
Knight Of Creation; My Werewolf System

[ System Notification: You have upgraded your werewolf bloodline. Begin the next Evolution ] [ System Notification: You are now a mixed blood Hybrid ] The Dark elves invaded earth opening countless demi Rifts to an alternate world called OAS. in that world, Mythical creatures reign supreme while humans are at the bottom of the food chain. Earth is no longer the same way as we knew it. Lance is just a normal boy fitting into the population of powerless humans. However! when he receives a Supernatural System, how will his fate turn out?

Supernatural_Tales · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 14 A bronze tier Peak A rank Expert

"Look its the Silver Wings" A commoner exclaimed as he recognized the silver colored phoenix logo on their Armor.

"The Silver Wings!" The two guards were pleasantly surprised before being filled with ecstasy. The next moment, their gazes turned cold as they gazed at lance who had long since left the hand of the wounded guard.

"Brat! You dare to make a move on us! Today, you will be personally handled by the Silver Wings".

The guard who had stayed back said as his eyes flashed with a fierce light. Lance who was now back to normal was momentarily stunned by his words.

Did he hear what he said right now! He was technically a child after all, and who made a move on who? How could someone be so shameless?

The crowd that had gathered were also dazed and for a few moments, they all felt the same way lance currently felt.

Meanwhile, the group of adventurers finally arrived at the scene that had a few dozen people. The man who was leading the team was a brawny looking man with a broadsword strapped to his back.

He swept his gaze across the scene with a puzzled look on his face.

"What's happening here?" The brawny looking man asked.

"Seniors!" Before anyone could react, the first guard who hadn't been injured stepped forward and bent his back forward into a bow.

"This lowly one is called Arcuve, My partner Marcus and I are guards of the Crownwood restaurant". The guard then smirked sinisterly before he turned around to face Lance and pointed his finger forward.

Everyone followed the direction of his finger to see that it had landed on a 15 or 16 year old youth who was standing there nonchalantly with both hand in his pockets.

"This little brat stole from your Silver wings Team!"

Stole! All the members of the small group of people had bewildered expressions on their faces. How could a little kid steal something from them? Most importantly, how did he steal something?

Seeing their reactions, the guard smiled and continued his story.

"Not only did he steal a real Silver winged medal, he also had the hits to come to our establishment to try and use it to". The guard said as he took out a silver medal that was a little smaller than his palm.

Seeing the medal, all the members of the group had shocked expressions. The male leader took the medal away from the guards hands before examining it properly.

"It really is a Silver Winged medal. Whoever holds this medal is definitely a high ranking member of our Silver wing Team, this medal can be used to represent our whole team".

The male said with an astonished expression. However, his gaze turned frighteningly cold the next moment as he turned to look at Lance who was still standing there.

"You! Where did you get this?" The man asked as he put one hand on the handle of his great sword behind his back.

The medallion could be said to represent the whole Silver winged team. Anything done with this Medallion in hand directly represented the actions of the silver winged group.

If it fell into the wrong hands, it could be used to cause a big misunderstanding that could damage their reputation and dignity.

At the thought of this, everyone else became grim as they turned their cold eyes to the standing Lance. All of them without exceptions had their hands on the hilt of their weapons.

Seeing this, the crowd couldn't help but sigh.

"I was a little bit scarred earlier when he started emitting such a cold aura, however, it looks like he has come to his end now gat he has angered the whole Silver Wings team.

"If he can make it out of this place alive today is still a mystery. The Silver Wings are very mindful of their reputation and won't allow anything to sully it".

"This kid has some guts don't you think?!"

The crowd went into another wave of discussions, albeit a more quieter one. Seeing the reactions of the Silver winged adventurer team, the guard duo Arcuve and Marcus smirked coldly as they watched the scene unfold.

Without a doubt, Lance would get beaten up if not killed by the Silver wings allowing them to vent out their resentment for him.

Lance who was the center of attention frowned as he was finding this same situation, really annoying.

"I will tell you, what I told those two over there. My mom gave that Medal to me!" The surroundings instantly quietened up as everyone stared at Lance in shock.

Even when he was being confronted by the chance of death by the Silver Wings adventurer team, he still repeated the same excuse. Did he not fear death?

The team members of the Silver Wings all had stunned faces. They checked again and examine Lances face, however, their attention was stolen by the clothing he wore.

Their anger was immediately ignited as the leading male said slowly with a cold voice.

"Are you messing around with us kid? You dare lie to our faces! Who do you think we are? How dare you disrespect us"

"I will give you one more chance to come clean. Maybe, I will let you off with both of your legs intact if you tell me what I want to here, or else..."

The man didn't say anything more, however a suffocating killing intent was unleashed all targeting Lance who was still standing there.

The man saw that lance hadn't even buses or displayed any other expressions on his face since he had arrived. He even had both his hands in his pockets and stood there with a calm expression as if he was not even bothered in the least and was looking at something insignificant.

This caused his rage to reach its peak making him unleash his Demi energy to descend on Lance.


Lance suddenly felt a heavy pressure crash upon him as his knees buckled almost bringing him down to his knees.

"Peak A rank Bronze tier expert?" Lance was shocked as he felt the pressure land upon him that almost caused him to kneel. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead as he fiercely resisted.

The people in the surroundings were also shocked. This wasn't just bronze tier, but a peak A rank bronze tier powerhouse, just a step away from reaching Silver tier.

The man was a little stunned seeing as Lance had not fallen to his knees under the pressure. Even though he hadn't used is full strength and just around 40%, its still supposed to be enough to send a 15 year old kid to his knees, right?

In fact, it looked like he was slowly but steadily rising. The other members of the team were also surprised seeing such a scene.

Seeing this, he felt like his dignity was being challenged. A mere, lowly unranked child was actually able to resist his Aura. If he actually allowed lance to stand up, he would seriously lose face as his teammates were watching as well.

Meanwhile, Lance was currently in a dilemma.

[ New Quest issued: Kneel before no one! ]

[ You are being forced to kneel to a being who is inferior to you. As an Alpha with pride, this is against your Law and Code. Resist and do not kneel at all costs ]