
Knight Of Creation; My Werewolf System

[ System Notification: You have upgraded your werewolf bloodline. Begin the next Evolution ] [ System Notification: You are now a mixed blood Hybrid ] The Dark elves invaded earth opening countless demi Rifts to an alternate world called OAS. in that world, Mythical creatures reign supreme while humans are at the bottom of the food chain. Earth is no longer the same way as we knew it. Lance is just a normal boy fitting into the population of powerless humans. However! when he receives a Supernatural System, how will his fate turn out?

Supernatural_Tales · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 12 Raise her skirt

Lance wanted to bang his head against a wall several times. He actually forgot about the inscription art book. However, considering what had happened earlier, he quickly calmed down as his mind became clear.

Lance could easily guess what had happened. During the fight, he must have dropped the book where within the two hours he was gone, this female found the book and came to sell it.

Anyone who came across such a book would definitely be intrigued. It made him wonder how exactly the book had ended up in that library without anyone finding out about it.

However, even though he lost it, it didn't matter anymore. This book, was a priceless treasure and he was going to get it back at all costs.

The shopkeeper eyed lance coldly and fiercely barked. "This is a store, not a charity home. If you aren't here to buy anything, then get out and don't come back. Am tired of beggars like you".

Her voice was dripping with arrogance and disdain. In this point, nobody could really blame her.

After saying that, she turned her head to the female teen that had her face covered under a veil and remarked coldly.

"Even if it can't open up, so what? Its probably something that only Demi humans could open. Besides, I have never seen anything like this, its definitely not a Demon Skill book, and it looks like a prop. If you want to sell it, Five copper credits".

Her mood had been thoroughly ruined after Lance's appearance.

Seeing this, the girls face under the veil turned glum as she clenched her fists. Even she didn't know what the book was for, and she couldn't refute the woman in any way.

More like she didn't dare to retort.

She was hoping that this would be something valuable and she could sell it for a decent sum of credits, after all, she needed the money badly. However, it looks like she was fated to be disappointed.

For lance however, he almost couldn't stop himself from yelling in excitement. This was the moment he was waiting for.

"Miss, I will buy that book off your hands for a silver credit". His calm and cool voice sounded in the girls ears leaving her completely dumbstruck.

It wasn't just her, even the shopkeeper was stunned hearing what he said. He actually wanted to buy the book for a silver credit.

One should know that the storekeepers monthly profit was barely a silver credit and she was considered being quite well off in the slums.

However, this kid who looked like he had been beaten up by the patrolling guards, covered in blood and wearing ripped clothes looking practically like a beggar actually wanted to pay a silver credit!

Moreover, it was for an item that the shopkeeper had only been willing to pay 5 copper credits for.

The stunned shopkeeper took a minute to recover from her daze. The next minute however, she burst into a flurry of raucous laughter. Lance just stood there with a calm and confident expression on his face knowing the reason for her laughter.

After a couple of seconds, she stopped laughing, then she sneered and said.

"You want to pay a Silver credit? Look at you! Even if you said 5 copper credits instead of silver credits, I still won't believe you".

"Where on earth did a beggar like you, get that kind of money? If you can show me that you have a silver credit, I would willingly raise my skirt and show you what's underneath it".

The shopkeeper finished with a smirk, her disdain extremely visible towards Lance. Even the girl who was by his side doubted him when she took a look at his clothing.

Her eyes that originally held a glimmer of hope died down quickly as she lowered her head in disappointment. Lance was not surprised by their reactions, his face as calm as ever. Then he turned to the shopkeeper who was looking at him disdainfully and sneered.

"Oh! Should we make a bet? If I can prove it, you will raise your skirt so I can see what's underneath!"

The shopkeeper was stunned again. In less than five minutes, she had been stunned twice, however, she regained her composure and stared at him head on. In her opinion, either this kid was trying to scare her, had a mental problem or was just another pup who hadn't even finished growing his pubic hair.

"Yes that's right! But can you even prove it?" She said still doubtful and disdainful, looking down on him contemptuously.

Lance only smiled and didn't say anything more, instead, he raised his arm and showed both of them what was on his wrist.

Seeing the Wristcom on his wrist, the shopkeepers body trembled in shock and her mouth gaped open in disbelief. Being the person she was, she naturally knew what a Wristcom looked like.

Anyone who had a Wristcom was definitely someone of a high status, even if their status wasn't high, it was most definitely higher than hers.

To buy a Wristcom would usually cost twice her annual profit. Unless you were part of an ungraded force and had a high enough position to buy one or the child of someone with such amount of money, you would not be able to get it.

The girl who was shocked before an expression of Joy came up on her face. This meant that this guy was probably not a fraud.

And as for the reason he was dressed in such clothing, she couldn't care less. Lance who was still looking at the managers astounded face couldn't help but let out a sinister smirk.

After satisfying his vanity with her shock, he didn't stop there. "I believe this counts as me winning the bet just now right?"

His calm voice brought her back to her senses as she remembered what they had bet on. Even though she was over thirty, her cheeks still burned red upon recalling that matter.

"No! It doesn't! There is no way to prove that that's actually yours. You could have stolen it for all I know". The shopkeeper roared in denial as she fiercely glared at him.

This was the only lifeline she could draw for herself, because..... she wasn't wearing any underwear.

Hearing this, Lance just smiled and asked.

"Do you perhaps have a Wristcom?" Hearing his question, she once again blushed in shame. Of course she didn't, she was just a shopkeeper of a pawn shop and couldn't afford that kind of luxury.

Her rage also burned brighter. "No I don't, and so what. If you are trying to use the fact that you have one and I don't, it still doesn't change anything and it doesn't prove anything either".

"Oh, then you should have a phone right?" Lance clearly unfazed asked again.

"Um! Yes". She nodded.

"Great, then tell me your Skynet Bank number". The Skynet was the number one internet system in the entire world. In fact, it was the only system, therefore, you could literally do anything with it, even banking.

"He still hasn't done so much as blink ever since he got here". A bad premonition sprouted in the shopkeepers heart as she gave him her Skynet Bank number.

Lance seeing that she was getting fidgety didn't wipe the smile from his lips as he directly transferred a silver credit to her account.

As soon as she received the alert for the transfer, her face darkened.