a shower too, blood is already splashing on your clothes."

Serinos: "Wait a minute, I have the skill to help people bathe and wash clothes while still maintaining this state.", Serinos cast the Wash spell, a circle of soap bubbles appeared above the three of us's heads and from From down, wherever the ring drops, the stains and odors disappear. After a while, all three of us became unusually clean.

Ky: "This skill is great!", I shouted excitedly.

T.Hai: "If we do this then we don't need to bathe anymore?"

V.Minh, Dat: Stealthily watch in a hidden corner and practice silently.

H. Anh: "No, T. Hai, if you like the feeling of soaking in the bathtub, you should still take a bath..."

T.Hai: "That's right, especially when the chemical experiment is finished…"

H. Anh: Laughed and replied, "Your head is probably full of chemicals and experiments..."

T.Hai and H.Anh burst out laughing at each other and went inside. V.Minh, Dat and Serinos picked up a basket of spinach and also went inside. I was about to go in when Truong stopped me and pulled me to a corner.

Ky: "What are you doing Truong!?"

Truong: "You, H. Anh and Truong faced off against 200 Zombies!?"

Ky: "Ah, um, that's right…", I replied nervously.

Truong: His voice softened, "Do you realize you just fought 'a lot' of Zombies? How the hell can there be 200 Zombies in the wild, and still in groups? By the way, have you noticed anything unusual?

Ky: "No, nothing strange…"

Truong: Sigh, "God, you're so stupid. The unusual point here is the unusually high number of Zombies in an abandoned forest!

Ky: "Ah, I see," I snapped my fingers.

Truong: "You finally understand. So, do those Zombies have anything else?

Ky: "They have a green glowing spiny leaf symbol on their head and they seem to be coming towards us. Oh, and they also know how to run and use tools."

Truong: His face turned pale, "It's dangerous..."

Ky: "What is dangerous? I think they just move freely...", This guy is thinking too much...

Truong: "Follow me", Truong with a worried expression ran quickly towards the forest, the sky suddenly became gloomy...

Ky: "Wait for me", I ran after Truong, trying not to lose sight of him...I thought to myself: "What is he trying to do?"

Truong: He moved quickly, trying not to leave any noise or footprints. However, due to lack of experience, a few footprints were still left and Truong also received a few more injuries from colliding with tree branches in the forest.

We continued running in the opposite direction of the Zombies in the forest. We both ran without paying attention to the Zombies who noticed and followed us. We kept running for about two minutes until we came to an Orc-style altar, with 6 large bones surrounding a stone circle with a radius of 12 meters, in the center was a smaller brown patterned stone circle with 2 meter radius, with a woman (Apparently no longer alive) placed in the middle. Next to me, the Goblin Shaman is casting a spell, which I don't really understand, causing the woman's corpse to gradually disappear and turn into ash at super slow speed and new Zombies with a glowing thorny leaf symbol. on the forehead that I met was being made up of that ash. Truong and I were hiding on the branches of an old tree nearby.

Ky: We have to stop him as soon as possible. I was about to climb down to kill the goblin but Truong stopped me. I turned back to Truong, "What are you doing? Let me go down and stop it! Wouldn't it be better to kill him now!?"

Truong: "I know you're impatient, but don't underestimate your opponent. He must be very knowledgeable about black magic to be able to create a Zombie from a single particle of dead human cells and control them in large quantities, besides...", Truong turned his head in another direction...

Ky: I was looking at him angrily for stopping me when I suddenly followed him with my eyes, Oh my god!, I was surprised to see an army of Zombies, "The number of rows is 20, the number of Zombies per row is, 1, 2, 3,...", I hesitated a bit, "one...one hundred in each row!?", I almost shouted out loud but Truong covered my mouth with his hand, signaling me to be quiet, I nodded and he removed his hand.

Truong: "That means he has about 2000 Zombies in his hand...", Truong whispered, his face pale, his voice a bit shaky.

Ky: "So…", I said with worry…

Truong: "Yes, this may be his main force, what we face including that group of Goblins or the more fully armed Goblin army is just a probe. When he discovered that we, humans who could use magic, he was cautious and took this step, mainly to destroy the town in general and us in particular," Truong continued, I wondered. like Dude, how did you think of it so quickly, I was still thinking about it, then he observed the Zombie army in silence, and finally said back to me, "This Zombie army has four soldiers!" , Truong's voice still remained calm in that deep tone.

Ky: "There are four military branches? What do they include?", I kept asking, clearly I was worried and worried more and more.

Truong: "The first army and located in the first layers are temporarily called Zombies who block attacks. They are equipped with rectangular metal shields about 15cm thick, built based on the Roman army...", he stopped suddenly.

Ky: "Okay, what next? Truong, keep telling me!", I said, feeling even more worried.

Truong: Startled and turned to look at me, "Sorry I was counting them...", he explained.

Ky: "Sigh, you should have done that sooner!", I sighed.

Truong: "Okay, let's continue…", he looked straight at the Goblin Shaman, "There are about 200 people blocking the Zombies. In the back row are Zombies standing hunched over. According to observations, the muscles in their legs are much larger than normal and from the biological knowledge that V.Minh told me, the Zombies...jump, yeah, Jumping zombies, in the back…like I said, there are about 400 of them. And the Zombies are usually in the rear ranks, accounting for the largest number with 1200 names, the remaining 200 are Zombies with blue liquid, seemingly acid flowing from the eye sockets, nose and mouth. What's worse is...I never thought about the new Zombies...", Truong's voice lowered.

Ky: "And he intends to use these troops to wipe out the 1200 people in the town who are still alive!?", I asked.

Truong: "That's right."

Ky: "So, isn't that a bit sketchy?"

Truong: Looking at me blankly, he definitely felt confused about my last statement, "More than 2,000 Zombies with all kinds of classic soldiers, but it's still sketchy?"

Ky: "That's right, did he not consider us? Those magic users!"

Truong: Chuckled, "He's met me, H. Anh and our teammates once or twice. Surely he knows the extent of our power. Although he can't move mountains, he enough to erode a mountain quickly, the goblin must have his plan B, we just don't know what it is yet..."

Ky: "What can you use as evidence? So why, after the first time against you, did we still defeat him the second time?"

Truong: "Think about how the Druids, Dryads and Ents trapped us with Energy…"

Ky: I suddenly realized something, "Yeah, but I didn't think of it?"

Truong: "Any invader has a plan B and huge logistics. We will discuss strategy and logistics with you now…"

Ky: "So let's go back to base now, right?"

Truong: "No need, it's almost full? Don't hide anymore, V.Minh, H.Anh, come here and discuss...I already knew you two were sneaking up on me when I got here, just listen to the footsteps and surrounding noises...", Truong looked up at a tree branch higher than us.

Ky: Suddenly, looking up at that tree branch, "Do you recognize V.Minh and H.Anh?"

H. Anh: Slowly appeared with his hand touching the tree trunk, "What a good discovery you made!"

Ky: "Is that…Camouflage?"

Truong: "And V.Minh also come out!", Truong urged.

V.Minh: Quickly appeared in a sitting position leaning against a tree trunk.

Truong: "There are quite a few of us, let's discuss how to fight, right? Let's start with the blocking Zombies!", Truong jumped up on the tree branch where V.Minh and H.Anh were, a slight smile still appearing on his handsome face.

Ky: I also climbed up to their position, keeping quiet because I knew I wouldn't understand too well what they were saying next.

H.Anh: Putting his hand on his chin, "They are equipped with rudimentary bulletproof armor, as for anti-magic armor..."

Truong: Truong continued, still keeping that small smile, "My Scout skill shows that they have a natural resistance to magic, although their magic armor is only enough to block a little magic damage."

H.Anh: "In my opinion, they move quite slowly, so we won't need to worry too much about these guys... As for a large number of over a few hundred like that, we need a plan. …"

Truong: "No further discussion, let's go to the jumping Zombies. These guys have the ability to jump high and far, although this has not been tested, this advantage helps them break the formation very strongly and that seems to be their only strong point. For them, just a fence with spikes, high enough and strong enough is enough."

Ky: "I don't think we will create a barrier like that to resist 400 jumping Zombies."

Truong: "That's true, for regular Zombies, a little explosive and a hole deep enough is fine. (Voice fading) Although this is not possible."

Ky: "What about the remaining Zombie species?"

H.Anh: "Zombies with green Acid coming out of their eye sockets, noses and ears?"

Truong: "The Zombies with green Acid flowing from their eye sockets, noses and ears…, they look dangerous…"

Ky: "Guys, it's too long to call them Zombies with green Acid coming out of their eye sockets, noses and ears, we need a name to…"

H.Anh: "Let's call it Zombie Acid…"

V.Minh: "Everyone, look, that Zombie regiment is splitting up and each type is going in different directions!", V.Minh interrupted the conversation, patted Truong's shoulder, pointed at the Zombies, me and H. He followed his hand with his eyes as he pointed.

They are spreading out and moving in many directions...

Truong: Jumped up, "Split up and watch!"

Everyone nodded and separated.


Truong climbed through the surrounding tree branches and followed the company of Zombies who blocked attacks climbing over a hill and into a valley behind. Here, he saw a large area of ​​flat land cleared of vegetation, bushes, buildings and mounds, generally anything that would hinder an army moving in flat terrain. . Truong carefully found a nearby tree to easily monitor, and did not forget to cover himself with mud to avoid being detected by the Zombie's sharp noses. Then start observing. This company formed a neat line, followed by another similar line, they were lined up straight and were climbing towards several straw targets, designed for practice. They practice according to a fixed routine: The first row will raise their shields and rush forward, trampling and gliding over straw targets, then drop to the bottom to let the next row practice. "Are these soulless people trained to prepare?", Truong asked himself, unable to help but be surprised at what was happening before his eyes. He observed intently for a long time, "A thin and long fence containing explosives or strong corrosive substances is probably enough to hold them off. T.Hai might be helpful in this situation.". A strong smell of rusty metal emanated from them, perhaps only he could feel it, or perhaps it was another skill that sensed objects directly related to the system of magic that Truong and the Navad team used. use. It is extremely useful when confronting enemies in a time when humans cannot lack metal like today.

Suddenly, he felt a rusty iron object rushing towards him at high speed. Truong's inherent agility and talent in gymnastics helped him avoid the knife. It missed him and crashed deeply into the tree trunk behind him. Truong began to sweat profusely, a shadow appeared from the direction of the knife and jumped towards him at an incredibly fast speed, pushing him out onto the level ground. Truong was pinned to the ground by the stranger. His hands controlled his hands. He took out another knife and attempted to stab Truong in the chest. Truong calmly reacted, using Magnetic, or his Ultimate, to knock the metal knife away. But the assassin was not stunned, with one hand he held both of his arms stronger, and with the other he punched Truong in the stomach repeatedly. He screamed in pain, tried to struggle, tried to turn his head outside and was startled to realize that the Zombie blockers were moving their ranks and getting closer. They got closer, less than 5 meters away from him, the stranger also punched him in the stomach hard enough, enough to make Truong vomit blood, his consciousness was gradually losing, and his vitality was also seriously drained. . In that moment of life and death, Truong promptly used the Electrical Sphere, high-voltage currents moving like lightning within a 10-meter radius appeared, and the stranger with extraordinary agility was able to escape the area. Although he was affected by the current quite a bit, he was even significantly exhausted. The Zombies who blocked the attack entering the sphere were quickly shocked to the point of being burned black, the smell of grilled meat was emitted, and smoke was flying. Truong stood up, clutching his stomach and angrily looking at the stranger. He is a half-cat with a height of 1.75 meters, a youthful face, light blue cat eyes and short black hair, wearing a pink cloak with a large rose print on the back with pieces of hemp rope. embroidered on the robe, the body is slim and attractive, explaining this superhuman agility. He looked at him with no expression on his face, turned away and said to him in a sarcastic feminine voice in English: "Good luck!", then he jumped onto the tree branches and disappeared into the forest. tree. Truong fell down, groaning in pain, the Zombies blocking the attack kept surrounding...


The Acid Zombies quickly moved towards a camp built with solid wooden fences, the wooden trunks were several meters high and straight, the smooth surface made it very difficult for them to climb over. Right now V.Minh and I are observing them from a high branch of a giant tree (Something that is definitely common in this forest). They lined up in a row of 20, each with an archery-like target 5-12 meters away. They put their hands under their faces for a moment, the green liquid gathered, thickening into a viscous ball of acid that squeezed their hands. Then they throw the acid ball at the target, which in some strange way is not corroded by what is supposed to be their acid. The first row is done, then the next row, then the next row, and so on until the last row. While observing, V.Minh asked me:

"Aren't you going to follow the regular Zombies?", his expressionless eyes looked straight into my eyes.

"No, they don't stand out from the crowd. I believe if you use skills properly, it will be enough to hold them off," I shrugged.

"Let's see, our Skill Combo is enough to destroy them...I hope it's enough," he muttered.

"By the way, V.Minh, how did it feel the first time you successfully cast a skill?", I smiled and turned to him.


"Just interested? When I succeeded for the first time, I screamed like a crazy person, jumped continuously on the bed to the point that my mother had to go into the room and yell at me to remind me to keep quiet in the middle of the afternoon...", I laughed and recalled the memory. that's funny.

"So…how is your mother now?", his voice was low, choking, like he was forced to say something he didn't want to say.

I bent down, a sharp pain came over me, my voice was full of sadness, I replied, "It's gone... it's gone...", after uttering the sentence, tears seemed to flow out of my eyes.

V.Min patted my shoulder, his lips curved into a warm smile, "Don't be like that, we are all in the same situation, and I believe the whole world is too, let's all help each other." to get through the war, okay?"

Are you…are you…smiling? I was so surprised that I couldn't help but gasp, partly because of comfort, partly because for the first time I saw a good personality in the impression of a guy who didn't show emotions. I shouted, "We will overcome difficulties and challenges together!", I was about to hold his hands tightly and jump up happily when he pushed my hand away, his face frowned. remember. I was surprised and asked: "V.Minh, is something wrong?".

No one answered, just a glare and that grim face, V.Minh needed to hold my hand, then run as fast as possible out of the acid Zombies' barracks. As for me, I witnessed a person only as tall as my ear holding my hand as firmly as a pin and pulling me so hard that I was flying for a moment before letting one foot land on the ground, and gradually catching up to his speed. Suddenly, I wondered: "V.Minh! V. Minh! V. Minh! Why do you have to panic like that? No one answered, I only noticed the index finger of the hand he was holding pointing back. I turned my head to follow, and was speechless when I realized the whole company of Zombie Acid was chasing and launching colored liquid. green towards us. Suddenly, he changed direction behind a bush, and used Invisible at the same time, and the invisibility effect also affected me. The acid Zombies stood still, looked around but quickly headed towards the bushes where we were hiding. They searched everywhere, but found absolutely nothing, me...also, I didn't see me or V. Minh anywhere, he even let go of my hand without realizing it. I was about to run away when an invisible hand pulled me back, another hand covered my mouth, the hand pulling my hand moved its fingers on my arm, as if wanting to exchange signals. I concentrated, visualizing the content that the invisible thing wanted to convey: "Use your Ice Strike when all 80 acid Zombies have gathered around the bushes.". I nodded a few times, that thing (It was definitely V.Minh) stopped covering my mouth, I started chanting the spell. More than a hundred sharp ice cubes appeared above, then slammed down below, causing more than half of the Zombies to chase us, the remaining ones seemed to panic even more. I thought to myself, They will probably run away..., and of course...well they should have left, so why are they stubbornly staying like this? More than thirty Zombies didn't move, just stood there blankly and listened, and they... Sprayed the acid in their mouths everywhere. V.Minh whispered in my ear, "These zombies are not as stupid as we thought", I replied in the smallest voice possible but still heard clearly, "Yes, even though you can't see it, no sound means no If anyone moved, from there they deduced that we hadn't left our position, these guys... (Suddenly I shouted out loud) WHY ARE YOU NOT LIKE THE ZOMBIE IN THE MOVIE?", and conveniently pushed V.Minh away and jumped up. The two appeared right before the eyes of the Acid Zombies, clear as day, 60 eyes turned towards them. This time, I shined, I used all my remaining mana and cast my Ultimate, "Light Beam", dazzling rays of light spread throughout this dark forest (Even though it was only noon). The Zombies screamed before they all turned into ashes. The beam of light was so bright that it affected the surrounding areas. The Zombies that blocked the attack approaching Truong were momentarily stunned and stunned. When I finished, I lay down on the grass below, exhausted.

"Good improvisation Ky, congratulations on defeating the most enemies in one moment in the Navad team...", V.Minh approached me, and carried me.

"Why is it suddenly tiring to use so many spells in a short period of time? I...can't even move a finger...", I panicked.

"It is written in article 1 of every magic book that using magic will consume vitality and if used too much will even render the caster immobile, for example the wide area attack skill is Ice Strike and For example, your Light Beam...", V.Minh rolled his eyes.

"Sigh, it's my fault that I have to bear these consequences…", I said and sighed.

"Don't be so pessimistic, remind yourself that at the same time you saved someone's life...from the mess you caused yourself.", V.Minh laughed.

"Yes", I chuckled, "If we didn't go together, I would probably go to Tay Thien...Where are we going now?", I said.

"Going to support others, the two of us going together are so unstable, I'm not sure if the two of us going alone are okay...", V.Minh looked around and said.

V. Minh, carry me out of the forest. Serinos, who had been waiting for the two of us, said:

"You two came back unharmed! Congratulations!", Serinos smiled, his radiant smile with rosy lips captured my heart. All fatigue seemed to disappear, I stood up, ran to Serinos and smiled smugly at V.Minh's surprise.

"Of course, it was I who saved V.Minh and defeated all 80 acid Zombies!", I said, smiling confidently to Serinos.

"Ah, you're exhausted, don't try too hard.", Serinos placed his soft hands on my chest and began to cast recovery spells for me. I smiled in my heart, my vitality gradually returned. .

"Yes, I will pay more attention~", I replied

"Serinos, how do you know where we two are going?", V.Minh asked.

"Dat and T. Hai saw you two coming out and told me to wait at the edge of the forest to treat the returnees and warned me not to step foot into the forest because it was dangerous.", Serinos replied.

"In the end, all seven of us are involved in this case…", V.Minh lamented.

"You and H.I were the initiators!", I teased and sneered.

"Be quiet, Ky!", V.Minh replied, "Do you still have the strength to continue?", he continued to ask.

"Yes, thanks to Serinos!", I replied patting my chest, completely ignoring the fact that V. Minh had carried me back a few kilometers through a few mountains and a few slopes but he didn't really care.

I looked at Serinos, who was shy and blushing, maybe she wasn't used to being complimented, and suddenly our eyes met, we both blushed and became even more embarrassed when V. Minh interrupted. .

"So... which direction are T.Hai and Dat going?", V.Minh continued to ask Serinos.

"T.Hai and Dat went in the direction of Truong...", Serinos replied, his voice still hesitant after she and I made eye contact.

"Thank you", V.Minh ran a few steps towards Truong then stopped, "Ky will follow me, and Serinos, you can come too!"

"Me? But T.Hai forbade me to step foot into this forest...", Serinos shook his head.

"Really ? Well, I respect your decision.", V.Minh nodded, walked closer to Serinos, hugged the water Nymph and picked her up, and ran towards Truong, not forgetting to tell me, "Come help me!".

"What about H.Anh?", I asked while running after V.Minh.

"His magic is good enough to counter the jumping Zombies so let it go! Besides, he's running right next to you!"

"Yes?", I turned around and recognized H. He was smiling gleefully as he ran after me. Looking at his satisfaction, I guessed H. He had just finished spying, and didn't even have anything. What fighting...

"Hello Ky Cafe!", H. Anh waved his hand.

"Is that you? Are you going to help too?"

"That's right !"

"Are you okay? Was there any fight?

"No, I used Camouflage to hide and watch the Zombies jump, everything went smoothly until there was a bright white light shining in the forest next to me, then I knew there was a change and ran away. coming here!", H. Anh smiled, "And why is V. Minh carrying the loli and running ahead of us..."

"Baby loli? Serinos?", H. Do you consider Serinos a loli because she is only 150 cm tall while he is even shorter?, "Yes, even though Serinos was forbidden by T. Hai to set foot in the forest, V. Minh still teased her. The mortar brought Serinos in...", I continued.

"V.Minh didn't break the rules?", H.Anh said, smiling.

"No problem ? What kind of reasoning are you talking about?", I wondered, "Could it be..."

"Yes, Serinos was forbidden by T.Hai to set foot here, so V.Minh circumvented the law by carrying Serinos into this forest, without taking a single step!", H.Anh said with a sinister smile.

"I see…"

While H.Anh and I were chatting, we ignored V.Minh's warning that reminded us to stop when he stepped in front of the mound wall a few meters higher than the Zombie's training ground. an area the size of a football field without a blade of grass or sapling. But our carelessness paid the price, all four of us rushed down to the training ground together. Me, Serinos and H. Anh shouted, V. Minh quickly used Shadow Point and helped us land safely. After finishing, when we realized that everyone was safely on the ground, H. Anh and I opened our eyes and breathed a sigh of relief when we landed safely, while V. Minh somehow miraculously did not let Serinos' feet touch the ground.

"Hey, are you going to come save me?" Truong squatted down, holding the steel spear with the tip pointing upward. Behind are T.Hai and Dat.

"Did you defeat all the tanking Zombies?", H.Anh exclaimed.

"Yes!", T.Hai replied, "Dat and I promptly supported Truong, there was also a bright white light causing interference, I don't know where it came from," T.Hai scratched his chin while thinking.

"There's nothing mysterious, it's Ky's Ultimate," V.Min continued.

"Ultimate of Ky? You must have had a tough fight, right? Did you kill any Zombies?", Dat said.

"Are not ! Ky's Ice Strike and Light Beam are enough to destroy…"

"Aiya, so V.Minh here didn't have a single kill?" Truong sneered and looked at V.Minh with disdain.

"I got KN's kill…"

"Ah, that's right, I forgot about that," Truong continued, smirking.

"It seems like you only have two attack skills: Fireball and Fire Swirl, right? This thing is completely easily countered by Serinos...", Dat said...

"Yes, I admit it, but it's still lacking, there's Hellfire too…", V.Minh sighed.

"I remember that it should only be of limited use and only effective in destroying a single individual…", I said.

"Yes, but it could be anyone, that is the strength of the Hellfire skill, and there is almost no way to reverse it," Truong said, nodding.

"Oh, I forgot, we also destroyed the body that Truong mentioned...", Dat quickly said, "With Sodium Hydroxide..."

"What did T.Hai do?", V.Minh asked.

"Yes, I even destroyed the altar," T.Hai smirked.

"What about the name Goblin Shaman?", H. Anh asked.

"He…escaped…", T.Hai said.

"Escaped?", H. Anh shouted, he took a breath, preparing to curse Dat and Tuan T. Hai, "You two... this is the third time...", when V. Minh stopped him. , "Pay attention to language!", then he remained silent.

"Are there any consequences?", V.Minh asked.

"Hehee, it's nothing too big…", T.Hai laughed.

"Say it!", Truong said with doubt and curiosity.

"When we destroyed the body, the body began to decompose faster and gradually turned into ash...", T.Hai began to laugh awkwardly and talk in circles.

"Let's get to the point!", I urged.

"Ashes…have…have…", Dat continued.

"T.Hai, Dat, so what happened?" I urged even harder.

Tuan T. Hai glanced and said absentmindedly, "Eh! Why is Serinos here? I have forbidden her from entering this forest?

"Where did she go?", V.Minh stood up and still carried Serinos, making T.Hai speechless.

"But she and I agreed not to set foot inside the forest.", T.Hai continued to deflect, trying to steer to another issue...

"Yes, and he carried Serinos and made sure she didn't put her FOOT in there," I laughed and looked at T.Hai with the most nosy.

"Phew… okay", T.Hai sighed, "That ash will turn into ten thousand new normal Zombies, they will attack together with the remnants of the original regiment…", and then silence, we also keep quiet along…

"Roughly calculated, the entire remaining town population is about 500 people capable of fighting 11,700 Zombies, with normal Zombies being the majority but there are still a few special Zombie companies... that is 24 against each other," Truong said. He spoke while worrying, the worry clearly showing on his face.

"It's okay, it's okay, God bless you…", I quipped…

"We will still be participants... because the place to welcome their raid will be V. Minh's house or the main base..." Truong became strict.

"If we fall, there is a high possibility that the back line will also suffer the same fate...", H.Anh continued.

"Using magic is okay!", I suggested.

"Come on Ky, if you use 1 Ice Strike and 1 Light Beam just to kill 80 Zombies and run out of mana to the point where you can't even move a knuckle, you shouldn't say that!", V. Minh said, his face full. Emotionless again.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing! I have an idea!", Truong said.

All the remaining people turned their heads towards Truong, all eyes focused on him.

"EH ? Everyone...why are you looking at me like that?", Truong was bewildered, the confidence from before had suddenly disappeared.

"Are you kidding me?", H. He snapped again, losing his patience.

"Just calm down, wait for me to finish thinking...", Truong smiled and waved his hand away, a smile that made even a newborn child know he had no plan.

"Tch…", H.He sighed, his voice still harsh, and turned to me, "Ky, now if we have to fight with nearly 12 thousand Zombies…what will you do?", H's serious eyes .He looked straight at me.

"I'll probably use Light Beam…", I replied with enthusiasm, smiling, "If I could stand up high and cast spells, I would be able to defeat thousands of Zombies…"

"Are you going to stand on a tree or a roof?", Truong asked with a face full of doubt.

"Yes!", I quickly replied.

"What if they are holding shields and wearing armor to block out all the light? Anyway, in my experience with the Acid Zombies, only the Zombies exposed to this light were defeated...", H. Anh immediately objected.

"But most of them are regular Zombies, so why do they have armor?", I immediately argued back with slight frustration in my heart.

"Well, let's say you can kill a thousand Zombies with a single Light Beam and in the most favorable conditions, without being disturbed, stay safe. So can you use Light Beam 12 times?", H. Anh continued, his stubbornness was shown once again.

"Um…maybe three times is a joke…", I replied shyly.

"That's it! You can kill three thousand Zombies and that's it...", H. Anh sneered.

"That's ¼ of it, you guys take care of the rest, just work as a team!", I laughed.

"You two, stop arguing, why don't we try asking T.Hai and Dat if they witnessed someone else appearing?", Truong patted me and H.Anh on the shoulder, H.Anh said. closed my eyes, I clicked my tongue and decided to listen to Truong unconditionally.

"Where is Dat?", I looked around this training ground without a blade of grass, which was a few meters lower than the surroundings and had a few straight stairs for ease of entry and exit.

"Sigh, it's...picking herbs with V.Minh over there...", Truong quickly recognized Dat and V.Minh, the two of them were looking at the herbs and carefully plucking them up, where Serinos was also looking at the species. This grass plant, she was floating a few dozen centimeters above the ground, it must be magic.

"Ky, that's the solution!", Truong pointed towards Serinos, "Go over there and ask her to teach you this skill..."

"Come out now!~", I ran towards Serinos, leaving H.Anh and Truong behind at the training ground.

H. He watched me jump up to Serinos, scare her, pretend to fall so Serinos could heal her, then deliberately held her hand and flirted with her, he smiled like he had a good time. Truong also saw this scene and shouted, "Let's get to the point, Ky!" to remind me. I also nodded, made signs and asked her for skills to fly. Those two looked at me for a moment then turned to look at each other. They were silent for a long time, and finally H.Anh opened the conversation:

- "Are you okay, Truong?", H. He asked, the grumpiness had completely disappeared, replaced by an affectionate tone with a bit of worry.

- "What's wrong?", Truong raised his eyebrows, not quite understanding what H. Anh wanted to mention, "What is it about?"

- "Family...", H. Anh said, his voice lowered, sadness was expressed somewhere in the way he said the word, "Is anyone still alive?", H. Anh continued.

- "My mother and sister...", Truong was silent before continuing, "You already know, and my father's whereabouts are unknown, but I hope he is still alive and can meet again one day soon." ...", a tear flowed down the corner of Truong's eye, but it was wiped away.

- "My family still has a sister...but she is in the capital...", H. Anh replied, "Maybe I will go to the capital to see her again, after all, living with adults is easy more...", H. Anh mused, looking at me and Serinos, I was excited to successfully perform Fly, jumping with joy.

From behind, T.Hai suddenly appeared first, patting the two of them hard on the back, interrupting their thoughts. Truong turned to T.Hai with an unhappy expression, "Where did you go?" and received an answer with unspeakable innocence from T.Hai: "Ah, I'm going to harvest coconut wax" and then held out a large glass jar filled with coconut wax. H. Anh chuckled, but Truong just closed his eyes and said: "Are you going to make skin care products for your already white and smooth skin?...Well, go to the supermarket and get as many bottles of oil as possible." Eat as much as you can out here, add kerosene or gasoline...", and looked in the direction of the Zombie division 6 km away, spotted his Scout, and muttered: "I will never let the town fall." into your hands...never..."