
Knight Of Creation; My Werewolf System

[ System Notification: You have upgraded your werewolf bloodline. Begin the next Evolution ] [ System Notification: You are now a mixed blood Hybrid ] The Dark elves invaded earth opening countless demi Rifts to an alternate world called OAS. in that world, Mythical creatures reign supreme while humans are at the bottom of the food chain. Earth is no longer the same way as we knew it. Lance is just a normal boy fitting into the population of powerless humans. However! when he receives a Supernatural System, how will his fate turn out?

Supernatural_Tales · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 10 Hidden quest failed

Lance's eyes started to flutter open as he regained himself. As soon as his consciousness came back to him, he looked around and noticed that he was laying in a field filled with luscious green grass.

"Where am I?" He asked no one in particular as the surroundings were void of people. The sky had long since gone dark and he could see the lights that was emanating from the large town over in the distance.

Looking at the place, Lance was somewhat dumbfounded as he was staring directly at Maple leaf town. How did he get outside the town?

Lance turned his body in an attempt to get up, but as he turned his head around.

"Ahhh!" Lance jumped up in fright as he looked at the severed arm of someone that was laying a few inches away from him. Just from the size and the hair on it, you could tell that this arm, belonged to a man.

Moreover, the arm was still holding unto a bloodied knife and was filled with wounds and fractured bones.

Thinking back to what had happened, slowly, memories came back as he remembered what happened with Gustav and the thug on the intersection street.

He remembered being cut on the chest as well as a system notification appearing but when he tried to think past that, his head throbbed with pain.

"That guy wounded me!" Lance exclaimed as he hurriedly touched his chest, however, he found nothing. There was no pain or discomfort, not even as much as a scar anymore.

"What... What happened to me?" Lance couldn't wrap his head around it. He ran his fingers over his chest but he still couldn't find anything. If not for the vertically torn shirt as well as the dried up blood on it, he would have come to a conclusion that what happened was all a dream.

The arm that was also lying a few inches away was also another source of confirmation.

Lance raised his hand and looked at the palm that was supposed to have a gaping hole in it but instead, looked as good as new.

"Did the system heal my wounds? Does it give me some kind of regeneration ability?"

"Oh wait! The system!" Lance wanted to face palm as he completely forgot about it.

Lance quickly opened his system panel as he starred at the new notifications he had gotten.

[ Bloodlust has been reduced ]

[ Rage has Fallen ]

[ You are under the effects of temporary Racial buff (Moon Energy). All stats +5 ]

"Rage!... Bloodlust..... Racial buff?" Lance read all of this and was somewhat stunned. The first thing he noticed was that all his stats had been increased by five points.


Strength: 11 (+5)/ Agility: 10(+5)/ Stamina: 8(+5)/ HP: 25/25(+5)

Even his HP had been increased by 5, this was a shocker. However, lance didn't understand what it meant when the system said that this was a racial buff.

He was human. Did humans grow stronger at night? That sounded like something you would say to Vampire or..... Werewolves that call themselves creatures of the night.

Apart from his confusion, he also noticed that it said it was temporary. Meaning that he wouldn't get to keep the extra stat points forever.

[ Racial Buff; Moon energy]

[ Description: Whenever you are exposed to moonlight, all stats will increase by 20%. Current level is too low, Rage power added, All stats +5 instead ]

Lance looked at the description and was shocked. The energy from the moon would increase his stats by 20% If not for the fact that his current level was too weak, it would really be a boon to him.

He raised his head upward and could see the half crescent moon in the sky. It was already dark huh? At this point, a wild thought flashed through his mind but he quickly discarded it.

After all, his system itself said that his race was human. It's probably something else, most definitely something else.

Again, another irregularity he had found about his proclaimed, demon spirit. He had never heard of a demon spirit that was stronger at night.

Next he looked at bloodlust. There was no description, information, or literally anything else about it, it just said bloodlust.

However, Lance couldn't feel happy looking at it as it just made him feel uncomfortable. Stop making me sound like a Vampire, am getting chills!

"System! What exactly are you?" Lance wondered as he stood up from the floor.

[ Quest complete: Save Gustav. Rewards +4 stat points, +3 Skill points ]

[ Hidden quest failed: Kill your enemy ]

Lance was stumped again. He got another hidden quest, and from the looks of it, he failed. He didn't really kill someone, did he? "Wait the system said i failed, which means the guy is probably still alive".

"Kill! Is this system ludicrous? What the fuck?"

Lance had an incredulous expression on his face. Did this system take him for a murderer? However, that was just the beginning as what popped up next almost caused him to vomit blood.

[ Optional Quest issued: Eat the Flesh of your enemy to gain additional Stat points ]

Lance was speechless, his gaze slowly turned to the human hand that was still laying there on the floor. Lance couldn't remember what happened between him and that thug, however, one thing was for sure. From now on, there will be one more person in this world without an arm.

"This system is definitely crazy. Yes I want to get stronger, but even if it gives me a stat point, I won't......"

For a brief moment, he gazed once again at the piece of meat. His nose suddenly tingled with the smell of fresh blood. It wasn't just like a normal smell, it felt like his sense of smell had been amplified several times and all he could smell currently was the severed arm.

His eyes started to glow a hint of blue as Lance noticed that his vision had started to become colored.

[ Bloodlust rising ]

The arm lay on the floor and the edge of it that would usually be attached to a shoulder looked as if it had been forcefully ripped off by someone.

At this point, Lance's breathing had become labored as his eye were now glowing a deep blue color.

Usually, the thought of eating raw meat made him feel sick, much less another human being. He was in no means a cannibal.

However, for some indescribable reason, he felt like.... he was being drawn to eat, like... like it was second nature.

"Maybe a small nibble wouldn't hurt right..... No! Lance what are you thinking, this isn't you". Lance hurriedly slapped himself to snap out of it and his blue vision had gone back to normal.

His previously deep blue glowing eyes had returned to their original color and he hurriedly took his gaze away from the arm. However, he could still smell it.

At that moment.

Ti-ring! Ti-ring!

His Wristcom rang out bringing him back into his senses and taking his mind off the the smell of meat.

Looking at the called, Lance immediately froze. It was Gustav!