
kings, God and calamities

drgoB · Fantasy
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17 Chs

WAR! contract?

"Adam, you are insane!" Jack spoke so ecstatically.

"Are you Insane, who attacks a hod ship with no plan." trinity yelled in shock

"hmm... you two taught him your martial arts so the blame falls on you for not moving faster" Black spoke without an emotionless tone saying he was neutral in this.

"WILL YOU THREE CALM DOWN, I did what was necessary." Adam shouted "we have hidden for so many years more and more years. I'm sick of time waiting for death waiting to be powerful screw all of this this war is getting worse by the day. No more, I don't care anymore. Immortality or not I must keep the way of my ancestors. tell me which three of you were willing to make a contract with me?"




the three were speechless they held shock on his face. not for what Adam said, but because he said all that out loud instead of in his head he said for everyone to hear.

Adam not realizing why they were shocked finally.

Adam not speaking and still blind finally realized why but didn't matter he simply claimed his hands and in an auto-tone speech "in the name of Adam stizel hereby execute the order of 1 of 9 gates, me to open the Gate of time. I seal off my slots with here by the time gate. [through the sand I vow, through ash I curse I have one of many who dare not the path I am futures some vow. by going I stand and move yet you will always feel stuck to the world. mark the day of death's vow. I cast my soul to the void may it one day return from nothingness.]


in an instant everything froze around them, Adam stopped time but what shocked him was that the gods were still moving ablet very slowly. they were moving an inch every 2 seconds.

I can only hold them for 30 seconds before time returns. he said spirituality.

trinity was the first to say something. "I agree to sign a contract. my contract holds to your abilities for every war God you kill you gain their strength and blade, able to put it in a special zone. other than this there are three tiers to this.

you would be at [tier 1],

do you agree to the terms.?"

Adam without hesitating, agreed and instantly shot toward the gods with the intent to kill. as the gods are stuck in place for 15 seconds had only passed and even in Adam was more than 30 meters away he still closed in with some speed. right as he got to the first god he was counting in his head.

"Ten... nine." he reached the first got and with a swift motion went past him than doing the next to the closest God. "eight... seven... six." within those three seconds he had reached the last two gods. with a swift motion Adam swept by them he had a conflicted face and he realized that one of the gods survived the last hit by blocking it. but Adam didn't know how someone could be able to move at this speed and time is almost impossible unless they could stop time as well. in that instance the got shot at him. Adam was already prepared with 3 seconds left Adam braced himself for a clash and he know this would be where the real fight begins.

When the three seconds ended they got shot forth his eyes bloodshot from rage as each got before him and had their heads sliced off instantly making their heads roll.

" you bastard ill gut you alive" the god yelled with rage.

"try as you might it will always be futile.

[war art 1st style: holy slash]" Adam already charging in with sword skill.

"tch DON'T underestimate me" the god let put with a fierce battle cry. [ destruction art 3 style: hevean peircer]

*clash* *BOOM* as the two styles clashed it created a massive explosion. when the smoke cleared Adam and the god both flew to each other and clashed.

*ping* *ping* *ping* as the two were creating a battlefield in their wake as Shockwave was being produced with every clash. as it raged on for a while as they reached their third hour into a nonstop battle Adams eyes finally became ablaze again. the god seeing this panicked and rushed to him Adam sensed this activates his permanent gate [times stop] as it stood the god had no chance of not being able to stop Adam after this he unleashed one blow after another because he didn't have time to. reach a stance as he slowed down. right as everything stopped Adam didn't move from just spot and waited.

*crack* everything around the god shattered like glass as he moved again but right as he shot forward he was stunned. In front of him were 10 blades floating and flying toward him.

this is Trinity's basic skill, [sword realm] it creates swords around or from a dimensional space. and throws them at the targets with incredible speed.

"I see so this is how I fall." as the god spoke he was impelled by all the blades. not having time to react all he could do was accept fate.

"Impressive work how about your next contract with me?" jack spoke as if Adam and he have done one before.

"what do you mean by next? I and you haven't done one before." Adam spoke

"we haven't but by you killing these gods their blood does not cover you. this is my contract their powers will be gone until you reach a higher contract. now you can use their blood to meet your desire. as I hereby give you [absolute blood control].

as Adam used it all the blood from a 20-meter distance got absorbed. "how can I store it?"

" I can help with that. (creation magic I call forth to make a blade beyond what means to wield, to hold immeasurable amounts) god creation magic. [scavengers creation]" trinity spoke without giving anyone time to respond.

the blade manifested and appeared it was a one-handed sword its hold held two ark-like horns that had an engraving of a dragon on them. the edge was red resembling blood's color.

"touch the tip of the blade with the blood." trinity instructed.

as Adam touched the tip of the blade with the blood the blade just as quickly absorbed and devoured the blood.

"if you give the blade a name. all you will have to do is call that name and all the blood for 150 meters will be absorbed able for you to use."

Adam shocked by this finally shouted out a question he's had all this time." what the hell am I"...