
kings, God and calamities

drgoB · Fantasy
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17 Chs

What are you?

2 days have passed since the beginning of this fight. over 4/5ths of the army that was their had been killed the only ones left were the comanders and leaders of the army.

'what the hell. no one said that we would be fighting a draconian. let alone a new type before.' the leader spoke with worry.

draconians weren't rare but not common either. and at most they would only see red or green ones. but a black one was unheard of.

'what's wrong, you beings thought that one person would be easily defeated when we began.' Adam spoke enthusiastically.

when the fight was underway and Adam transformed they thought that he was weak and only sent 500 men to deal with him. they were thinking along the lines of fighting one dragon it would take at least 2,000 ppl to kill one. and a draconian only a 1,000 people.

what they didn't expect was for Adam to kill 500 people almost Instantly.

after that all hell broke lose. Arrows,magic,swords and spears. all of it was used on Adam but non of it could even peirce his scales. now after two days bodys from the left and the right are scattered everywhere. dismembered or slashed they all didn't stand a chance.

'tell me do you all fear death so much that you would wage war just to survive another day?' Adam asked. 'or do you just wish to see others suffer from all the hell you mean cause.'

suddenly Adams body began to change it was reverting back to a human form.

the leader seeing this dashed forward. ' Don't waste this opportunity he'll be weakened after two days in that form' he shouted.

he was right Adam didn't expect to revert back to his human form for at least another day this only ment that this fight was going to be difficult now.

before Adam could move t he leader with a single and swift moment *slash* from one end of his neck to the next he had cleanly cut off his head.

as his body started to fall everyone thought that is was finally over. as they dropped their guards in a flash *BOOM* a massive and powerful lighting strike hit adams body. the leaders being closest to Adam was sent flying while the others were blocking their eyes from the light of the lightning.

when everyone looked up they were stunned.

standing infront of everyone was a very alive Adam. however Adam was motionless he wasn't moving a inch.

the reason why Adam want moving was because he was paralyzed from the lightning strike. the others thought it might be an illusion. but as they looked down they saw that the head that was rolling was no longer their.

before Adam or the others acted the leader was the first to strike. runing forward with his sword pointing forward he stabs Adam right through the chest peirceing his heart. as Adam fell on his knees coughing up a pool of blood. the leader didn't stop their. as he hacked and slashed away at Adam. over and over again killing Adam. a sense of dread fell over him and the others. non of them have ever came to face something like this.

'why won't you die.' the leader shouted in anger, as he stabed him another time.

Adam wasn't even conscious an u more. he was still feeling the pain from every attack. 'dammit... ik this might happen eventually bit i can't even use my mana correctly. what the hell do I do now.' instantly Adam heard many voices 'drink,fight,live. those are the three words we all lived by.' it was all twelve that were speaking at once. ' you came to our world from nowhere. making twelve to thirteen. join us.'

'no I will not fall from my standing.' Adam protested, 'your all bloody murders. all you care about is who you can kill and who crossed you. in the end you will all be same ill change you all even if it takes me walking through a sea of blood to do so.' as Adam said this they fell quiet. then with one resounding voice the twelve started to chant.

'WAR, WAR, WAR, WAR, WAR.' it was nonstop and they showed no stops from stopping. with this he sired awake. looking around he saw that the remaining amount of soldiers were no where to be found. as the twelve was still chanting he couldn't think clearly.

*Boom*, *Boom*, *Boom* explosion were happening in the distance. realizing that T and the others were in that direction. he dashed forward racing their with fear in his eyes. holding out his hand and calling fourth 'Chiburui' instantly his blood red sword flew to his hand. the only reason this was possible is because he put a drop of his blood onto chiburui to mark the blade to his Astral body.

after reaching the village he couldn't believe what he was seeing. everything was set ablaze everything was on fire. As he ran he was looking for any survivor. yelling everyone's names as he ran. eventually as he was runing he saw the leader of the army with the rest of his unit. and their his eyes darkened as he saw the village chief on the ground behind them and the rest of the kids infront of them trimbleing in fear. T who was standing jnfront of the rest blocking the path of soldiers. seeing that they were ready to kill her and they others lit up brightly with rage and power and he zipped twirls them he sreamed. 'dont touch them.' as Adam took his first step everything became a blur. Adam felt and heard his own heart beat. everything stopped for a fraction of a second. as something was felt trying to corse through his veins. as he built up the energy inside. around his legs lightning started to fizzle. and everything became a spark of lightning as he pushed off with new found power. as he neared the leader with his own fist he slammed it into the guys jaw. while simultaneously kicking the guy right next to him in the ribs kocking them both a distance.

now infornt of everyone was a beings surround by electricity. and they only why they could tell it was Adam by his red eye as it was burning brightly. as Adam looked infront this newfound power was resonating with his dragon form and before he could stop himself a loud and mighty rawr was heard for miles.

'RAWWRRRRRRRRRRR' as they soldiers were stunned what they saw next terrified them as they saw Adams form change and was getting bigger. it was a true dragon form. the true form for a draconian. a pure blood dragons form.