
Expect the unexpected.

When Dylan got to his house he ran up to his room, past his confused parents. He opened the door and closed it locking it behind him. He sat on his chair and booted up his desktop. When he logged in, he went into incognito.

"Don't want anyone tracking my search history" Dylan muttered. He clicked the search bar and typed.

'Thomas Wayne'

The screen changed, showing a profile of the man. Underneath were the countless article's discussing him. Dylan clicked on the first one and read it. Apparently, after that robber he stopped as Venom almost a week ago, Wayne Enterprises struck a deal with Stark Industries. The encounter had made so much of an impression on Thomas, that he and Stark were planning on using their vast resources to better the city so nothing like that would happen again.

Dylan smiled at the article. He had stopped a tragedy from occurring and in return, he had benefited the whole city. Dylan closed the tab and got out of his seat. He started thinking.

'Klyn, I have a question?'

'Shoot.' the symbiote responded curiously.

'It just occurred to me that Knull is a god. And we have to fight him. The guy who can tango with the fucking celestials. Even if we trained nonstop for the next 1000 years do you think we have a chance all alone!? And that not even getting started on Thanos and any of the other cosmic horrors that are out there. What we need is a team.'

'Your right kid. But you're forgetting one thing. No one outside of Thor and the Hulk is strong enough to even scratch Knull. I've seen your memories of the past life and those "MCU" movies you watched, and both of them got thrashed by Thanos. And he's an ant compared to Knull. So what do you propose we do?'

'The thing we do is train them. Make them so strong that when Knull comes they'll be able to hold their own. And every other villain will be trashed when they do come. But when could we start making that team?'

'When do you think?'

'The Chitauri Invasion. That's what caused them to be a team originally. If I could only help them sooner so that the invasion wouldn't be a huge problem like it was in the original canon.'

'I suggest you advise them, guide them in the right direction. Make them ready.'

There was silence for a few moments.

Dylan imagined that. An Avengers team that would be prepared to deal with Knull. An all-powerful team of Avengers and to add to that maybe even some DC heroes. Dylan grinned.

He just had a nerdgasm. Dylan shook his head.

'Okay. We'll do your idea.'

'Good, because I don't believe you had an idea.' the symbiote chortled.

'Fuck off.'

Dylan stretched like a cat in his seat. He got up and concentrated. Spores of the symbiote appeared on parts of his body. His whole body was soon covered by the symbiote, except for the middle of his torso.

'Huh, Last I checked, I couldn't produce this much of the symbiote. Klyn, what gives?'

'Your body has been slowly adapting to the symbiote. Right now, you can summon about 95% percent of my full biomass.'

'Huh, noted.'

Dylan grabbed a jacket in his closet. He put it on just for protection. He opened the window and slowly crawled out of the house. He leaped off the roof of the house and swung into the city.


The students went off the bus in a frantic mess. Though this wasn't an exciting field trip, it was still a field trip. The chaperone shouted to calm them down.

"Midtown High seniors. No wandering. Proceed direct...

He caught a stray baseball that was thrown by Flash to Harry.

"Knock it off Mr. Thompson. Same goes to you, Mr. Osborn."

"Sorry teach." Flash sheepishly said.

Dylan looked at Flash. He had slowly changed over the school year. At first, he was still the same insufferable jock who bullied people. But then he tried to bully someone when Harry was there. Harry stopped Flash from hurting the kid, resulting in both of them fighting.

A teacher caught them and they were punished. They had to stay after school and clean the detention room together. Since they were all alone in the room, they started to get to know each other. Harry found that Flash also had problems with his dad and they bonded over that. This had helped Flash take a change for the better.

He finally found someone who he could relate to and confided all his problems to Harry, and vice versa. This made it that Flash stopped venting his pent up aggression by bullying. Flash became overall nicer and apologized for the bullying he did.

The teacher started to speak once more.

"Remember, it is a privilege to be here. We were so gratefully invited by the great people here to be one of the first people to see this place. So, behave."

They all nodded.

"Now, this here is the lovely Dr. Kafka. She will be here to guide you throughout the facility. Follow her every word."

The students all nodded once more. The doctor started to direct them across the facilities. She went over what they were trying to do in each facility. In the Monkey exhibit, they were studying the immense strength and dexterity of the species, headed by the renowned Dr. Bulma Briefs. The Fish exhibit was headed by a scientist named Dr. Terrence Williams and they were studying the breathing capabilities of the fish. The Lizard Exhibit was headed by Dr. Curt Connors, who was very avid in his research on the species. Dylan noted that fact and stored it away for later.

But the main attraction was the Spider Exhibit. Headed by Dr. Kafka herself, they were studying different types of spiders and seeing if they could genetically modify them to make the spiders better. The doctor went over each of the spider's attributes.

"This one here has been modified to have its jumping power exponentially modified. This other one can lift almost 10 times its weight. This one is has a very fast speed to get away from predators. These other ones have the power to release an electric discharge, defend themselves through stingers, and camouflage. "

Dylan noticed these powers of the spiders.

'Miles and Kaine.'

"These last two, though, they are the crown achievement of this exhibit. They are the combination of the previously shown spiders.

Although, the one on the left has the discharge ability while the one on the right has the stingers."

"Uh, Dr. Kafka?"

"Yes, Mr. Thompson?"

"The spiders aren't there."

'And cue scene.'

Dr. Kafka turned around and paled rapidly.

She started buzzing around the room, commanding other doctors to search for the spiders. Two yelps brought the room's attention.

Peter was seen being bitten, along with... Harry?! Well wasn't that a surprise. Dylan has thought Cindy would be bitten by one of the spiders. Though this outcome wasn't unwelcome.

Harry was bitten by a brown spider with thorns at the end of its legs, while Peter was bitten by a yellow and black spider. The spiders were quickly shaken off and were crushed by Flash and Dylan.

Dylan knew that these two would be the first members of his team.

I feel like I didn't do too well in writing this chapter. To me, it feels like a step down compared to the other ones. But it was necessary to set up key ideas I have for the story.

What do you think of Harry being bitten? I thought it would be an exciting change and stop him from being in the cliched Goblin persona.

I have a question for you guys. Since DC is part of this universe do you want me to adapt the new joker? Joaquin Phoenix?

Also sorry the chapter wasn’t as long as usual.

I just rewrote this chapter. (10/17/19)

Arashicreators' thoughts