
Knight Of Creation; My Werewolf System

[ System Notification: You have upgraded your werewolf bloodline. Begin the next Evolution ] [ System Notification: You are now a mixed blood Hybrid ] The Dark elves invaded earth opening countless demi Rifts to an alternate world called OAS. in that world, Mythical creatures reign supreme while humans are at the bottom of the food chain. Earth is no longer the same way as we knew it. Lance is just a normal boy fitting into the population of powerless humans. However! when he receives a Supernatural System, how will his fate turn out?

Supernatural_Tales · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 4 Slap! Slap! Slap!

Lance and his mother Carmine arrived at a courtyard a few minutes later, the air in this place wasn't warm and moist, on the contrary, it was cold and had a gloomy feel to it.

The reason why it was so was because, this was the Krill mansions punishment Yard, where disciples who broke the family rules were brought to be punished.

As soon as Lance and Carmine stepped into the yard, they immediately caught the attention of everyone present. Lance was surprised to see that a small crowd had already formed in the punishment yard.

The disciples present all had looks of anticipation as they gossiped eagerly with one person or another.

"Look, its Lance... I didn't think he would still be alive. From what I heard, one of Augustus's people threw him off Trions cliff".

"I heard the same thing. Yesterday, the eighth elder, Lady Carmine brought him back in an extremely sorry state. Its a miracle he is even alive at all".

"From the looks of it, Lance looks alright. He probably ate a recovery pill".

The chatter rose by a notch when lance became present. Listening the the conversations, lance could vaguely make out the reason why his mother brought him here.

When he looked at a certain spot, his thoughts were confirmed.

Kneeling on the floor with both hands tied behind his back, was Augustus and beside him was the same lackey that had thrown Lance down the cliff. Their faces were filled with panic, the lackey especially.

Both of them were tied up and their skin was red. From this, lance could deduce that they had been under the sun for a long while now. This made lance to feel somewhat strange.

"Mom how did you know that it was Augustus who did it?" Lance asked as he turned his gaze back to his mother. Originally, he was worried because he didn't have any proof that Augustus was behind it even of he knew he was the one responsible.

If he and his mother accused him without evidence, Augustus could simply deny it. However, he was shocked to find out that there was no need for him to worry as Augustus was already being punished. This caused him to be curious.

"Humph! I found out you were missing early enough and using the pendant, I ran towards Trions cliff. Before I got there, I found the other one kneeling on the road back".

After listening this far, Lance could guess what happened next. His mother probably got the information out of him and got him to confess about everything to the other elders, hence bringing them to the present.

And sure enough, listening to the rest of it, he was right.

"Patriarch Krill".

Carmine brought lance over to greet the middle aged man standing at the left of Augustus.

"Carmine, I think this is enough. Regarding the matter that has taken place, I admit that my son went out of bounds and was a little extreme. However, you son is alright now and mine has Ben under the blazing sun for about three hours. Let's let him go and let bygones be bygones".

At this moment, an average looking, dark haired, middle aged man, the Krill family's 3rd elder, August Krill came over.

His expression was extremely unsightly as he glared at Carmine. Hearing his response, Carmine snorted with rage and ignored him. She walked past him with Lance in tow and arrived in front of the kneeling Augustus.

"Lance, I have already discussed Augustus's punishment with the rest of the elders. He is all yours. As long as you don't kill him or cripple him, you can do as anything you want".

Hearing her words, Augustus and his lackey who were tied up started to panic. Lance on the other hand had his eyes lit up

Earlier, he had been given a quest by the system to get revenge on Augustus. Lance had originally thought it would take some time along with a lot of effort to complete it, who would have thought that his mom would have given him such a good gift on a silver platter right when he needed it.

With a single thought, the system panel appeared in his head.

Earlier, when Carmine had come in to see him, as soon as he diverted his attention away from the system, it disappeared. Meaning, it could reappear and disappear with a single thought.

Looking at the quest, it said to either kill him or beat him up. He was contemplating if the rewards would differ depending on how much he beat him up.

Seeing Lance go silent, Augustus who was kneeling on the floor took his silence as him not daring to act. After coming to that soon to be known as 'Rash' conclusion, he sneered and taunted.

"You stinking brat, hit me if you dare. You should know what will happen if you do. When this is all over, not only will I come back to beat you up, but I will make your life a living hell".

"If you have the guts, let me down and let's fight man to man".

Lance who had been previously contemplating how far he should go heard Augustus's declaration. His eyes gave off a chilling light and am evil smirk drew up his lips.

He had already decided, whether or not he got more rewards, he wouldn't let such a golden opportunity go.

"Since you said you will come back to make my life a living hell, I guess I just have to beat you up till you can no longer walk for a few months to buy myself some time. As for fighting one on one, why would I do that, when I can just beat you up instead?"

Hearing Lance's words, Augustus was scared shitless. He never thought that not only would Lance not let the matter go, but he would even think about going that far.

He fell into terror and yelled, "Father help me!"


A loud resounding slap echoed through the courtyard as Lance slapped Augustus in the face. Damn! That felt so good!

Lance took a step forward a landed another slap on Augustus's face. His brows creased slightly as he felt a sharp pain. Augustus was after all, a third level demi human after all, even if he didn't focus on his body, his constitution was still stronger than an ordinary person like Lance.

However, Lance tossed the pain to the back of his mind as memories of how Augustus bullied him over the years played in his mind.


The same way Augustus bullied him at precisely this time yesterday.


How he was schemed against and thrown to the bottom of a cliff.


At this point, lance had already dropped into a rage state as he started smacking the living daylights of of Augustus's face.

Seeing this scene, everyone else who was in the punishment yard felt a chill go down their spine.

"You little brat! You are going too far. How dare you continuously slap my son in such a manner, know your place". August Krill was boiling in rage at seeing his sons pitiful appearance as Lance continuously slapped him with both hands.

"What do you mean by "going too far" August? When your son usually beats mine up, why didn't you think he was going too far then? How many times was your son ever punished for it? Let me be very clear now. Even if my son kills your son right here and now, I don't see anything wrong with it".

Carmine said as she swept her cold gaze over him. Her words were firm, powerful and full of haughtiness.

Even though she was a female, her bearing, and elegance wouldn't make her lose out when compared to a man.

"How dare you? Carmine, do you know what you are saying?" August spat out in rage as his fists were tightly clenched together.

"Humph! So what?" She coldly snorted. Meanwhile, Lance was picking up speed in his slaps on Augustus's face. However, he failed to notice the notification that was flashing at the corner of his eye.

[ Rage Rising: 25 ]

[ Rage Rising: 30 ]

[ Rage Rising: 35 ]

[ Rage Rising: 40 ]

Unnoticed to everyone else, Lance's dark blue eyes started to glow an brighter shade of blue. And his two canine teeth started to grow longer and sharper. Even Augustus who was right in front of him didn't notice as he was too busy being slapped left and right to keep a straight face.

Slap! Spurt!

Lance landed another slap, however, this time, it was accompanied by a spurt of blood flying out of Augustus's cheek. The force of the slap this time had somehow increased by a couple notches directly splitting open his cheek.

Following which, Augustus let out s shrill cry like a pig in the middle of slaughter.

Seeing the blood, everyone's expression darkened as some of the disciples steppe back in fear. No one would have imagined that the powerless Lance who had been continuously bullied over the years to be so cruel.

"You damn bastard! You are courting death!" August could no longer endure as soon as he saw the blood come out of his son's cheek.

He dashed towards lance like a gliding bird and slapped his palm out.