
King of Conquerors

Once Popularly known as the Most Unfortunate Kid, Ma Feng, A Child of sorrow and a Curse to the world suffers terrifying illness On the Day of his death, He was murdered By a Gang only to be Reincarnated into an Unknown world as a Dragon. An Unfortunate Child becoming one of the most powerful beings in the world, He is set out to become the Ultimate being. To Return back to his former world and to exact his revenge..... He shall become the King of Conquerors

Wonder_Emeh · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 64: The Sun King

Jude was seen speeding fast within the Forest, He is a Member of An Infamous Assasin Clan known from their Deadly Abilities, Each Member of the Clan has a reputation of being Deadly and dreadful.

They practice Ancient Techniques which are Forbidden by many, This Assasin Clan has no Justification and neither do they have morals, They are just insane chaotic in nature and Jude is a Representation of that.

The Ground shook Vigorously when Jude leapt high....He evaded the earth spear launched Against him from the ground, Jude landed on a tree branch to see Tons of Warriors emerging from their hidden spots.

" Members of The Syndrome's? Well they are the Enemies after all " Jude said.

They released magical attacks Against Jude but he was quick enough to evade the attack when he vanished from the tree branch, Appearing on the ground...His body began to burn with great flames.

" Sage Art: Irevile Del Flames!! " Jude chanted when he supersped, Moving at a constant speed, The Air began to burn, Spreading carbon monoxide into the air, The Warriors were coughing out as a result of the smokes.

Jude landed on the ground when he took a deep breath, Letting out a calm sigh when he closes his eyes, He bent down when he placed his hand on the ground, The ground slowly releases steams.

" Burn!! " Jude muttered when a mighty rushing flames surged out from the ground, Causing the Warriors to scream out in pains as they were all engulfed into the mighty flames, The ground shook Vigorously.

Jude dashed into the burning flames of his creation when he attacks the Warriors, Slitting their throats with his fingers, The Air reeked with dark flames when bodies began to drop heavily on the ground.

They were no longer living beings that existed in this plane when the flames began to die down, Jude stood firmly as he slowly extinguishes the flames on his body, He kept his hands in his pocket while he left.

" This is quite fun, I think " Jude said to himself while walking out of the scene when he frowned, Jude leapt when he evaded the boulder launched at him with extreme force, The Boulder landed on the ground with a heavy thud.

Jude's landing was quite soundless since he mastered the art of silence, His hands were still in his pocket when he slowly raises his head to see a Muscular Guy standing before him while dressed in the Syndrome's Outfit.

" That Boulder is weighed exactly two tons, That's not something an Ordinary Human can lift, Who are you? " Jude asked when the Muscular Being flexed his veins that spreads out on his body.

" The Name is Terin, I am A Commander of He Syndrome's Forces, A Proud Member of the Moonlight Clan " Terin said with pride when Jude took a deep breath, He kept his Emotionless Expression all the way.

" Did you just say The Moonlight Clan? Well I don't have any choice than to Destroy you at once, We Clans are rivals " Jude said when he supersped, Terin staggered back when he dodged the speed punch of Jude.

" Rivals? Are you from the Sunlight Clan? " Terin asked when he swiftly bounced back to comport himself, He stood firmly when Jude let out a Deadly smirk at the end of his lips causing his body to glow.

" The Sunlight and the Moonlight Clan has being Enemies for a hundred years, It's only factual for the Sunlight Clan to be Enemies with a copy clan " Jude said when Terin twitches his eyebrows.

" A Copy Clan? Did you just call us a Copy Clan...??? " Terin asked when he vanished from the ground, Appearing before Jude when he swung his fist, Aiming for a bone breaking punch to chatter the skull of Jude.

Jude sensed the attack when he did a back flip and he landed on the ground, Positioning himself when he dashed Against Terin, Terin clapped his hands together, Sending shockwaves Against Jude.

Jude did a front flip when he evaded the shockwaves, He whooshed past Terin at an extreme speed when the eardrums of Terin exploded, The Speed sound was filled with radioactive energies.

Terin screamed out in pains as he moves back, Bloods were Gushing out of his ears but that didn't fazed him, His fists began to glow when he charged at Jude with incredible speed force aiding him.

" Moon Fist: Death Voa'Gol!! " Terin chanted when Jude widened his gaze in shock, He was quick to evade the punch that created a large hole in the ground, Jude bounces back afterwards when he sighed.

" The Infamous Skill of The Moonlight Clan, Your Fists are your most Deadly weapons!! " Jude said when he cleans the sweats on his face, Terin appears right before Jude when he launches his fists.

Jude dodged the two punches when he smashes Terin's face on the ground with a bone breaking kick, Terin grabs Jude by the leg with the intention of crushing the bone of Jude but it failed.

Jude's leg emitted an overwhelming amount of heat force when the bright light blasted Terin away from Jude, Transmitting the sunlight energy from the Sun into his body, His body serves as the host.

" You Sunlight Wretches!! " Terin screamed out in anger...He supersped while aiming to scatter Jude's skull with his fist, Jude evaded the attacks when he landed behind Terin without hesitation.

" Your Punches are amazing but I don't believe you are a prodigy, The Moonlight and the Sunlight Clans are arch Enemies and rivals for a century, We are supposedly to be evenly matched "

" But you were weak, Even being a fourth year student...I can't believe you didn't even reach thirty Percent of my Strength " Jude said when he appears to be sitted on a tree branch, Terin frowns at the words of Jude.

" And who are you to say such about me? Some nameless Sunlight Assasin you are " Terin said when he spat on the ground, Jude laughed out loud when he crosses his legs while seated on the tree.

" A Nameless Assasin you say? Have you heard of the Viper Squad? " Jude asked.

" Ofcourse I have, Who wouldn't know of the Twelve Members of the Viper Squad, The Most Notorious Organization of Assasin in the world, How does that concern this with you? " Terin asked.

" Hmph, I am a Member of that Organization...The Sun King " Jude answered when Terin widened his gaze in shock as his eyes twitches, He was left in shock as he couldn't believe what Jude just said.

" Impossible, That's Impossible...You...You...You can never be the Sun King, The Sun King is currently the most powerful member of the Sunlight Clan, You can never be the Sun King " Terin said in shock.

" Uhmmm is that so? Then what is this? " Jude asked when he revealed the tattoo on his hand, Terin fell down in shock while shivering in fear, He recognizes that tattoo, A Symbol of an Upper Rank Assasin.

" But...But you are only a child, How can you be the Legendary Sun King " Terin said while moving back when Jude landed on the ground, Cracking the bones in his neck when he sighed deeply.

" Rank doesn't Involve Age and Size, Does who have the strength and force of obtaining that title will overcome the title, I became the Sun King at the Age of Twelve after I destroyed armies of three nation "

" I became the Infamous Member of the Viper Squad, I became the Pride of The Sunlight Clan and now that you understand what is happening, I guess I won't be holding back now " Jude said when he smirked evily.

" I was told when I meet with the Sun King, I should not run but to say my last prayer, I can't believe this is happening, This shouldn't be happening, Please forgive me " Terin screamed out in fear.

He gasped when Jude appears Behind him, Bloods began Gushing out of his throat when he felt sharp pains across his slitted throat, Jude's hand were burning with raging red flames when he turns to face Terin.

" The Captain issued a Resurrection Magic Spell to bring you back to life but I can't afford you telling everyone that the Sun King is currently in the Scarlet Academy, Until my mission is over...My Identity must be kept a secret "

Jude said when he slowly walked up to Terin whose head rolled on the ground, His neck was Gushing out bloods when Jude picked up the head from the ground and he rose up to his feet while holding the head.

" The Resurrection Magic Source is the Dragon's Magic...I wonder how my Master got the Dragon Magic, Only a Dragon obtains Dragon Magics but he is not a dragon after all, This is the first time a human is using a Dragon Magic "

" My Sunlight Technique defiles Magic so your death is outside the Logic of Magic, You can't be resurrected after this war is over, I shouldn't have told you my identity, You would have had a chance of living "

" But this is your end already " Jude said when he dropped the head on the ground and he left the scene, Keeping his hands in his pocket when the Tattoo's bright light suddenly faded away afterwards.

" I will not let anything come between my mission, It's ultimate!! "

Jude said when he disappeared from the scene, The Body of Terin Suddenly burnt away into ashes and the wind blew the ashes away, There is now no single trace of Terin existing ever again.

It's like he was erased!!