

In the hidden realm where demons roam, a young demon boy unexpectedly discovers a lost little girl. Driven by an innate sense of compassion, he decides to protect and care for her amidst the perilous supernatural world. However, their fragile peace is shattered when a relentless human-hunting demon squad targets the boy, falsely deeming him a threat to the child. As the squad closes in, secrets unravel, revealing that other mysterious forces are also in pursuit of the demon boy, unveiling a web of intrigue and danger that threatens to plunge both realms into chaos. KOMOREBI is a gripping tale of unlikely alliances, forbidden bonds, and the struggle to defy destiny in the face of impending darkness.

Yagamimigerusempai · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Mana Vanguard

It seems Makoto remembered something, but she didn't know if it's true or not. It's not clear to her yet.

Mamoru seemed to be happy as he heard Makoto say that, what he was thinking?

Does he know something and doesn't wanna tell?

"What do you mean you knew it?" Jin replied to Mamoru, being confused.

Ever since I found her, I can tell she has an extraordinary aura around her."

He continued

"Can't really put it into words, but I don't believe our encounter wasn't random." Mamoru replied to Jin being excited.

"What, are you in love?" Jin replied, teasing Mamoru.

Mamoru and Makoto both blushed, and Mamoru told him to shut up as Jin laughed.

They finished eating breakfast, and Mamoru asked Makoto if she wanted to explore more of the forest.

As Mamoru and Makoto traversed deeper into Calista forest, an unknown force observed from the shadows, their eyes glowing with purpose.

Outside the forest, there was a desert, and what appeared to be a troop of soldiers were marching towards the forest.

"I found him, sir." Said a soldier wearing a green helmet.

A group of soldiers with helmets appears to be colored green and black they are known as the Mana Vanguard. A group of troopers that decided to establish law and order to the mortal realm, they kill and hunt down demons.

"Good, let's catch him." Replied another soldier wearing a green helmet.

The soldier in command among them, a Trooper Vice Commander, issued a hushed command to prepare for engagement.With the air thickening with anticipation, Mamoru and Makoto were checking more of Calista forest and they found some footprints on the floor. They know it's not theirs because this seems to be fresh.

"Looks like we've got company, Makoto."

As mamoru was saying that to Makoto

Strange flora emitted a soft glow, guiding their path through the dense vegetation. Unbeknownst Mamoru and Makoto, a group of elite troopers, clad in enchanted armor, stealthily pursued them. Armed with artifacts of Mana, these troopers were skilled in harnessing the forces of earth to hunt down demons.

The Trooper Vice Commander stepped forward, a manifestation of authority and power.

"Demon, you tread upon sacred ground. Surrender or face the consequences."

As he said that, every trooper prepared for combat.

Mamoru and Makoto were surrounded by the troopers, setting the stage for an unforeseen clash between demon boy and the troopers wielding the very essence of Calista's magic.

Mamoru and Makoto exchanged a wary glance, sensing the impending danger.

The trooper vice commander's enchanted armor gleamed in the ethereal light, radiating an intimidating aura.

Mamoru unsheathed his blade out of nowhere, its edge humming with latent power, Makoto was in shock.

Mamoru told her to stand back as he got ready to defend against the approaching threat.

Without a word, the trooper vice commander lunged forward, wielding a sword infused with Mana.

Mamoru parried with precision, their blades clashing in a symphony of sparks. Makoto got scared as she was witnessing a battle.

The battle unfolded amidst the mystical flora, with each combatant utilizing enchanted abilities. Mamoru danced with agility, his strikes a seamless blend of martial skill, and Mana-infused prowess.

The Trooper Vice Commander, undeterred, unleashed a surge of earth magic, causing vines to rise and entangle the strange flora, intensifying its glow, casting an otherworldly ambiance over the skirmish. Mamoru fought with determination, his every move calculated to overcome the elite troopers and protect Makoto from the troopers' tread upon.

As the trooper vice commander intensified their onslaught, Mamoru fought valiantly, but a sudden surge of power overwhelmed him. With a swift and unexpected strike, Mamoru found himself knocked to the ground, defense momentarily shattered. The trooper vice commander seized the opportunity, swiftly capturing him, leaving Makoto in shock and the mystical flora bearing witness to the unfolding drama.

"It's over." Said the Vice commander.

Makoto was scared that she ran away from the troopers. She was crying as the thought of seeing Mamoru getting knocked down.

"What about her, sir?" A trooper asked the vice commander.

"Leave her be private." The Vice Commander replied

"Wait, is he a real demon for real?" Trooper asked

"Affirmative." The Vice Commander replied

"He looks so weird!" Trooper replied with a funny voice.