
Knight Of Creation; My Werewolf System

[ System Notification: You have upgraded your werewolf bloodline. Begin the next Evolution ] [ System Notification: You are now a mixed blood Hybrid ] The Dark elves invaded earth opening countless demi Rifts to an alternate world called OAS. in that world, Mythical creatures reign supreme while humans are at the bottom of the food chain. Earth is no longer the same way as we knew it. Lance is just a normal boy fitting into the population of powerless humans. However! when he receives a Supernatural System, how will his fate turn out?

Supernatural_Tales · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 8 Vampire Inscription Art

After intermediate level was the Advanced level Physician class. Compared to the earlier stages, the Advanced level Physician class was actually a bit easier.

The use of the first two stages would show itself in this area.

The third stage directly put the first two stages knowledge to the test as the physician would need to know how each and every herb, plant and elixir would affect the internal and external body structure of both humans and demon beasts.

Once that stage was accomplished, one would be able to step into the realms of refining to become a graded alchemist.

Lance pulled up his status panel to check the new attribute that when had been given. Sure enough, the Attributes Tab, there was a new tab that wasn't there before. 'MASTERY'.


[ Physician ( Basic Level ) 1/ 50 Mastery ]

[ Mastery points available: 10 ]

According to the information from the system, he could now be barely considered as a Basic level physician. Seeing the number at the end, Lance realized what the 'mastery points' were for.

If he was right, mastery points would be able to help him increase his general knowledge and advance to the next sub level. He had only read a small amount of books and thanks to the system, he didn't need to ponder over it or comprehend them, thereby allowing him to read without pausing.

Not to mention the fact that the system made sure he would never be able to forget whatever he learned. Still, after reading more than a dozen books, he mastery had only increased by one point.

Just to test his hypothesis, Lance didn't hesitate and directly added the ten mastery points into his physician subclass. At that moment, a dozen images flashed through his eyes.

Images, pictures of plants, various herbs, potions, and other things appeared in his mind and fragmented themselves into his brain. Lance felt like he had just entered a state of enlightenment as he looked at the hundreds of different herbs appearing before his eyes.

When the phenomenon ended, Lance looked at his mastery and it was now at 11 points. His head was filled with botanic and Animalistic knowledge he hadn't come across before.

He could clearly point out various parts in his own body and call out their scientific names without thinking as if it was muscle memory.

As lance was grinning from ear to ear.


His Wristcom made a ringing noise, indicating that he was receiving an incoming call. Looking at his wrist, he realized that the caller was from someone he knew and they wanted to holo chat.

"Receive!" Lance said with a straight voice. The ringing stopped and a holographic projection appeared above his watch hovering in the air.

The face of fat faced kid with brown eyes and dimples appeared on the hologram. His eyes were shining with excitement and a smile hung on his lips. This guy was Gustav Kauli.

"Hehe! Brother Lance, where have you been? I came over to your mansion but you weren't home".

The fat faced kid said, his tone slightly excited. Seeing this Lance could not help but smile.

"Am at the town library, anything up?" Lance responded. He was very familiar with the fat faced youth, they were sworn brothers after all.

If there was anyone he was close to other than his mother, then it was the fatty in front of him.

"Library? Why will you go to that old place? No one ever goes to that area anymore. Oh brother lance, how you have fallen to doing such boring things when am not around".

Gustav said while feigning a sad look.

"Humph! You stinky fatty! You didn't call me just to say such rubbish did you?" Lance retorted with an angry expression.

"Oh yes, that reminds me. I, Fatty Gus of the Kauli family has finally gotten my own demon spirit, The bronze rank double horned rhinoceros".

Gustav said as his fat face shook with glee. Hearing his words, Lance had a look of understanding. So his old man finally got him a demon spirit which led to his excitement.

It should be known that both Gustav and Lance were childhood friends since they were little. Their mothers were familiar with one another to a certain extent, as Carmines husband, Lance's father had saved their family before during the great calamity.

Both of them had been together and they were even labeled as trash together, albeit for slightly different reasons. Fatty Gustav's innate talent was low which was why his old man had been reluctant t to spend such a large amount of Credits to get him a demon spirit, meanwhile, Lance had a special condition as he couldn't integrate demon spirits even if he tried.

So hearing that he had finally gotten a demon spirit, Lance was definitely happy for his friend.

"Your old man finally bought you a demon spirit huh?"

"Haha! But of course. I pestered him day and night for months before he finally couldn't take it anymore and cracked".

Gustav said wit a smug expression on his face.

"Brother Lance, let's go out to celebrate. Am not that far from the library, so I'll meet you at the old intersection near the Alchemist Guild. Don't worry, am treating you today".

Lance went silent with a pondering expression. He hadn't eaten anything since yesterday and even though he wasn't hungry yet, he wasn't full.

Not to mention, he hadn't even checked out the potion recipe he had received as a reward when he obtained his subclass. Normally, a physician had to reach Alchemist level before they could begin refining pills, however, potion recipes were different.

All he had to do was buy the ingredients and mix them according to the instructions, basically anyone could do it.

Lance nodded his head and said goodbye to Gustav. Closing the Holo call, lance could finally pay attention to what exactly was the effects of the potion recipe.

[ Thirteen herbs spirit enlightening Liquid: This is an extinct Potion recipe created by Famed Inscription Master And Alchemist Grandmaster Landhar the Flame Alchemist. It makes use of thirteen low level herbs ]

[ Effect: Nourishes and increase spiritual power ]

"Hmm! Spiritual power?" Lance pondered with a frown on his face as his brows creased. Suddenly various images emerged from the depths of his mind and a moment later, Lance's eyes lit up.

Spiritual power is the base starting level for what was known as an Inscription master.

Inscription techniques were one of the rarest techniques in whole world. They were usually inscribed on weapons, armor or other forms of gear for warriors or martial practitioners who wanted their weapons to be different from the others.

Although they were usually inscribed on weapons, they could also be inscribed on personal belongings. However every single equipment with an inscription on it carried a bizarre power depending on the type of inscription on it.

There were inscriptions that could deal high damage powers such as Elemental explosions, Poison gas, and other unique and strange abilities upon release.

These abilities were called, active skills and any person who could lay an inscription was called an inscription master.

However, Inscriptions were usually one time use items. Therefore, it was normal for a weapon to have multiple inscriptions on them.

Thinking carefully, Lance remembered hearing stories during the Great calamity that when the dark elves attacked, their weapons could release fiery explosions, thunder strikes and even conjure up a frost storm.

Inscription masters however, were different from alchemists and blacksmiths in the sense that, they didn't need to train extensively for years. Unlike blacksmiths who needed years of experience to forge weapons and alchemists who needed even longer amounts of time to learn how to concoct pills, inscription masters needed had only two simple steps that needed to be achieved.

First requirement: Have the talent, known as Spiritual power.

The basis of a an inscription master was spiritual power. In this world, out of one million earthlings, probably only a handful would be able to achieve unlocking spiritual power.

This was shown due to the fact that Lance had never heard of any single human being achieving the status of an inscription master.

Second requirement: Special Physique.

Achieving enlightenment to unlock spiritual power was still very plausible. After achieving a high enough realm in cultivation, one would usually be able to unlock spiritual power with a stroke of luck.

The main reason why there were no inscription masters was because no one had the special physique.

If the odds for spiritual power were 1 million to 10, then the odds for the special physique was literally 100 million to 1. Furthermore, it was impossible for someone from earth to have this special physique.

This is why inscription masters are practically non existent on earth and if one were to appear, their status would be far above even a grandmaster level Alchemist of Weapons Forger of the same level.

Thinking up to this point, Lance couldn't help but frown. The system giving him a medicinal formula to attain spiritual power had made Lance to almost yell in ecstasy. However, did he have the special physique to become an inscription master?

Spiritual power was formed in the humans sea of consciousness in their minds. The special physique was what would be able to allow one to guide the spiritual power through their meridians and out of their body to lay the inscription.

Another thing he had noticed was, all this information about inscription masters appearing in his head wasn't something that a Basic level physician should know.

Lance doubted that even the Federation knew that being an inscription master required a special physique.

"Is it possible that I have a special physique. That's why I have this weird system and that's why it gave me this formula?" Lance pondered as his gaze gradually became determined.

"Well, only one way to find out. Its not like I will lose anything. At most, just a few silver credits".

Lance who had been starring in a daze for a while with different facial expressions appearing on his face from time to time finally got up from his table.

Everything that had happened had not escaped the librarians notice. If she had found Lance slightly interesting because of his interest in coming to the library. Then she now perfectly understood.

This guy was a weirdo. He probably had a mental condition hence explaining his weird actions as well as him coming to the library. At that point, it all made sense to Sharon the librarian.

If Lance knew what she was thinking, he wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry.

As lance got up from his table and was about to leave, he saw the mess of books he had made.

" Did I really read all that?" Lance was shocked as he looked at the pile of books on the table. Counting them all, there was close to fifteen books.

Lance took a look outside and saw that night was gradually approaching. He had actually stayed in the library for more than five hours. Such loss of time sense astonished Lance to an unimaginable degree.

Lance himself, was not a messy person, so he picked up the books and properly arranged them back on the shelves. When lance wanted to pick up the last book, he realized that out of the fifteen books, this was the only one he didn't read.

Looking at the book, it was dull and grey with blood red patterns on the sides of the book.

The book wasn't large and was rather light, but it had a strange carving of two upper and lower jaw bones as well as a set of fangs.

This book was rather.... Strange to say the least.

Lance casually picked the book up thinking of it as some fantasy series book that was made before the age of the great calamity judging by its appearance.

Before he could toss the book on the shelf, Lance received a notification.

[ Foreign Object detected ]

[ Foreign Language detected. System Translating... ]

Lance was stunned speechless as soon as he held the book. What the hell is happening right now?

Before he could gather his thoughts....

[ Patterns Translated/ Ancient blood Language has been deciphered. You have obtained the Vampire race's Art of Inscription Chronicle ]