
Krul Tepes, The Gamer

Being thrust into Kuoh Town as my favorite waifu and with the gamer no less was something I never imagined in my wildest dreams; the fools always say I am heartless, a cheater, and unnecessarily cruel, but they don’t know who I am. I am the gamer.

Great_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Completion of Quest

"So, where will we go?" I asked Ravel Phenex.

We have been wandering around in the school aimlessly, which made many students steal their glances at us with curious looks.

However, their attention was cut short when the bell rang, leaving the school a bit deserted, except for some school janitors, sports teachers, or any other staff members who wandered through the hall.

"I don't know." Ravel Phenex shrugged.

"My brother was supposed to be the one who is responsible for taking care of my enrollment in this school, but guess what? He's busy with his fiancée," she lamented.

"Why are you enrolling at this school, then? I mean, why do you go to a human school? I'm aware that devils should find human schools distasteful," I probed.

It's impossible for me to ask why she didn't go to Kuoh, where she was supposed to be. Instead, I used this witty question to keep her from being suspicious of my knowledge about her desire to go to Kuoh. Probably she never desired Kuoh in the first place because she hasn't fallen for Issei yet, but whatever.

"My parents forced me to go to school. They found it distasteful that I never went to one," Ravel Phenex answered with a certain despair.

"Well, devils don't need one in the first place, though, am I wrong?" I deadpanned at the answer.

"My parents don't want me to become like my brother, who is exploited by his own fiancée because he never went to school and is easily provoked by little insults," Ravel Phenex shook her head in pity.

Oh, I understand what she means. Because Riser was dumb, she was forced to go to school to avoid being as dumb as Riser.

Even though I got the meaning, I didn't say it aloud. After all, it would be rude if I did so.

"Why do you think he was exploited by his own fiancée?" I was confused.

"Mother did say Rias spread rumors about my brother being scummy with other women, and my brother willingly confirming the rumor as fact is evidence that he was exploited by his own fiancée," Ravel sighed.

"He's only sleeping with his own peerage so far, and he never avoids responsibility to take care of them. I don't know why they say he was scummy."

Okay, I never thought just chatting with Ravel, I could get so much information at once. Despite the excitement of gaining intel freely without paying anything, I kept my face flat while listening to Ravel Phenex.

No wonder her parents said that she should go to school; she didn't even have basic vigilance and willingly shared this information with someone she recently met.

Luckily, she met me, not a scumbag, or she would be tricked into rolling in the sheets a hundred times.

"Given that case, your parents' decision to enroll you in school is correct, indeed," I said.

"But, I hate school. It's so uninteresting," Ravel Phenex complained.

"Moreover, I don't know a single person there. I don't know why Mother chose a human school for me. At least, enrolling at Kuoh sounds better, but Mother is against it and said that the relationship between my brother and Rias is not that good."

"How about you? Is your relationship with Rias good?" I asked.

"No, I don't know why she hates me so much and avoids me. Even her friend Sona doesn't want to befriend me for some reason," Ravel's expression was full of loneliness when she spoke of it.

I felt kinda bad for reminding her of it, so I changed the topic.

"I was kinda curious, why this school among all places?"

"Father knows Principal Adolphe, whom we previously spoke of, and occasionally has some transactions with him. He is our business partner and mostly bought Phenex Tears from us," she explained.

When we wanted to improve our relationship further, Ravel's pocket rang as she hurriedly picked up the phone. Her eager expression for having a friend dimmed a bit, then she said,

"Well, Krul, my mother said I need to go home. Do you have a number to add?"

I don't even have a phone. I mean, I recently arrived in this world, how could I think of that? This is not even a full day. However, I knew how to stay in contact with her, even without one.

"Lend me your number. I will contact you in the future myself."

Ravel Phenex nodded as she began to whisper her number to me.

I nodded as I remembered her number. Just like a phone, I don't have a pen or paper to record it, but my selective memory is enough to remember it. When I wanted to remember something, I will remember it for the rest of my life, the one that I didn't remember was mostly useless information that I kept discarding and had no use for in the real world.

[Congratulations, Player, for finishing the quest of Kuoh's Takeover Part 1.]

[Reward: +90,000 EXP, Blue Spider Lily (5)]

After that, Ravel bid her farewell to me as I began to search for Hayasaka. It's easy; I can smell her blood from a mile away.

This is how I can keep track of Principal Adolf and Ravel Phenex and seek their location without much fuss.

After finishing three quests, it seems I need to finish House of Hayasaka too.

It's decided, I will finish that quest and reap the reward that ripe for taking.