
Knights Blood

In the heart of Backwood Forest, Elias discovers an abandoned newborn during a storm. Feeling a supernatural connection, he takes the child to his cottage and vows to protect him. Elias's life as a father begins as he starts to take care of *his* child.. He gives him a name, Asher Backwood. Asher's life beginning in a storm was only a start to his ardous journey of following his destiny or to break free from it. I am a new Author, and I have just started my first story on this app with this novel. With the upcoming chapters I will continue to improve on my writing skills. Lastly, Thank you for giving your precious time to this New Author and his story. Hope to see you staying for the development:D

FrenziedAlite · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Part 2: A New Life

Chapter 6: Self Discovery

Elias sat by the fireplace, lost in thought as the flames flickered before him. The weight of the decision he had to make for Asher's future pressed heavily on his mind. He believed in his son's potential, but he also understood the importance of letting Asher find his own path.

After much contemplation, Elias came to a decision. He believed that Asher should discover his magical abilities on his own terms, allowing him to explore and grow naturally. Pushing him too hard at such a young age could potentially harm him, both physically and mentally.

With this in mind, Elias decided to let Asher be a child for a little longer. He would provide a supportive environment for his son to learn and develop at his own pace, offering guidance when needed but allowing Asher the freedom to discover his talents on his own.

Elias shared his decision with Anna during one of her visits. She nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of patience and self-discovery in a child's life. Together, they vowed to support Asher's journey, whatever path he chose to take.

As the days turned into weeks, Elias focused on creating a nurturing environment for Asher. He introduced him to the wonders of nature, taking him on walks through the forest, teaching him about the plants and animals that called it home. Asher's eyes sparkled with curiosity as he explored the world around him, his laughter echoing through the trees.

Elias also encouraged Asher's creativity, providing him with crayons and paper to express himself through art. The walls of their home soon became adorned with colorful drawings of magical creatures and fantastical landscapes, each one a testament to Asher's vivid imagination.

As Elias continued his magical practice in the grove, he noticed two-year-old Asher had wandered off to a secluded spot beneath a towering oak tree. The air around Asher shimmered with a faint glow, and Elias could see his son's intense focus as he sat cross-legged on the ground.

Asher's small hands were outstretched, fingers delicately tracing intricate patterns in the air. The surrounding foliage seemed to respond to his touch, leaves lifting and swirling around him in a mesmerizing dance. Ethereal threads of energy wove through the air, intertwining with the natural world around him.

With each movement, Asher's connection to the earth deepened, his young face glowing with concentration and wonder. The leaves began to form intricate patterns, floating gracefully in the air, creating a beautiful tapestry of colors and shapes.

Elias watched in awe as his two-year-old son harnessed the energies of soulweave magic, his innate talent shining brightly. The grove seemed to come alive with the magic Asher was channeling, a testament to his natural affinity for the arcane.

As Asher completed his practice, the leaves gently descended back to the ground, settling around him like a soft carpet. He opened his eyes, a bright smile lighting up his face as he looked up at Elias, his eyes sparkling with pride and excitement.

Elias approached his son, kneeling down beside him. "You did wonderfully, Asher," he whispered, wrapping his arms around him in a warm embrace. Asher's laughter echoed through the grove, a joyful sound that filled Elias's heart with love and gratitude.

In that moment, Elias knew that Asher's journey of self-discovery was unfolding beautifully, guided by curiosity, love, and the magic that flowed through their veins.

As the seasons continued to change, Elias and Asher's bond grew even stronger, deepening with each passing day. Spring blossomed with new life, filling the air with the sweet scent of flowers and the melody of chirping birds. Elias would often take Asher on walks through the blooming meadows, teaching him about the different plants and creatures that called the village home.

Asher's curiosity knew no bounds, his little hands reaching out to touch the petals of flowers and chase after fluttering butterflies. Elias cherished these moments, watching his son's eyes light up with wonder and amazement at the beauty of the world around him.

Summer arrived with its warmth and sunshine, filling their days with laughter and joy. Elias introduced Asher to the joys of swimming in the nearby lake, the cool water refreshing against their skin as they splashed and played together. The long summer days were spent exploring the forest, building forts out of fallen branches, and picnicking beneath the shade of ancient trees.

Despite the summer heat, Elias made sure to continue Asher's education, teaching him about the history of their village and the tales of heroes and adventurers from times long past. Asher listened intently, his imagination soaring as he envisioned grand adventures of his own.

Autumn painted the trees with fiery hues of red, orange, and gold, creating a breathtaking backdrop for their outdoor adventures. Elias and Asher would spend hours collecting fallen leaves, creating colorful collages and intricate patterns on the ground.

As the days grew shorter and the nights colder, Elias introduced Asher to the art of storytelling. They would sit by the fireplace, wrapped in blankets, as Elias spun tales of brave knights, powerful wizards, and magical creatures. Asher's eyes would grow wide with excitement, his imagination ignited by the stories that filled his young mind with wonder.

Winter finally arrived, blanketing the village in a layer of snow and transforming it into a winter wonderland. Elias taught Asher how to build snowmen and make snow angels, their laughter echoing through the crisp winter air.

Inside their cozy home, they would bake delicious treats together, filling the air with the scent of freshly baked cookies and pies. Elias also continued Asher's magical education, introducing him to simple spells and enchantments that were safe for a child his age to practice.

Despite the cold weather outside, their home was always filled with warmth and love, as Elias and Asher cherished their time together, making the most of each season's unique offerings.

Through it all, Elias remained steadfast in his decision to let Asher discover his magical abilities at his own pace. He watched with pride as Asher's natural talents continued to flourish, always ready to offer guidance and support whenever needed.


Ch6 is here!!!

I felt burnt out!!!

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chapter 7: Is this really a human child?

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