
Ky and Friends

People are always afraid of what they do not know, wary of what they do not understand. There are those who dare to step out and learn about them, but there is no consensus. The issue of human rights for humanoid anomalies has always been a burning, smoldering issue, not to mention the fact that all government agencies and organizations try to cover up the existence of anomalies. And then, it burst open, like a series of continuous chemical reactions, and World War 3 broke out.

Daoist4dvt3y · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 1: New order. Part 2: The remainings

That very afternoon of January 9, 2020, on a stone table and a few short cylindrical stone chairs, H.Anh, Ky, T.Hai and Truong were sitting on chairs, discussing what they wanted to do. will do next:

Truong: "As I understand it, in the siege that just ended, 2,000 people died and their bodies are being buried in a mass grave that was inaugurated just 20 minutes ago, but there are 500 other corpses still unaccounted for." was found, another 1,000 people fled to the capital and neighboring provinces. Currently, less than 1,200 people remain in the town. Not to mention the 15,000 other people who were completely lost. The people who stayed behind were mostly children, or the elderly, and few were women. And I'm sure the survivors won't resist any more large-scale sieges. AND YOU ARE DETERMINED TO STAY!?"

H. Anh: "Calm down, just think about it. With less than 250 people participating, the Anti-Humanity faction almost wiped out a town of 21,000 thousand people in less than 10 days. From that, it can be deduced that they are very good at combined combat between magical troops. Back in the capital, if they release a monster as tall as 3 Landmark 81 buildings, there won't be enough people..."

Truong: "Wouldn't more people defend more effectively? Besides, the capital is absolutely protected by the army with modern weapons and equipment!

T.Hai: "Modern weapons are always weak against magic...unless they are trained to deal with magic users, a hundred snipers can't take down a Dryad. Looking at the battle just now, it's clear. If I hadn't used the crowbar to attack those two Dryads, not most of them, but the entire town would have been lying on the ground!"

Truong: "Those guys depend on the surrounding environment. What kind of fighting do you do in the city?"

Ky: "Dat...he just sent me a table about these 'new hostile races', this is from the US based on a source of documents they got from the Anti-Humanity faction, please take a look." ."

Truong: "Seventy…seventy races? So much…so much!?"

Ky: "And we have only faced four of those 70 races…"

Ky: "They also released a document that provides instructions on how to deal with them, and the document is three hundred long-"

Truong: "Okay, I'll read it later. After more than 300 pages, I'll finish reading it..."

Ky: "That's okay, we'll still have to survive anyway, maybe you and I should make weapons, or find guns and magazines. There are still survivors in this town, the Anti-Human faction will definitely send people to besiege again…"

Truong: "Then we should form a squad. What should we call it? Platoon 1? Son Duong squad? Team A?...."

Ky: "Let's call it Navad Squad."

T.Hai: "The name sounds good…"

Dat: "Please give us a Vietnamese name…"

Truong: "Cool…"

H.Anh: "So what is the role of each person?"

Ky: "I'm the captain, of course…"

Truong: "It's not fair, but you're good at comedy, you can't do anything..."

Ky: "Just trust me, I will give in to any fight. And now I'm still the team's captain-"

Truong: "You self-proclaimed..."

Ky: "Who cares!"

Truong: Sighed, rolled his eyes, "Okay, if you do a comedy match, give the captaincy to V.Minh or me..."

Ky: "Okay!"

H. Anh: "So what about the roles of the remaining five children?"

Ky: "Dat is a healer, specializing in healing the whole team and causing negative effects on enemies. That is obvious. Still…"

T.Hai: "I manage the team's chemical weapons and chemicals because I'm the best at chemistry..."

Ky: "Okay. And Truong will do intelligence!

Truong: "No! Why don't you let V.Minh do it?

Ky: "Why V. Minh?"

Truong: "A skill to help you glide, very mobile, a skill to place the ball to help you move magically, a skill to spread blindness, a skill to be invisible. That's not the skill of an intelligence officer, but who comes here?

Ky: "Truong, when spying, you will definitely encounter danger, and V.Minh doesn't have a defense technique, you do. Furthermore, the damage of V.Minh's remaining skills is not high, but his electric-type moves are, and the affected area still spreads very far. V.Minh's only move that causes huge damage is Hellfire, which plays the same role as Ultimate but can only be used 10 times, meaning he will be very careful and consider carefully when using this move. And your Ultimate is Magnetic, merging two systems for a period of time, while strengthening yourself, both mobile, high damage and good defense. Is that a good reason?"

Truong: mumbled, "Don't argue with idiots, don't argue with idiots because they will bring my level down to their level...", then he replied, "So...H.I and V. What do you do?

Ky: "Let the two of you collect food and cook."

Truong: "Serinos can do this!"

Ky: "Serinos? Who is Serinos…"

Truong: "The blonde Nymph that T.Hai captured."

Ky: "Oh, that Nymph with slim thighs~, slim waist~, doll face~ what...", Ky smiled and drooled.

Truong: "Ew...do you have desire for that Nymph?", turned away, revealing a disdainful expression.

Ky: "You also like girls older than you…ahem, then the nymph will cook…and…well, the other two can help us and do some errands."

Truong: "Why does it sound like Osin?"

Ky: "Never mind~, it doesn't affect us..."

Truong sighed, he left the cultural house and walked in the fields. H.Anh and T.Hai had gone out somewhere, no, H.Anh was following him, and T.Hai had gone to school to get chemicals to play with after the school was also attacked during the war. siege. In fact, each person has some strange points: T. Hai is good at chemistry and likes to play with chemicals, Ky loves to provoke others and yell at them, H. Anh is very flirtatious, V. Minh is afraid of snakes and insects, Dat is very talkative, but he loves physics and experiments, but once broke the school's four dynamometers. While V.Minh, Dat and Serinos were getting food, T.Hai was getting chemicals, Ky was rebuilding houses with people, the two boys and H.Anh were hanging out in the rice fields. That's not a hobby or any other reason. It's just a habit because his house is near rice fields. In Truong's memory, the field is paradise. Those were hot summer days, the sun was old, orange-yellow, harsh, and so bright that it was difficult to look straight up at the cloud canopy above. Below, the vast rice fields are also ripe, but the color is soft, cool and passionate. The rice plants are now tall and plump, ripening from the bottom. They were so crowded together in each field that they accidentally blocked the entire path. If you want to move, you have to use your hands to push the rice. Therefore, viewed from above, the whole field looks like a silk carpet drying in the sky. The rice grains are dressed in yellow, their bodies are round and plump, swaying innocently on the rice plant, waiting for the day to be picked up in the large warehouse. Because of carrying so many rice grains, every rice stalk is bent down, like a sickle. Also because the rice stalks bend down, the fields become even more cramped. Every time the wind blows, the rice flowers sway and huddle together, creating a whispering sound as if they are excitedly discussing something. Following the scent of the wind, is the passionate aroma of ripe rice, urging people to take them home soon. Along the fields, we often see farmers visiting the rice fields. They consider and chat to set a harvest date. On the tree branches, sparrows chirped, waiting for the rice flowers to be picked to have a full meal. Far away on the horizon, a few white storks glided past and disappeared at the end of the yellow sea. The scene of ripe rice fields is truly an extremely beautiful scene. It is not only the beauty of nature, but also the beauty of the fruits of labor. It brings joy and happiness to the farmer and himself. Or at least, it used to be so beautiful, but now, it is like a battlefield with smoke and dust, uprooted and scorched rice plants, corpses of cattle and poultry lying around, and The only thing Truong thought about was that the carcasses of those animals had not rotted and intended to bring them back as a source of protein for all seven of them (Including Serinos). And when he looked at this place that was no longer inhabitable, he suddenly remembered happy memories with his family...

It was a cold, windy autumn afternoon. The scent of guava, grapefruit, apple, pomegranate, and dragon fruit gently wafts into the wind. His sister was picking wildflowers, it wasn't very beautiful, nor was it ugly, but it was what emphasized his sister's beauty when she smiled. The clouds are as soft as her lips, the tulips are as bright as her smile, the birds sing as her voice, the most beautiful flowers are as bright as his sister... And his parents will sing together sing familiar folk songs while harvesting ripe golden rice plants... Hard-working, friendly farmers laugh and talk while harvesting rice. Then, at night, the whole village will gather around the campfire, play mandarin umbrellas, jump rope, dragon and snake up to the clouds, and then enjoy rabbit soup with corn, onions and garlic. His life used to be so simple and cozy. Those are beautiful memories... Truong, or anyone else in the Navad squad, must have memories that always make them happy every time they remember them. And he realized how precious it was in this situation, it had happened in this very place, it had been vivid in his mind throughout his childhood...His mother and sister were dead, his father was unknown. As for his whereabouts, he's just living with his friends. The parents of all six of them were brutally murdered by strangers. Truong is melancholy, H.Anh is also melancholic, Ky is also melancholic, perhaps even V.Minh, Dat and T.Hai are equally melancholic. Those people don't show it at all, do they? H. He lost his parents and sister, he just kept smiling, no one noticed the sadness behind that smile; Ky lost his mother who loved him so much, Ky was also heartbroken; So are Dat and T.Hai; V.Minh lost his parents and two younger siblings, and must have felt extremely sad behind the expressionlessness on his face...

Truong and H. Anh kept walking in the fields, until they saw 20 Goblins with lots of weapons, gold and silver...

Truong: "Aye. There's something to loot...", Truong smirked.

Truong and H. Anh leisurely approached the Goblins even when they discovered them. The goblins, with fierce faces, pointed ears and green skin, wore spiked armor, while some held swords, some held axes, some held spears, some held bows, among them There was a Goblin with a red bun, holding a skull emitting strange blue smoke, holding a staff with a deer skull with horns attached to the head of the staff, and wearing a loincloth. The swordsmen along with those holding axes and spears rushed towards the two of them and the archers shot at them. H. Anh only used Terra Wall to help the small ground around the two people rise more than two meters high. Avoid all the arrows and go beyond the reach of the melee goblins. After that, Truong used Knife Throw and launched hundreds of knives at high speed towards them, the knives caused many goblins to fall, leaving only the goblin holding the staff and skull and a few goblin archers led by They promptly built wooden planks next to it. Not having time for the green-skinned men to reform their ranks, H. Anh continued to use Poisonous Fumes, releasing six spores at the back of the surviving Goblins. The anesthetic gas quickly flew out, causing all of them to fall asleep, except for the Goblin Shaman with a staff and skull in his hand. He quickly cast spells to resist the anesthetic gas and continued to use invisibility to escape. . Truong and H. Anh high-fived to celebrate victory. H. Anh used Terra Wall to lower the protruding ground and approached the goblins.

Truong: "You improvise very well."

H.Anh: "You too, your Knife Throw skill can critically hit them..."

The two boys quickly tied the anesthetized goblin archers to a tree, then lit a fire to burn them immediately. After burning them, Truong and H. Anh returned and collected their gold, silver and weapons.

Truong: "Oh my god, some of their weapons are rusty, some are damaged... they're even bloody! No wonder these guys are so weak...', Truong frowned and complained while collecting the weapons the Goblins left behind.

H.Anh: "These Goblins must have massacred many innocent people, but even so, we still don't know what they did with the corpses. As for why they're weak, it's because we have magic, and they only have one guy with abilities that I don't think are very formidable", sighed and helped Truong pick up weapons, "Remember this is still useful." good, bring it back to your teammates too."

Truong: "OK."

After a while of scavenging weapons, the two of them obtained the following good weapons: A long sword, a spear, a javelin, a battle ax and a crossbow, in addition to 20 pounds of gold and 10 pounds of gold. silver scale. After finishing their work, they happily returned...


T.Hai: "So you guys defeated 20 goblins and got these things? That's impressive", T.Hai used a mixture of HCl and HNO3 (Aqua Regia) and dropped a piece of gold, the piece of gold bubbled, T.Hai continued to use another piece of gold and looked under the light, the piece was shiny and shiny. , then he continued to try it with the magnet, there was no reaction, then nodded, "This pile of gold is real gold..."

Truong: "Great, those are 20 pounds of real gold. This is equivalent to two billion VND... We are very rich...", smiling happily.

H.Anh: "That would be nice…but…", H.Anh said with a worried expression.

Ky: "Should we share it with others, I mean besides the seven members of the Navad squad?", Ky continued, his face pretending to be serious but his heart full of ambition.

Truong: "I think not…"

Ky: "Why?", raised his eyebrows.

Truong: "We have sympathy, yes, but in a situation like this, take care of yourself first, these things will be useful in the future.", Truong said with seriousness.

Ky: "I agree." That's right, why share it with others, it has nothing to do with us.

H. Anh: "Okay, remember to keep it carefully", shrugged.

T.Hai: Handed a backpack, "Keep it in here, those two billion VND (≈85800 USD) will be useful to us.", looked towards the pile of silver, "No matter what this thing is Whether they are fake or not, two billion is enough, however, I will try to see if they are real...", put a piece of silver in hydrogen peroxide, they turned black, "This silver is real."

Ky: "Great, we have more budget. The price of 1 kg of silver is about 16 million, 10 pounds is 160 million, so we have a total of 2.16 billion VND! (≈88600 USD)", So much money…

Truong: "Let me keep this pile of gold and silver," stuffed it into the backpack that T. Hai gave me, "We need to give it to someone with integrity and honesty to keep, who will take on that responsibility?"

Ky: "Well, as the leader of the Navad squad, I will nominate...", mouth moving, pondering.

At this moment, V. Minh returned, followed by Dat and Serinos, they brought back a lot of fresh meat, vegetables, fruits and many cans of canned food.

Ky: "It's decided!"

V.Minh: "What is decided?"

Ky: "I decided you will be the one to keep the group's budget," Ky said and pointed at V.Minh with his eyes shining.

V.Minh: "…", V.Minh did not show any emotion, sighed and replied, "Whoever owns money and belongings, that person decides…"

Ky: "Eh…", his face was bewildered, his mouth forming an O and an A.

V.Minh: "That will be transparent and fair.", still with that expressionless face.

Ky: "But I'm the captain, I have the right to decide!", Ky shouted.

V.Minh: "But we are only a small group, so the decision-making power will be divided equally between each member..."

This period ! If so, why don't we go ask everyone in the group for clarity?" Ky replied grumpily and angrily to V.Minh.

Truong: "I agree with V.Minh, we should leave the property to the owner.", smiling.

H. Anh: stroked his hair, smiled, "Agree!"

Dat: "Me too...", waving his hand, informing everyone so they won't be ignored.

Serinos: Nod.

T.Hai: "Me too…"

Ky: "Everyone…Look…NO…", he shouted, "FINE, KEEP YOUR OWN, KEEP IT", looking at V.Minh with even more anger, "Do you have any way to take it with you? "The gold and silver weighing up to 30 kilos?", then Ky crossed his arms, waiting for V. Minh to answer.

V.Minh: "Use magic…"

Ky: "Magic?", confused, "I thought magic only had a few attacks and effects?"

V.Minh: "There is a skill called Inventory, this thing is on the first page of every magic book we keep, it can contain up to 30 different things, the number of each thing is almost infinite. Now, I'll show you", Creating an elliptical space crack, reaching inside that space, taking out two books on fire magic and dark magic and storing them inside. space and lock that space, V. Minh added, "This space is considered the space we created ourselves, so we don't have to worry about anything else, moreover, security." also very high…"

Everyone watched what V.Minh developed with wide eyes and great surprise. Then, everyone tried and successfully used the Inventory skill.

Ky: "Well, we just learned another interesting magic skill, and about the property issue, I agree with V.Minh's proposal.", smiling and nodding vigorously.

Ky: "Ah, also, can you suggest a new mission for everyone? I figured it out and I felt so confused..."

V.Minh: "Here!", He placed a piece of paper on the table, which was a board clearly stating the duties of each person.

Ky: "But why does this proposal seem so wild, as if we are an organization that researches, uses and upgrades magical weapons…"

V.Minh: "The seven of us are considered an organization, but I can't find a better proposal...decide quickly, we have many other problems to solve..."

Ky: "I agree with this proposal, what about everyone?"

Truong, H.Anh, T.Hai, Serinos, Dat: "Agree!"

Ky: "So let's move on to the next problem. Truong, H. Please share the weapons with the whole team and the missing people...", clasping his hands and pleading.

Truong: "This...this...weapon is my right to decide!"

Ky: "You decide to donate it to everyone…we should share a little bit…Right?"

Truong: "No is no!"

Ky: "Let's go!"

Truong: "No is no!"

Ky: "Let's go!"

Truong: "No is no!"

Ky: "Let's go!"

Truong: "No is no!"

Ky: "Let's go!"

Truong: "No is no!"

Ky: "Let's go!"

Truong: "Okay, a long sword, a spear, a javelin, a battle ax and a crossbow, everyone take their own," Truong placed the above weapons on the table.

Ky: "Thank you!~", Ky quickly picked up the battle ax and looked at the ax intently.

V.Minh still showed a blank face, choosing the long sword, Truong sighed, hesitated for a moment and then chose the spear, T.Hai chose the crossbow, and H.Anh chose the javelin.

Truong: "We have all the weapons in our hands, do you want to exercise your arms and legs?" If there is, we will track down the Goblin Shaman."

Ky: "The goblin you encountered? Okay ! I'll go, what about everyone?"

The rest nodded, Ky happily shouted: "Great, let's go!". After that, all six of us ran like lightning after Truong to the rice fields, leaving Serinos alone. The group arrived at the field after a few minutes, Truong relied on the footprints left by the Goblin Shaman and followed them.

Ky: "The corpses of those Goblins were defeated by you and H. Anh?"

Truong: "Yes!"

Ky: "Tsk tsk, they seem easy to eat!"

Ten minutes of following footprints led us to an acacia forest on a hill. The forest was dense, the grass was luxuriant, knee-high, the sound of insects appeared everywhere, the buzzing continued, the last footprints ended in the middle of the hill. Suddenly, a rope net was stretched, trapping all six of us and hanging us from a huge tree branch, strong enough to bear the weight of the six of us. I tried to struggle to escape but it didn't work. Truong felt uncomfortable because of what he had just done so he said: "Ky, don't struggle anymore. As for V.Minh, use your sword to cut these ropes!". Rub ! Does the school have leadership qualities? V. Minh only replied: "Currently we are hanging at a height of 5-6 meters. If we fall down, we will not break our bones or lose our teeth.". Truong argued, with a bit of anger: "Our team has healers, so don't worry!", V.Minh replied, still remaining calm: "When recovering with magic, Dat will need to use When it comes to mana, Dat now heals all six of them at the same time. When fighting with enemies, how will he have enough mana to heal all of them? Truong nodded, at the same time, the Goblin Shaman and three tall Trolls with a height of over 3 meters appeared, one holding a large block of wood, one holding a large steel spear and one holding a large war hammer. The insidious Goblin Shaman smiled complacently, ordered one of us to drag us wrapped in a rope net, and spoke surprisingly fluently in human: "Today we will have six corpses." So that means this guy can understand what we're saying, so I'll use a method, I thought to myself, then looked at Truong and said: "Uong, let's go evil" (Truong, make a plan). battle plan). Truong nodded and replied: "If you don't know, you can improvise, you can improvise" (I don't know, you can improvise, if you have any tricks, use them). V.Minh, H.Anh and T.Hai glared at each other for a moment, it seemed like the three of them had the same thought. After the discussion, the Troll holding a large block of wood also carried us away. Truong quickly poked his back with his spear. That Troll screamed, attracting the rest and dropping us to the ground. H. Anh used Terra Wall to create a layer of earth barrier around us. Meanwhile, V. Minh used his sword to cut the net and freed us. Then he grabbed all five people by their shirts and used Shadow Point to teleport out before the Trolls could destroy the earth barrier. and rushed inside like a moth. I also did not want to be outdone, used Freeze to freeze the lower half of the Troll holding the war hammer and continued to use Ice Strike to launch sharp ice spikes to defeat him. The Troll holding the spear growled, using all his strength to throw his huge metal spear at us at high speed, but T.Hai blocked the attack using his Harsh Hit (Wind System) and destroyed it. the entire kinetic energy of the spear.

Ky: "Very well, T.Hai, continue, this name is yours."

T.Hai: "Yes, look here", T.Hai continued to use the Harsh Hit attack to launch a bottle of concentrated H2SO4 towards the Troll at an incredibly fast speed, directly defeating the Troll.

Without waiting, Truong used Spark to release high-voltage electric rays that paralyzed the last Troll. Then he walked up to the Troll and poked the spear down in the center of his chest to make sure he was defeated.

Truong: Pulled out the tip of his spear, dipped it into the nearby pond and said, "After all, that Goblin Shaman doesn't have any useful role, does he..."

Ky: "That's the reason, Truong", I pointed in one direction, where V.Minh, Dat, H.Anh and T.Hai were hitting the Goblin Shaman, he couldn't resist. I laughed out loud and watched with excitement.

Suddenly, he used evil magic again and disappeared into thin air. H. He just smiled lightly and shook his head: "Tsk, let him escape again" and received the comfort of "It's okay" from Truong. Truong looked sideways for a while and discovered the blood stain that the Goblin Shaman accidentally left behind.

Truong: "That's the blood stain of the goblin we just beat up, are you guys going to...continue?", Truong pointed to the blood stain and looked back to where everyone was standing.

Ky: "Yes, we are winning!", I said with increasing aggression and excitement, and looked at the rest, "What about you guys?"

V.Minh just remained silent, nodding, Dat, T.Hai and H.Anh all responded with similar agreement and excitement. With high consensus, we continued to find our way to the other side of the hill. The more you walk, the denser the trees and ancient trees become around you, the more difficult it is to detect and lessen the traces. Fortunately, another sign to guide us appeared, which were the acacia and banana trees she cut down and many footprints of many other creatures that resembled the footprints of the Goblin Shaman. In front of us were a few crudely made camps, along with more than 20 Goblins wearing full armor and holding spears over three meters long, half of them were even riding horses, mainly is a Mongolian pony breed. They were sitting and healing the Goblin Shaman and listening to him talk about what happened, appearing very concerned and serious... and did not expect that they were being watched by us in a hidden corner.

H. Anh: "There's no problem with this group, let me take them all out alone," H. Anh said with full confidence, and separated from the team to fight them.

Ky: "Are you planning to fight with so many Goblins? I know you have magic, but you should be more careful, at least call one more person..."

H. Anh: "No need!", H. Anh waved his hand away, used Camouflage to hide in nature and slowly approach them.

As expected, the sharp-nosed Goblins discovered his location and the horsemen with sharp spears rushed towards him without even seeing him. When they were about to approach, Hoang Anh quickly used Terra Wall to create four high and thick earth walls to trap them, causing the remaining guys to panic and try to destroy the wall. Continuing, he used Terra Strike, causing an earth as big as a pickup truck to freely fall onto the trapped Goblin cavalry trying to escape, and everyone knew they were defeated. Moving towards the remaining Goblins, H.Anh smiled smugly, provoking them, they got angry and chased him, he used Terra Piece as the platform they stood on and they sank three meters, almost three times their height. of them. In the end, he simply used Poisonous Fumes and finished off the remaining guys. And the injured Goblin Shaman was "sent away" by the arrow from T.Hai's crossbow. While we were admiring the combination of these cool skills, H. Anh, still with that smug smile, called out to us: "Hey, everyone, stop standing there, go inside the shacks." Let's see." We suddenly returned to the present and went inside.

Ky: "Nothing!", I sighed and went outside the camp.

Truong: "Me too!", Truong went out with discomfort, put his hands up in dissatisfaction.

T.Hai, Dat, V.Minh: "We couldn't find anything of value...!"

H. Anh; "Oh, is that so, let's go home then…"

Ky: "No, there is definitely something useful...", I said stubbornly, ignoring everyone's words and started searching frantically, scouring all the shacks, including the camps. that those people were looking for…

I stubbornly searched for several hours straight. Until dusk fell, I remained there and tried to find something useful or at least possibly useful in my eyes, but there was nothing, they really didn't leave anything behind. Not a single bit of food or a weapon or a book. Everyone, except H. Anh, has returned.

Ky: "Let's go home!", I went out to the last camp tired, angry and covered in mud, lying on the ground.

H. Anh: "Whoa, have you finally given up?", laughed, bent down to look at me, sighed and gave me a bottle of filtered water from Lavie.

Ky: "Yes, home!", I gasped, responded with determination and grabbed the water bottle, drinking it all in one gulp.

H.Anh: Pulled me up and brushed the dust off my body and clothes, "Everyone is preparing dinner, today we have betel leaf rolls, chive cake, stir-fried water spinach, corn porridge and stir-fried sour ribs sweet."

Ky: Stand up, push H. Anh's hand away, "I can do it myself!", dust himself off and follow H. Anh back to the base, "I wonder if Serinos is a good cook?~"