

In the hidden realm where demons roam, a young demon boy unexpectedly discovers a lost little girl. Driven by an innate sense of compassion, he decides to protect and care for her amidst the perilous supernatural world. However, their fragile peace is shattered when a relentless human-hunting demon squad targets the boy, falsely deeming him a threat to the child. As the squad closes in, secrets unravel, revealing that other mysterious forces are also in pursuit of the demon boy, unveiling a web of intrigue and danger that threatens to plunge both realms into chaos. KOMOREBI is a gripping tale of unlikely alliances, forbidden bonds, and the struggle to defy destiny in the face of impending darkness.

Yagamimigerusempai · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Legend Of Murasaki

As Makoto, Mamoru, and Jin sped through the vast desert, a hidden cave caught their attention.

Curiosity sparked, and they entered and found an underground pathway.

The walls were adorned with shimmering Mana rocks cast an otherworldly glow, revealing intricate patterns and ancient carvings.

The skeletons strewn across the rocky floor hinted at a forgotten history, their presence sending shivers down Makoto's spines.

"Apparently, someone was here before."

Makoto said, scared while grabbing Mamoru's arm.

As they cautiously progressed, a voice resonated through the tunnel, guiding them with an eerie yet captivating allure.

"Did you hear that?" Mamoru asked, looking around.

"Yes, I hear it too." Makoto replied, hiding behind Mamoru.

"Hear what? What are you guys talking about?" Jin replied as he was examining the skeletons.

As they kept walking, the air was charged with an inexplicable energy, and the trio couldn't shake the feeling that they were being drawn into some sort of secret.

Jin, ever the vigilant one, observed the surroundings, noting symbols etched on the cavern walls that seemed to react to the Mana around them.

The pathway twisted and turned, revealing hidden chambers filled with ancient artifacts and remnants of a civilization long past.

Makoto and Mamoru exchanged glances, realizing they had stumbled upon something far more significant than a mere escape route.

The voice grew clearer, revealing cryptic messages about the origin of the world and also about the rule of the demons.

In the aftermath of the tumultuous Mana Struggle War, the tale of Murasaki and the birth of the Mana Vanguard unfolded with profound intricacy.

As the great demon Murasaki, guided by a belief in demons living peacefully without consuming humans, faced the wrath of those who craved chaos, he and his clan were cast into the upper world by the overlord.

Undeterred by adversity, Murasaki established a peaceful village, seeking coexistence rather than strife.

However, discord emerged among the demons, some rejecting Murasaki's ideology and succumbing to their malevolent nature.

The resulting rampage claimed the lives of many humans, leading Murasaki to feel an overwhelming sense of responsibility.

To protect what remained of humanity, Murasaki and his wife withdrew to the fringes of the world.

Witnessing the growing danger across all realms, Murasaki pleaded with the universe for intervention.

In response, the mystical force of Mana emerged, a powerful energy that held the potential to tip the scales in favor of the beleaguered humans.

Murasaki, now aligned with the Mana, empowered humans with newfound abilities to combat the malevolent demons. The Mana Struggle War unfolded as a clash between light and darkness, with Murasaki and his wife at the forefront of the battle.

Together, they triumphed, forcing the demonic forces to scatter and hide in various corners of the world.

Despite their victory, the burden of guilt weighed heavily on Murasaki. In an act of self-imposed penance, he embarked on a solitary journey to hunt down and confront the demons he once called kin.

This quest laid the foundation for the creation of the Mana Vanguard, as Murasaki shared his demon-fighting techniques with those now empowered humans who joined his cause.

The legacy of Murasaki endured, but after his eventual demise, a human blinded by the newfound powers seized the opportunity to rid the world of demons entirely.

This pursuit of absolute power marked the emergence of a new chapter, where the line between good and evil blurred, and the delicate balance established by Murasaki hung in the precarious embrace of uncertainty.

Makoto, Mamoru, and Jin were shocked to read that tale. They didn't know what to say. The Mana Vanguard was actually created by a demon.

"Somehow, I knew there was something about their troops that wasn't right." Jin said in amazement of this text.

"Yeah, the way they fight using Mana is something extraordinary." Mamoru replied in amazement as well.

"Well, so this means history was changed, but who did it?" Makoto asked, wondering if there was something she could use to write down what they just read.

Makoto hastily scribbled down notes, her curiosity piqued by the revelation.

As the trio pondered the altered history, a shadowy figure appeared in the doorway. It was an enigmatic being, clad in a cloak that seemed to dance with an otherworldly energy.

"I see you've uncovered the truth." The figure spoke, its voice echoing with an air of ancient wisdom.

"I am Kurogane, a guardian of the realms. The disturbance you sense in the text, it wasn't without purpose." Kurogane said.

Mamoru, Jin, and Makoto exchanged glances, realizing that the journey to unravel the mysteries of the Mana Vanguard had just taken an unexpected turn.