
Konoha: Bind Namikaze Minato at the start

"Ododo, we have such a good relationship, let's learn from you secretly." A little skill is not too much, right?" "Jiu Xinnai, I want your physique!" "Hey, little brother, you actually opened a kaleidoscope? Very good, now it's mine." ... Yanmen thinks every day Who should we establish a good relationship with next, and when he came back to his senses, he found that he was already invincible! ... note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime & Comics
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324 Chs

Support Arrives

Tsunade and Minato didn't know about Jiraiya's possible support.

That's why they were so surprised when they heard the news from Sakumo Hatake.

Tsunade is fine, but Minato, a disciple, hasn't seen Jiraiya for a long time.

It was as if the disciple Minato had been picked up.

Of course, this blame has to come and go.

It doesn't matter if the real disciples don't teach, but they go to teach the disciples outside the village, and they will teach for several years.

It's just that Minato has a good attitude, otherwise...

Anyway, if he was Yanmen, he would have disowned this teacher a long time ago, what the hell, just give him a few ninjutsu, and don't teach anything else, so he deserves to be called a teacher?

If you treat all disciples like this, that's fine. The point is that you are not. If you let the genuine disciples not teach, you go to teach others, and the gap will come up immediately.

So the Yan family doesn't like Zilaiye very much now, it's purely for the sake of his younger brother.

Well, definitely not because of Tsunade.


When it came to Immortal mode, Tsunade glanced at Yanmen. She knew that Yanmen had been learning Immortal mode some time ago, and she heard from the living scorpion that Yanmen mastered Immortal mode very quickly, only inferior to her grandfather.

When she heard the news, Tsunade was surprised again, but only for a moment, because Yanmen had given her too many surprises.

Not to mention mastering the immortal mode, even if one day Yanmen suddenly possessed the strength like her grandfather, she would not find it strange.

Noticing Tsunade's gaze, Enmon smiled at her.

Tsunade's beautiful eyes rolled over, with a hippie smile, looking for a fight!

Yanmen shrugged his shoulders with an indifferent expression, as if to say, "You have the ability to hit me".

Here, Hatake Sakumo's heart moved slightly. He didn't know what the immortal mode was, but from Tsunade's tone, it seemed very strong.

Jiraiya's own strength has reached the shadow level, and with this immortal mode, he may be stronger than him.

When the two of them join forces, maybe they can suppress the third Raikage in turn.

Thinking of this, Hatake Sakumo couldn't help but relax the tight strings in his heart. This was the first good news he had heard so far.

Hatake Sakumo took a deep breath, and his eyes turned firm. Now, he only needs to persist until Zilai arrives.


Afterwards, several people chatted about the matter of Mist Shinobi.

"Yanmen, do you need help there?"

"Yeah, yes, Kirinin doesn't know what's going on this time, can you hold on?"

In the eyes of everyone, the troops led by Yanmen can stop the Kiri Ninja is already good, no one thinks they can defeat Mistnin.

There is no other reason, the gap in the number of people is too large, and the overall strength is even worse. You must know that Mist Ninja even brought the Tailed Orc Churiki!

Meeting the worried eyes of Tsunade and Minato, Yanmen didn't intend to say too much, he smiled and said: "Don't worry, we can hold on."

Before they could speak again, Yanmen stood up and said: " I have nothing to go back first." The

three of Tsunade also stood up.

"Stinky boy, don't die, I'm just a disciple like you."

Tsunade walked over and hugged Yanmen, Yanmen was just about to turn around and hug her, but Tsunade suddenly took a step back and let go of Yanmen. Door.

Yanmen opened his mouth, and I said, I've already hugged him, can't I hug him for a little longer? Holding it doesn't affect talking.

Well, this kind of words can only be whispered in my heart.

If Minato and Hatake Sakumo weren't there, he might still have the guts to say it, but... well, why are there two big light bulbs here.

At this time, Minato took a step forward and said solemnly, "Onisan, be careful." Hatake Sakumo

also said, "Be careful."

Looking at them, Yanmon nodded slightly: "Yes."

"I will." Let's go."

After speaking, Yanmen teleported back to the southeast front.



Nara Shikayu looked at Yanmen who suddenly appeared, "It's back, is there nothing wrong with them?

" It's fine, nothing serious."

Hatake Sakumo was indeed badly injured, but with Tsunade around, he can recover soon, so the situation is not at its worst, and it is reasonable to say "very good".

Then Yanmen was a little surprised and said: "Why do I feel that there are many more people in the camp, sent by the village?"

He sensed it with Kagura just now and found that there are many strange atmospheres in the camp, but there is no fighting , then there is only one possibility, someone from the village.

"Sun Moon Feng Hua"

Nara Luyou nodded: "I forgot to tell you just now, I received a message from the village this afternoon, saying that the support troops are on the way, and they arrived not long after you left."

Yanmen frowned One challenge, and if he doesn't send support, he will think that Sarutobi Hiruzen and other high-level officials want them to fend for themselves.

"How many people came from the support team? Who is the captain?" Yanmen asked.

Nara Shikayu replied: "About 2,000 people, counting our original people, a total of about 4,300 people. The captain is Kanda Masahide."

Originally, there were more than 1,800 people from Yanmen's side at the beginning, and later the village sent another 700 to 800 people, and the number exceeded 2,500.

But in today's battle, although they almost wiped out the vanguard of Mist Ninja, they also suffered casualties, and about a hundred people died.

There should have been more deaths, but after the Yanmen joined the battlefield, Konoha's casualties were greatly reduced. Later, under the Yanmen's superb medical ninjutsu, many were saved, so it was possible to achieve a nearly one-to-ten battle. loss ratio.

Now their total number has reached 4,300 people, and there is still a gap between the 8,000-odd people facing Mist Ninja, but it has narrowed to one to two, which is much better than the initial one to three or four.

This time, the pressure on Yanmen's body was relieved a lot.

Otherwise, once the war starts, he will not only have to deal with Mizukage and Tailed Beastman Churiki, but also devote part of his energy to deal with thousands of Mist Ninjas. His pressure can only be imagined.

Fighting must be able to fight, the third generation of Raikage can defeat ten thousand with one enemy, and the Yanmen is also no problem, even more exaggerated than the third generation of Raikage.

But the problem now is that Uchiha Madara and Hei Ze are lurking in the dark, if they jump out when Yanmen is exhausted, there is a high probability that Yanmen can only escape.

And it may not be able to run away, Uchiha Madara and Hei Ze must know that he has mastered Flying Thunder God, so they don't make a move, once they make a move, it is likely to be a lore, Yanmen may not be able to escape.

This is exactly what Yanmen has been worried about.

But now with the arrival of support troops, his condition has improved a lot, and he can breathe a sigh of relief.