

Harry and Peter started to spasm and fell to the ground. The students started to yelp, as Dr. Kafka called the ambulance. Flash was shaking Harry while Cindy was doing the same with Peter. Dylan just stood there with a calm look on his face.

'So I expected Peter, but not Harry. Well, this doesn't matter. I need all the help against Knull. But what's more interesting is that they have new powers. Peter can use the venom blast and Harry the stingers.'

'Don't forget, according to the doctor they both have increased speed, strength, dexterity, and jumping power comparable to you. And if my assumptions are correct, they also both can camouflage. That's an impressive arsenal.' Klyn chimed in.

Dylan nodded as he watched the paramedics come in and cart of the two. Dylan and the other students were led off the bus and were driven back to the school. On the way there Dylan made a mental note to visit Harry and Peter in the hospital.

Dylan hopped the bus and walked back home. On the way, Klyn informed of a matter.

'Kid, your body has finally adapted to the suit.'

Dylan stopped walking and had a smirk on his face.

'Finally. But if I may ask, what caused it to be completed now? Wasn't the suit set to not be fully completed for about a few more months?'

'Yes, but you see the now dead spiders changed it. When you crushed the spider under your foot, I absorbed its properties and integrated them into your body and my biomass. You know have the same powers the spider that bit the Osborn one has, the stingers.'

Dylan looked at his hands. It was true, he did feel like there was a change in his body. It was like his body had become more dense, with energy running through his veins. He looked around. There was no one around. Dylan then, in a burst of energy, rushed to his house. He was a blur, as the wind whipped around him. In a few minutes, he neared the backyard of his home.

Dylan slowed down and backflipped onto the house and landed on the roof of the house. Jumping off the house, Dylan lands on the porch with a thud. Taking a key out of his bag, Dylan opened the door.

No one was home. His parents both were outside. His mom was out with her friends and his dad was out at work. He locked the door and went upstairs. After putting his backpack down and taking off his jacket, Dylan concentrates. Spores of the symbiote appear on his body, as it oozes over Dylan's body. It fully covers him and tightens creating a skintight spandex-like suit. White lenses form over his eyes and a white spider symbol forms over his chest and back. His suit is fully formed.

Dylan walks to the mirror and examines himself. Under his mask, he grinned.

"Now this is cool."


Two weeks later.....

Late at night, Dylan was watching his tv in his room laying down in his bean bag chair. He was watching the old reruns of Dragon Ball Z on adult swim. He was captivated by the show but wished the humans had more time in the spotlight. Maybe if they had more powers. Ah, someone probably wrote a fanfiction about it.

He had visited Peter and Harry in the hospital. They were both in a mini-coma. Probably a result of their bodies adapting to the spider bite. He met Uncle Ben and Aunt May and consoled them. He had heard that Norman Osborn had sued the museum as a result of what happened to his son. Dylan winced at the thought. That was not a good way to lose your job.

The show went into a commercial right as Gohan was facing Cell in Ssj 2. Not wanting to watch the commercials, Dylan changed the channel to the news.

"Breaking News! Tony Stark, the hero known as the Invincible Iron-Man, is facing the criminal Ivan Vanko or the self-monikered "Whiplash" in the new Stark Expo. If you are in the area flee immediately."

'This is my chance!'

Dylan opened the window and jumped outside. His suit formed around him, wrapping around his body. His wings sprouted out from his back and with a flap, lifted off the ground. He went to the skies and headed in the direction of the fight.

A few minutes later he saw the burning expo. He concentrated and saw a crowd of people who radiated fear, being surrounded by Hammer drones.

He retracted his wings and started freefalling towards the ground. Symbiote particles formed around his hand as he fell. Venom landed on the ground in front of the people, creating a crater.

He slammed his hands on the ground as the people watched in awe. Suddenly, spiked symbiote pillars erupted out of the ground skewering the drones like kababs. Venom turned around and saw people filming him.

"Leave, now!" he barked in a menacing voice.

The crowd dispersed rapidly, as Venom turned around. He searched for more people and started helping them. Once he was done disposing of the drones. He noticed one stray drone approaching a skinny brown-haired man. The man yelped as the drones fist came down on his head.

"H-help, please!" he screamed.

He braced himself for the impact but never felt it. He looked up to see a black first bursting through the head of the drone. The lights on its head flickered before shutting off softly. Venom ripped the drone off his hand and knelt in front of the man.

"Hey, what's your name?'

"A-Arthur, Arthur Fleck."

Venom vaguely recognized the name.

"Well, are you okay Arthur?"

Arthur vaguely nodded, baffled that this superhero was talking to him. Venom offered his hand, standing up. Arthur took it and was pulled up. Venom looked at the man. He was bruised and had scrappy clothes.

"Arthur, I need you to leave this place. If you don't you might die and I don't want that to happen."

Arthur nodded once more and turned around. Just before leaving, he called out to the hero.

"E-Excuse me, can you tell me what your name i-is.?"

Venom looked back.

"You can call me Venom."

With that he jumped away, leaving an awed Arthur in his wake. He landed on the side of a building just as a huge explosion erupted inside the Stark Expo, incinerating the trees and burning the metal around it. Flying out of it was James "Rhodey" Rhodes and Anthony "Tony" Stark with a screaming Virginia "Pepper" Potts clinging to him for dear life.

The landed on a nearby building, while Venom camouflaged himself against the building. Rhodey soon left leaving Tony and Pepper alone. They kissed and embraced at first before devolving into an argument. Pepper stormed off and entered the stairway leaving the top of the building. Tony sighed and knelt on the ground to brace himself. Venom acted.

Pristine white webs shot out of his wrists and impacted Tony's armor, launching him back. He stuck to the wall. Venom landed in front of him and continued to shoot webs at him, encasing Tony in a cocoon. Tony flailed and struggled while Venom approached him.

"Hmph, and I thought you were the 'Invincible' Iron-Man?'

Tony craned his head up and finally saw Venom's full appearance. His eyes widened.

"Y-you, your that new superhero. From queens."

Venom crouched down in front of Tony.

"Yeah, that's me. Now I got something to tell you, Tony.'

Tony widened at his sinister tone.

"You're weak. If someone with that knockoff armor did that to your 'high-tech' suit, what will the real threats do, huh? They'll kill you and everyone you love. They'll cause carnage."

He grabbed Tony's hair making him yelp.

"I want you to survive, and for that to happen you need to get stronger."

He let go of Tony and stood up.

'Time to test something.' Venom thought to himself.

"Two years. That's all you got Stark before everything starts going downhill. And look for Promethium, I'll think you'll find it enlightening."

He turned around and swung away into the distance, leaving Tony stuck to the wall left to contemplate.

It has begun.

I'm doing a semi- rewrite of these chapters.

Arashicreators' thoughts