
Knight Of Creation; My Werewolf System

[ System Notification: You have upgraded your werewolf bloodline. Begin the next Evolution ] [ System Notification: You are now a mixed blood Hybrid ] The Dark elves invaded earth opening countless demi Rifts to an alternate world called OAS. in that world, Mythical creatures reign supreme while humans are at the bottom of the food chain. Earth is no longer the same way as we knew it. Lance is just a normal boy fitting into the population of powerless humans. However! when he receives a Supernatural System, how will his fate turn out?

Supernatural_Tales · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 3 [ Quest: Revenge ]

Aurora city.

Aurora city was Falling Moon nations, Seventh ranked city, and the ninety ninth ranked city on earth.

Falling moon nation was what you would refer to as the new risen country after the fall of Europe worldwide. The city covered a radius of a thousand kilometers wide within the falling moon nation and was home to newly recognized landmarks such as the Adventurers Federation association.

Alchemist Guild

Mech Association

And Blacksmiths Guild.

Aurora city was large with several towns under its jurisdiction. Breeze Town which housed the Alchemist Guild, Maple leaf Town which housed the Blacksmith Guild.

Steel Town which housed the Mech federal association, and the main Aurora city which housed the Adventurers Federations. Of course, these weren't the main organizations but only branches. Nevertheless, even a mere branch were existences like behemoths in any city they were placed in.

Everything was the same today just like any other day, the only difference was Lance himself.

Gradually, lance's eyelids began to tremble until they finally opened. As his vision returned to him, he felt a splitting headache assault him making his head feel sore. A wave of fatigue fell over him while he rubbed his head with his left hand.

"Ugh! My head hurts so much and my arms feel so sore. Where.... Where am I?"

His opened eyes gradually made out what his surroundings looked like as his blurry vision showed him the all too familiar view of his bedroom.

"Oh! I'm in my bedroom, that's good". Lance said as he lay back his head again to rest. At this moment, he looked like a lazy teen who didn't want to get out of bed to go to school.

"Wait!.... Am in my bedroom!" The drowsiness and fatigue that he felt a minute ago suddenly vanished as he jolted out of bed. He looked left and right over and over again confirming that he really was in his room.

"But how?!" Lance screamed in his mind. The last thing he remembered was..... Being pushed off a cliff.... waiting to die and then, that weird phenomenon happened before..... Wait..... He couldn't remember anything else.

"If that really happened, how did I get here? Or was it all just a dream?" Lance couldn't make heads or tails about it. Thinking about it carefully, he was sure that yesterdays events had happened, so how did he get here?

Lance attempted to recall as much as he could before he blacked out. He remembered the hovering giant beast like monster, then just before he collapsed, he saw something..... It was kinda like... A message.

As soon as those thoughts appeared in his head, something inconceivable happened.

A status screen appeared right before his eyes, obstructing half of his vision.

Name: Lance.E.Wilde

Class: None

Race: Human

Level: 0


[Strength: 10/ Agility: 7/ Stamina: : 8/ HP: 25/ 25]

Lance looked at the status screen with a dazed face, which quickly changed to one of puzzlement. "What is this? Why is it appearing in front of me? And why does it look like an MMORPG video game?"

"Lance! You are awake!" Lance was focused on the system in front of him when he heard a feminine voice call out towards him. He had barely turned his head in that direction when he felt his face squished against two soft, massive mounds.

A fragrant feminine scent engulfed his nose as he heard sobbing sounds along with the dripping of tears falling on his hair.

"Lance, what happened to you? I thought I lost you for good!" Without even looking, lance already knew who the voice belonged to. It was his mother, who had single handedly taken care of him for years as a single parent.

Hearing her voice filled with care, worry and sadness, Lance couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. This was his mother, the only person he had left in this world.

"Mom.... Am sorry for making you worry... But please... Can you stop squeezing me so hard!!!!???"

At this point, Lance's face was already red, coupled with his sore body, he felt his whole being ache all over. Unlike him, his mother wasn't a normal human being, quite the contrary, she was a Bronze level Demi Human.

Realizing her mistake, she quickly released him from her embrace and took out a small box from her dress. Opening the box, a medicinal fragrance drifted into the air while Lance had his eye on the small pill that was inside the box.

"Lance, open your mouth and take this pill, it will help you heal completely". Carmine took out the pill from the medicinal case and guided it into Lance's open mouth. Then using her Demi energy, she placed her hand on his chest to help him dissolve the pill.

At the same time, a system notification appeared.

[ You have ingested a C rank Bronze healing pill ]

[ Effects: Treats all injuries, reconnects broken bones and relieves aching pain ]

[ Side Effects: None ]

[ Toxicity: 45% impurities. Eliminating Impurities ]

A stream of warm energy flooded his body, repairing split tissue and healing his aching bones. In about ten minutes, Lance's body was brimming with life and energy and the earlier aching pain was gone.

Seeing his body condition, Lance was a little stunned. He had seen a bronze rank healing pill before, but he never thought that it could have such a miraculous effect as well as heal him so well in less than ten minutes.

What he didn't know was that the reason why the effect was so miraculous was because all the impurities had been wiped out by the system, giving the pill itself a much more wonderful effect. As for the time needed, it was also because of the same reason as well as Carmine supplementing her demi energy.

"Mom, are you alright?" Lance noticed that she was panting a little. It looks like spending Demi energy for a whole ten minutes straight to heal his injuries was very taxing on her.

"Mother is fine dear, I just need to take some deep breaths, and I will be alright". Carmine smiled and shook her head. For her precious son, this little amount of Demi energy was negligible. Following which, her face changed as she looked at Lance.

"Dear, You have to tell me, who exactly is responsible for what happened to you? Tell me right now!"

As soon as she brought up the subject, Lance's face turned cold. That's right, he had been plotted against and thrown off a cliff. How he was still alive was a miracle in itself.

Seeing her son's cold expression, Carmine knew that she had hit a crucial point. "Was it Augustus?" Her voice was calm but there was no hint of warmth when she asked those words, only coldness. Lance looked at her straight in her eyes and nodded slightly.

"That no good bastard. Its a good thing I placed that tracking pendant on your neck when you were young, if not, I wouldn't have been able to find you and save you. Today, the sixth elder must give me an explanation and proper compensation".

Lance suddenly had a look of enlightenment. He had been so caught up in the whole matter that he forgot his mother had given him a pendant. Actually, even he didn't know that she could use this pendant to track him, however, thank God she did.

Touching the pendant on his neck and thinking about how he nearly lost his life yesterday, Lance was filled with rage, coldness and resentment. At that moment.

[ New Quest issued ]

[ Quest title: Revenge ]

[ Description: You have been plotted against causing you to nearly lose your life. Get revenge on the initiator of the plot by either beating him mercilessly or killing him. Any option opted for has the same reward ]

"Lance, let's go. Today, mother will get revenge for you". Carmine said with cold eyes. She didn't say anything and pulled lance out of his apartment.