
Knight Of Creation; My Werewolf System

[ System Notification: You have upgraded your werewolf bloodline. Begin the next Evolution ] [ System Notification: You are now a mixed blood Hybrid ] The Dark elves invaded earth opening countless demi Rifts to an alternate world called OAS. in that world, Mythical creatures reign supreme while humans are at the bottom of the food chain. Earth is no longer the same way as we knew it. Lance is just a normal boy fitting into the population of powerless humans. However! when he receives a Supernatural System, how will his fate turn out?

Supernatural_Tales · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 16 The Leader of the Silver Wings adventurer team

A loud, incomparably angry voice resounded entering the ears of everyone present.

"Car-Carmine?! Malcolm frowned in bewilderment as his built up pressure dissipated the next moment. He turned his head followed by everyone else to see the silhouette of a female figure holding a longsword in her hands.

Her large breasts were heaving up and down as her face portrayed unmatched rage. However, coupled with her alluring figure and divine beauty that could topple nations, she looked incomparably attractive.

As soon as she appeared, the surroundings seemed to dim in her presence and her alluring body caused majority of the men present to gulp a mouthful of saliva.

Even Malcolm was dazed at this sight and hurriedly tried to fix himself up before displaying a gentlemanly smile.

"Miss Carmine! Its good to see you again, I wonder what I can help you with? Oh! What do you mean by what am I doing with you....."

Malcolm was forced to stop halfway through his sentence as his brain began to connect the dots. A moment later, his face turned ashen and he hurriedly tried to explain himself.

"Uhm.... Miss carmine... Its not..." However, Carmine who was currently consumed by rage at the sight of her Son who had spit out mouthfuls of blood trembling did not want to hear an explanation.

She gripped her sword tightly and clenched her teeth to the extreme as she dashed forward at top speed without holding back.

In a split second, she had already arrived in front of Malcolm as her eyes emitted a murderous aura.

Malcolm seeing that she was not going to listen hastily took out his great sword and defended with all his might.

Carmine slashed her longsword with intense ferocity as the two sides collided weapons.

Boom! Clang! The sound of metal hitting metal caused a slight pain in the ears of everyone who were watching the fight.

Seeing that two bronze tier powerhouses were having a ho at each other. The spectators turned grim and majority of the commoners took of for their lives without hesitation cursing their parents for not giving birth to them with extra legs so they can run faster.

When you had the body of a normal human, a fight between bronze tier Demi humans was not something you wanted to be around.

The dust settled and the sight that appeared was Carmine Krill in the point of collision while Malcolm had been forced ten steps backward.

There was a noticeable dent on his sword and his hands were both bleeding and trembling profusely.

Malcolm saw the result of their exchange and was incomparably shocked. At the same time, he turned incomparably grim.

Malcolm was one of Carmine's admirers. Ever since her husband died a couple Years ago, majority of the males in the Silver wings had been trying to get on Carmines good side constantly trying to court her to see who would win her heart.

Unfortunately, Carmine had remained cold and indifferent to everything and everyone around her, save her only son that she had with her previous husband.

However, none of the males had given up. As long as she wasn't taken, there was still hope for them to win over this goddess like beauty.

However, Malcolm had just gravely offended her. It was now that he realized that the brat he was torturing was actually Carmines son, her one and only son who she loved most dearly.

Everyone knew that Carmine was very protective of her son who was known to be a waste unable to integrate with a demon spirit.

Now he realized that the brat wasn't lying when he said that it was given to him by his mother. Carmine, although she hadn't stepped into the Silver tier was a step closer to that rank than he was.

Not to mention, her demon spirit was stronger than his with more potential to grow. The exchange just now was definite proof of that fact, however, he didn't expect that even though they were both I the same rank, her strength was above him to such a degree.

As he thought about this, his facial expression was extremely unsightly. At the same time, he silently cursed Lance in his heart.

What the hell was Carmines son doing in this area dressed looking like that.

"Humph!" A cold snort brought him back to his senses as Carmine pointed her sword at him and swayed forward.

She gathered all her demi energy into her sword as her eyes gave out a whitish glow.

"The other members of Malcolm's team were shocked when they saw Carmines move. She wasn't cutting him any slack and was aiming to kill him directly.

How did they now that? Because she was already using Her Bronze ranked martial skill.

( B rank Martial skill Wind Slash )

A whitish aura appeared on the blade as used all her strength to summon that attack and slashed out.

"Shit!" Malcolm didn't dare to be negligent. There was no way he would be able to dodge that slash in time and any part of his body that it landed on would be permanently severed of he let that hit land.

( B rank martial skill Flaming Fist )

Malcolm waved his great sword. Unlike Carmine who opted for a weapons Martial Skill, Malcolm had chosen to integrate a fist martial skill that fits his class.

Both were B rank bronze tier skills. However, when they collided, there was no such thing as a tie or a stalemate.

The whitish wind slash landed on Malcolm's fist made out of demi energy. After a 2 second stand of, it broke through his fist skill and charged forward, albeit at a weaker pace.

Malcolm seeing this had his eyes widened in shock and bewilderment. He hurriedly moved his great sword to stand in the way between him and the Wind sword slash.


The sound of collision rang out, followed by the sound of metal breaking and finally, a mournful shriek rang out in the air.

Malcolm's D rank bronze tier weapon had been broken through as the wind slash hit him straight on his chest drawing out a long deep gash filled with blood.

Malcolm was sent flying as he crashed into the pavement floor after letting out a bloodcurdling scream.

The people who had watched the fight from inside the restaurant could no longer keep their cool as they watched the scene in amazement.

Majority of the experts who saw the scene couldn't help but nod their heads and the perfectly performed sword slash.

Carmine however, didn't follow up with another attack. She turned her head to another direction and ran towards Lance who had fallen to the floor from pain an exhaustion.

He had used all his willpower in order to make sure that he didn't kneel on the floor and just when he was about to cave in, his mother arrived right on time as Malcolm dispelled the built up pressure effectively enabling him to complete the quest.

However, he wasn't in the right condition to check it out. His hands were bleeding and he had internal injuries. The only reason he was still alive was because of his body's powerful regeneration ability.

Seeing her son's condition, flames of fury burned in Carmines heart but she suppressed them and took out three bronze rank healing pills.

However, these ones were different from the one he took back at Krill's mansion as they were all B rank pills.

Carmine stuffed his mouth filed with the three pills and guided them down his body with her Demi energy.

Boom! A small quake took place inside Lance's body making him tremble slightly.

[ You have ingested B rank healing pill. Recovered 10 points of HP ]

[ You have ingested B rank healing pill. Recovered 10 points of HP ]

[ You have ingested B rank healing pill. Recovered 10 points of HP ]

[ Purity: 56%, 56%, 54%. Dispelling impurities..... Effects increased and doubled ]

[ You have gained 50HP points ]

[ Current HP is full ]

[ You HP points has increased from 25 to 50 points. HP: 50/50 ]

[ You have gained a new attribute: Endurance ]

Lance looked at the notifications in a daze as his body spread the warm feeling all around his internal organs. The damages his body had received had all been erased as if it wasn't there in the first place.

Sewing her son's condition had greatly improved, Carmine sighed in relief. Then she turned her head to look at Malcolm's direction who was barely able to stand on two feet.

There was a long, deep gash on his chest that was bleeding profusely. Seeing this, Malcolm hurriedly tool two bronze rank healing pills, albeit of inferior quality to the ones lance was given.

He wasn't in a hurry to die anytime soon. That is, If Carmine didn't have anything so say about it, which she definitely did.

The flames of wrath burned within her chest as she picked up her sword and stood up. Seeing this Malcolm panicked and was immediately flustered.

"Carmine.... Don't go and do something you will regret! You can't... You can't kill me!"

Malcolm stuttered with great difficulty.

"When it comes to my son, I have no regrets". Carmine said with a voice as cold as ice. She didn't wait for his reply and immediately unleashed her Wind Slash again leaving Malcolm no room to escape.

Malcolm's teammates who had come with him saw the whole scene play out. However, they didn't even dare fart much less try to stop her, afraid that she might suddenly redirect her anger on them.

Malcolm who couldn't react was nothing more than a pig on the slaughter table. However, as the Wind slash skill reached his destination, a round shield suddenly descended from the sky and landed in between Malcolm and the Wind slash.

"Commander!" Malcolm who saw the shield was stunned before quickly jumping from shock and joy.

That was because, this shield was the symbol weapon of the Leader of the Silver Adventurers group, A silver tier powerhouse.