
Konoha: Bind Namikaze Minato at the start

"Ododo, we have such a good relationship, let's learn from you secretly." A little skill is not too much, right?" "Jiu Xinnai, I want your physique!" "Hey, little brother, you actually opened a kaleidoscope? Very good, now it's mine." ... Yanmen thinks every day Who should we establish a good relationship with next, and when he came back to his senses, he found that he was already invincible! ... note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime & Comics
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324 Chs

We are the same

"Kanda Masahide?"

Just hearing this name, Yanmen hadn't reacted yet.

After thinking about it carefully, I realized, isn't this the team leader he has never met?

Uh, although it disbanded within a few days.

Later, Nakoki and Uchiha Shuichi were incorporated into Yanmen's team.

After careful calculation, it was Yanmen who pried Kanda Masahide's corner.

I didn't expect that their "team" would meet in this way at this time.

Hey, what class are we in?

Yanmen couldn't remember for a while.

But other than that, Yanmen felt that the name Kanda Masahide was a bit familiar, as if he had seen it in other places.

"Kanda, Kanda..."

Yanmen muttered twice, suddenly his eyes lit up, he remembered!

Good guy, it turns out that this Kanda Masahide is also a member of the Senju family. He has seen it on Tsunade's Senju family list!

He didn't pay much attention to it at the time, just glanced at it briefly, but he still remembered it.

Judging from Kanda Masahide's age, he is two years older than Namikaze, oh, Namikaze is the father of Yanmen and Minato.

However, Kanda Masahide is better than Namikaze Festival. Not only has he survived until now, but his strength has also reached the level of an elite jonin. He is considered a little famous in the Konoha ninja circle.

"The Sword Comes"

"It's a coincidence." Not long after, Nara

Shikayu asked someone to call Kanda Masahide. It was the first time Yanmen saw his former team leader and current fellow clan. Kanda Masahide, just like his name, looks very handsome, not at all like a person in his thirties.

When Yanmen was looking at Masahide Kanda, the other party was also looking at Yanmen.

Kanda Masahide was very interested in this person who almost became his student and later poached two of his team members.

Although he has never seen Yanmen, he has heard a lot about Yanmen.

The opponent is like a shining star, soaring into the sky.

On the day he just graduated, he killed the third Kazekage and easily suppressed Kazuo, and then led the team to the country of water for help. In the end, he was accompanied by Suiguashan puffer ghost, one of the seven ninja swordsmen, and more than 20 people. Forbear to fall.

Then, as the captain, he led the team to guard the border, and wiped out the vanguard of Wunin in the first battle, and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were completely a thing of the past.

One by one, Kanda Masahide was very curious about Yanmen.

What kind of existence is it that can reach this level at the age of twelve?

Now, he has seen it...

Looking carefully, apart from being sunny and handsome, it seems that there is nothing special about it.

Kanda Masahide thought secretly.


"Hello, Captain Kanda."

Yanmen greeted first.

Masahide Kanda waved his hand, "Now I am no longer the leader, you are the captain, Captain Bofeng."

He is only the leader of the support force, and now that the support force has arrived at the front line, his role as captain will naturally come to an end.

Yanmen nodded slightly, "Thank you for your support."

"By the way, besides you, Kanda Jōnin, how many Jōnin are there in the support team?"

Kanda Masaki said seriously: "Including me, Jōnin's There are a total of twenty-three people, among them, one is an elite Jōnin, nine Jōnin, and thirteen special Jōnin."

There are only twenty-three jounin out of two thousand ninjas. This ratio is close to one to one hundred. It can't be said that there are very few, but it is certainly not many. It can only be said to be average.

Then Masahide Kanda continued: "The number of zhongnin is about five hundred, and the rest are genin." In the

end, Masahide Kanda looked a little unhappy, and said hesitantly: "Many of these genin They are students in the fifth and sixth grades of the ninja school."

"Besides, due to lack of manpower, the village has changed the ninja school's six-year system to a four-year system."

After hearing this, Yanmen's face darkened, and sure enough, Konoha's The newborn seedlings are going to burn themselves for the leaves.

Eleven years old in the fifth grade, twelve years old in the sixth grade...

Well, it is indeed a lot better than the Warring States Period, and it is also a lot better than other ninja villages.

On the battlefield, Yanmen had seen many ninjas under the age of ten, all from other villages.

So, in this rotten world, Konoha is indeed a paradise.

But what happened to the anger in my heart?

Very angry!

But what can be done, this is not up to him to decide, and Konoha is really short of manpower now, one fight against three is really too difficult.

And more importantly, the World War II had just ended, and before he had time to recuperate, the war indemnity he received from Sha Yin had not had time to be converted into strength, and the war broke out again.


He was only twelve years old, but Yanmen never felt that he was really only twelve years old, so he could openly call those children who were about his age little guys.

No, Kanda Masahide and Nara Shikayu had weird expressions on their faces at the same time.

But they didn't have any objection to Yanmen's order.

Not only did they have no objections, they also strongly agreed with this approach, and even Masahide Kanda planned to persuade Yanmen from the very beginning, but they didn't expect Yanmen to have already figured out how to arrange it before he opened his mouth.

Nara Shikayu stood up and said with a smile, "I'll make arrangements now."

No one knows when Kirinin will arrive, so the sooner arrangements are made, the better.

After Nara Shikayu left, there were only Yanmen and Kanda Masahide left in the camp.

Seeing this, Kanda Masahide was about to leave, but was stopped by Yanmen.

"Kanda Jominin."

"Huh? Captain Nakaze, what orders do you have?" Kanda Masahide looked at Yanmen with a puzzled expression.

Yanmen smiled, "I didn't tell you, I just wanted to ask, does Kanda Masahide still remember his original identity?"

When Kanda Masahide was arranged to hide his name, he was nearly ten years old. Yanmen believed that he remembered that he came from Thousand-handed family.

Sure enough, as Yanmen's voice fell, Kanda Masahide's face changed, but he quickly recovered, pretending not to understand, and said:

"What is my original identity, haven't I always been Konoha's ninja? "

Yanmen frowned slightly, "That's right, but you should know that's not what I'm asking."

"You don't have to rush to deny it, because we are the same." Yanmen said calmly.

"We are the same?"

Kanda Masahide was startled, he pointed at Yanmen, and said with disbelief on his face: "You, you mean, you are also from..."

Yanmen nodded heavily, "That's right, my brother and I have the blood of the Thousand Hands clan flowing through our bodies. I don't know if you have any impression of our father. His original name was Thousand Hands Sacrifice."