
kings, God and calamities

drgoB · Fantasy
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17 Chs

We are war

Adam left alone he was calm and collected. He was thinking back to what his darker self said. and he couldn't make sense of any of it. why did he do all this flashy marks and devour everything. he couldn't understand it so he decided to rewrite it in his words.

"if I devour the world, the world would simply devour me in the end."

instantly after everything became white. as Adam closed his eyes so he wouldn't be blinded. as he looked up he saw a boy with white hair and bright blue eyes as sparkly as a glacier.

Adam looking around realized he wasn't restrained anymore either. and as he looked at this boy in front of him he couldn't help hut thing one thing. he's a "MK", but how is he here.

as the boy looked at me curiously, Adam finally spoke. 'who are you and where am I.'

the boy looking at Adam spoke calmly and with a smile on his face. 'hi I'm the world.'


Back on the battle ground as Trinity took control she felt no resistance when doing so.

"I guess he really is restricted."

with her in control she placed he hands together as as she pulled them apart a sword started to form between them.

the hooded man seeing this shot forward. with every soldier seeing this, naturally all the blood soldiers stood in the man's way but that didn't matter to him as he shot past then all and was only interested in one being.

A blood soldiers seeing this let out bellowed howl.


jumping in the air the blood soldiers swung a huge axe at his head.

the hooded man seeing this didn't slow down, instead he quickened his speed and the next sight shocked trinity behind the man was a ram. the man having already reached the soldiers threw out a punch.



in a instant the blood soldiers was blown to bits, the axe was blown in the air but before it could reach the ground. the hooded man having changed again now there was a blue dragon behind him. reaching the axe with no time at all, sending a kick to the bottom handle of the axe. sending flying strait too trinity.

seeing this she frowned but non the less she separated her hands and from the base of her palms a blade started to form. it was pitch black jagged and looked incredibly dull.

the hooded man seeing this laughed

'hahahaha, and just what do you plan to do with something like that. and he continued to laugh. trinity mearly responded in kind. grabbing the hilt of the blade. and rasing it slowly above her head. taking a deep breath she finally spoke.

'A sword should never be what someone looks ar in fear. it should always be the holder, Zodiac king.' dropping the blade down a single black like stretched out for miles the hooded man having narrowly dodged the attack although his left arm was missing now. look at him he had short brown hair with jade green eyes. he was shocked by the power of a single swipe of a blade.

trinity was going to follow up the attack but a being was standing in her way. a pitch black entity. but its smile stretched from ear to ear. before should could speak the entity held up a finger to its mouth saying to be quiet about him. and he finally spoke in a very calm manner as if he wasn't worried about anything around him.

'all kings in the main body I issued a order to you all protect the main body at all cost for history is about to be made.' the smile almost seemed like it was getting bigger as he spoke.

trinity immediately after felt like she was ripped from the host forcefully. she turned around a froze in shock for in front of her was adams body but his hair. ' WHY IS HIS HAIR TURNING WHITE'. she exclaimed horrified.


10 mins ago-

'huh the world?' Adam asked very confusingly.

'well no not literally am I the world, I'm just going to be the world to you!' as the white haired boy said the last part he gave a teasing wink to show no hostility.

'ok world, tell me whats happening to us, I don't understand anything about whats going on.' Adam asked still confused.

'right of course' the white haired boy stood up straight and fixed his posture to look diligent. and when he finally opened his eyes they were cold and serious looking. 'Jocob Stizel, as an order from our greatful queen I bring a message and a gift. the message reads "Dear savor I'm sorry I couldn't come in person. I ask you how its been but this hell your going through will change in time. but I will bestow a gift to help you tremendously please i pray you can save us all." when the white hair boy ended the message he stoped and let the message sink in for Adam or Jacob.

Jacob looking forward with a dead looking eyes finally spoke. ' first im not Jacob im Adam we are both the same but Jacob is with the rest of the gatekeepers I am the holder of 12.' when he said that last part he started to walk forward and his eyes left a trail of flame as he walked forward. he stopped infront of the white haired boy and got don't on his knees in a knights fashion and spoke. 'second if the "Queen of the Key Makers" orders for a gift I will except with honer.' Adam was being serious if this legit he would be dead if he pissed off one of the key makers.

'raise your head king, I have no right for you to bow to me in that way.' the white haired boy was embarrassed that someone like him would bow. ' please stand and their is more that you need to know. I'm actually a part of this body. your eye is the only part of me. but still its a powerful item besides im going to give you a key. but this is a rare opportunity, this will be the 101 key to be made. and the very last one we will ever make. as of now we might all die for those words to be very feasible.' he looked said about that fact.

Adam looked up whe told him to stand so listening to everything he said. Adam was stunned, he could only think one thing. 'this body... just keeps getting more interesting. ok so what kind of key and whats all the steps to add the seal.'

the white haired boy was stuned he didn't think Adam would know another seal was to be made on his body. regaining his senses ' the fith seal was supposed to be already put onto you but when you came into the picture everything changed, I was pulled away by the queen to receive that message and when I got back well you were chained by darker versions of that manifested before we could get you a kings key. so will have to destroy that thing before it starts to convers with those kings of yours we don't know what he wants or his motives.'

Adam was instantly brought back to his darker parts words. 'devour the world, thats his plan he wants to devour everything.'

the white haired boy looked at Adam and spoke 'that would be good for us we would grow stronger but so would he. I'll help you but ill only be able to do it once. I will be powerless afterwards for about 20 years.' he said calmly.

Adam looked at this kid and smiled 'ill look forward to seeing you again when that day comes. but for now let's get that key and stop my shadow from doing more damage for us.' Adam closed his legs as he sat down and went into a stage with his hands together and his eyes ablazed as he activated his gatekeepers powers. the white haired boy walked forward as he did he took a small blade from his hip and spoke ' I Zuse here by offer my blood to build the key of control to the king of kings, instantly a key started to form in his hands. as the key looked Crystal clear and it sparked with electricity every know and then as it went to adams chest it made a turning pattern. until finally their it went and casted a very new seal with a crown pattern with cracks all over it

'congratulations you have become a king now to stop your shadow.'

Adam looked up then looking down he finally left a small sigh. ' let's go and stop the war he has made.'
