
Knight Of Creation; My Werewolf System

[ System Notification: You have upgraded your werewolf bloodline. Begin the next Evolution ] [ System Notification: You are now a mixed blood Hybrid ] The Dark elves invaded earth opening countless demi Rifts to an alternate world called OAS. in that world, Mythical creatures reign supreme while humans are at the bottom of the food chain. Earth is no longer the same way as we knew it. Lance is just a normal boy fitting into the population of powerless humans. However! when he receives a Supernatural System, how will his fate turn out?

Supernatural_Tales · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 17 I Will have your head in Four months.

Seeing the shield easily deflect the wind slash, Malcolm was in ecstasy while Carmine frowned deeply.

Lance who saw the shield easily stop his mothers strongest attack was equally stunned. One should know that what she used wasn't just some random or regular strike, but a Martial Skill instead.

Judging from his memories, Lance knew that his mothers technique was at B rank Bronze Tier, and it was at the peak of B rank.

Martial techniques are much different from regular fighting techniques especially for demi humans. Regular fighting techniques wouldn't be able to acquaint for the massive power of demi humans whose strengths has since surpassed the level of human beings, and using those kind of skills would not add any strength or attack power to the users regular strength.

Regular fighting techniques, also known as Basic foundation techniques were only suitable for anyone below bronze tier. That, however was an entirely different case for Bronze tier demi humans

The two things which allow someone to be officially acknowledged as a Bronze rank warrior was "Creating the first strand of Demi energy" and "obtaining a martial skill".

It was impossible to achieve bronze rank without achieving the first and one would only be considered a pseudo bronze tier demi human if they didn't achieve the other.

There were a lot of Pseudo Bronze tier demi humans in many organizations including the Krill family who didn't have Martial skills. Even the Krill family patriarch, who was a silver tier elite was only a pseudo Silver tier Demi human due to the fact that he didn't possess so much as one Silver tier Martial skill.

The reason for all this was simple. Martial skills were very scarce, and even if more of them could be seen, they were extremely expensive.

Just a single Bronze tier Martial skill could be sold for 5-6 Gold credits amounting to exactly 500-600 Silver credits. Not even the patriarch of some families could afford to cough up such amount of money that was practically more than half of all their resources.

Despite the fact that they were extremely expensive, they would still be bought out the moment one appeared on the market. Martial skills were high end goods that had high demand with literally close to no supply.

The Shield that had blocked Carmine's skill suddenly shook before flying towards a certain direction. Everyone there including Lance turned their heads to that area and were greeted by the sight of a middle aged man dressed fully in Bronze combat armor.

His dark hair was rather short and his arms were thick and muscular. The shield flew back to him which he caught with a single hand and placed it behind his back.

Despite the fact that he had done all that seemingly effortlessly, Lance could tell that the weight of that shield was not something a common bronze tier demi human could carry.

With black eyes and a slanted nose, he stood there giving off a deep and unfathomable aura. This man who looked to be in his late thirties was Axel Cohen, the Silver Wings Adventurer group Commander.

"Cami! What's happening here?" He said in a slightly deep voice while examining the situation.

"Cami!?" Lance was stunned. Was that guy talking to his mother? Why would he address as if they were intimate? Lance had a strange look on his face and stared at his mother with a face that was asking for an explanation.

Carmines brows creased as she heard her 'Commander' addressing her in a somewhat, intimate way. How many times had she warned this guy to stop calling her like that.

However, before she could speak, Malcolm whose life was almost in peril a few seconds ago sprang up to his feet with renewed vigor like he just drunk from the spring of life.

He ran towards Axel and hurriedly his behind him. "Commander! You have to save me! That lady is crazy! She tried to kill me".

Malcolm yelled as he hid behind him. Axel frowned and turned to looks at Carmine who was standing beside a battered looking youth with white hair.

Seeing this scene, Axel finally understood what had happened here. He had known Carmine for a while even when she was married so therefore, he knew there was only one person that could prompt her to kill without hesitation.

If things were the way he thought they were, then things were about to get complicated.

"Malcolm! What did you do?" Axel directly asked Malcolm as he knew what would happen if he didn't. Carmine would never act out of bounds and try to kill someone without a very good reason.

Someone threatening the life of her son was definitely a good reason to do it and if he didn't give her a proper explanation and compensation, Malcolm's head might have to roll.

"It... It was all because of him!" Malcolm said as he pointed towards lance who was sitting on the floor.

"We got here and discovered that this place was having a commotion so we decided to see what was happening. And..... And... Um!" Malcolm suddenly stopped talking as he quickly discovered something. He didn't have anything to say against Lance that could put him in the right.

After all, he was the one who didn't believe that his mother actually gave him the Medallion and he even went as far as trying to humiliate him in public.

He was the one that was completely at fault. Its not like he could lie and say that Lance had publicly insulted him as they would be able to get the truth out of the witnesses in less than a minute which would put him in bigger trouble.

Hence leaving Jim somewhat tongue tied concerning what to say. Carmine's action was completely justified as who wouldn't go berserk when they saw that kind of scene happening to their own child.

Seeing his speechless and stuttering expression, Axel desperately wanted to face palm and smack this guy in the head.

It wasn't just him, even his teammates and most of the spectators there shook their heads inwardly.

Axel already thought as much and Malcolm's expressions just gave him further confirmation. He knew Malcolm's character, however, he also knew Carmines character.

If he couldn't find a way to defend Axel without looking biased, Carmine would definitely do something drastic.

As he was about to speak, a voice interrupted him.

"I'll tell you what happened! That unreasonable fellow wanted to force me to kneel in front of him because he didn't believe me when I showed him the medallion my mom gave to me".

"Not only did he try to punish me, he even confiscated it and called me a liar". Lance said pointing towards Malcolm. Hearing this, Carmines expression became exceptionally frosty.

"How Unreasonable!" Carmine shouted gripping her sword again. Axels frown grew deeper seeing her enraged expression and turned to look at Lance with hidden displeasure who was adding oil to the fire when he wanted to mediate it peacefully.

Lance noticed his displeased gaze but he directly ignored it, pretending as if he couldn't care any less.

"Carmine! Calm down! Let's settle this peacefully. I know Malcolm is in the wrong, but he is still part of our organization. I will make sure he receives adequate punishment for his deeds and also to properly compensate you and your....."

However, his words only served to enrage Carmine even more. If her son had been paralyzed due to the pressure or he was killed, would she care about compensation? No treasure was worth her sons life.

"That idiot beat my son into such a state. If I didn't arrive when I did, who knows what would have happened to him".

"You should know how I am by now Commander. No one touches my son and gets away with it. So please, step aside".

Carmine said but her voice was cold without the slightest trace of courtesy.

"Carmine! You do want to give me some face?" Axel asked with his voice gradually dropping.

"Commander! Please move aside". She didn't reply his question but gave a command of her own. Malcolm his deeper behind Axel as his body quaked in fear.

"I'm sorry Carmine, but I can't let you do that". He said as his right hand grabbed the shield resting on his back. He really didn't want it to reach this point, however, if Carmine really made a move now, he had to stop it to protect his reputation as the commander of the Silver Wings.

As soon as he finished speaking, his body exploded with the aura of a Silver tier demi human, however, he was only a pseudo Silver tier Demi human. If word got out that he couldn't even control his own subordinates, then he would lose a lot of face before the other silver tier experts.

Seeing Axel was unwilling to back down, Carmine took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

Then she reopened them again with a determined look in her eyes and lowered her sword. Seeing her put the sword back in its sheath, Axel heaved a sigh of relief and relaxed. Looks like all he had to do was be a little tough and things would be fine. However, her next words shocked everyone there.

"I officially resign from the Silver Wings Group. From now henceforth, I am no longer affiliated or associated with you and I relieve myself of the position of a core higher up".

Carmine spoke in one breath and she walked towards a certain direction and bent down to pick something up.

Seeing what she was picking up, everyone was surprised to see that she had actually picked up the silver wings medallion that originally belonged to her.

"I believe this now belongs to you!" She said as she tossed the medallion towards Axel. Axel caught the medallion with a dumbstruck expression before he frowned deeply leaving him with a gloomy look.

He didn't expect that Carmine would directly quit the Silver wings, and to make matters worse, there was no way he could stop here.

Unlike some, she wasn't bound by a contract like most of the other higher ups and enjoyed the right to leave the group anytime she wanted to.

After her declaration, Carmine turned to give the cowardly Malcolm and cold glare before turning back to support Lance up to his feet. Axel watched on with a gloomy and pondering expression seemingly in deep thought.

Malcolm sighed in relief when this female devil was about to leave, but at that moment, Lance shouted.

"Wait!" His voice instantly attracted the attention of everyone there. Even Carmine turned to look at her son with a look of confusion.

Malcolm wanted to cry in his heart, especially when he noticed that Lance was glaring at him with cold eyes. Meanwhile, Lance himself felt pain all over his body as he looked at Malcolm with deep hatred and resentment.

In front of so many people, Malcolm had almost forced him to kneel nearly ruining his whole future. It was simply too humiliating.

Even though his mother timely appeared, what would have happened if she didn't? What would have happened if he failed the quest huh? Would he have to go back to the life of being trash? Unacceptable.

Lance suddenly took a few steps forward from his mothers side. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them to reveal a gaze filled with fierceness and malevolence.

"Mr Malcolm, I don't care whether you did all this out of care for you groups reputation or you just wanted to make me kneel and humiliate me. However, this is a debt that cannot be washed away by regular means and believe me, I will definitely return to pay it back".

"I Lance Wilde, decree and declare today that within four months, I will come back to meet you and take your head. If I don't, I will kill myself on the spot that day".

Lance said in a seemingly calm manner, however, his words shocked everyone present in the area.