

Peter and Harry's eyes bulged, and they were lost for words. They couldn't believe that their friend was a local superhero.

"Dylan, what the hell!! How are you Venom?!"

Dylan quirked one of his lenses.

"Wow, go scream it out would ya. No, really when I said this was a secret I meant it."

Harry looked sheepish but continued.

"But still, you! You're Venom? You don't sound like him-"

"I change my voice."

Peter shook his head at Harry's questions.

"What I think Harry meant to say, is that how did you even become Venom?"

Dylan had thought this through. He knew he couldn't just reveal the events of his transportation to this universe, no that'd be stupid. So, he had to make up how he became Venom. The suit peeled back to reveal his face, much to the other two's fascination, and he started to speak.

"You guys remember that meteor crash in the Hudson almost 8 months ago, right?"

They nodded in unison.

'Well, on the rock was a black liquid. It was... a symbiote."

He said this while gesturing at the suit.

"You guys know how symbiotic lifeforms need hosts to survive right? Well, the symbiote found me and bonded to me. Now before you get worried Pete, this is a mutually beneficial relationship. I give it a home, and it gives me powers and abilities in return."

Peter look of alarm faded, as he began to ask more questions. Harry stayed silent.

"So, how does the suit work and what powers does it give you."

"The suit gives me enhanced speed, strength, agility, dexterity, well basically advanced everything. I can fly, shoot projectiles to immobilize people-"

Harry interrupted Dylan with a question that he was thinking about.

"Dylan, why do use your powers to help people? You could be famous, have tons of money, hot girls, live in a mansion, but you choose to use your powers for good. Why?"

Harry had been thinking about this. If he had been in Dylan's place he would have done those exact things. But what compelled Dylan to do the, morally objective, right thing?

"I just wanna help people. I was given these powers for a reason. So it's my responsibility to use them. Harry, I have the chance to help people. Why wouldn't I?"

Harry's eyes slightly widened as Dylan continued with his sentence.

"Harry, you know, Tony Stark is kinda similar to you. He had so much money and flaunted and wasted it. But now, he's using his genius-level intellect to stop threats and help the world. Now you have that chance, are you gonna take it?!"

Dylan held out his hand to Harry. Harry looked down and contemplated. Was he going to be a superhero? Him?

'Well, there's no harm in trying right.' he thought to himself.

Harry looked up at Dylan's hand and grasped it. Dylan smiled at him and turned to Peter. He looked unsure about this whole idea. Being bullied for most of his life made him sympathetic to the plights of other people, but to be a superhero? That was a bit much for him. If he was honest to himself he would have done what he could to be famous.

"Guy's I need a bit more time to think this through. I'll talk to you guys later."

Peter went upstairs and closed the door, the duo's eyes trailing after him. Dylan mentally commanded Klyn to retract the suit off of him and walked upstairs with Harry in tow. They were greeted by a confused Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Noticing them, May turned to the boys.

"Dylan, Harry, has something upset poor Peter? He rushed up to his room.?"

"No, just remembered that he had to write an essay in one of his classes and wanted to hop to it." Harry lied.

Aunt May nodded and went back to cooking.

The two boys went to the front door and were seen off by Uncle Ben.

"Stay in school kids!"

They smiled at him and left. A Bentley pulled up in the corner of the road and honked. Harry grasped Dylan's hand and shook it. While he did that, he began to him.

"You'll need to help me with the whole superhero thing. Like my costume."

"Don't worry I'll come up with something. You just to make it, since you're... you know, rich."

Harry nodded and went over to the car. He opened the door and sat inside. He waved at Dylan before closing the door. The car sped off into the distance. Dylan pulled out his phone and sent his mom a text that he would be staying over at Harry's. A few minutes later his mom replied with an okay and a smiley emoji. Dylan replied with a thumbs-up emoji and put his phone away.

'Now, I have no reason to come home right now, so I can continue doing my patrols."

'Kid we have a crime over there. At two a clock.' the symbiote reported using his thermal sensing.


After confirming there was no one in the area, Dylan jumped into the tree in front of the house emerged as Venom. Shattering the branch he was crouching on, he leaped off the tree. His wings formed out of his back and flapped, giving him momentum. He flew into New York.


Peter lied down on his bed, contemplating the reasons why Dylan would even want to be a superhero. To him, Dylan had to have at least some ulterior motive. No one was just that much of a good samaritan. A saying his Uncle always said echoed in his mind.

'Maybe, he.... feels responsible for something?'

Peter gripped his head. He felt a migraine coming on. He needed to distract himself. He reached for his backpack and unzipped it. Peter then finished all his homework, (even a math assignment that would have Dylan at least a week to do, in about two hours.), and was still had nothing to do. Peter checked the time: it was 9:00. He could probably do something for the next hour before sleeping. But what? He then remembered something.

'Oh right, I have powers! I can't believe I forgot about that.'

Peter knew that he had at least enhanced basic attributes like strength, speed, agility, dexterity, yadda yadda. But he knew he had inherited some of the spider's attributes like crawling on walls, maybe webbing, (one of the spiders was a jumping spider and they don't need webs to catch prey, so since he was bitten by that one he wasn't so sure he had webs either. That specific spider had used the electric discharge ability to stun the prey before eating it.), the electric discharge, and the camouflage.

Peter got off his bed and put his left hand on the wall of the room. After feeling it be stuck to the wall, he put his right hand over the left. It stuck and he began crawling all over the room with a big smile on his face. He was on the ceiling of the room and hopped off, making a thump when he hit the floor. Footsteps echoed on the stairs before someone opened the door. It was Uncle Ben, dressed in a jacket and jeans.

"Kiddo, you okay? I heard a noise from your room." Uncle Ben asked, concerned.

"Nah, Uncle Ben I'm fine. I'm great!"

Uncle ben let out a hearty laugh, that put a big smile on Peter's face. He loved making his Uncle laugh. After laughing, Ben then asked Peter a question.

"Hey, Pete your Aunt wants me to go to the store in Manhattan. Wanna come with, these old bones need some company?"

Peter replied with a sad smile.

'Sorry, Uncle Ben I have to do my homework."

Peter admitted to himself that was a pretty shit excuse, but his uncle paid it no mind.

"That's good Pete. Study hard," he said with a smile on his face.

Waving goodbye, Ben went down the stairs and out the house, while wishing May goodbye. Peter watched from the window as Ben pulled his car out of the driveway and drove off. He went over to the mirror and began testing his other powers.


After an hour of solely flying, he hovered over the Woolworth Building in Manhattan. Venom retracted his wings and lightly landed on the top spire of the building. The sky had turned a mixture of black and dark blue, making the city's lights shine out even more.

Venom's lenses narrowed as his thermal vision flashed, giving him a view of the whole city. It was like looking at a huge cluster of moths but magnified by a million. He quickly noticed a crime happening in the darkened alley of a building a few rooftops over. Venom shot out a web over to a nearby building and swung over there.

The robber was threatening a man in a business suit, who was frantically begging with him. Right as the robber was going to attack, Venom jumped in with a heel kick to the head. The robber hit the wall knocking him out cold. The man looked surprised.

"Report him to the feds for me. Chiao." He said while winking his eye lense. He jumped away leaving the confused businessman.

Venom continued swinging across the city stopping more crimes, which garnered people's attention. The citizens of the city started to take out their phones and record the crimes that he stopped. Venom noticed this and quickly waved before punching a criminal who tried to sneak behind him. The people loved this and began to cheer. Venom smiled under his mask.

His thermal vision alerted him to a spike in tension near the One-World-Trade Center. He web-zipped over to the area and landed on a nearby building that was under construction. Underneath the shade of one building, a kid was surrounded by 11 other men and women. They all had weapons ranging from guns, machetes, knives, and even a hammer.

The leader, Venom assumed since he was the only one talking, had a double-barrel shotgun strapped to his back. The kid radiated fear that he could smell from here, and it intensified once he had the shotgun suddenly pointed at his face. Venom decided that now was the time to step in, and he jumped off the scaffolding he was crouching on, destroying it.

He performed a backflip midair and shot a web to the ground between the leader and the kid. He zipped over and landed in a fighting stance, surprising the two. The gang members quickly got over their surprise and brandished their weapons.

Venom then grabbed the shotgun in front of him and crumpled it into a metal ball. He then smacked the ball into the leader's face, knocking him out and giving him a black eye.

"I guess you can say he... dropped the ball."

No one reacted. Even the kid coughed behind him.

"Yeesh, tough crowd."

Venom suddenly shot a web, grabbing the nearest gang member and yanking him towards him. Before the gang member could do anything but yelp, Venom hit with a cross in the face, knocking him back into the dumpster. This was the cue for the other gang members to start rushing him altogether.

Venom ducked under a knife swing and swept the attacker's legs making him stumble! He quickly spun and side-kicked the man in the stomach launching him into the wall. He slid down and vomited.

A woman tried to hit him with a hammer from behind, but his spider-senses alerted him to that and he caught the weapon. The woman looked shocked before Venom quickly chopped her in the back of the neck, making her crumple to the ground.

His spider-senses blared once more and he brought his forearms over his head in an x-position. A man with two machetes swung them at his forearms, but not before stingers erupted from his forearms, blocking the weapons. The gang member struggled while Venom pushed back, chipping away at the metal, before snapping the machete in half.

Venom then quickly injected his stingers in the man's neck and retracted them. The man quickly became drowsy before he fell asleep. Venom wasted no time taking the other gang members out. In a flurry of punches and kicks, two of them were knocked out cold. Venom web-blasted the rest of them to the wall and tapped them unconscious. He then smacked his hands in a self-satisfied way and turned to the kid behind him.

"So, anything else?"

The gobsmacked kid struggled for words as his eyes filled with fear and apprehension and he ran away. Venom sweat-dropped as the kid ran away.

'I was trying to be friendly. What did I do wrong, Klyn?'

'Kid, you just merked 10 people at the same time and you expect that kid to not be afraid of you?'

'Yeah, that makes sense.'


Venom web-zipped to a radio tower in a dynamic pose before landing on the spire of the tower and leaning back. The suit slithered off his face revealing Dylan to be sweaty and panting. His hair was wet and his eyes red. He hadn't done a patrol for the past week since grades were cranking down hard and he was trying to figure out the whole universe situation. So today, he made up extra hard for that and patroled for 5 straight hours. He was ready to call it quits for the day.

The suit wrapped around his face and he aimed a hand out to shoot a web. But a nearby blip in his thermal vision caught his attention. It was a nearby convenience store.

'It won't take much time.' he thought to himself.

'Kid, you better get their quick. The attacker just had a spike in anger!' Klyn commanded.


Wasting no time, Venom jumped off the tower and zipped to the store. He landed on the door and kicked the door open. He was greeted to the sight of a scared store owner, the robber, and an older man. The robber had his handgun pointed at the old man. Venom's lenses narrowed. He... knew the old man. His lenses then quickly widened in realization.

'Holy shit, that's Uncle Ben!'

The robber noticed him and panicked. He closed his eyes and pulled the trigger, having no aim. The store echoed with a loud noise.


The man at the counter screamed in shock.


The robber opened his eyes and saw the old man bleeding from a shot on the leg. But in front of him was Venom. His left part of his chest was steaming, as a result of taking the shot that would have killed Uncle Ben. His eyes normally smooth and round were now sharp and jagged, reflecting his now venomous mood.

He backhanded the man into the side of the store, rattling the shelves. The man spat out blood and teeth. He looked up to see Venom looming over him, a black shadow with only his eyes and the symbol on his chest visible. He raised his arm in a threatening way. The man covered his face.

But the blow never came. He opened his eyes to see Venom's fist a few centimeters away from his face. Venom lightly tapped his head, with enough concentrated force to knock the robber out. He then stuck him to the wall with webs and turned around. He went over to Uncle Ben and started to inspect his injury.

The stray bullet had pierced through his thigh, not fatal but the amount of blood he was losing was. He webbed up the injury in layers, to apply pressure to stop the blood flow. Venom then gently picked him up and placed him in a fireman's carry. He turned to the scared store owner and spoke in a no-nonsense tone.

"Report him to the police. Now!"

The store owner scrambled to the phone and quickly dialed the NYPD. Venom had already left and swung away with care to not disturb Ben. By then Ben had already passed out from the blood loss but was still breathing. Venom quickly reached the nearest hospital in the district and barged in. The whole room stared at him in shock, but he had no time for that.

"Medic! I need a Medic now! This man's been shot!"

The doctors and nurses quickly came through with a rolling bed. Venom gently placed Ben on the bed and they wheeled him away. He watched them go into the ER room, before turning around. He left through the same door and jumped to a nearby building's roof to observe.

In about 30 minutes, a taxi had stopped in front of the hospital and a frantic Aunt May and Peter had stepped out. Aunt May rushed into the hospital with teary eyes, but Peter looked around. His eyes found their way to Venom's position. He nodded before running inside.

Venom sat crouching therefor the next two hours. The suit retracted on his wrist and he checked the time on his watch. It was 1:00. Thank god it wasn't a school night.

He looked up and saw Peter rush out of the hospital and look in his direction. He suddenly vanished and a few minutes later he crawled up the wall o the building and slumped on the roof panting and sweating.

"Dang, I didn't expect you to be able to use your powers just yet, but here you-"

Venom was cut off by Peter rushing up to him and gripping him with a hug.

"Dylan, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you."

Venom looked shocked, as the suit's mask retracted showing his real face. Why was Peter thanking him? Uncle Ben still got shot!

"Pete, why are you thanking me? Your uncle still got shot, you should be angry!"

Peter stopped hugging him and let go, looking at Dylan with an incredulous face.

"If it weren't for you, Uncle Ben would have been killed! He asked me to come with him and I didn't! If he died, it would be my fault! But you prevented that! Right now, he's on his way to a full recovery!"

Dylan looked even more shocked, as Peter continued.

"Dylan, now I understand why you became Venom. You feel that it's your responsibility to help people since you have these amazing abilities. You know my Uncle once said something I never really gave thought to. He said 'With great power, comes great responsibility.' I now know what he means by that."

As Peter said that iconic sentence, Dylan had a grin on his face.

'That gave me chills.' he thought to himself.

'Agreed' the symbiote intoned.

"I think I'm gonna become a superhero. To help people, because with these powers it's my responsibility to do that! Dylan, will you help me?"

Dylan looked at Peter with a smile on his face. he held out his hand as Peter shook it.

"Of course I will."

I rewrote the chapters starting in chapter 4. I removed the memory transfer after some feedback, But Barry is the only one who has complete knowledge of the future.

Also, Dylan is now a lot more wary of the world. He now realizes that he's in a shared universe of Marvel and DC, which means way more enemies.

I don't know if this seemed rushed, but I thought it would be interesting to have the Uncle Ben event happen now. But with a twist.

Arashicreators' thoughts