
Knight Of Creation; My Werewolf System

[ System Notification: You have upgraded your werewolf bloodline. Begin the next Evolution ] [ System Notification: You are now a mixed blood Hybrid ] The Dark elves invaded earth opening countless demi Rifts to an alternate world called OAS. in that world, Mythical creatures reign supreme while humans are at the bottom of the food chain. Earth is no longer the same way as we knew it. Lance is just a normal boy fitting into the population of powerless humans. However! when he receives a Supernatural System, how will his fate turn out?

Supernatural_Tales · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 2 Demon Spirit?

Currently Augustus was still at Krill's mansion, however, one of his lackeys had left the Krill mansion a few hours ago. In fact, he was no longer in Aurora Town anymore.

In a mountain area surrounded by tall trees and dense bushes, mild winds blew as the lackey moved upwards while carrying a big sack slung over his back. In the sack, Lance was currently sleeping.

It was extremely enchanting if one decided to stop and enjoy the view of nature, however, anyone who even dared to harbour such thoughts would most probably meet with a misfortune that wouldn't even allow them known how they died.

The forest outside of Aurora Town was thick and dense with vegetation along with large hordes of Demon beasts. Mercenaries and hunters would usually come out here to hunt demon beasts for their body parts as well as beast crystal. These parts are usually expensive and could be sold for a lot of money.

The path Augustus's lackey was currently on was a very popular trade route that caravans, soldiers and robbers used to get through the forest, in this area, high level beasts rarely made appearances while basic tier and intermediate tier monsters were much more normal.

This lackey was only a Level 2 Human ranker, meaning he could deal with basic tier realm monsters. In a place that even intermediate level monsters weren't a rarity, he doesn't dare to be careless and follows the trail directly to a side of the mountain range

In this area, there was a large cliff called Trions cliff, it was a hundred meter deep cliff that housed a ravine.

"Time to get rid of you once and for all". The lackey appeared a little distance away from the cliffs edge. This cliff had long since been explored as the cliff wasn't that deep, and seeing that there wasn't anything noteworthy to be found in this place, it was usually empty of humans and high level beasts alike.

Only a few low level Mouser Rats occasionally scurry around these parts. The lackey dragged Lance's body towards the edge of the cliff as he incessantly grumbled. "Why am I the one that has to do it? I can't believe he actually wants me to dispose of this guy. Damn it! If I am found out, I will be in big trouble".

As the lackey lamented his own predicament, he noticed that Lance's eyes were starting to open up. "Shit! He is regaining consciousness. However, it doesn't matter anymore, we are already outside krill's mansion. As long as am not discovered, his mother won't be able to do a thing to me".

As the lackey said that, he smirked evily.

Lance finally managed to regain consciousness, however, the next moment, he felt his body lose the feeling of solid ground as he rapidly fell downwards plunging down the cliff.

Lance wanted to scream but his body was weak and his mind was still drowsy.

Seeing that Lance had fallen down the cliff, the lackey sighed and shook his head. It was already getting late and he needed to be back at Krill's mansion before news of this gets out. The lackey turned around returning the same way he came.


While the lackey returned back to Aurora city, Lance was still falling down the cliff. He knew who exactly was behind this, it was that bastard Augustus.

"Augustus, if I survive this, I will make sure that not only you, but your entire generation pays dearly for it!" His mixed up feelings turned into anger as he roared out loud.

Lance looked at the bottom of the cliff and, as he looked below, he could see the ending. There was a lake at the bottom, the lake was still and seemed to contain water, however, the color of the water was giving off a blue and purple color.

Lance sighed deeply in his heart. Even though he was going to fall into a lake, the force from the impact would definitely dislocate some of his limbs, if not break many bones in his body. When that happens, he can only drown.

Lance closed his eyes and his body made contact with the water. A loud splash resounded as the water waves scattered to the sides.


Lance yelled in pain. Sure enough, he was right. The force of impact not only shredded some of his skin, but his bones couldn't escape the effect of the collision. The sound of bones cracking could be heard as Lance spit out a mouthful of blood.

A searing pain spread through his entire body making him grimace along wit the sense of powerlessness. At this moment, Lance had completely lost control of his four limbs, as they were aching in unbearable pain.

Lance's body floated to the top of the water that was currently stained with blood, however, the surprising thing was that the blood didn't dissolve into the water and just floated calmly on the surface. His eyes were filled with resentment and hatred as he stared upward at the only thing he could look at.

A few hours passed and it was currently midnight. Lance was still looking towards the sky, it was currently, a full moon. Lance looked at the constellations in the sky and determining from a bunch of factors, deduced that it was almost midnight.

"My only shot is if someone comes to this area and stumbles upon me, if not I will either die from my wounds or die by the hands of the demon beasts". Lance said as he fell into depression. He didn't dare to scream for help for fear of attracting the wrong party, if a beast happened to come to this area because of his hollering, then he would truly be done for.

As Lance was about to make up his mind and try screaming for help, something weird happened. A ray of moonlight shot from up high unto the surface of the lake.

The originally calm and still lake seemed to have a reaction as the water turned into a mix of blue and purple colors.

"What in heavens name is happening right now?!"

The water started to float out of the lake and emitted a divine blue and purple radiance as it bashed against itself uncontrollably.

At that moment, Lances blood which refused to dissolve into the water but instead floated on the surface, integrated itself into the rising lake.


The water collided with the blood and gave out a splendid radiance. Under the stunned eyes of Lance, it transformed into a giant beast like monster. Its body didn't look like it was made out of water, but it gave out a splendid ethereal vibe under the moonlight.

The giant beast turned its head and looked at Lance that was currently laying at the bottom of the once dried out pool. It gave out an earth shattering roar and its eyes shot out what looked like a divine light that directly pierced into Lances soul.

The monster then transformed into an orb of light and dashed into his body. At that moment, Lance started to feel extremely weak. Just before his vision blurred, he could faintly make out something that had appeared in his line of sight.

[ Congratulations/ You have received.... ]

Lance couldn't restrain his consciousness any longer as blacked out once again. He had fainted twice in one day.