

Tony Stark blasted past buildings in the direction of his penthouse suite in Malibu. He had flying for the past 5 hours in the broken and battered Mk. 6 armor, running on emergency power. Webbing was still stuck on the crevices of his suit, from when that asshole webbed him to the wall.

Speaking of him, what did he mean? Two years, two years for what? Who was he talking about?

Tony didn't know, and it made his head hurt. But something had him interested.

'He said something about... what was it? Promethium, yeah that was it. I'll need to research that.'

Tony reached the vicinity of his mansion and dived down. He landed in a three-point stance on the ground creating small spider-web like cracks in the ground.

'I'll have to fix that later', he thought to himself.

Tony walked inside after Jarvis scanned him in. He went down into the workshop and sat down on the chair. Soon a group of robots, led by DUM-E came in the room and tended to Tony. The armor was peeled off his form, and a robot tended to his wounds. Tony ignored that and turned on his desktop.

It booted on, and Tony immediately searched up what was Promethium. There were no results, but he expected that. He then opened private serves and commanded Jarvis to find all records of Promethium.

"Right away, sir." the loyal AI intoned.

It took a few minutes for Jarvis to speak again.

"Sir, I have found a server of information, but there is an advanced firewall blocking me from entering."

Tony furrowed his brows. Who had a firewall advanced enough to block Jarvis? Tony could only think of one organization. Right as he thought that, then rooms lights flickered off. When the lights came back on, his monitor was displaying a face. Nick Fury's face.

"Stark, I want to know what the hell you were doing in my servers."

Tony smirked before speaking.

"Oh, one-eyed willie, I was searching for something very interesting. It's called Promethium, you heard of it."

Fury's eye narrowed.

"How do you know about that?", he asked in a demanding tone.

"Never mind that, what is it."

Fury eye narrowed further. While Stark didn't tell him he had his suspicions of who it was.

'Fine. Promethium is a very advanced metal. Stronger than Titanium and energy and damage absorbent too. It was found back in the '80s by one of our top agents, Ted Kord, or the Beetle.

When doing tests on the metal, we found it's amazing properties. Our scientists had a frenzy over it. Too bad we couldn't find anymore. We now only have a limited supply of it. Why did you need to know about it?"

Tony fell silent. That guy.... why did he want him to prepare? Why would he need such a strong metal for?

"Fury, I have to ask you something. If I can use the Promethium, I'll join your little club."

Fury's eye widened, before smirking.

"Okay, Stark. Right now you're too valuable of an asset to let go. We don't know what to do with the metal either, so I'll agree with you. Welcome to the Avengers."

Rewrite: (10/18/19)

Arashicreators' thoughts