
Knight Of Creation; My Werewolf System

[ System Notification: You have upgraded your werewolf bloodline. Begin the next Evolution ] [ System Notification: You are now a mixed blood Hybrid ] The Dark elves invaded earth opening countless demi Rifts to an alternate world called OAS. in that world, Mythical creatures reign supreme while humans are at the bottom of the food chain. Earth is no longer the same way as we knew it. Lance is just a normal boy fitting into the population of powerless humans. However! when he receives a Supernatural System, how will his fate turn out?

Supernatural_Tales · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 13 Silver Wings Adventurers Team!

Lance walked out of the pawn shop with a satisfied expression. He was currently dressed in different clothes, and although they couldn't compare to his former clothing, it was a lot better than looking like a beggar.

The shopkeeper however, was still in a daze.

A silver credit, he actually transferred a silver credit to her. At this point, the shopkeeper could no longer refute what he said. At the same time, she cursed deeply in her heart.

"What are you trying to portray yourself as? A beggar? You are clearly someone of high status. What are you doing? Dressing yourself up like that to come and bully me?"

The shopkeeper roared in indignation. Her heart held resentment as she was definitely not resigned to this. She was also, very fearful.

She had spoken so rudely to someone from a mysterious background. If he came back later to take revenge on her, who knows what the hell would happen to her.

Lance didn't turn back as he held the book in his right arm and looked upward. Even though he changed his clothes, the pendant his mom gave to him was still on his neck as he never even thought about taking it off.

The moon was only half full and it gave him a strange feeling. Like a certain sense of familiarity.

"What am I thinking....?" Lance shook those thoughts out of his head. It was time for him to start heading home, but first.... Dinner!


Crownwood Restaurant, The best restaurant near the slums.

Placed in the intersection between the slums and inner section of Maple leaf Town, Crownwood restaurant was an unnatural establishment whose background was unknown.

Despite the fact that it wasn't situated in the inner section, no one dared to look down on the mysterious owner of this establishment.

Apparently, it was formed by a major power outside of Maple leaf town by a large merchant group known as Crown Caravans.

Despite the fact that it was already past time for dinner, people still flocked in from both the slums and inner areas. Why? Because it was the best restaurant in both the slums and inner areas.

The fact that it was situated in between and not completely in the inner area was a mystery that no one could figure out.

The restaurant was divided into two sections with two different entrances. The first entrance was from people belonging to the slums, the second was for nobles from families and powerful organizations.

Lance was very familiar with this restaurant as this was the place were him and Gustav were usually had their little meet ups whenever they wanted to eat something.

He had come here on multiple occasions and deemed this place fit for his evening meals.

[ Your Hunger has Increased ]

Lance suddenly felt his stomach growl to a point his whole body slightly trembled. He didn't hesitate in the slightest and walked towards the restaurant with people coming in and going out of it.


"Halt!" Two guards standing by the door hurriedly blocked his path with deep frowns on their faces. Lance who couldn't understand what was happening spoke with a deep frown on his face.

"Is there a problem?"

Hearing his question, one of the guards couldn't keep himself from laughing causing Lance's frown to deepen.

"Haha! Is there a problem? Of course there's a problem! Your entrance is that way!" The guard pointed his finger towards the other entrance commonly used by the commoners.

"This entrance is for those who can actually afford to pay for the food they eat". The other guard said with a neutral expression on his face.

"Oh! And what makes you think that i can't pay for what I eat?" Lance, instead of making things straight asked them a question instead.

Despite the fact that he and Gustav usually made this place their drop spot, it wasn't too often and he had never come here by this time at night.

Looking at their faces, he could easily tell that either, the old guards had been replaced or these ones were here for a new shift.

"Hehe! Isn't that obvious?" The first guard sneered and replied. He looked at Lance as if he was an idiot then pointed at his clothing not to mention the weird looking book he was carrying.

Lance could immediately confirm what this guy was getting at. His current clothing, although better than before, still couldn't match what people of his status would usually were.

Lance didn't say anything more and took out a round silver medal that was about the size of half his palm. The medal had a phoenix engraved on it along with some special carvings.

"Can I enter now if I have this". The medal was something his mother had given to him in case he ever got into trouble. This medal didn't have the symbol of the Krill family, however, it had the symbol of Carmines adventurer team.

"Haha! What a joke. Do you think that you can pay for even the lowest quality food her with a piece of metal?" The first guard laughed raucously as he prepared to chase Lance away.

However, he was stopped by his fellow guard before he could do anything.

"Hey! What are you....?"

"Look closer you Numbskull!" The second guard said with a slightly grim voice as he slapped his co worker on the back of his head

"What's that?"

The second guard who had been expressionless since the start took the medal from Lance's hands and brought it closer for better verification.

"T-This is the Sliver Wings adventurer team Medallion! Where on earth did you get this?" The silver wings adventurer team was one of the prestigious adventurer teams withing Maple leaf town.

Not only were they among the top five, but their captain was a Silver Tier B rank Demi human. They were also a large organization with a couple dozen members with more than half of them being in bronze tier.

"Uhh..... My mom gave it to me!" Lance replied.

"Nonsense! There is no way that a beggar like you would have something this valuable. Your mom gave it to you? Do you think we are fools? It must be a fake!"

The expressionless guard yelled in anger. Then he immediately took the medal and placed it in his pocket.

"You have definitely stolen this, or maybe you picked it up somewhere and now you are parading it off to fool people!"

"Because of your dishonest actions, I hereby confiscate this item. Now scram before I beat you up". The expressionless guard said with a frown.

"Did... Did you just accuse me of stealing? You don't even have any proof".

"What more proof do I need? You can't even come up with a better lie when you said your mom gave it to you. What a lame excuse. So what you mean is that your mom is a part of the silver wings adventurer team? As far as I know, only high ranking members would have this medal".

The guard retorted as his gaze turned cold. "I will give you three more seconds to get lost from our sight. If you don't, don't blame us for being ruthless".

At this point, a small crowd had gathered around them formed from mostly commoners who were either entering or exiting the restaurant.

"Humph! Someone actually dares to steal from the Silver Wing Adventurer Team? How bold!"

"He may not have stolen it, but even if he just found it, trying to use it in such a way is no different from courting death".

"What an amateur! He thinks he can pull it off with those clothes? Even though they are better than mine, they aren't good enough to make it look like the real deal".

The crowd started discussing in not so quiet voices as the majority of them looked at lance in disdain.

Everyone here heard what the guards had said so they weren't low with their voices and publicly criticized him. Meanwhile Lance who was the middle of their conversation was trembling in rage.

"I... I just wanted to get something to eat!" He roared inwardly as he started to feel his insides burn from rage.

[ Rage Rising 45% ]

[ Rage Rising...]

"Shit! Not again!" Lance had a rough idea what might happen if his rage hits a certain level.

The first guard who had started all this saw lance trembling with his head hung low and sneered. Seeing his reaction, he was definitely right. Lance had planned all this and had been caught by him and his companion.

"Hey! Why do you want to let him go? This kid just stole from the Silver Wings team, One of the few Silver tier teams in Maple Leaf. Let's catch him and tie him up before delivering him to the Silver Wings".

"If we do that, we'll be able to get into their good side by showing them how thoughtful we are".

The expressionless guard who had initially proposed to chase him away had his eyes lit up.

Even though Crownwood restaurant was considered a branch of a major power, they as guards were not a part of the restaurant. Their future wasn't certain with the restaurant as they were just hired guards, however, if they could get on the good side of the Silver Wings team, their lives would change significantly.

He then turned to look at lance who was still standing there shaking and sneered.

"Kid! I gave you a chance, but you just didn't take it. Now, you can forget about leaving since my partner and I have some use for you. You can only blame yourself for carrying out this scheme and still being too scared to run away after being caught".

As soon as he finished speaking, he took a step forward and stretched his hand out to grab lance.

"What a pity!" Some people there shook their heads and sighed.

"Humph! Serves him right for trying to impersonate someone he is not" Others coldly snorted.

The guard launched his palm strike which landed on Lance's shoulder. Seeing how easily his hands made contact, whatever worry that was left in his heart vanished as his expressionless face turned cold.

"Kneel brat!"

The guard yelled loudly and exerted pressure on his palm to make Lance fall to his knees. With his Level 6 strength, making a junior such as this scamming kid in front of him kneel was nothing more than an easy task.

"Hehe! Wait..... Huh?" The guard who had expected things to go smoothly suddenly realized something. The youth in front of him hadn't moved a muscle despite him exerting more than half his strength.

He just stood there with his head hung low and slightly shaky hands.

"Humph! Looks like you have some ability after all". The guard coldly snorted and utilised 80% of his strength and pressed down even harder on Lance's right shoulder with his left hand.

"This brat looks stronger than most, looks like he is a demi human. However, he must be using all his strength to prevent himself from falling down now". The guard thought as he exerted more strength. In his opinion, Lance must have been extremely lucky to obtain a Demon spirit which he used to cultivate to his current level, however, a little more strength than a usual person from the slums was all to it.

There was no way he could resist the strength of a level 6 Demi human like himself. However.

Lance still didn't move as if he wasn't feeling any pressure at all. His trembling ands suddenly stopped shaking as his back straightened abruptly.

Beads of sweat had begun to appear on the guards forehead as he couldn't understand what was happening.

"Wasn't this kid supposed to fall? How is he still standing?"

"Marcus! What are you doing? Bring the kid down to his knees already and stop playing around. We don't have all night!"

The fellow guard said as he saw lance still standing straight up looking as if e wasn't feeling any pressure. To him, his partner wasn't doing anything yet and was just standing there with his arm on the kids shoulders.

"You little....." The guard whose hand was on Lance's shoulders named Marcus wanted to curse at this moment. How was his partner so dumb? It was clear that he was exerting his strength as veins could be seen bulging from his arm but the darn kid was still standing.

At this point, the bystanders also realized that something was wrong.

Meanwhile lance who was being pressed upon wasn't feeling any pressure in the least. But his eyes were glowing a demonic blue color that could send chills down ones soul.

[ Your rage has risen past 76%. Physical body constitution has been increased by 20% ]

[ All stats +7 ]

[ Bloodlust imminent. You will lose control of your mind if rage continues to increase ]

[ You are hungry for human flesh and blood. Hunger has increased ]

[ Target Marked: Crownwood restaurant Guards ]

[ New Quest issued: Kill as many as possible to increase you level ]

[ Rewards: Racial Skills +3/ Mastery points +500/ Shop Unlock....]

[ You have Mastered Bloodthirsty Aura ]

Lance still stood without moving. A second later.


A wave of cold aura emanated from Lance's body which suffocated everyone present on the scene.

[ Bloodthirsty Aura Activated ]

Lance had unknowingly activated a cold aura from his body shocking almost everyone there. The guard whose hand was on his shoulder suffered the brunt of it as his face turned pale from shock and fear.

His attention was drawn to dripping sounds as his head moved downwards to see a small puddle of blood had been made with blood dripping from Lance's tightly clenched fists.

He quickly retracted his hand in an attempt to beat a hasty retreat, however..... It was too late.

"Ahh! The guard let out a painful scream as Lance grabbed his retreating hand before it could get out of his range.

A set of sharp claws dug into the guards arm making him cry out in pain.

"You... You.... How dare you! I am a Guard of The Crownwood restaurant. Once the manager comes out, you will be in big trouble." The guard spoke while stuttering with great difficulty. He wanted to threaten lance with the identity as a guard of Crownwood restaurant.

However, inside he was trembling from shock and disbelief. How can a someone so young actually be so strong. At this point, he knew that there was something abnormal about the kid in front of him and desperately wanted to call for the Restaurant manager but his dignity in front of some many people was on the line.

"You..... What are you doing there? Come and help me handle this kid!" The guard yelled with a pale face. His partner finally realized how weird the situation was and prepared to step in.

At this moment

"Stop right there!" The loud voice of a man sounded a distance away drawing everyone's attention. A small group of people could be seen walking over to the scene that had been created.

Lance who was losing his rationality suddenly frowned. His body stopped emitting the bloodthirsty aura and his eyes slowly changed back to normal.

He hadn't turned around yet, but his instincts told him that the group of people approaching were strong, much stronger than he was inadvertently snapping him out of his rage.

"Look! Its the Silver Wings adventurer team". A commoner immediately noticed the logo of a silver phoenix on the armor of the group of people approaching.

These people all wore dazzling armor that emitted a bronze glow and looked extremely sturdy. It could be seen from this point alone that the armor on their bodies were all bronze tier weapons instead of your standard Common tier.

"Huh! Moms team!" Lance was a little surprised as he turned around.

"The Silver Wings!" The two guards were pleasantly surprised before being filled with ecstasy. The next moment, their gazes turned cold as they gazed at lance who had long since left the hand of the wounded guard.

"Brat! You dare to make a move on us! Today, you will be personally handed by the Silver Wings".