

In the hidden realm where demons roam, a young demon boy unexpectedly discovers a lost little girl. Driven by an innate sense of compassion, he decides to protect and care for her amidst the perilous supernatural world. However, their fragile peace is shattered when a relentless human-hunting demon squad targets the boy, falsely deeming him a threat to the child. As the squad closes in, secrets unravel, revealing that other mysterious forces are also in pursuit of the demon boy, unveiling a web of intrigue and danger that threatens to plunge both realms into chaos. KOMOREBI is a gripping tale of unlikely alliances, forbidden bonds, and the struggle to defy destiny in the face of impending darkness.

Yagamimigerusempai · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Power Of Water

Makoto, breathless and distraught, rushed back to the camp where Mamoru, Jin, and she had set up.

She found Jin tending to the campfire, his expression questioning.

"Mamoru's been captured by the Mana Vanguard," Makoto gasped, conveying the urgency of the situation.

Jin's eyes widened, and a steely resolve crossed his face.

"We need a plan," he declared, glancing around the camp.

The crackling fire cast shadows, creating an atmosphere of tension.

As they huddled together, Jin and Makoto began strategizing.

The night air whispered with their whispered discussions, the urgency of rescuing Mamoru uniting their efforts. The mystical flora, silent witnesses to their determination, rustled in acknowledgment of the impending mission.

In the midst of their planning, Makoto was taken aback by Jin's extensive knowledge and strategic insight.

When she questioned his background, Jin cryptically replied,

"Some other time," redirecting the focus to the imminent mission of rescuing Mamoru.

Meanwhile, in the harsh desert where Mamoru was held captive, the Mana Vanguard detained him in a cage, awaiting orders from higher authorities.

A trooper, perhaps seeking to show a semblance of humanity, offered Mamoru some food, only to be scolded by his comrades.

Shame engulfed Mamoru as he reflected on his defeat, observing that all the troopers were affiliated with the Earth Mana branch. The isolation and the uncertainty of what awaited him added an extra layer of weight to Mamoru's predicament.

The vice commander, a figure of authority among the Mana Vanguard, approached Mamoru in his contemplative silence.

"You have no right to feel ashamed."

Said the Vice Commander as he dismissed Mamoru's sense of shame, attributing their Mana attributes to the will of the universe.

"If you are worried about the girl, don't me. We have a code that prohibits us from harming any human."

The Vice Commander continued as Mamoru, remaining silent, listened as the vice commander assured him that their code prohibited harm to human civilians.

With a cold expression and tone, Mamoru replied,

"You have no idea what you're talking about. Your code means nothing to be because if it wasn't for that, most of your own kind would be dead."

The tension between the demon and the vice commander added an additional layer of complexity to Mamoru's predicament, hinting at the intricacies of the Mana Vanguard's beliefs and the enigma surrounding Mamoru's own nature.

Meanwhile, Jin came up with a plan to help Mamoru.

"Isn't that risky?" Makoto asked, wondering if that would work since she doesn't know Jin.

"Don't worry, it will, but you need to show courage cause you are a big part of the plan." Jin smiled and patted Makoto's head.

Jin, confident in his plan, reassured Makoto about its success, emphasizing her crucial role in the unfolding rescue.

The morning sun painted the desert landscape as they approached the trooper-laden scene, Mamoru's meditation starkly contrasting with the trooper's mockery.

As they observed the situation, Jin outlined the plan to Makoto, emphasizing her part in freeing Mamoru.

Makoto, still uncertain, questioned the plan's viability.

"Okay, listen, Makoto, it's time. I'll make a distraction while you go and unlock the cage Mamoru is in and take him out, then I'll follow." Jin said Makoto will be determined.

"Are you sure this will work?" Makoto replied, asking Jin.

Jin's response was a determined smile, a side of him Makoto hadn't witnessed before.

In silence, understanding passed between them, and with newfound resolve, they embarked on their separate paths to execute the risky rescue mission.

Jin marched towards the Mana Vanguard Earth Branch with a comedic swagger, his curly blue hair bouncing with each step. His signature orange bandana stood out against the serious backdrop.

Troopers quickly intercepted him, blocking his path.

With a mischievous grin, Jin unleashed his abilities, which surprisingly is water.

Jin has the ability to control water as he has the Mana of water.

Streams of water surged from his palms, forming fluid whips that lashed out at the troopers.

He twirled, creating water blades that danced through the air, deflecting their attacks.

As the skirmish intensified, Jin harnessed his Mana to create a swirling water vortex, ensnaring troopers and leaving them drenched. His movements were a seamless dance of agility and elemental mastery, turning what seemed like a whimsical approach into a dazzling display of combat prowess.

The troopers, drenched and disoriented, scrambled to regroup, desperately searching for a weakness in Jin's water-infused onslaught.

As hope waned, the atmosphere tensed with anticipation.

Suddenly, the Vice Commander emerged, a stern figure radiating authority.With a commanding presence, the Vice Commander assessed the situation.

Observing Jin's fluid maneuvers, a calculating glint sparked in their eyes.

In a strategic move, the troopers reorganized, focusing on exploiting any potential gaps in Jin's defense.

Jin, sensing the shift in dynamics, adjusted his stance, prepared for a more formidable challenge. The air crackled with tension as the Vice Commander, a seasoned leader, formulated a plan to counter Jin's water Mana ability and turn the tide of the battle.

"I have seen you before." Said the Vice Commander intrigued in Jin.

"Maybe, who knows." Jin replies with a grin on his face."

Seizing the opportunity, Makoto spotted a scooter-like vehicle nearby, swiftly bringing it to life.

With determination fueling her actions, she accelerated at full speed towards the cage where Mamoru was held captive. Troopers attempted to intercept her, but Makoto expertly maneuvered through their ranks.

One trooper, foolishly blocking her path, faced the brunt of Makoto's swift kick. The impact was precise, disarming the trooper and securing the keys needed to unlock Mamoru's cage.

As the scooter skidded to a stop near Mamoru, Makoto deftly freed him, creating a diversion that shifted the troopers' attention away from Jin's skirmish with the Vice Commander.

"What? Nooo!"said the Vice Commander in rage.

"Later." Said Jin, making fun of the troopers.

The vice commander roared in frustration as Jin teased the troopers with a smirk. Ignoring the chaos, Makoto reached Jin, and with Mamoru now freed, they wasted no time.

Mamoru firmly grasped Jin's hands, and together, they sped through the desert, leaving a trail of dust behind.

As the scooter whizzed away, the troopers, still recovering from the chaotic encounter, helplessly watched the trio vanish into the distance.

The desert landscape swallowed them, securing their escape and leaving the troopers in the wake of their audacious departure.