

In the hidden realm where demons roam, a young demon boy unexpectedly discovers a lost little girl. Driven by an innate sense of compassion, he decides to protect and care for her amidst the perilous supernatural world. However, their fragile peace is shattered when a relentless human-hunting demon squad targets the boy, falsely deeming him a threat to the child. As the squad closes in, secrets unravel, revealing that other mysterious forces are also in pursuit of the demon boy, unveiling a web of intrigue and danger that threatens to plunge both realms into chaos. KOMOREBI is a gripping tale of unlikely alliances, forbidden bonds, and the struggle to defy destiny in the face of impending darkness.

Yagamimigerusempai · Fantasy
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15 Chs

History Of Calista

A week has passed since Mamoru found Makoto unconscious on the cliff. Makoto seems to have lost her memories somehow, but she seems to be fine, no anomalies whatsoever. Makoto doesn't seem to find it strange that Mamoru is a demon and that Jin doesn't seem to care.

As they were preparing to move to another location, Jin came to Mamoru to talk privately.

"What do you think, Mamoru? Is she another survivor, or is she a trap?" Jin asked Mamoru, concerned about Makoto.

Mamoru examined Makoto without her knowing. His scarlet eyes glinted with a mix of curiosity and caution.

"I sense no danger, Jin. She's not like us, and something about her feels... different."

Makoto woke up complaining about why they had to move and that it's too early to be awake. Mamoru looked worried for a minute because he knew that Makoto didn't know what's going on in the world right now.

"Come on, it should be a crime to be awake this early." Makoto complained to Mamoru as she was waking up.

"You really don't know what's going on, do you?" Jin replies

"What do you mean? What's going on?"

Makoto replied to Jin, yawning.

"I'll explain as we go. For now, let's move."

Mamoru said as he was getting everything ready to leave the area.

Makoto didn't say anything after that and helped them prepare to leave. They started walking through the woods, leaving the sticks and rocks they used for the fire. Mamoru felt uneasy, and that's why they wanted to move. Even if he didn't say it, Jin could tell why, and he also felt that it was the right call. They were in that part of the forest for 2 months now.

They stopped where the river was. The Calista River was one of the most beautiful places you could see in Calista. Water was crystal clear. You could see the fish swimming and the trees surrounding the area was a place with a lot of birds. Jin climbed a tree to check if he could get some eggs. Luckily, he found some eggs to have breakfast. Now that Makoto was with them, they needed more supplies. Mamoru told Makoto to get water on the river while he prepared the camp and started the fire as Jin was getting some eggs.

Mamoru, as he was preparing the camp he started having flashbacks of his of a year ago. He started to realize that something in Calista was calling him. He thinks that it might have to do with some sort of ancient Mana Artifacts.

Makoto returned with fresh water, and Jin came back with the eggs for breakfast. Jin asked Mamoru and Makoto if they wanted their eggs boiled, to which they both replied yes. Makoto sat down next to Mamoru and asked him why they had to move.

"It's been 2 months since Jin and I stayed in that location, and for some reason, I feel something is coming at us." Mamoru told Makoto as he was still deep in thoughts.

"What do you mean? Is this place dangerous?" Makoto replied, sort of scared.

"Since you don't have any memories, I have to tell you the history first."

Mamoru replied as he opened his eyes, looking at Makoto.

Long ago, Calista was under the oppressive rule of demons. However, a cosmic intervention, known as the "Will of the Universe," bestowed upon humans the gifts of Mana and Spiritual Force. This marked the turning point, empowering humans to rise against the demonic tyranny.

"Mana Struggle War." Demons were expelled from the realm after 100 years of being on power. Since the beginning of time, the demons were named "Rulers of the Ream" duo to be the superior race. After one hundred years, a mystical force known as "Will Of The Universe" gave the humans the power of "Mana" to fight against the demons. The humans won the war, and most of the demons left to the underworld. Some are hiding in the mortal realm.

Mamoru told the history of Calista to Makoto at the very end of the story. Jin told them that the eggs were ready.

As they were eating, Makoto was quiet and was deep in thoughts.

"Is there anything wrong, Makoto?"

Jin asked Makoto as it seemed she was lost in thoughts.

"Yes, it is just I feel I have heard this story before." Makoto replied, not sure if her memories are true or not.

Mamoru looked surprised and smiled as he said, "I knew it."

What do you think of Calista history?

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