
King of Conquerors

Once Popularly known as the Most Unfortunate Kid, Ma Feng, A Child of sorrow and a Curse to the world suffers terrifying illness On the Day of his death, He was murdered By a Gang only to be Reincarnated into an Unknown world as a Dragon. An Unfortunate Child becoming one of the most powerful beings in the world, He is set out to become the Ultimate being. To Return back to his former world and to exact his revenge..... He shall become the King of Conquerors

Wonder_Emeh · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 63: Xi Jing's Artifact

Xi Jing stood firmly while facing Seiko of the Syndrome, Seiko whose Magic Ability gains him total control of Chains, It's similar to metal magic but he couldn't manipulate Metal Magic to the fullest extent.

" This guy is truly a beast, His brute force is really disaster class and What's he talking about unleashing his Artifact? Is he related to the Marcel Kingdom? " Seiko asked himself while staring at Xi Jing.

Seiko widened his gaze in shock as Xi Jing charged at him, Moving at incredible speed...Seiko stretched forth his hand, Releasing the Chain Whips Against Xi Jing but Xi Jing evaded the incoming attacks.

He landed on the ground with smiles on his face when he sprinted, Covering the air with Dusts in other for him launch his attack but this time the Chain Whisp began fierce, Moving around without stopping.

Xi Jing Couldn't find an opening spot to land a Destructive punch when he became calm, Watching the Enemy who emerges from the clouds of Dusts, Seiko stood firmly while his fingers were still Glowing.

" Hey you, Are you from the Kingdom of Marcel? " Seiko asked.

" Hmph? And why do you ask such a question? " Xi Jing asked while adjusting his gloves, His face is covered with his Dragon Mask in other to hide his identity from the Enemies while fighting.

" You talked about unleashing your Artifact, Only the Marcel Kingdom produces the Artifact Models, Who are you? " Seiko asked when he causes his Chain Whips to merge together, Creating a mighty boulder made out of the chains.

Seiko brought down the boulder Against Xi Jing when Xi Jing moves back, Evading the Boulder attack when he slowly raised his head to see chain hand unleashed Against him, Xi Jing evaded the hand attack.

" His Magic Ability may be chain Magic but he controls it and transforms his chains into whatever he wishes it to be, He is actually dangerous " Xi Jing said to himself when he sighed deeply.

" You are a Fourth Year Student right? I can see your Strength and your Abilities so it would be disrespectful if I don't crush you with mine " Xi Jing said when he clenched his fist as veins sprouted out on his face.

" That's very good...Show me your Artifact!! " Seiko demanded!

" But let me guess, Your Artifact is either going to be a Sword, Spear or a Blaster Gun right? That's the most designed of The Marcel Kingdom's Artifacts " Seiko said while smirking in a dark way.

" Hahahahahahahaha...You are correct but still wrong, It was a long time ago when the most models were those, But now it's different....My Artifact is me!! " Xi Jing said when he ripped off his shirt.

Revealing the veins that spreads around his chest, He took off his Mask revealing his face, Seiko was stunned to see the Prince of the Marcel Kingdom standing before him, The Younger Brother of Jo Jing.

" You are The Brother of Jo Jing? What do you meant by your Artifact is you? " Seiko asked when he scanned the body of Xi Jing and he stopped when he gazed at the red button on Xi Jing's chest.

" Wha...Wha...What is that thing? " Seiko asked in shock.

Xi Jing could see the shock written on Seiko's face when he clicked the red button on his chest, His body reacted to the button when Xi Jing's eyes immediately glowed brightly blue as his veins popped out.

Seiko moves back in shock when Xi Jing's fists were covered with purple metallic Gloves with two Glowing stones on Each Gloves, The Right Glove has a red stone while the Left has a green stone.

Seiko could feel the sensation in the air when he was dumbfounded, He stretched forth his hand Against Xi Jing when the Chain Whips were repelled few metres before they could even get close to Xi Jing.

" Huh? They were repelled? " Seiko asked himself in shock when Xi Jing suddenly vanished, Appearing on the air right before Seiko, Seiko causes his Metal Shield to appear when Xi Jing landed a bone breaking punch.

The Impact spreads tremendous amount of shockwaves throughout the air when Seiko coughs out bloods from his mouth, He was sent crashing into a tree when the shield was broken into pieces.

" What was that force right now? What is your Artifact? " Seiko asked while he cleans the bloods on his lips, He struggled to rise to his feet when Xi Jing appears before him, A single kick from Xi Jing threw Seiko into the air, Xi Jing grabs Seiko by the hair when he smashes him down to the ground with heavy force.

" When I was six years old, I was on the verge of death while suffering a disease of the heart, In other to save me from my death, My Father replaced my Heart with a Specially Designed Artifact, Making me a Super Soldier "

" My New Heart is My Artifact!! " Xi Jing spoke out when the Green stone on the left glove glows brightly, Seiko groans out in pains as he tries to move his limbs to issue out his chain whips, Something was disrupting his Magics.

" What...What did you do to me? " Seiko asked as he rose up from the ground!

" It's simply the work of my Artifact, The Red Stone on my Right Fist is The Clone of the Soul Stone, It copies the Magical Force of the Soul Stone to a certain degree and it only copied thirty Percent of the Soul Stone "

" The Green Stone is the New Designed Project of the Marcel Kingdom and it's called The Spatial Stone, It's powerful Against you Magic Casters and besides, It's purpose of existing is to contain the exact force to Destroy Magical Abilities "

" I am simply trying to control it's force not to Destroy your Magic Core within you, But for now...It's disrupting the flow of Magical Essences within your body, So as not to crush you " Xi Jing said.

Xi Jing was about to make a move when he frowns as he saw few seconds into the future where Seiko will stand up with a dagger and stab him right into his chest, Xi Jing made a move when it happens.

Seiko grabbed a dagger as he rushes to stab Xi Jing on the air but Xi Jing ducked the attack, Xi Jing dodged another dagger attack Aiming for his skull when he broke the arm of Seiko, Causing Seiko to scream out in pains when Xi Jing landed a bone breaking punch right straight into the ribs.

Seiko screams out in pains when he fell on his knees with bloods Gushing out of his mouth and nose, Xi Jing walked pass Seiko while The Spatial Stone was still Glowing vividly, Disrupting the Magical Essences.

" Is...Is..Is that stone anti magic? " Seiko asked.

" Not really but it has its own similarities to Anti Magic " Xi Jing said when he swiftly dodged a chain whip launched Against him, He saw it few seconds ahead when Xi Jing dodges another attack.

Two Chain Whisp were then unleashed when Xi Jing grabbed the chain whips and not letting them go, He pulled Seiko right into him, Launching a knee attack which shattered the teeths of Seiko.

" Since I am free to kill you, I would like to see how exactly strong you are to stay without air, You see...The Soul Stone is truly the source of all the Creation of the Artifacts and while holding a copy of the source "

" I would love to test it out on you " Xi Jing said when he snapped his fingers, The Red Stone glowed brightly when a red circle shaped Barrier covered them, They were the only two inside the Barrier.

" What is going on, What are you doing to me? " Seiko asked when he started noticing the changes in the air, His Screams continues to thicken the air when Seiko's face suddenly became pale.

" I have shut down the air within this barrier, There is no oxygen to breath within this space of the barrier " Xi Jing said while smiling, Seiko places his hands on his neck while trying to hold his breath, His body began shaking due to the lack of oxygen in his body, He is Releasing carbon dioxide into the air.

" Please stop this, Do you want to kill me...What about you, If you shut the oxygen, Aren't you also going to die? " Seiko asked while pleading when Xi Jing slowly walked up to him, He is seen smiling throughout.

" My Heart is an Artifact, I don't need Oxygen to live...Since the day my heart was replaced, I don't remember the last time I breathed in oxygen " Xi Jing said when Seiko widened his eyes in shock.

" You....You...You are a Monster!! " Seiko voices out and he fell down dead!!

After confirming his death, Xi Jing brought down the barrier when he turns to see Ma Feng standing behind him, Ma Feng has being watching the Battle all this while, He was curious to know Xi Jing's Artifact!

" Ma Feng, How long have you being watching? " Xi Jing asked while smiling, Ma Feng took a deep breath when he slowly Advanced towards Xi Jing, He was stunned to see how powerful Xi Jing really was.

" I have being here since you showcased your Artifact and I must say, I don't regret making you the Vice Captain, You are the Strongest Within my crew...And besides if you are worried about me detesting you "

" There is no way I would detest a fine young man like you with such powerful Artifact but you will be given a punishment for removing your mask during battle, Your Punishment comes after this war "

" Is that understood? " Ma Feng asked as he began to leave the area!