
kings, God and calamities

drgoB · Fantasy
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17 Chs


the whole battlefield was silent. No one dared to move for a white haired boy was emanating powerful mana from himself. the 12 kings themselves were all stunned at the sight of Adam. Jacob was the first to react standing forward he was face to face with the smiling shadow. " I don't know who you are or what you want but we were told to protect the body. so this is for own good." as he shot forward a blood trail followed him. the shadow not waiting time shot forward as well his smile never wavering. as the two of them ran towards each other, the other kings acted as well 4 of the kings surrounded Adam and started to chant. the first notable one was a man with a very bulky build. he was know as Axe the strength king. next to him was a body that was bathed in fire. he was the next king to protect Adam know as the phinox king, he was Blake. next to Blake was a girl with silver hair and a very pale skin and jade blue eyes., her name was snow and she was the heavenly ice king. and lastly was a man with black and white eyes, gray natural hair. his name was Jay. the yin/yang king.

Jay was the fist to speak as they started to put up mana walls around themselves. " do we really need to help in this situation. I mean look at his hair don't you think?"

right as he said this a shadow covered in blood was right in top of them. throwing its fist out, Jay moving the barrier in between them.

in a low and sinister voice the shadow spoke. "its hard to believe you beings are called kings you seem too weak as you are." instantly the barrier was shattered by the shadows fist. the strength king was the fist to move. throwing out a fist towards the shadow. the shadow responded in kind and as the two fist connected a resounding impact was heard throughout the field. but for those around the two saw and heard a different scene of events. right after the impact a clear winner in strength was decided as the shadows arm bent into its self as the bone was crushed. now a body was revealed from the dark entity and It revealed Jacob. everyone was stunned how could one of their own be fighting them. then from the midst the black entitys smile appeared behind Jacob and spoke. "you god or kings what every your call yourselves, are pitifully weak. your minds are do easy to control and your bodies are just as easy. I will rain darkness on you all. Jay was the next to go having seen enough he acted realizing the threat before them he transformed as a massive dragon standing over 1000 meters above the sky. appears it held a yin and yang symbol above its body and a mix shape of while and black for the dragon body. in a booming voice he spoke out "shadow and light have fought for centuries on end. yet you are the first shadow to control a Astral body. you are too dangerous to live." instantly a multilayer of circles appeared above Jacob and the shadow. the shadow now leaving the body they all saw it was the smiling shadow from before but a look of panic was seen on his face as he was dashing away from the multitude of circles. but the last thing he'd expected was for a hand to stop the shadow but not just any hand a pure white hand. the kings saw before them was Adam but not in his body but an actual Astral form. "it seems ive finally became a king. but you shadow will always be less than us. she shadow looking at Adam saw nothing to fear and went for the same tactic as last time. " oh really, I must say you seem no different from these useless beings." as he said this a multitude of chains started to sprout from the ground and surround Adam binding him. Adam had no emotion on his face but he did look tense. as he finally spoke again. " fighting a being thats supposed to counter you is amazing they show your weaknesses but this being only restraints me." a bright flash of light was released from his body as every chain around his started to crack and deteriorate around him.as lightning crackling around him he looked dead in the eyes of the shadow and spoke. " this is mearly the first basis for 'The Key of Control'.
