
kings, God and calamities

drgoB · Fantasy
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17 Chs

True fear.

*ba-boom* *ba-boom*

whats happening to me. why is everything getting darker. please someone help. 'someone, ANYONE' as Adam pleaded for help all twelve kings were revealed by the sheer power boost they were given. as the others soldiers stood there frozen on fear. they all had one thing to say to Adam. "monster" but Adam was feeling differently. he felt an aura that was truly a shock to him. it was on par with his even with the boost. just as soon a man in a hooded cloak. was walking towards them all. the figure finally spoke. 'all soldiers retreat, this is now a battle field for only gods.' as he said this he took out a long and silver horn. and proceeded to blow into it. their was no sound. but adams face said a different story that was a ancient relic for gatekeepers to open gateway doors for others to pass through. as thinking this doors reaching 2 miles wide. countless men and woman were beyond the gate started to flood in. trinity seeing the sheer scale of them all immediately took action. 'Adam close that door forcefully NOW', she didn't stop there.'jack,drago I need your help a combination spell will help.' they both responded simultaneously. 'right'

jack started and next was drago then trinity.

"I who fights, to find meaning in life to seek the truth of the world ask the same world to rise and scatter and create. build and march. [blood world]" instantly the ground under Adam changed as in a 200 meter around him became a floor of blood. and up from there beings of blood started to rise from the blood what could only be described as 200 blood soldiers standing and surrounding Adam. next was drago. " flame burns all of who pose a threat, releas and manifest, surround and cover my target with a protection of flame that burn all to ash. [flame emperor armor]" as soon as drago finished a wall of flame rose and surrounded the blood world effects. when the flame disappeared what was left was blood soldiers surrounded with flame armor. standing there motionless. finally there was trinity

" where ones story ends a new one will begin. blades of the past scattered across the battlefield, rise and fly search and destroy. be held again for the war of the past must come again. [ 1000 year blade war ]"

instantly infront of every blood soldiers a blade rose from the ground. with them taking the blades they let out a deep and hollow howl sending fear towards all. after finishing the spell trinity realize that Adam was motionless and hadn't even closed off the gate like she asked. moving closer she saw that his eyes have darkened but at the same time something clicked inside saying or more like forcing her to take over the main body. all she could hear was adams plea for help. so she did something that nobody expected. reaching out using her index finger she gently pressed it to his forehead. she instantly connected to Adam and saw what was happening. Adam was shocked all the same still chained from the inside he never to expect to see someone ever again. trinity looking at the chains was mesmerized by the sheer power of them to hold a spirit of adams caliber in place and show no signs of braking. trinity slapping the sides of her face to get it back together asked one question. " permission to take control? were about to fight another war and we have no time." Adam who's been viewing from the sidelines thought for a few seconds before saying anything. " go ahead, but don't kill that hooded man he feels different from the rest so be careful with him."

all trinity did was smile before mist started to make her disappear before his eyes. he c

ould only think of one thing.

" how log will I be at odds with him".
