
kings, God and calamities

drgoB · Fantasy
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17 Chs


As a man in a wereing a hood was walking, in the distance a very familiar dragon could be seen.


Where am I, its dark. I feel lost but wasn't I just in the middle of a battle.

"you lost control." it was a unfamiliar voice but strangely he felt like he's heard it before.

when Adam looked up he was startled to see himself looking at him it wasn't Jacob but Adam that he was staring back at him.

"hehe... you seem surprised at me. yes I am you though I hold your darkness where's your a light. tell me just what do you think your true power is." the dark Adam asked with a sinister smile on his face.

'before I answer tell me where are we.' Adam asked trying to get a grasp as to where he was.

"relax your in a new domain created by yours truly' the sinister smile growing bigger past the point of it being past human. ' well anyways you have yet to tell me what you think.' dark Adam asked persistently.

'wouldn't the answer already be the same. I've had this power since my rebirth. it's my gatekeepers power.' Adam spoke confidently

'wrong nor would your element be your power either they are measly skills. that every being can obtain although gatekeepers are rare powers so feel happy that they are. your true powers is held by both of us.' his sinister smile reached a breaking point going from ear to ear. 'because I know you and know that your going to try and stop me.' *snap* with the snap of dark Adams fingers instantly chains appeared everywhere wrapping and constricting Adam. struggling he realized its futile he couldn't move. 'what are you going to do.' Adam asked very hesitantly.

'I'm going to switch with you to show you what we really are and what we must do. try not to cry so much because everything you know will come to and end today.' as dark Adam started to disappear. Adam sill restricted by the chains could do nothing but watch as dark Adam took control.

back in the outside as adams form changed into a full fleged dragon just as fast as he transformed. he was reverting back to his human form again. as was stated by drago he couldn't hold the form for more than 2 seconds. but losing control played a big role into transforming. as Adam opened his eyes a chilling aura bursted forth him. sending a chill down everyone's spine Adam spoke again. extending his arms and raising them like a presentation on a stage. "rejoice beings for you will be the fist sacrifices for a new world order. no one said a word and the leader was extremely fearful because he couldn't tell or not but this being feels different from before. taking a stance to ready himself for a fight. Adam seeing this shit forward with a speed that nobody could follow. reaching the leader within seconds. the leader only reacting on pure Instinct swings his sword down. as time slowed down Adam zipped behind him. dodging the blade nobody was prepared for what happened next with Adam behind him he opened his mouth and then. *crunch* with a.single bite Adam had bit into the shoulder of the leader. instantly Adam inside who was still being restricted felt a change. *ba-boom*

'did my aura just get stronger?' he asked himself.

instantly dark adams voice rang out in his head. 'devour all, and grow stronger. eat all and be unstoppable. that's right we were made to devour the auras of others Adam.'
