
Knight Of Creation; My Werewolf System

[ System Notification: You have upgraded your werewolf bloodline. Begin the next Evolution ] [ System Notification: You are now a mixed blood Hybrid ] The Dark elves invaded earth opening countless demi Rifts to an alternate world called OAS. in that world, Mythical creatures reign supreme while humans are at the bottom of the food chain. Earth is no longer the same way as we knew it. Lance is just a normal boy fitting into the population of powerless humans. However! when he receives a Supernatural System, how will his fate turn out?

Supernatural_Tales · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 9 New Quest

Lance was currently walking on the sidewalk on his way back from the library. In his hands was a weird looking book that looked like a prop from a horror movie.

Lance currently had an expressionless face, however, if you were to look closer, you would see the occasionally flashes of gleam in his eyes as well as the twitching of his facial muscles.

After he found out what the book was, he had requested to take the book home from the library.

Sharon agreed to it without batting an eyelid. After all, that book wasn't any thing special..... Or so she thought. In her mind, Lance was just a weirdo who liked doing strange stuff

Holding that book with trembling hands, Lance continued to walk forward heading towards the old intersection to meet up with Fatty Gus (Gustav).

At this moment, his mind was in chaos as multiple thoughts zoomed throughout his head concerning the book in his hands.

"Its an inscription book! I actually came across an inscription book!"

"Not just any inscription book, its from the other world".

"I just learned about inscription masters not more than an hour ago. It wasn't even a minute later, I found a book of inscription".

"My life hasn't been the same ever since I got this system. First, it gives me the medicinal formula to increase spiritual power, the next thing, I find an inscription Art book. Is this actually a sentient demon spirit that put itself in the form of a system to act as if it's not alive?"

Lance could no longer keep his thoughts straight and all kinds of wacko theories he could think of as he continued his walk towards the old intersection.

Finally, he couldn't control his anxiety and curiosity got the best of him. His original plan was to wait till he got home, but he decided against it.

If he could actually become an inscription master, then his future path would be a lot easier from now on.

The position of an inscription master was above an alchemist by many folds. With a powerful inscription, even a bronze tier demi human could overpower a demi human of silver tier.

Thinking up to this point, Lance stood on the spot and looked left and right. The sly was already dark and looking at his Wristcom, it was already past 6pm.

The road he was walking on at the moment was deserted so he didn't have to worry about someone seeing what he was doing.

After reassuring himself, Lance held the book firmly in his hands and proceeded to pry it open. However, he quickly found out that the book remained shut.

Seeing this, he increased his strength, however.

"Come on! Why isn't it opening".

Lance pulled the book till the point his face turned red. However, the book did not budge.

Just when he was contemplating whether he should add his three stat points to strength.....

[ This book is currently ownerless/ To open, Form a blood bond by releasing your blood on it ]

Seeing the notification, lance finally unrealized why the book didn't open up.

"Guess I need to wait till I get home". That was all he could do at the moment.

Right then, when he had been considering if he should just put all his stat points into his strength, he realized something.

His strength was too low.

Lance had never been able to integrate with a Demon spirit even when his mother bought one for him. When he was nearly killed by Augustus, if he had been strong enough, it wouldn't have happened.

But now, this were different.

"If things really are the same as the old video games, then I should be able to level up by killing monsters. However, for now, its just a theory that I will have to test out later".

As lance walked towards his destination, he noticed something. He could see a kid being lifted by his collar by a grown man and the way he looked like, it was clear that this was clearly a robbery.

"What a life!" Lance sighed as he saw this scene. If he could, he would really like to help the other party out, however, Lance wasn't even in the position to help.

Lance shook as head as he prepared to continue his walk to the old intersection, however, he abruptly stopped as his face turned weird.

The reason why was because, the old intersection was right in front of him. A path branching off into two different directions, one heading off to the slums and the other, the inner district of Maple leaf town.

But, Gustav was supposed to be waiting for him right at the intersection, or had he not come yet?

Thinking about this, Lance finally noticed something and his face turned grim. Gustav was here alright, and currently, he was the one getting robbed.

If it were a normal person getting robbed, he would probably turn a blind eye to it due to his insufficient strength. But who was Gustav? He was the only friend he had made since childhood.

Lance had already made up his mind and the next thing that happened only served to motivate him more.

[ New Quest issued: Save Gustav ]

[ Description: A level two demi human is robbing your friend ]

[ Rewards: New skill, +4 Stat points, +3 Skill points ]

Only level two? Lance who was originally worried heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the enemy wasn't too strong. In fact, he was rather weak.

Seeing the hooded man's getup clothing, lance deduced that this man wasn't anyone special, but most probably a level two thug from the local gangs.

"Hehe! I was just wondering how I would be able to meet up with my weekly quota. I didn't think I would encounter one of you second generation rich kids. I might be able to earn a few silvers instead of the 1 silver I need to complete my quota".

The hooded man laughed sinisterly as his right hand held Gustav by the neck.

"Pay up all the money you have with you, if not, don't blame me for being merciless". He said as a ruthless glint flasher past his eyes.

"Get lost!.... Am not paying shit!" Gustav who was slowly being choked to death snorted and gave the thug the middle finger.

Seeing this, the thug was enraged and drew his arm backward aiming to punch Gustav in the stomach.

Ever since entering the street gangs, he had been treated as nothing more than worthless trash among the others.

With a bit of luck and buttloads of bootlicking, he was finally able to get a damaged demon spirit from his boss allowing him to reach level 2 after 2 years.

However, his own future had been thoroughly ruined as he would never be able to advance to bronze tier for the ret o his life.

After his integration with a damaged bronze tier demon spirit, his future achievements would not surpass level 5 as along with the damaged demon spirit, he was already too old for cultivation and his golden years were gone.

Seeing a one of those rich kids from the ungraded forces who lived lives of luxury, had spiked his rage. Moreover, it was very rare to see one that was weaker than him.

"I'd advise you to put my friend down. Who knows what kind of trouble you might get yourself into".

The thug frowned and turned around. What came into his view was a skinny looking boy with a small figure and weak looking physique.

Until one cultivated to bronze rank and obtained Dimensional energy, it was hard to judge a persons strength who was under that rank.

The thug was originally worried that he had come across someone that was stronger than him, however, after seeing this kids weak physique, he concluded he had been thinking too much.

Seeing Lance appear, Gustav's heart sank. He was hoping that this would all end before lance got here.

Looks like luck wasn't on his side.

"Lance, run!"

Hearing Gustav tell lance to run, he confirmed his thoughts and his confidence grew.

"And if I don't put him down, what are you gonna do about it?"

At this point, Gustav was starting to get worried for lance. He knew that lance had not integrated with a demon spirit, so basically, his strength was at the level of a normal human.

Lance let out a wry smile. What the hell was he going to do?

"You will know soon enough after I put you in the hospital". Lance said with a huge grin. This... This was how he would increase his strength for now.

With just a thought, lance finally decided on how to assign his two stat points.

"Two points to agility, one to strength". As soon as the thought came, his three stat points disappeared and a warm feeling travelled though his bones.

Lance was expecting some kind of reaction when he assigned the stat points, but he never expected something like this. His feet suddenly felt lighter and his body slightly twitched but it was almost unnoticeable.

"Haha! Weak piece of trash, get over here!" The thug stretched his arm out attempting to grab lance by the collar just as he did with Gustav.

Lance's reaction speed had already increased by a point and he side stepped to the left, effectively dodging the grabbing hand.

Seeing this scene, the thugs eyes flashed with a chilling light. Lance who had just dodged the quick grab was stunned when the thug let go of Gustav and dashed towards.

A sharp gleam reflected of a black edged dagger that he had taken out of his pants pocket as he swung towards lance with a ruthless expression.

With his newly improved speed, Lance was able to raise his hands to block the attack. He pushed both arms forward and aimed at the thugs wrist, effectively deflecting the strike.

However, the dagger still managed to leave a cut on his arm as blood dripped from his arm.

[ HP: 23/25 ]

Seeing that his attack was blocked, the thug was enraged. He swung the dagger more profusely drawing an upward arc towards Lance's chest.

Barely having enough time to avoid, he leaned backwards with all his might. However, the dagger still caused his blood to be drawn as a few centimeter long gash had appeared on his chest.

"Ahhh!" Lance screamed in pain as he rolled backwards instinctively putting some distance away from the thug. His face was in pain and had an ashen color as he placed his right hand on his chest.

His torso had been slashed through his shirt which was now torn and covered in blood.

"Lance, listen to me, Run!" Gustav screamed while the thug laughed coldly. Even if the strength of this kid wasn't at the level of an ordinary human, judging by his speed, he should be a level two just like him at most.

Lance suppressed the pain that was in his mind as he repeatedly touched his bleeding chest.

Every time his hand touched it, it felt like he was being pricked with pins and needles constantly causing him pain.

[ HP: 17/25 ]

"You.... You actually cut me!" At this moment, Lance's voice had a minor change. The pain in his voice was gone as his head which was lowered continued to gaze at the bleeding wound.

"I..... I was cut! Why?... Because..... Am weak.... Why am I so weak?... A lowly Human slave actually dares to harm me?!"

Lance constantly mumbled those words as his voice turned colder and colder. At this moment, he felt like a switch had just been flipped on him as his body slightly shook continuously as if he was suffering from a small seizure.

The sky had now completely gone dark without a speck of sunlight as the moon slowly shone in its half glory.

"Humph! Who are you calling a slave? You darn idiot!" The thug walked forward with the knife that still had a Lance's blood on it.

Seeing this scene, Gustav who was frightened out of his wits suddenly snapped out of it as his gaze turned determined.

He ran forward and jumped on top of the thug rapidly pounding with those small yet fat looking fists.

"Leave him alone. I won't let you hurt..."

"Get off me you fat rat!"

The thug yelled as he grabbed Gustav's arm and swung him away, off his back. Gustav was sent flying like an arrow shot out of its bowstring and crashed against a building wall. He yelled in pain and dropped to the floor.

The thug snorted and turned around to see Lance who was still looking at the floor while mumbling some words that sounded more of gibberish like a crazy person.

With a maniacal laugh, the thug bent near lance and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"You and your friend over there will make for a good ransom for a few hundred silver credits. Maybe even a couple Gold credits. At that time, my position at the gang will rise a few levels, hehe!".

The thug chuckled as he sunk midway into his fantasies, however, his wandering mind stopped a moment later as a wave of pain quickly flowed through his left hand that was currently on Lance's shoulder.

"Ah! What the fuck do you think you are doing you F**king..... What the...!"

The thug took in a sharp breath as his gazed turned to the youth who was holding the wrist of his left hand with his right. The moment he did, he felt his heart jump and his soul shiver at what he saw.

A pair of cold, steel blue glowing eyes were staring at him expressionlessly sending chills up his spine.

The smaller right hand that was holding his wrist suddenly applied more force and clamped down.

Crack! Crack!

Sounds of bones breaking followed by a bloodcurdling scream resonated as the thugs wrist of his left arm was forcibly broken.

"You little demon... Get away from me!" The thug roared as he stabbed with the dagger in the right hand. Lance who was on the receiving end of the attack just raised his right hand causally and.

Puchi! Splurt!

[ HP: 14/25 ]

Blood gushed out as the dagger directly pierced through his hand, however, Lance didn't let our as much as frown or even slightly crease his brows.

His gaze was nonchalant like he was looking at nothing but an ant that wasn't worth his time and attention.

[ System Notification: You are under the effects of Nighttime. All stats increased by +5 ]

[ System Notification: Rage Rising 45/ Rage Rising 54/ Rage rising 59...... ]

Turning his head to see the barely conscious Gustav led his expression to grow colder. His pierced palm clamped down on the thugs hand that was still holding on to the dagger. At this moment, the strangest, most inconceivable thing happened.

Under the frightened eyes of the level 2 thug, claws began to grow from the knuckles of the youth directly opposite him, however, these didn't look like regular claws that had had seen on beast pictures.

The claws directly pierced through his skin bringing about another bout of screaming as the thugs back was drenched I'm cold sweat.

"You.... You.... You.... Aren't human! No demi human has any special abilities like.... Unless.. You..... You are a Demon Ranker!"

As soon as this thought crossed through his mind, the thug was scared shitless. The rancid smell of urine wafted around them as yellow liquid leaked from the thugs legs.