
Knights Blood

In the heart of Backwood Forest, Elias discovers an abandoned newborn during a storm. Feeling a supernatural connection, he takes the child to his cottage and vows to protect him. Elias's life as a father begins as he starts to take care of *his* child.. He gives him a name, Asher Backwood. Asher's life beginning in a storm was only a start to his ardous journey of following his destiny or to break free from it. I am a new Author, and I have just started my first story on this app with this novel. With the upcoming chapters I will continue to improve on my writing skills. Lastly, Thank you for giving your precious time to this New Author and his story. Hope to see you staying for the development:D

FrenziedAlite · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Part 2: A New Life

Chapter 5: seasons passed

This routine of Elias's, going for work and leaving Asher in Anna's care in the day continued for 1.5 month.

In the span of 1.5 month, he had earned enough money to build his own home just across the street. And now it was about time for him to say goodbye to Anna's hospitality and care...In the 1.5 month they were together Elias and Anna had already become close like family members with Asher being the reason for their close bond.

Although He would be living just across the street it was still too hard for them to bid farewell to each other.

[Maybe it's because they couldn't imagine not seeing each other's face the first thing in the morning? Or

Maybe the reason why it was so hard to do it was because they had developed some deeper feelings

Who knows whats in their hearts...]

But then Elias suggested something, "why don't you come to take care of Asher while I am away working during the day. Hearing this Anne smiled a bit and said "yes!".

Elias left for his home just across the street with Baby Asher held in his arms. While Asher kept looking back at Anna.

After elias came to his home and settled down with Asher His usual life resumed again and like this

seasons flew by, Elias and Asher's life bloomed in the village. Spring brought blossoms and chirping birds. Summer was filled with warmth and laughter. Autumn painted the trees with fiery colors, and winter blanketed the village in snow.

In the blink of an eye, Asher turned two. He toddled around, his chubby legs wobbling as he explored everything around him. His laughter echoed through the village, bringing joy to all who heard it.

Elias watched with pride as Asher took his first steps, his heart swelling with love for his growing son. With each passing day, Asher grew more curious and adventurous, eager to discover the world around him.

And amidst the changing seasons, Anna's daily visits made the bond between Elias and Anna to grow stronger.

During this time Elias also started training incase the myriad ever attacked him and his *family*. For this he first started with swordsmanship becsuse Elias found himself drawn to the art of swordsmanship. He watched the local guards practice their drills with admiration, their movements fluid and precise. Inspired by their skill and determination, Elias decided to try his hand at swordsmanship.

With his good ol' trusty rusty sword in hand, Elias began to practice in the secluded grove near the village outskirts. At first, his movements were clumsy and awkward, but he persisted, determined to master the art. Day after day, he swung his sword, trying to mimic the techniques he had seen.

However, despite his efforts, Elias soon realized that swordsmanship was not his calling. His movements lacked grace and precision, and he struggled to keep up with even the most basic drills. Frustration gnawed at him as he grappled with his lack of talent in the martial arts.

Disheartened but undeterred, Elias turned his attention to another path—the path of magic. Intrigued by the mysterious and arcane, he sought out an old book on magic from a dusty corner of the village store. The pages were yellowed with age, and the ink was faded, but Elias sensed a hidden power within its words.

With newfound determination, Elias delved into the ancient tome, studying its contents with fervor. He learned about the different schools of magic, from elemental manipulation to illusionary spells. His mind buzzed with excitement as he experimented with simple incantations and gestures, trying to unlock the secrets of the arcane.

At first, progress was slow and frustrating. Elias struggled to grasp the complex theories and concepts of magic, often feeling overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of knowledge before him. But he refused to give up, pouring over the pages of the ancient book late into the night, fueled by his thirst for knowledge.

Gradually, as the seasons changed and the days grew shorter, Elias began to see progress in his magical studies. He learned to harness the elemental energies around him, summoning small sparks of fire and gusts of wind with a flick of his wrist. He seemed to be talented in magic as he could handle two elements where handling one or even none element was the norm.

Due to his talent Elias quickly became proficient with fire and wind magic in just under 1 year. He was now focusing on his healing magic. He had left training his healing magic for a later date because it was common and much easier for him to learn than other kind of magic, atleast for him. Every human could use healing magic in his world because they were blessed by the goddess of fertility and regeneration, mudra.

While some were better at it or worse than others. Elias fell somewhere in the middle. He really was blessed with magic when compared to the people around him.

Except Asher who was already using soulweave, a form of special magic blessed by the spirits.

Elias discovered Asher using this magic when he first tried to stand on his two feets reinforcing his body with etherea, performing a special form of soulweave magic. On that day, Elias got two good news one being his son could stand now and the other being he was even more gifted in magic than him. What else could he have asked god for? After thanking the goddess, wreta, goddess of energy and creation...

He announced it to all his friends in the village...and after that Asher's potential was a constant hot topic of gossips for a while. For the next few days, Elias experienced enormous joy whenever someone mentioned his sons magical prowess.


Now that Asher was 2 years old, he was already at the age of LEARNING because of his talent, the sooner he started developing his knowledge, the more his talent will bloom. After taking 2 weeks deciding what to do it was finally time for Elias to make a decision for Asher's life...

I know I know this chapter is a mess rn...

I will fix it by tomorrow. My headache's on another level :⁠-⁠\

well anyways see ya:)

next chapter on 500 views(I need rest):⁠-⁠P

upcoming chapter:

chapter 6: Self Discovery

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