
Knight Of Creation; My Werewolf System

[ System Notification: You have upgraded your werewolf bloodline. Begin the next Evolution ] [ System Notification: You are now a mixed blood Hybrid ] The Dark elves invaded earth opening countless demi Rifts to an alternate world called OAS. in that world, Mythical creatures reign supreme while humans are at the bottom of the food chain. Earth is no longer the same way as we knew it. Lance is just a normal boy fitting into the population of powerless humans. However! when he receives a Supernatural System, how will his fate turn out?

Supernatural_Tales · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 15 Carmine Krill

[ Resist and do not kneel at all costs ]

[ Penalty: You will forever be halted at your current level without being able to advance or increase your strength for the rest of your life ]

"What the fuck!" Lance screamed in shock as soon as he read the notification. This was the first time the system had ever give him a penalty. If he was forced to kneel under the pressure, he would never be able to advance again for the rest of his life, living as a weak bug forever.

"Live forever being weak? Not happening!" Lance said inwardly as he resisted and gradually straightened his back.

However, before he could finish, an even stronger pressure landing on him causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood.

[ HP/ 20/25 (+5) ]

His knees buckled as he fell rapidly.

The tow guards who stood at a corner were gloating inwardly as they watched this scene. The resentment they suffered in their hearts was being released the more they saw Lance being pressured.

Lance suddenly slammed his hands against the pavement with all his strength. His hands caused the ground to shale a little as small cracks appeared where his hand landed on.

Supporting himself with both hands on the ground, he narrowly avoided kneeling on the ground, however, the recoil that came from slamming his hands on the ground caused him to spit out another mouthful of blood.

This scene caused the members of the Silver Wings team to be astounded. The leader most especially.

This kid was so adamant on not kneeling that he was willing to damage himself just so his knees wouldn't touch the floor.

[ HP: 13/25 (+5) ] Lance's HP had depleted just from the pressure of a bronze rank demi human. This made him wander how much more badly he would fare if he faced off against a silver rank.

"Seeing your unwillingness, it just makes me want to humiliate you even more. For daring to act rude before me, I will properly let you know the consequences of your actions".

The leader had long forgotten about the what this whole thing was about and was dead set on humiliating lance with all his might.

As soon as he finished speaking, he once again, increased the pressure with his demi energy going up by 63%.

Lance who felt the increase could feel his hands about to give out as well as his internal organs shaking violently.

[ HP: -6 ]

[ HP: -3 ]

[ HP: -7 ]

Three consecutive damage notifications appeared on his screen as his HP instantly reached Zero. The backup HP that he had been given because of the Moon energy buff had also reduced by 3.

[ HP: 0/25 (+2) ]

"Is this the end? No! It can't be, am not resigned". Lance said as his rage rose exponentially faster than before, however, under the pressure being emitted that kept on increasing, his increasing strength could not match up to the Aura of an expert.

If not for the fact that rage increases his strength, he would have already been forced down a long time ago. His rage had already risen to 79% however, it was now mostly being filled by resentment and unwillingness.

If he knelt here and now, his future would be destroyed.

Meanwhile, the commoners in the surroundings had long stopped their discussions and looked at the struggling youth with an indescribable feeling in their heart.

Even those who had originally jeered at him now felt only pity in their hearts. His unwillingness to kneel had touched the deepest corners of their emotions leaving them with a sour feeling, however, nobody dared to speak up for him and just watched the situation play out.

What a joke! That was a bronze tier powerhouse. In front of one, they were no different from meat paste that could be flattened at anytime.

At the same time, the male leader who was unleashing his pressure had a somewhat sadistic look on his face as he watched lance struggle.

The look of pain and unwillingness on his face. The struggle of the powerless before him, it gave him an indescribable feeling that was the exact opposite of what the others were feeling.

He felt like a powerful king that was on top of the world and nobody could stop him from doing what he wanted.

Seeing his sadistic expression, his teammates frowned deeply. Wasn't this going a bit too far? However the didn't say anything and just watched the whole thing take place.

After all, why did they need to intervene? Its not like they knew him in any way. Offending their captain because of someone they barely knew who was now considered a potential thief wasn't worth it in their eyes.

Besides, even if they wanted to help, their captain was the captain for a reason. And that was because his strength was superior to everyone else on the team.

Lance could feel his consciousness slowly slipping away from him. His HP was low and his hands were wobbly but he still tried his best, his best to hold on to the last shred of consciousness he had left.

If his HP fell to Zero, would he die? Or would it be considered as him passing out? Lance didn't know what to think anymore. The pressure was just too much.

At this moment, he could feel the pendant on his neck give out a strange feeling and his heart thumped rapidly. He could feel a faint connection with something that was rapidly approaching this area.

"Is... Is that?...

At that moment, a loud, angry voice boomed in the whole area instantly lowering the temperature around by a few degrees.

"Malcolm! What the hell are you doing to my Son?!"

The loud feminine voice was incomparably angry.

"Car-Carmine! The group leader named Malcolm trembled when he recognized the owner of the voice.