

Dylan walked out of school and started his walk back home. School had just ended and he yearning to get away from all the learning. It had two weeks since he had met Iron-Man and there had been no big event happening since. According to his calculations, Dylan knew that Thor's movie would be happening this week. Unfortunately, he could not help Thor. But, he could do that when the Avengers formed.

Peter and Harry were still in the coma, Dylan thought to himself. The spider bite must have too strong for them, with the addition of the new powers. But Dylan knew that they would wake up soon. He eventually reached his home in the suburbs and walked up the stairs. The hinges on the door screamed as he opened it.

His mom ran up to him with a huge smile plastered on her face. She hugged him before telling him of the good news.

"Dylan, guess what. May called me and said that Peter and Harry woke up from their coma about two hours ago. Isn't that great!"

'Speak of the devil.' Dylan thought to himself.

"Yeah, Mom. That's great! I'll talk to them both when I see them tomorrow."

His mom nodded and went back to what she was doing. Dylan went upstairs and started on his homework and played some games. Nightfall quickly came by and Dylan and his parents ate together. Soon after, they all went to sleep. Or at least, Dylan pretended to. After his parents were sound asleep, Dylan closed his door slowly and opened the window. His suit wrapped around him and he went to the city to do crime-fighting as Venom.


Dylan walked off the bus the next day to see a frazzled Peter approaching the school. He looked like he ran all the way here, but oddly, he wasn't panting or sweating at all. Dylan knew the spider bite had worked properly. Peter noticed him and went over to his direction.

"Hey Pete, you good?"

"Yeah, um but something happened to me. I'll tell you about it when we go home."

"Is it bad?" Dylan asked in a fake surprise.

"No, no. It's good, just.... strange."

While they were talking Harry Osborn pulled up. He had also changed, although it was noticeably more apparent from Peter since he didn't wear baggy clothes. His average body had turned compact with muscles and he had become a bit taller. He looked happy at this but confused.

"Hey Pete, Dylan."

"Hey, Harry. Wanna come with us to Pete's house."

"Yeah, I'm down."

Peter eyed Harry's body with interest and looked back to his own body. Peter must have started to realize what happened, Dylan thought with satisfaction. The bell rang and they entered their classes. The minute Cindy walked into Chemistry, Dylan knew she liked Harry's new look. Her eyes trailed his body, and she started salivating. Dylan felt very weirded out.

Throughout the day, strange things had happened to the two. In Chemistry, Harry had almost bent the metal desk in half during a test. In English Peter had broken a bookcase when he had pulled out a book. During lunch, webbing sprouted out of Harry's hand and attached itself to his Lunch tray. He freaked out silently and tried to get it off, but almost ended up throwing the tray at Flash, if Dylan hadn't stopped him. No one had seen except Dylan though. Peter, in their last period of Geometry, made indents in the chalkboard by using the chalk.

They both looked very exasperated and when the bell rang they almost sang in relief. The trio headed out, Harry had kissed Cindy good-bye before he left, and started walking back to Peter's house.

"Hey Harry, did you tell your dad you were coming?" Peter inquired.

"Yeah, I told him during lunch, so no worries."

"Okay, well let's go."

They walked back to Peters's house talking about the newly released Pokemon game, Pokemon: Platinum. It was a mix of the two previous games Diamond and Pearl with an all-new story. Harry believed it was the best Pokemon game yet, while Peter, on the other hand, was more of Gold and Silver guy himself.

"Harry, what your saying is illogical and plain wrong! No Pokemon game can ever come up to the standard that Gold and Silver made a precedent for!"

"Pete, I agree with you on a lot of things, but this is not one of them! Pete, those games are 8 years old now! Unless they get a remake they'll still be the same old buggy games they were before!"

"You take that back!"

They had reached Peter's house by now. Dylan was grateful for the opportunity to stop this stupid argument.

"Guys! We're here!"

The two abruptly stopped. They nodded and started to walk inside. Peter and Harry didn't want Aunt May and Uncle Ben to see them shouting. They went inside as Aunt May was in the kitchen. She turned around and smiled warmly.

"Hello boys, I just made some cinnamon bread. Would you fancy some."

The two boys were about to exclaim, that yes they did want some cinnamon bread before Peter interrupted them.

"Maybe later Aunt May, we have a project to work on."

Aunt May's smile grew bigger and she turned around. Dylan and Peter looked at Peter's back sourly as they went down into the basement.

"What the hell Peter, your Aunt makes some good food!" Harry whisper-screamed.

"Not now Harry, we came here to figure out something else," Peter said back.

Once everyone went into the basement, Peter locked the door. He then sat down.

"Okay, uh, something strange has been going on. Ever since the spider bite, I've become stronger, faster, taller, etc. Well, that seems normal right? But then when I woke up today I was stuck to my ceiling. I think the spider did something to me. It gave me spider-like abilities."

Harry then shot up too. His face conveyed shock.

"That's what happened to me as well!"

They started to murmur to each other about their power before a cough from Dylan brought their attention.

"I have to tell.... no, show you guys something. But you can't tell anyone. Got it."

The two nodded.

Dylan stood up, as deep black tendrils began to wrap around his body. His whole body was completely covered in the substance, forming a skin-tight black suit around his body. His head had two bright white eye lenses that quirked, while his chest and back had a white spider symbol. He looked up to see two shocked faces.

"I... am Venom."


Meanwhile in a barren town in New Mexico...

The Destroyer approached the broken and beaten form of Thor Odinson the finish him off. He was dressed in human clothes because of his banishment, as a result of his arrogance. Thor was bloodied and beaten and heart a shout from behind him. Jane Foster and his friends were screaming at him to wake up. The destroyer noticed that and aimed a beam at them. Thor's mind rushed.

'No! I will protect my friends!'

His hand shot up and a split second later lightning struck the ground. For miles, the clouds turned dark and the thunder boomed. A figure was seen rising out of the crater. It was Thor, fully decked out in his Asgardian armor, very much looking like the god he was. A light blue aura swirled around him, and sparks of electricity flickered off his form. In his right hand, was the mighty Mjolnir, the hammer that struck thunder.

Thor looked back at Jane, Dr. Foster, Darcy, Sif, and the Warriors Three. He smiled at them before looking back at the Destroyer. Its armor was dented from the impact of the thunder and sparks erupted from it's damaged face. Thor swung his hammer and pointed it at the Destroyer. It launched him forward and he went straight through the Machine. It stood still for a few seconds before falling and shaking the ground with its impact. Thor turned around and motioned to the Warrior Three and Sif. They nodded and went over to his position.

Jane ran after them and hugged Thor. Thor looked shocked before hugging her back. Jane looked up with tears in her eyes. Thor smiled as wiped them away. He then kissed her on her lips, shocking her. Thor stopped kissing her and went away. But not before murmuring one thing.

"We'll meet again Jane."

Thor met up with the Warrior Three and Sif and pointed his hammer upward. Rainbow light formed around them and in an instant, they were gone, leaving a shocked Jane and her friends.


Meanwhile..... in a nearby town.....

Barry Allen, renowned forensic scientists, was seen unpacking his moving boxes full of chemicals.

The 25-year-old was young and new to the business but quickly went up the ranks for helping solve cases no other forensics expert could.

After, so much success the young man was stationed here to solve a case about a hammer that had just appeared in the middle of the desert. The company that hired him, S.H.I.E.L.D, (Weird name, huh? What did it stand for?) wanted him to find clues about the event.

Barry had just finished putting chemicals on the shelf before thunder boomed from the open skylight. Barry was shocked, it was clear a minute ago! Shaking his head, Barry reached for a ladder and set it up. He climbed it and was about to close the skylight before he slipped. He hit the bookshelf, knocking all the chemicals on him, and staining his clothes and skin.

"Oh, come on. This was my favorite shirt!"

But when he said that, the thunder boomed one last time. A bolt of lightning shot out and went into the open skylight, impacting Barry. Barry felt himself burn as he was electrocuted. His eyes flashed as visions impacted him.

An alien invasion.

A deadly machine.

A golden gauntlet filled with glittering gems.

A dark god.

As he had those visions, lightning flashed around his body, as the area containing his burn wounds blurred and started to quickly heal. Barry blacked out.

Barry Allen baby!

Also, do you guys want the read and gold Ironman armor, or the silver one? Your choice.

Also yes, I made Thor look like a Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2 to be exact.

The Flash is in the story, what do you guys think about that?

Rewrite. (10/18/19) I made sure after rewriting the past few chapters that Barry is the only one who knows the future.

Arashicreators' thoughts