
Konoha: Bind Namikaze Minato at the start

"Ododo, we have such a good relationship, let's learn from you secretly." A little skill is not too much, right?" "Jiu Xinnai, I want your physique!" "Hey, little brother, you actually opened a kaleidoscope? Very good, now it's mine." ... Yanmen thinks every day Who should we establish a good relationship with next, and when he came back to his senses, he found that he was already invincible! ... note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime & Comics
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324 Chs

Rebuild Thousands of Hands


Kanda Masahide's eyes were blank at first, and then widened, looking extremely shocked.

"You, you are Ji's child?"

Needless to say, Yanmen can tell that Kanda Masahide probably knows his father.

So Yanmen nodded, "That's right."

Kanda Masahide was stunned for a while, and then said after a while: "I didn't expect that kid Ji already had a child, and they have grown up so much, really..."

"Oh By the way, Ji is now..."

Halfway through speaking, Kanda Masahide suddenly remembered that according to the information he knew, the Yanmen brothers were orphans, that is to say, Ji was dead.

"Gene Era"

Thinking of this, Kanda Masahide gave Yanmen a careful look, for fear that what he said just now would bring back sad memories of Yanmen, who knew that Yanmen didn't take it to heart at all.

To say the least, it's okay to be sad, after all, it's been so many years, and the heart that should be hurt has already been hurt, so how can it be possible to feel sad because of someone's words.

However, when Yanmen learned that he was from the Qianshou clan, he always felt that the death of his parents was not that simple, but he suffered from no evidence and no time for him to investigate, so he has been hanging on.

In addition, this thing is actually just a hunch, it is hard to say whether it is accurate, maybe there are not so many conspiracies, after all, Konoha sacrifices 800 or 400 people for missions every year.

Since someone is sacrificed every year, why can't it be his parents? Maybe it's just because of bad luck, or lack of strength...

But no matter what, Yanmen will try their best to investigate when they are free later. If the enemy who killed his parents is dead, that's all. vengeful.

The enmity between parents is irreconcilable.

Don't talk to him about peace, talk about letting go of hatred, and understanding each other.

People who say such things, Yanmen will tell him to fuck you loudly, then kill his parents, and then see if the other party can let go of their hatred.

If the other party is really the Great Virgin and let go of their hatred, Yanmen will still kill him.

Just kidding, the person who would rather be the Virgin, the person who is willing to let go of hatred, is you and not me, I am called cutting grass and roots, killing decisively, understand?


Without being entangled in the question just now, Yanmen asked: "It seems that

Uncle Kanda and my dad are very familiar?" He is of the same family, and he and his father are old acquaintances, and they can get closer by calling him uncle.

"Ah, it's pretty familiar. I'm only two years apart from him. We used to play together when we were young, but later..."

Kanda Masahide seemed to be lost in memory, but soon said sadly: "I won't talk about the later things. You should know too, right?"

Yanmen even knew that he was from the Thousand Hands Clan, which meant that the Yanmen had already touched the core of the Thousand Hands Clan, so Kanda Masahide didn't believe that the Yanmen didn't know why the Thousand Hands Clan disappeared.

"Well, I know," Yanmen nodded lightly, and then said, "This is also the reason why I called you a delinquent today."

Kanda Masahide was taken aback, "Why?"

Yanmen gave him a deep look , slowly said: "You don't know that my teacher Tsunade is going to run for the Fourth Hokage, do you?" Without waiting for

Masahide Kanda to speak, Yanmen continued: "The day Tsunade-sensei becomes Hokage is the rebuilding of the Senju Clan. When!"

"What!?" Kanda Masahide was stunned by this unreasonable sentence, and then he trembled all over, grabbed Yanmen, and said excitedly:

"You, you mean... the Thousand Hands Clan wants to reconstruction!?"

Yanmen didn't care about him catching him, and said calmly: "Yes, but the premise is that Tsunade-sensei can become Hokage, and this requires you, you, and the support of many people!"

Kanda Masahide looked excited , "No problem! Support, must support!"

Looking at Kanda Masahide's excited expression, Yanmen showed a faint smile. It seems that even after more than ten years, some people still remember the glory of Qianshou.

Next, Yanmen will ask Kanda Masahide to contact those people on the list.

Don't look at the thousands of hands that have withered back then, but after more than ten years of recuperation, the number of people has recovered a lot. All of them together have a lot of weight in Konoha. With their support, Tsunade's success rate will be much higher .

And this is also the first step in rebuilding the Thousand Hands Clan!

Yanmen doesn't plan to change his surname, but that's because he has used this name for more than ten years, and he doesn't plan to change it after getting used to it. Maybe he didn't mind a few years ago.

The blood of the Senju Clan lies on his body, his teacher is also from the Senju Clan, and Mito Uzumaki took care of him back then, etc., so no matter what, Yanmen will help Tsunade rebuild the Senju Clan.

Even if Jiu Xinnai wanted to, Yanmen would also like to help her rebuild the Uzumaki Clan. It's a pity that such a blessed family just disappeared in the ninja world.

Of course, the premise is that Jiu Xinnai thinks that if she, an authentic whirlpool tribe, doesn't want to, Yanmen won't do such thankless things.

However, according to Yanmen's observations over the past few years, Jiu Xinnai had this idea, but she did not act because of her own strength and too many restrictions.


Yanmen was taken aback suddenly.

Uh, I don't want to know, but after thinking about it, I realized that I still have so many things to do in the future.

Rubbing the center of his brows, he chatted with Masahide Kanda for a few more words, and Masahide Kanda left the camp with a feeling that could not be calmed down.

Yanmen sat alone in the tent, his mind was empty, his eyes gradually lost focus.

It took a while to regain his senses, he got up and patted his clothes, and said with a dumbfounded smile: "Ham, why do you think so much about nothing now, let's think about it after we win this battle."

Afterwards, Yanmen notified After visiting Nara Shikayu, Uchiha Fugaku, Hyuga Nichizu, Kanda Masahide and others, he went to another port alone.

At present, there are only two ports that can meet the landing conditions of Mist Ninja. Because Yanmen has strong strength and mobility, he guards one port alone.

In this way, no matter which port Mist Ninja lands at, Yanmen can stop them.

Of course, it would be best if Kirito could land at the port where Kayu Nara and the others were stationed, and Yanmen would be able to join the war if he rushed back directly, otherwise once he landed at the port guarded by Yanmen, Yanmen would have to persevere alone until the others rushed over. Come.

Yanmen, Nara Shikayu and others also thought about preventing Mist Ninja from landing and destroying them at sea, but it is night and the visibility is really not high. You can stop it from a distance. What prevents?

Unless... Mist Ninja arrived at dawn.


PS: I hope you liked today's chapters, see you tomorrow with more.