
Krul Tepes, The Gamer

Being thrust into Kuoh Town as my favorite waifu and with the gamer no less was something I never imagined in my wildest dreams; the fools always say I am heartless, a cheater, and unnecessarily cruel, but they don’t know who I am. I am the gamer.

Great_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

The World!

Before I made my move, I meticulously scanned the principal's office for hidden cameras, but my keen instincts detected none. Still, I wasn't about to take any chances. Wrapping myself in an invisibility cloak, I felt a rush of confidence. Unlike the rarity of a time-stop, this invisibility was practically bread and butter in this world—everyone knew the basics, but few could master them. The cloak draped over me like a second skin, making me blend seamlessly into the shadows.

I chuckled to myself, thinking about the hidden cameras. They were no match for my cautiousness. If they were to capture anything, it wouldn't be the time stop I was about to unleash. Instead, I vanished from sight, cloaked in stealth. With everything in place and the atmosphere thick with anticipation, I activated The World.

When I unleashed The World, time itself came to a screeching halt. A smirk of triumph curved my lips as I navigated effortlessly through the frozen moments, making my way to the location where Principal Adolf had recently departed.

Choice only appears when the other party is weak. When you're strong, you don't need to make a choice; you cheat. That's how gamers thrive.

As time resumed its flow, Principal Adolf's chilling proclamation hit my ears, freezing me in place.

"All hail Hydra!"

With that, he slipped his phone back into his pocket and walked away.

I couldn't fathom why Hydra was even a thing here.

No wonder this Adolf didn't even flinch in front of vampires and devils. If it were Hydra from the MCU, he'd already be pissing himself. But this was Hydra from Marvel Comics—an entirely different beast. They even have the Cosmic Cube in their hands and are using it to rewrite reality and brainwash Captain America in the Secret Empire. Sure, the MCU's Cosmic Cube had its uses, but it was nothing compared to the comic version's reality-warping might.

That's how OP Hydra was in the Comic Version.

Their MCU counterparts? A pathetic shadow by comparison.

Fortunately, I'm not rashly making a high-profile entrance or being fooled by my high-level stats, or I would be targeted by many forces that I didn't know yet. Now, I believe that my choice is correct to keep a low profile and do quests silently while gathering information until I am strong enough to crush any conspiracies and annoyances that stand in my way.

On that note, I should probably check the internet to see whether Gotham exists in this world or not.

[Congratulations, Player, for finishing the quest of All Hail Hydra Part 1.]

[Reward: +75,000 EXP, Arc Reactor (1), Super Soldier Serum (10)]

[You have leveled up!]

After finishing the mission and eavesdropping on their conversation, I hurriedly chased after Ravel Phenex.

[Quest: Kuoh's Takeover (1/4)]

[Detail: You have a plan to make Kuoh your backyard, but you know it's not going to be easy. Ravel Phenex is very crucial to your plan; you need to make her your friend first before making your final move against Rias and Kuoh Town.]

[Reward: +90,000 EXP, Blue Spider Lily (5)]

Blue Spider Lily? Is that the flower that makes creatures of the night immune to the sun? The one that Muzan always seeks? And it's rewarded with five of them at that?

If I remember correctly, I wasn't immune to the sun. Even though I wasn't burnt like Muzan, I still found the sun annoying and painful, reducing my HP. So, the reward of Blue Spider Lily would be appreciated.

Unknowingly, Ravel was not far away from me, and she turned her back and faced me after hearing the footsteps from behind.

"Are you following me?"

"Well, let's not talk about this, Ravel Phenex. We will be classmates from this day onward. Let's introduce ourselves to each other, shall we?"

"Humph, I'll let you win this time, vampire." Ravel Phenex huffed. "Pray tell your name?"

"Krul Tepes," I introduced, offering her a handshake.

"Ravel Phenex," Ravel accepted, introducing herself with pride.

"I will let you get to know me better this time. Be proud of yourself, Krul Tepes."


What else could I say?

I rolled my eyes inwardly. No wonder this girl has no friends in canon; her communication skills suck.