
Knight Of Creation; My Werewolf System

[ System Notification: You have upgraded your werewolf bloodline. Begin the next Evolution ] [ System Notification: You are now a mixed blood Hybrid ] The Dark elves invaded earth opening countless demi Rifts to an alternate world called OAS. in that world, Mythical creatures reign supreme while humans are at the bottom of the food chain. Earth is no longer the same way as we knew it. Lance is just a normal boy fitting into the population of powerless humans. However! when he receives a Supernatural System, how will his fate turn out?

Supernatural_Tales · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 11 The Inscription book is gone

"Damn it! How could I have forgotten him?!"

Lance screamed in his mind as he saw Gustav's call. Earlier, he wasn't paying any attention to Gustav and had probably lost his reasoning under the bloodlust.

He didn't know what Gustav had seen him do or of he had even seen him do anything at all. He couldn't remember anything but judging by the fact that a hand was a little bit away from him presently.

It was most likely that he had ripped that guys arm off. Lance didn't want to face him if Gustav had seen him do something like that.

Not to mention, he wouldn't be able to explain his sudden spike in strength or his glowing eyes as he was sure that it probably happened.

He himself still didn't understand much about that the system and he didn't want anyone to find out about it.

Even his own mother didn't know a thing.

Taking a deep breath, Lance forced himself to calm down. He knew that he was at a crucial moment and he could not panic right now. The time was already past 9pm meaning that between 7pm and now, he had lost 2 hours of memory.

Looking at his Wristcom, he was relieved to find put that this was the first call Gustav had sent to him.

Now however, he was in a dilemma. If he picked up, he wouldn't know how to explain to Gustav, and if he didn't pick up, if he hadn't done it already, Gustav might report to his mom making matters way more complicated.

Weighing his options, Lance no longer hesitated and answered the call decisively. After all, it was better Gustav knew than for him to tell his mom.

"Gustav!" Lance picked up and a holographic image of the fatty Gustav hovered above his wrist. Lance looked at the surroundings in the image and guessed that Gustav was currently at....

"Lance! Thank the Demon spirits that you are okay. What happened to you? I blacked out from the fight and when I woke up, o was at the hospital and you were nowhere to be found!"

Yep, his guess was correct. Gustav was currently at the hospital, however, lance was more concerned about the part were he said he blacked out.

"Gus, you mean you didn't see what happened?" Lance asked with bated breaths. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that he was hanging by a thread and his anxiety was through the roof.

"Yeah! I..... don't remember much..... I hit my head hard against a wall when that thug threw me off him. My head currently aches like a beating drum".

Gustav replied as he rubbed his sore head that had been bandaged. The sight of it looked almost comical.

Hearing his words, lance sighed inwardly in relief, it looks like his secret was safe, however, on the outside was still a worried look of concern that he held on his face.

"Are you alright!"

"Yeah! Am lucky I didn't lose a body part. The doctor said I'll be fine after resting for a while, I have a demon spirit after all". The fatty subconsciously puffed out his chest with a smug look clearly proud to become a demi human.

Seeing this, Lance couldn't help but chuckle.

"Now tell me bro, what happened? Your condition looks even worse than mine. Are you okay? is that blood?....."

Gustav didn't take a break to pause mid sentence as he bombarded Lance with questions after seeing his ripped and bloodied shirt.

His face was filled with worry as well, just like lance felt worry towards him.

"Also, where are you? It looks like you are in a garden of some sorts or in the forest outside the city".

Hearing Gustav mention this, lance turned and took a look around. Seeing the City like Town just a few hundred meters away from him, Lance finally realized where he was.

He was at the outskirts of the slums of Maple leaf town. All he had to do was move a couple hundred yard away and he would officially be out of town.

"Don't worry about me. Am fine, and as for what happened after you passed out, we will talk about it when you get better. For now, just rest up, see you later".

Lance didn't wait for him to reply and directed ended the call. The he looked around and started making his way towards the Town.

After all, he couldn't stay out here and he had to get home before his mom noticed that he was not back. If that happened, it would be very tough to explain.

At this moment.

[ Your HP and strength has been completely filled ]

[ Your Hunger grows ]

As soon as he read the notification, his stomach growled crazily like a starved lion. It was no exaggeration as Lance had not eaten anything since he woke up today.

By the looks of it, the system used his energy to heal all his wounds.

"Food huh? I guess it makes sense, the energy has to come from somewhere. Maybe that's why I felt so hungry that I actually wanted to eat human meat".

Lance said to himself as he headed towards town. The pain in his stomach wasn't little but he could still bear with it until he could get some real food to eat.

The Town wasn't as lively at night but before 10pm, it was still pretty lively. One could see lovers walking on the streets from store to store while others would sit on the bench starring at the stars in the sky.

Of course, that would be in the inner district were the richer people lived.

Some shops were still open that sold jewelry, clothes, special herbs that had appeared after the great calamity and some even sold weapons, and armor.

Guards patrolled the streets with even the lowest of them having a cultivation base of at least bronze tier.

Lance who was wearing ripped clothes covered in blood didn't really bring up much attention. After all, he was currently passing by the slums, were there were a lot of beggars and people who were constantly robbed.

His white hair sported some red stripes which was nothing more than blood, probably from the thug he had disabled a few hours ago.

As he walked, he was contemplating where to put his newly obtained stat points into. According to the system, even though he couldn't remember it, he had indeed saved Gustav from the thug so therefore, his quest was completed.

Now he had +4 stat points and 3 skill points that hadn't been distributed. He didn't have any skills to spend the skill points on right now so the skill points would have to wait.

Once again, he was in a dilemma as he didn't know which stat to prioritize his Stat points for. Tonight further convinced him concerning how weak he was.

If not for the system, he would have been heavily injured or killed tonight because of his lack of power. Moreover, it would have happened at the hands of a filthy level 2 gang thug.

Thinking about this point, lance couldn't help but have his blood boil in rage. A level 2 piece of trash could actually beat him up to such an extent.

"Power! I need strength! I need power! Only when I have enough strength not to be at the mercy of anyone will I finally be satisfied".

Lance said to himself as he tightened his costs in conviction. His blue yes glowed slightly as he suppressed the rage within his heart. He would never settle for being weak ever again, now that he had the system.

At this point, he no longer cared what exactly it was anymore.

Lance didn't realize that his state of mind was already slowly but surely changing.

It would take almost two hours if he wanted to walk all the way from here to the krill mansion, so Lance was going to board a bus towards the inner section of the town.

But first things first, he can't return to Krill mansion looking like this. If his mother sees this or was told he came home looking like this, he would be questioned to no end.

He looked around the area and soon found a pawn shop where he could buy some new clothes to replace his bloodied ones.

Seeing the shop a little bit off across the street, Lances eyes lit up. But first....

Lance didn't hesitate any longer when it came to his attributes. He had already decided, prioritize strength and speed first, stamina can come later.

If he had been fast enough, he would have dodged that dagger and prevented his chest from being slit open.

He added two points to strength and two points to speed bringing them up to 13 and 11 respectively. He could have put them at 12 each making it equal but lance decided not to worry about his speed for the meantime.

The moon was still shining and his stats were still increased by 5 instead of 20%. Lance had judged that when his stats increased after today, it would go back to being twenty percent and not just +5 to all stats.

The only reason this happened was because his stats were too low for the 20% to have any effect so the increase in his strength from Rage had given him +5 stat points for the rest of the night.

The warm familiar feeling spread through his limbs again as he felt his body strength and speed rise. His feet had also become more nimble.

After distributing the stat points, lance crossed the street and headed towards a certain store. The stores in the slums were mainly pawn shops and a few cheap restaurants that served food of inferior quality.

The shop was filled with some old stuff that had been very popular before the great calamity. Now however, they had become nothing but antiques over the passage of time.

Looking at a rack that was filled with phones, Lance had a weird look. Literally no one used cell phones anymore.

Lance looked towards the counter where a middle aged woman was sitting with her legs crossed. She had an average body figure with an above average appearance. Her nose was a little pointy and her hair was tied into a bun.

"This book..... Isn't worth anything much". The middle aged lady, her legs still crossed on the counter said as she was appraising an item brought in by a customer.

Lance looked over and saw what looked to be a girl wearing mourning attire with long, black hair. Looking at her figure, she should be around 15 or 16 years of age.

The lady who was clearly the owner of the store had her eyes flash with a trace of annoyance before becoming nonchalant.

She had seen cases like this before, where some beggars walked into her shop to sell some stuff with no value for some food or cash so they can live for a few more days.

Naturally, she did what she thought she had to do. Throw them all out violently so they can see the reality of life.

This little girl had walked into her shop to sell a book that didn't have any real value, how could she not be annoyed.

"But... But that book has to have some value. You saw it yourself, even when I used my full strength, I couldn't open it, same as you".

The girl said while her face was hidden under a veil. Her voice was pleasant like the sound of an oriole singing, but carried a hint of sadness and grief.

Lance who was looking was a bit intrigued. A book that can't be opened! It must surely hold some mysteries. Lance walked towards the counter and looked at the merchandise they were talking about.

Seeing lance who was wearing tattered clothes, the shopkeepers eyes flashed with undisguised disgust as she swept a proud gaze over him.

Lance however, didn't notice, or more like he couldn't be bothered to notice. That was because, at this moment, he was in a state of shock.

"This!..... This.....!" Lance eyes widened with disbelief as he looked at the book on the table. The book was actually the Vampires inscription Art book that he had brought from the library.

Only at this moment did he realize that, the book was no longer with him