
King on the Hill

When death gives you the keys to the multiverse car. no editor, I write when I feel like it and that's it :). thanks for your attention.

thomas123 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Eight months

It was in the weeks after achieving almost complete independence that Michael determined that the next world he was planning on going to was Power, a movie also about drugs but instead of intelligence they gave a random power depending of various genetic factors. Michael who had learned to use a gun as well as fight in the previous months decided to drop in when the first package of drugs was dropped off to the drug dealers and in that moment he appeared near the drop of point before the dealers came. Michael then began waiting for the supplier to come and when the supplier showed up before the dealers michael shot off some warning shots then walked into the open demanding everyone drops their weapons and lies down on the floor, with the suppliers out of the way michael grabbed the the drugs then backed away till he was out of sight before appearing back in his base.

With the unique drugs on hand michael decided to focus all his efforts on first creating a method to control the genetic power provided by the power pill and then following that turning that power in a permanent improvement, he was aiming on ending his efforts with a power pill that provided him with enhanced regeneration tied in with a evolved metabolism that will remove his need to pee and poop as well as allowing him to absorb atmospheric energy such as radiation and oxygen ensuring he would hopefully always have the energy to heal. It took michael 14 months to create a working version of the power he wanted that lasted only 5 minutes, with that power even if temporary michael began splitting his time between training his body and combat skills in multiple different worlds while continuing his research at his base, first using the pervious modern world he lived in to learn martial arts from around the world and pay for specialists to teach him everything he would like to know about modern combat, then use different zombie worlds to put those skills into effect.

As the years passed between researching, training then fighting in either martial arts competitions or fighting zombies at first learning to kill and accept death as part of his arsenal, dealing with the emotional fallout then moving on to participating in battle between humans in different wars using the power pill with its constantly growing duration to survive and accepting killing humans as another part of life. It took 8 years before michael finished the perfected pill giving himself a growing and evolving power that boosted his regeneration, absorption and digestion by a massive amount allowing him to turn his physique into the best a regular human could reach with strength speed and intelligence that bordered on supernatural. Now 10 years since he died michael decided to next go to the world of dragon ball for multiple things, technology that can detect hidden energy, the dragon balls to make a wish that would be effective on different worlds, improve his martial arts and finally just improve his technology in general with the goal of getting robotic servants that he can rely on.